本文整理汇总了C++中APlayerController::GetWorld方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ APlayerController::GetWorld方法的具体用法?C++ APlayerController::GetWorld怎么用?C++ APlayerController::GetWorld使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类APlayerController
示例1: OnDestroyForMainMenuComplete
* Transition from destroying a session to returning to the main menu
* @param SessionName name of session recently destroyed
* @param bWasSuccessful was the destroy attempt successful
void UOnlineSessionClient::OnDestroyForMainMenuComplete(FName SessionName, bool bWasSuccessful)
UE_LOG(LogOnline, Verbose, TEXT("OnDestroyForMainMenuComplete %s bSuccess: %d"), *SessionName.ToString(), bWasSuccessful);
if (SessionInt.IsValid())
APlayerController* PC = GetPlayerController();
if (PC)
// Call disconnect to force us back to the menu level
GEngine->HandleDisconnect(PC->GetWorld(), PC->GetWorld()->GetNetDriver());
bHandlingDisconnect = false;
示例2: SelectTargetToDebug
void AGameplayDebuggerReplicator::SelectTargetToDebug()
APlayerController* MyPC = DebugCameraController.IsValid() ? DebugCameraController.Get() : GetLocalPlayerOwner();
if (MyPC)
float bestAim = 0;
FVector CamLocation;
FRotator CamRotation;
check(MyPC->PlayerCameraManager != nullptr);
MyPC->PlayerCameraManager->GetCameraViewPoint(CamLocation, CamRotation);
FVector FireDir = CamRotation.Vector();
UWorld* World = MyPC->GetWorld();
APawn* PossibleTarget = nullptr;
for (FConstPawnIterator Iterator = World->GetPawnIterator(); Iterator; ++Iterator)
APawn* NewTarget = *Iterator;
if (NewTarget == nullptr || NewTarget == MyPC->GetPawn()
|| (NewTarget->PlayerState != nullptr && NewTarget->PlayerState->bIsABot == false)
|| NewTarget->GetActorEnableCollision() == false)
if (NewTarget != MyPC->GetPawn())
// look for best controlled pawn target
const FVector AimDir = NewTarget->GetActorLocation() - CamLocation;
float FireDist = AimDir.SizeSquared();
// only find targets which are < 25000 units away
if (FireDist < 625000000.f)
FireDist = FMath::Sqrt(FireDist);
float newAim = FVector::DotProduct(FireDir, AimDir);
newAim = newAim / FireDist;
if (newAim > bestAim)
PossibleTarget = NewTarget;
bestAim = newAim;
if (PossibleTarget != nullptr && PossibleTarget != LastSelectedActorToDebug)
示例3: OnLevelActorAdded
void FGameplayDebugger::OnLevelActorAdded(AActor* InActor)
// This function doesn't help much, because it's only called in EDITOR!
// We need a function that is called in the game! So instead of creating it automatically, I'm leaving it
// to be created explicitly by any player controller that needs to create it.
APlayerController* PC = Cast<APlayerController>(InActor);
if (PC && PC->GetNetMode() < ENetMode::NM_Client)
UWorld* PCWorld = PC->GetWorld();
if (PCWorld && PCWorld->IsGameWorld())
示例4: EnableCamera
AVisualLoggerCameraController* AVisualLoggerCameraController::EnableCamera(UWorld* InWorld)
APlayerController* PC = UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerController(InWorld, 0);
if (PC == NULL || PC->Player == NULL || PC->IsLocalPlayerController() == false
|| PC->GetWorld() == NULL)
return NULL;
if (Instance.IsValid() == false)
// spawn if necessary
// and ungly @HACK to be able to spawn camera in game world rathen then
// in editor world (if running PIE). Hate it, but it works, and
// this is a debugging tool
FActorSpawnParameters SpawnInfo;
SpawnInfo.SpawnCollisionHandlingOverride = ESpawnActorCollisionHandlingMethod::AlwaysSpawn;
SpawnInfo.Owner = PC->GetWorldSettings();
SpawnInfo.Instigator = PC->Instigator;
Instance = InWorld->SpawnActor<AVisualLoggerCameraController>( SpawnInfo );
Instance->Player = PC->Player;
if (Instance.IsValid())
if (Instance.Get() != PC)
// set up new controller
// then switch to it
PC->Player->SwitchController( Instance.Get() );
return Instance.Get();
return NULL;
示例5: HandleDisconnectInternal
bool UOnlineSessionClient::HandleDisconnectInternal(UWorld* World, UNetDriver* NetDriver)
APlayerController* PC = GetPlayerController();
if (PC)
// This was a disconnect for our active world, we will handle it
if (PC->GetWorld() == World)
// Prevent multiple calls to this async flow
if (!bHandlingDisconnect)
bHandlingDisconnect = true;
DestroyExistingSession(GameSessionName, OnDestroyForMainMenuCompleteDelegate);
return true;
return false;
示例6: Exec
bool FGameplayDebugger::Exec(UWorld* InWorld, const TCHAR* Cmd, FOutputDevice& Ar)
bool bHandled = false;
if (FParse::Command(&Cmd, TEXT("RunEQS")) && InWorld)
APlayerController* MyPC = InWorld->GetGameInstance() ? InWorld->GetGameInstance()->GetFirstLocalPlayerController() : nullptr;
UAISystem* AISys = UAISystem::GetCurrent(*InWorld);
UEnvQueryManager* EQS = AISys ? AISys->GetEnvironmentQueryManager() : NULL;
if (MyPC && EQS)
AGameplayDebuggingReplicator* DebuggingReplicator = NULL;
for (TActorIterator<AGameplayDebuggingReplicator> It(InWorld); It; ++It)
AGameplayDebuggingReplicator* A = *It;
if (!A->IsPendingKill())
DebuggingReplicator = A;
if (!DebuggingReplicator->IsGlobalInWorld() && DebuggingReplicator->GetLocalPlayerOwner() == MyPC)
UObject* Target = DebuggingReplicator != NULL ? DebuggingReplicator->GetSelectedActorToDebug() : NULL;
FString QueryName = FParse::Token(Cmd, 0);
if (Target)
AISys->RunEQS(QueryName, Target);
MyPC->ClientMessage(TEXT("No debugging target to run EQS"));
return true;
if (FParse::Command(&Cmd, TEXT("EnableGDT")) == false)
return false;
FString UniquePlayerId = FParse::Token(Cmd, 0);
APlayerController* LocalPC = NULL;
UWorld* MyWorld = InWorld;
if (MyWorld == nullptr)
if (UniquePlayerId.Len() > 0)
// let's find correct world based on Player Id
const TIndirectArray<FWorldContext> WorldContexts = GEngine->GetWorldContexts();
for (auto& Context : WorldContexts)
if (Context.WorldType != EWorldType::Game && Context.WorldType != EWorldType::PIE)
UWorld *CurrentWorld = Context.World();
for (FConstPlayerControllerIterator Iterator = CurrentWorld->GetPlayerControllerIterator(); Iterator; ++Iterator)
APlayerController* PC = *Iterator;
if (PC && PC->PlayerState->UniqueId.ToString() == UniquePlayerId)
LocalPC = PC;
MyWorld = PC->GetWorld();
if (LocalPC && MyWorld)
if (MyWorld == nullptr)
return false;
if (LocalPC == nullptr)
if (UniquePlayerId.Len() > 0)
for (FConstPlayerControllerIterator Iterator = MyWorld->GetPlayerControllerIterator(); Iterator; ++Iterator)
APlayerController* PlayerController = *Iterator;
UE_LOG(LogGameplayDebugger, Log, TEXT("- Client: %s"), *PlayerController->PlayerState->UniqueId.ToString());
if (PlayerController && PlayerController->PlayerState->UniqueId.ToString() == UniquePlayerId)
示例7: GetLevelStreamingStatus
/** This will set the StreamingLevels TMap with the current Streaming Level Status and also set which level the player is in **/
void GetLevelStreamingStatus( UWorld* World, TMap<FName,int32>& StreamingLevels, FString& LevelPlayerIsInName )
FWorldContext &Context = GEngine->WorldContextFromWorld(World);
// Iterate over the world info's level streaming objects to find and see whether levels are loaded, visible or neither.
for( int32 LevelIndex=0; LevelIndex<World->StreamingLevels.Num(); LevelIndex++ )
ULevelStreaming* LevelStreaming = World->StreamingLevels[LevelIndex];
if( LevelStreaming
&& LevelStreaming->PackageName != NAME_None
&& LevelStreaming->PackageName != World->GetOutermost()->GetFName() )
ULevel* Level = LevelStreaming->GetLoadedLevel();
if( Level != NULL )
if( World->ContainsLevel( Level ) == true )
if( World->CurrentLevelPendingVisibility == Level )
StreamingLevels.Add( LevelStreaming->PackageName, LEVEL_MakingVisible );
StreamingLevels.Add( LevelStreaming->PackageName, LEVEL_Visible );
StreamingLevels.Add( LevelStreaming->PackageName, LEVEL_Loaded );
// See whether the level's world object is still around.
UPackage* LevelPackage = Cast<UPackage>(StaticFindObjectFast( UPackage::StaticClass(), NULL, LevelStreaming->PackageName ));
UWorld* LevelWorld = NULL;
if( LevelPackage )
LevelWorld = UWorld::FindWorldInPackage(LevelPackage);
if( LevelWorld )
StreamingLevels.Add( LevelStreaming->PackageName, LEVEL_UnloadedButStillAround );
else if( GetAsyncLoadPercentage( *LevelStreaming->PackageName.ToString() ) >= 0 )
StreamingLevels.Add( LevelStreaming->PackageName, LEVEL_Loading );
StreamingLevels.Add( LevelStreaming->PackageName, LEVEL_Unloaded );
// toss in the levels being loaded by PrepareMapChange
for( int32 LevelIndex=0; LevelIndex < Context.LevelsToLoadForPendingMapChange.Num(); LevelIndex++ )
const FName LevelName = Context.LevelsToLoadForPendingMapChange[LevelIndex];
StreamingLevels.Add(LevelName, LEVEL_Preloading);
ULevel* LevelPlayerIsIn = NULL;
for( FConstPlayerControllerIterator Iterator = World->GetPlayerControllerIterator(); Iterator; ++Iterator )
APlayerController* PlayerController = *Iterator;
if( PlayerController->GetPawn() != NULL )
// need to do a trace down here
//TraceActor = Trace( out_HitLocation, out_HitNormal, TraceDest, TraceStart, false, TraceExtent, HitInfo, true );
FHitResult Hit(1.f);
// this will not work for flying around :-(
static FName NAME_FindLevel = FName(TEXT("FindLevel"), true);
PlayerController->GetWorld()->LineTraceSingle(Hit,PlayerController->GetPawn()->GetActorLocation(), (PlayerController->GetPawn()->GetActorLocation()-FVector(0.f, 0.f, 256.f)), FCollisionQueryParams(NAME_FindLevel, true, PlayerController->GetPawn()), FCollisionObjectQueryParams(ECC_WorldStatic));
/** @todo UE4 FIXME
if( Hit.Level != NULL )
LevelPlayerIsIn = Hit.Level;
if( Hit.GetActor() != NULL )
LevelPlayerIsIn = Hit.GetActor()->GetLevel();
else if( Hit.Component != NULL && Hit.Component->GetOwner() != NULL )
AActor* Owner = Hit.Component->GetOwner();
if (Owner)
示例8: Exec
* Exec handler, parsing the passed in command
* @param InWorld World Context
* @param Cmd Command to parse
* @param Ar output device used for logging
bool FDebugToolExec::Exec( UWorld* InWorld, const TCHAR* Cmd, FOutputDevice& Ar )
// these commands are only allowed in standalone games
if (GEngine->GetNetMode(InWorld) != NM_Standalone || (GEngine->GetWorldContextFromWorldChecked(InWorld).PendingNetGame != NULL))
return 0;
// Edits the class defaults.
if( FParse::Command(&Cmd,TEXT("EDITDEFAULT")) )
// not allowed in the editor as this command can have far reaching effects such as impacting serialization
if (!GIsEditor)
UClass* Class = NULL;
if( ParseObject<UClass>( Cmd, TEXT("CLASS="), Class, ANY_PACKAGE ) == false )
TCHAR ClassName[256];
if ( FParse::Token(Cmd,ClassName,ARRAY_COUNT(ClassName), 1) )
Class = FindObject<UClass>( ANY_PACKAGE, ClassName);
if (Class)
EditObject(Class->GetDefaultObject(), true);
Ar.Logf( TEXT("Missing class") );
return 1;
else if (FParse::Command(&Cmd,TEXT("EDITOBJECT")))
UClass* searchClass = NULL;
UObject* foundObj = NULL;
// Search by class.
if (ParseObject<UClass>(Cmd, TEXT("CLASS="), searchClass, ANY_PACKAGE))
// pick the first valid object
for (FObjectIterator It(searchClass); It && foundObj == NULL; ++It)
if (!It->IsPendingKill() && !It->IsTemplate())
foundObj = *It;
// Search by name.
FName searchName;
FString SearchPathName;
if ( FParse::Value(Cmd, TEXT("NAME="), searchName) )
// Look for actor by name.
for( TObjectIterator<UObject> It; It && foundObj == NULL; ++It )
if (It->GetFName() == searchName)
foundObj = *It;
else if ( FParse::Token(Cmd,SearchPathName, true) )
foundObj = FindObject<UObject>(ANY_PACKAGE,*SearchPathName);
// Bring up an property editing window for the found object.
if (foundObj != NULL)
// not allowed in the editor unless it is a PIE object as this command can have far reaching effects such as impacting serialization
if (!GIsEditor || ((!foundObj->IsTemplate() && (foundObj->GetOutermost()->PackageFlags & PKG_PlayInEditor))))
EditObject(foundObj, true);
Ar.Logf(TEXT("Target not found"));
return 1;
else if (FParse::Command(&Cmd,TEXT("EDITARCHETYPE")))
UObject* foundObj = NULL;
示例9: SelectTargetToDebug
void UGameplayDebuggingComponent::SelectTargetToDebug()
AGameplayDebuggingReplicator* Replicator = Cast<AGameplayDebuggingReplicator>(GetOwner());
APlayerController* MyPC = Replicator->GetLocalPlayerOwner();
if (MyPC )
APawn* BestTarget = NULL;
if (MyPC->GetViewTarget() != NULL && MyPC->GetViewTarget() != MyPC->GetPawn())
BestTarget = Cast<APawn>(MyPC->GetViewTarget());
if (BestTarget && ((BestTarget->PlayerState != NULL && BestTarget->PlayerState->bIsABot == false) || BestTarget->GetActorEnableCollision() == false))
BestTarget = NULL;
float bestAim = 0.f;
FVector CamLocation;
FRotator CamRotation;
check(MyPC->PlayerCameraManager != NULL);
MyPC->PlayerCameraManager->GetCameraViewPoint(CamLocation, CamRotation);
FVector FireDir = CamRotation.Vector();
UWorld* World = MyPC->GetWorld();
check( World );
APawn* PossibleTarget = NULL;
for (FConstPawnIterator Iterator = World->GetPawnIterator(); Iterator; ++Iterator )
APawn* NewTarget = *Iterator;
if (NewTarget == NULL || NewTarget == MyPC->GetPawn()
|| (NewTarget->PlayerState != NULL && NewTarget->PlayerState->bIsABot == false)
|| NewTarget->GetActorEnableCollision() == false)
if (BestTarget == NULL && (NewTarget != MyPC->GetPawn()))
// look for best controlled pawn target
const FVector AimDir = NewTarget->GetActorLocation() - CamLocation;
float FireDist = AimDir.SizeSquared();
// only find targets which are < 25000 units away
if (FireDist < 625000000.f)
FireDist = FMath::Sqrt(FireDist);
float newAim = FireDir | AimDir;
newAim = newAim/FireDist;
if (newAim > bestAim)
PossibleTarget = NewTarget;
bestAim = newAim;
BestTarget = BestTarget == NULL ? PossibleTarget : BestTarget;
if (BestTarget != NULL && BestTarget != GetSelectedActor())
if (AGameplayDebuggingReplicator* Replicator = Cast<AGameplayDebuggingReplicator>(GetOwner()))
//always update component for best target
ServerReplicateData(EDebugComponentMessage::ActivateReplication, EAIDebugDrawDataView::Empty);