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Java Items.writable_book方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中net.minecraft.init.Items.writable_book方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java Items.writable_book方法的具体用法?Java Items.writable_book怎么用?Java Items.writable_book使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在net.minecraft.init.Items的用法示例。


示例1: matches

import net.minecraft.init.Items; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Used to check if a recipe matches current crafting inventory
public boolean matches(InventoryCrafting inv, World worldIn)
    int i = 0;
    ItemStack itemstack = null;

    for (int j = 0; j < inv.getSizeInventory(); ++j)
        ItemStack itemstack1 = inv.getStackInSlot(j);

        if (itemstack1 != null)
            if (itemstack1.getItem() == Items.written_book)
                if (itemstack != null)
                    return false;

                itemstack = itemstack1;
                if (itemstack1.getItem() != Items.writable_book)
                    return false;


    return itemstack != null && i > 0;

示例2: displayGUIBook

import net.minecraft.init.Items; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Displays the GUI for interacting with a book.
public void displayGUIBook(ItemStack bookStack)
    Item item = bookStack.getItem();

    if (item == Items.writable_book)
        this.mc.displayGuiScreen(new GuiScreenBook(this, bookStack, true));

示例3: displayGUIBook

import net.minecraft.init.Items; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Displays the GUI for interacting with a book.
public void displayGUIBook(ItemStack bookStack) {
	Item item = bookStack.getItem();

	if (item == Items.writable_book) {
		this.mc.displayGuiScreen(new GuiScreenBook(this, bookStack, true));

示例4: getCraftingResult

import net.minecraft.init.Items; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Returns an Item that is the result of this recipe
public ItemStack getCraftingResult(InventoryCrafting inv)
    int i = 0;
    ItemStack itemstack = null;

    for (int j = 0; j < inv.getSizeInventory(); ++j)
        ItemStack itemstack1 = inv.getStackInSlot(j);

        if (itemstack1 != null)
            if (itemstack1.getItem() == Items.written_book)
                if (itemstack != null)
                    return null;

                itemstack = itemstack1;
                if (itemstack1.getItem() != Items.writable_book)
                    return null;


    if (itemstack != null && i >= 1 && ItemEditableBook.getGeneration(itemstack) < 2)
        ItemStack itemstack2 = new ItemStack(Items.written_book, i);
        itemstack2.getTagCompound().setInteger("generation", ItemEditableBook.getGeneration(itemstack) + 1);

        if (itemstack.hasDisplayName())

        return itemstack2;
        return null;

示例5: addItem

import net.minecraft.init.Items; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public static void addItem(EntityPlayer player, Entity_AA turret, ItemStack playerStack)
	int slot = 0;
	while (slot < turret.storage.length)
		if (turret.storage[slot] == null)	// That spot is free
			turret.storage[slot] = playerStack.copy();	// Stored
			if (!player.capabilities.isCreativeMode) { player.setCurrentItemOrArmor(0, null); }	// Empty
			if (playerStack.getItem() == Items.writable_book && AI_Targeting.isNameOnWhitelist(turret, Commands.cmdStayStationary))
				//System.out.println("[ARMS ASSISTANT] Received a book with STAY command. Setting target position");
				turret.stationaryX = turret.posX;
				turret.stationaryY = turret.posY;
				turret.stationaryZ = turret.posZ;
			// Informing the client about this change
			NetHelper.sendTurretInventoryMessageToPlayersInRange(turret.worldObj, turret, 
					Item.getIdFromItem(turret.storage[slot].getItem()), slot, turret.storage[slot].getItemDamage());
			return;	// We're done here
		// else, there's something in there
		slot += 1;
	// No free spot found. What about existing ones?
	slot = 0;
	while (slot < turret.storage.length)
		if (turret.storage[slot] != null)
			boolean skip = false;
			if (!(turret.storage[slot].getItem() instanceof _AmmoBase)) { skip = true; }	// Not ammunition, hm?
			if (turret.storage[slot].getItemDamage() < turret.storage[slot].getMaxDamage()) { skip = true; }	// Not empty
			if (!skip)
				// Has an empty magazine in there, so replacing that now
				dropSingleItem(turret, turret.storage[slot].copy());
				turret.storage[slot] = playerStack.copy();	// Stored
				if (!player.capabilities.isCreativeMode) { player.setCurrentItemOrArmor(0, null); }	// Empty
				// Informing the client about this change
				NetHelper.sendTurretInventoryMessageToPlayersInRange(turret.worldObj, turret, 
						Item.getIdFromItem(turret.storage[slot].getItem()), slot, turret.storage[slot].getItemDamage());
			// else, not a magazine
		// else, no free spot found but this is null? Da fuq?
		slot += 1;

示例6: isNameOnWhitelist

import net.minecraft.init.Items; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public static boolean isNameOnWhitelist(Entity_AA turret, String nameOrCmd)
	if (turret.storage == null) { return false; }	// Has no space to store anything in
	int counter = 0;
	// Step 1, find a book in our inventory
	while (counter < turret.storage.length)
		if (turret.storage[counter] != null)
			if (turret.storage[counter].getItem() == Items.writable_book || turret.storage[counter].getItem() == Items.written_book)
				//System.out.println("[TURRET] Checking writable book for whitelist against " + playerName);
				if (turret.storage[counter].hasTagCompound())
					NBTTagList pageList = turret.storage[counter].getTagCompound().getTagList("pages", 8);
					int pageCount = 0;
					String currentPage = pageList.getStringTagAt(pageCount);
					while (currentPage != null && !currentPage.isEmpty())
						String[] lines = currentPage.split("\n");
						int lineCount = 0;
						while (lineCount < lines.length)
							//System.out.println("[TURRET] Book page " + pageCount + " - line " + lineCount + ": " + lines[lineCount]);
							if (lines[lineCount].equals(nameOrCmd)) { return true;	} // Found it!
							// else, not on this line
							lineCount += 1;
						pageCount += 1;
						currentPage = pageList.getStringTagAt(pageCount);	// Next!
					// Done with all known pages (will stop when there's empty pages inbetween)
				// else, no tag, so can't have anything in it
			// else, not a book
		// else, nothing in that slot
		counter += 1;
	return false;	// Fallback. Didn't find a book with this name
