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C++ APlayerController::GetPlayerViewPoint方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中APlayerController::GetPlayerViewPoint方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ APlayerController::GetPlayerViewPoint方法的具体用法?C++ APlayerController::GetPlayerViewPoint怎么用?C++ APlayerController::GetPlayerViewPoint使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在APlayerController的用法示例。


示例1: OnFire

void AFP_FirstPersonCharacter::OnFire()
	// Play a sound if there is one
	if (FireSound != NULL)
		UGameplayStatics::PlaySoundAtLocation(this, FireSound, GetActorLocation());

	// try and play a firing animation if specified
	if(FireAnimation != NULL)
		// Get the animation object for the arms mesh
		UAnimInstance* AnimInstance = Mesh1P->GetAnimInstance();
		if(AnimInstance != NULL)
			AnimInstance->Montage_Play(FireAnimation, 1.f);

	// Now send a trace from the end of our gun to see if we should hit anything
	APlayerController* PlayerController = Cast<APlayerController>(GetController());
	// Calculate the direction of fire and the start location for trace
	FVector CamLoc;
	FRotator CamRot;
	PlayerController->GetPlayerViewPoint(CamLoc, CamRot);
	const FVector ShootDir = CamRot.Vector();

	FVector StartTrace = FVector::ZeroVector;
	if (PlayerController)
		FRotator UnusedRot;
		PlayerController->GetPlayerViewPoint(StartTrace, UnusedRot);

		// Adjust trace so there is nothing blocking the ray between the camera and the pawn, and calculate distance from adjusted start
		StartTrace = StartTrace + ShootDir * ((GetActorLocation() - StartTrace) | ShootDir);

	// Calculate endpoint of trace
	const FVector EndTrace = StartTrace + ShootDir * WeaponRange;

	// Check for impact
	const FHitResult Impact = WeaponTrace(StartTrace, EndTrace);

	// Deal with impact
	AActor* DamagedActor = Impact.GetActor();
	UPrimitiveComponent* DamagedComponent = Impact.GetComponent();

	// If we hit an actor, with a component that is simulating physics, apply an impulse
	if ((DamagedActor != NULL) && (DamagedActor != this) && (DamagedComponent != NULL) && DamagedComponent->IsSimulatingPhysics())
		DamagedComponent->AddImpulseAtLocation(ShootDir*WeaponDamage, Impact.Location);

示例2: TestCollisionDistance

void UCheatManager::TestCollisionDistance()
	APlayerController* PC = GetOuterAPlayerController();
		// Get view location to act as start point
		FVector ViewLoc;
		FRotator ViewRot;
		PC->GetPlayerViewPoint(ViewLoc, ViewRot);

		FlushPersistentDebugLines( GetOuterAPlayerController()->GetWorld() );//change the GetWorld

		// calculate from viewloc
		for (FObjectIterator Iter(AVolume::StaticClass()); Iter; ++Iter)
			AVolume * Volume = Cast<AVolume>(*Iter);

			if (Volume->GetClass()->GetDefaultObject() != Volume)
				FVector ClosestPoint(0,0,0);
				float Distance = Volume->GetBrushComponent()->GetDistanceToCollision(ViewLoc, ClosestPoint);
				float NormalizedDistance = FMath::Clamp<float>(Distance, 0.f, 1000.f)/1000.f;
				FColor DrawColor(255*NormalizedDistance, 255*(1-NormalizedDistance), 0);
				DrawDebugLine(GetWorld(), ViewLoc, ClosestPoint, DrawColor, true);

				UE_LOG(LogCheatManager, Log, TEXT("Distance to (%s) is %0.2f"), *Volume->GetName(), Distance);

示例3: AimWithPlayerController

void AGameplayAbilityTargetActor_Trace::AimWithPlayerController(const AActor* InSourceActor, FCollisionQueryParams Params, const FVector& TraceStart, FVector& OutTraceEnd, bool bIgnorePitch) const
	if (!OwningAbility) // Server and launching client only

	APlayerController* PC = OwningAbility->GetCurrentActorInfo()->PlayerController.Get();

	FVector ViewStart;
	FRotator ViewRot;
	PC->GetPlayerViewPoint(ViewStart, ViewRot);

	const FVector ViewDir = ViewRot.Vector();
	FVector ViewEnd = ViewStart + (ViewDir * MaxRange);

	ClipCameraRayToAbilityRange(ViewStart, ViewDir, TraceStart, MaxRange, ViewEnd);

	FHitResult HitResult;
	LineTraceWithFilter(HitResult, InSourceActor->GetWorld(), Filter, ViewStart, ViewEnd, TraceProfile.Name, Params);

	const bool bUseTraceResult = HitResult.bBlockingHit && (FVector::DistSquared(TraceStart, HitResult.Location) <= (MaxRange * MaxRange));

	const FVector AdjustedEnd = (bUseTraceResult) ? HitResult.Location : ViewEnd;

	FVector AdjustedAimDir = (AdjustedEnd - TraceStart).GetSafeNormal();
	if (AdjustedAimDir.IsZero())
		AdjustedAimDir = ViewDir;

	if (!bTraceAffectsAimPitch && bUseTraceResult)
		FVector OriginalAimDir = (ViewEnd - TraceStart).GetSafeNormal();

		if (!OriginalAimDir.IsZero())
			// Convert to angles and use original pitch
			const FRotator OriginalAimRot = OriginalAimDir.Rotation();

			FRotator AdjustedAimRot = AdjustedAimDir.Rotation();
			AdjustedAimRot.Pitch = OriginalAimRot.Pitch;

			AdjustedAimDir = AdjustedAimRot.Vector();

	OutTraceEnd = TraceStart + (AdjustedAimDir * MaxRange);

示例4: TraceScreenPoint

bool ARadiantWebViewActor::TraceScreenPoint(APawn* InPawn, FVector2D& OutUV)
	FVector Location;
	FRotator Rotation;

	APlayerController *PC = Cast<APlayerController>(InPawn->GetController());

	if (PC)
		PC->GetPlayerViewPoint(Location, Rotation);
		InPawn->GetActorEyesViewPoint(Location, Rotation);

	const FVector VectorToTarget = Location - GetActorLocation();
	const float DistanceToTrace = VectorToTarget.Size() + TraceOversize;
	const FVector EndTrace = Location + Rotation.Vector()*DistanceToTrace;

	// Is this actor "pointing" at our surface mesh?
	static FName TraceTag = FName(TEXT("RadiantGUITrace"));
	FCollisionQueryParams TraceParams(TraceTag, true, InPawn);
	// TraceParams.bTraceAsyncScene = true;
	TraceParams.bReturnFaceIndex = true;

	FHitResult HitResult;
	UWorld* const World = GetWorld();
	if (World->LineTraceSingleByChannel(HitResult, Location, EndTrace, TraceChannel, TraceParams))
		if (HitResult.Actor.IsValid() && (HitResult.Actor.Get() == this))
			FVector ActorRelativeLocation = ActorToWorld().InverseTransformPosition(HitResult.Location);
			return GetUVForPoint(HitResult.FaceIndex, ActorRelativeLocation, OutUV);

	return false;

示例5: TickCollisionDebug

void UCheatManager::TickCollisionDebug()
	// If we are debugging capsule tracing
		APlayerController* PC = GetOuterAPlayerController();
			// Get view location to act as start point
			FVector ViewLoc;
			FRotator ViewRot;
			PC->GetPlayerViewPoint(ViewLoc, ViewRot);
			FVector ViewDir = ViewRot.Vector();
			FVector End = ViewLoc + (DebugTraceDistance * ViewDir);

			// Fill in params and do trace
			static const FName TickCollisionDebugName(TEXT("TickCollisionDebug"));
			FCollisionQueryParams CapsuleParams(TickCollisionDebugName, false, PC->GetPawn());
			CapsuleParams.bTraceComplex = bDebugCapsuleTraceComplex;

			if (bDebugCapsuleSweep)
				// If we get a hit, draw the capsule
				FHitResult Result;
				bool bHit = GetWorld()->SweepSingle(Result, ViewLoc, End, FQuat::Identity, DebugTraceChannel, FCollisionShape::MakeCapsule(DebugCapsuleRadius, DebugCapsuleHalfHeight), CapsuleParams);
					AddCapsuleSweepDebugInfo(ViewLoc, End, Result.ImpactPoint, Result.Normal, Result.ImpactNormal, Result.Location, DebugCapsuleHalfHeight, DebugCapsuleRadius, false, (Result.bStartPenetrating && Result.bBlockingHit)? true: false);
					UE_LOG(LogCollision, Log, TEXT("Collision component (%s) : Actor (%s)"), *GetNameSafe(Result.Component.Get()), *GetNameSafe(Result.GetActor()));

	// draw
	for (int32 TraceIdx=0; TraceIdx < DebugTraceInfoList.Num(); ++TraceIdx)
		FDebugTraceInfo & TraceInfo = DebugTraceInfoList[TraceIdx];
		DrawDebugDirectionalArrow(GetWorld(), TraceInfo.LineTraceStart, TraceInfo.LineTraceEnd, 10.f, FColor::White, SDPG_World);
		// if it's current trace index, use highlight color
		if (CurrentTraceIndex == TraceIdx)
			if (TraceInfo.bInsideOfObject)
				DrawDebugCapsule(GetWorld(), TraceInfo.HitLocation, TraceInfo.CapsuleHalfHeight, TraceInfo.CapsuleRadius, FQuat::Identity, FColor(255,100,64));
				DrawDebugCapsule(GetWorld(), TraceInfo.HitLocation, TraceInfo.CapsuleHalfHeight, TraceInfo.CapsuleRadius, FQuat::Identity, FColor(255,200,128));
			if (TraceInfo.bInsideOfObject)
				DrawDebugCapsule(GetWorld(), TraceInfo.HitLocation, TraceInfo.CapsuleHalfHeight, TraceInfo.CapsuleRadius, FQuat::Identity, FColor(64,100,255));
				DrawDebugCapsule(GetWorld(), TraceInfo.HitLocation, TraceInfo.CapsuleHalfHeight, TraceInfo.CapsuleRadius, FQuat::Identity, FColor(128,200,255));

		DrawDebugDirectionalArrow(GetWorld(), TraceInfo.HitNormalStart, TraceInfo.HitNormalEnd, 5, FColor(255,64,64), SDPG_World);

		DrawDebugDirectionalArrow(GetWorld(), TraceInfo.HitNormalStart, TraceInfo.HitImpactNormalEnd, 5, FColor(64,64,255), SDPG_World);

	FLinearColor CurrentColor(255.f/255.f,96.f/255.f,96/255.f);
	FLinearColor DeltaColor = (FLinearColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f) - CurrentColor)*0.1f;
	int32 TotalCount=0;

	if ( DebugTracePawnInfoList.Num() > 0 )
		// the latest will draw very red-ish to whiter color as it gets older. 
		for (int32 TraceIdx=CurrentTracePawnIndex; TotalCount<10; TraceIdx=SAFE_TRACEINDEX_DECREASE(TraceIdx), CurrentColor+=DeltaColor, ++TotalCount)
			FDebugTraceInfo & TraceInfo = DebugTracePawnInfoList[TraceIdx];
			DrawDebugDirectionalArrow(GetWorld(), TraceInfo.LineTraceStart, TraceInfo.LineTraceEnd, 10.f, FColor(200,200,100), SDPG_World);

			if (TraceInfo.bInsideOfObject)
				DrawDebugCapsule(GetWorld(), TraceInfo.HitLocation, TraceInfo.CapsuleHalfHeight, TraceInfo.CapsuleRadius, FQuat::Identity, FColor(64, 64, 255));
				DrawDebugCapsule(GetWorld(), TraceInfo.HitLocation, TraceInfo.CapsuleHalfHeight, TraceInfo.CapsuleRadius, FQuat::Identity, CurrentColor.Quantize());
			DrawDebugDirectionalArrow(GetWorld(), TraceInfo.HitNormalStart, TraceInfo.HitNormalEnd, 5.f, FColor(255,64,64), SDPG_World);

示例6: ProcessLevelStreamingVolumes

 * Issues level streaming load/unload requests based on whether
 * players are inside/outside level streaming volumes.
void UWorld::ProcessLevelStreamingVolumes(FVector* OverrideViewLocation)
	// if we are delaying using streaming volumes, return now
	if( StreamingVolumeUpdateDelay > 0 )
	// Option to skip indefinitely.
	else if( StreamingVolumeUpdateDelay == INDEX_NONE )

	SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER( STAT_VolumeStreamingTickTime );

	// Begin by assembling a list of kismet streaming objects that have non-EditorPreVisOnly volumes associated with them.
	// @todo DB: Cache this, e.g. level startup.
	TArray<ULevelStreaming*> LevelStreamingObjectsWithVolumes;
	TMap<ULevelStreaming*,bool> LevelStreamingObjectsWithVolumesOtherThanBlockingLoad;
	for( int32 LevelIndex = 0 ; LevelIndex < StreamingLevels.Num() ; ++LevelIndex )
		ULevelStreaming* LevelStreamingObject = StreamingLevels[LevelIndex];
		if( LevelStreamingObject )
			for ( int32 i = 0 ; i < LevelStreamingObject->EditorStreamingVolumes.Num() ; ++i )
				ALevelStreamingVolume* StreamingVolume = LevelStreamingObject->EditorStreamingVolumes[i];
				if( StreamingVolume 
				&& !StreamingVolume->bEditorPreVisOnly 
				&& !StreamingVolume->bDisabled )
					LevelStreamingObjectsWithVolumes.Add( LevelStreamingObject );
					if( StreamingVolume->StreamingUsage != SVB_BlockingOnLoad )
						LevelStreamingObjectsWithVolumesOtherThanBlockingLoad.Add( LevelStreamingObject, true );

	// The set of levels with volumes whose volumes current contain player viewpoints.
	TMap<ULevelStreaming*,FVisibleLevelStreamingSettings> VisibleLevelStreamingObjects;

	// Iterate over all players and build a list of level streaming objects with
	// volumes that contain player viewpoints.
	bool bStreamingVolumesAreRelevant = false;
	for( FConstPlayerControllerIterator Iterator = GetPlayerControllerIterator(); Iterator; ++Iterator )
		APlayerController* PlayerActor = *Iterator;
		if (PlayerActor->bIsUsingStreamingVolumes)
			bStreamingVolumesAreRelevant = true;

			FVector ViewLocation(0,0,0);
			// let the caller override the location to check for volumes
			if (OverrideViewLocation)
				ViewLocation = *OverrideViewLocation;
				FRotator ViewRotation(0,0,0);
				PlayerActor->GetPlayerViewPoint( ViewLocation, ViewRotation );

			TMap<AVolume*,bool> VolumeMap;

			// Iterate over streaming levels with volumes and compute whether the
			// player's ViewLocation is in any of their volumes.
			for( int32 LevelIndex = 0 ; LevelIndex < LevelStreamingObjectsWithVolumes.Num() ; ++LevelIndex )
				ULevelStreaming* LevelStreamingObject = LevelStreamingObjectsWithVolumes[ LevelIndex ];

				// StreamingSettings is an OR of all level streaming settings of volumes containing player viewpoints.
				FVisibleLevelStreamingSettings StreamingSettings;

				// See if level streaming settings were computed for other players.
				FVisibleLevelStreamingSettings* ExistingStreamingSettings = VisibleLevelStreamingObjects.Find( LevelStreamingObject );
				if ( ExistingStreamingSettings )
					// Stop looking for viewpoint-containing volumes once all streaming settings have been enabled for the level.
					if ( ExistingStreamingSettings->AllSettingsEnabled() )

					// Initialize the level's streaming settings with settings that were computed for other players.
					StreamingSettings = *ExistingStreamingSettings;

				// For each streaming volume associated with this level . . .
				for ( int32 i = 0 ; i < LevelStreamingObject->EditorStreamingVolumes.Num() ; ++i )

示例7: Update

void UParticleModuleCollision::Update(FParticleEmitterInstance* Owner, int32 Offset, float DeltaTime)
	UWorld* World = Owner->Component->GetWorld();
	if (bDropDetail && World && World->bDropDetail)

	//Gets the owning actor of the component. Can be NULL if the component is spawned with the World as an Outer, e.g. in UGameplayStatics::SpawnEmitterAtLocation().
	AActor* Actor = Owner->Component->GetOwner();

	UParticleLODLevel* LODLevel	= Owner->SpriteTemplate->GetCurrentLODLevel(Owner);

	const int32 MeshRotationOffset = Owner->GetMeshRotationOffset();
	const bool bMeshRotationActive = Owner->IsMeshRotationActive();

	FVector ParentScale = FVector(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
	if (Owner->Component)
		ParentScale = Owner->Component->ComponentToWorld.GetScale3D();

	FParticleEventInstancePayload* EventPayload = NULL;
	if (LODLevel->EventGenerator)
		EventPayload = (FParticleEventInstancePayload*)(Owner->GetModuleInstanceData(LODLevel->EventGenerator));
		if (EventPayload && 
			(EventPayload->bCollisionEventsPresent == false) && 
			(EventPayload->bDeathEventsPresent == false))
			EventPayload = NULL;

	FParticleCollisionInstancePayload* CollisionInstPayload = (FParticleCollisionInstancePayload*)(Owner->GetModuleInstanceData(this));

	TArray<FVector> PlayerLocations;
	TArray<float> PlayerLODDistanceFactor;
	int32 PlayerCount = 0;

	if (Owner->GetWorld()->IsGameWorld())
		bool bIgnoreAllCollision = false;

		// LOD collision based on visibility
		// This is at the 'emitter instance' level as it will be true or false for the whole instance...
		if (bCollideOnlyIfVisible && ((World->TimeSeconds - Owner->Component->LastRenderTime) > 0.1f))
			// no collision if not recently rendered
			bIgnoreAllCollision = true;
			// If the MaxCollisionDistance is greater than WORLD_MAX, they obviously want the check disabled...
			if (MaxCollisionDistance < WORLD_MAX)
				// Store off the player locations and LOD distance factors
				for( FConstPlayerControllerIterator Iterator = World->GetPlayerControllerIterator(); Iterator; ++Iterator )
					APlayerController* PlayerController = *Iterator;
					if (PlayerController->IsLocalPlayerController())
						FVector POVLoc;
						FRotator POVRotation;
						PlayerController->GetPlayerViewPoint(POVLoc, POVRotation);


				PlayerCount = PlayerLocations.Num();

				// If we have at least a few particles, do a simple check vs. the bounds
				if (Owner->ActiveParticles > 7)
					if (CollisionInstPayload->CurrentLODBoundsCheckCount == 0)
						FBox BoundingBox;
						if (Owner->Component->Template && Owner->Component->Template->bUseFixedRelativeBoundingBox)
							BoundingBox = Owner->Component->Template->FixedRelativeBoundingBox.TransformBy(Owner->Component->ComponentToWorld);
							// A frame behind, but shouldn't be an issue...
							BoundingBox = Owner->Component->Bounds.GetBox();

						// see if any player is within the extended bounds...
						bIgnoreAllCollision = true;
						// Check for the system itself beyond beyond the bounds
						// LOD collision by distance
						bool bCloseEnough = false;

示例8: Exec

			foundObj = FindObject<UObject>(ANY_PACKAGE,*SearchPathName);

		// Bring up an property editing window for the found object.
		if (foundObj != NULL)
			// not allowed in the editor unless it is a PIE object as this command can have far reaching effects such as impacting serialization
			if (!GIsEditor || ((!foundObj->IsTemplate() && (foundObj->GetOutermost()->PackageFlags & PKG_PlayInEditor))))
				EditObject(foundObj, false);
			Ar.Logf(TEXT("Target not found"));
		return 1;
	// Edits an objects properties or copies them to the clipboard.
	else if( FParse::Command(&Cmd,TEXT("EDITACTOR")) )
		UClass*		Class = NULL;
		AActor*		Found = NULL;

		if (FParse::Command(&Cmd, TEXT("TRACE")))
			APlayerController* PlayerController = InWorld->GetFirstPlayerController();
			if (PlayerController != NULL)
				// Do a trace in the player's facing direction and edit anything that's hit.
				FVector PlayerLocation;
				FRotator PlayerRotation;
				PlayerController->GetPlayerViewPoint(PlayerLocation, PlayerRotation);
				FHitResult Hit(1.0f);
				PlayerController->GetWorld()->LineTraceSingle(Hit, PlayerLocation, PlayerLocation + PlayerRotation.Vector() * 10000.f, ECC_Pawn, FCollisionQueryParams(NAME_None, true, PlayerController->GetPawn()));
				Found = Hit.GetActor();
		// Search by class.
		else if( ParseObject<UClass>( Cmd, TEXT("CLASS="), Class, ANY_PACKAGE ) && Class->IsChildOf(AActor::StaticClass()) )
			UGameEngine* GameEngine = Cast<UGameEngine>(GEngine);
			// Look for the closest actor of this class to the player.
			FVector PlayerLocation(0.0f);
			APlayerController* PlayerController = InWorld->GetFirstPlayerController();
			if (PlayerController != NULL)
				FRotator DummyRotation;
				PlayerController->GetPlayerViewPoint(PlayerLocation, DummyRotation);

			float   MinDist = FLT_MAX;
			for( TActorIterator<AActor> It(InWorld, Class); It; ++It )
				if ( !It->IsPendingKill() )
					float const Dist = (PlayerController && It->GetRootComponent()) ? FVector::Dist(It->GetActorLocation(), PlayerLocation) : 0.f;
					if (Dist < MinDist)
						MinDist = Dist;
						Found   = *It;

示例9: StartCapture

void USceneCubemapCapturer::StartCapture(UWorld* World, uint32 InCaptureBoxSideRes, EPixelFormat InFormat)
	CaptureBoxSideRes = InCaptureBoxSideRes;
	CaptureFormat = InFormat;

	FVector Location = OverriddenLocation;
	FQuat Orientation= OverriddenOrientation;

	APlayerController* CapturePlayerController = UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerController(GWorld, 0);
	if (CapturePlayerController)
		FRotator Rotation;
		CapturePlayerController->GetPlayerViewPoint(Location, Rotation);
		Rotation.Pitch = Rotation.Roll = 0;
		Orientation = FQuat(Rotation);

		Location += CaptureOffset;

	if (!OverriddenOrientation.IsIdentity())
		Orientation = OverriddenOrientation;
	if (!OverriddenLocation.IsZero())
		Location = OverriddenLocation;

	const FVector ZAxis(0, 0, 1);
	const FVector YAxis(0, 1, 0);
	const FQuat FaceOrientations[]= {	{ZAxis, PI/2}, { ZAxis, -PI/2},	// right, left
										{YAxis, -PI/2}, { YAxis, PI/2},	// top, bottom
										{ZAxis, 0},    { ZAxis, -PI} }; // front, back

	for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
		USceneCaptureComponent2D* CaptureComponent = NewObject<USceneCaptureComponent2D>();

		CaptureComponent->CaptureStereoPass = EStereoscopicPass::eSSP_FULL;//LEFT_EYE; //??
		CaptureComponent->FOVAngle = 90.f;
		CaptureComponent->bCaptureEveryFrame = true;
		CaptureComponent->CaptureSource = ESceneCaptureSource::SCS_FinalColorLDR;

		const FName TargetName = MakeUniqueObjectName(this, UTextureRenderTarget2D::StaticClass(), TEXT("SceneCaptureTextureTarget"));
		CaptureComponent->TextureTarget = NewObject<UTextureRenderTarget2D>(this, TargetName);
		CaptureComponent->TextureTarget->InitCustomFormat(CaptureBoxSideRes, CaptureBoxSideRes, CaptureFormat, false);



		CaptureComponent->SetWorldLocationAndRotation(Location, Orientation * FaceOrientations[i]);
	Stage = SettingPos;

	FActorSpawnParameters SpawnInfo;
	SpawnInfo.SpawnCollisionHandlingOverride = ESpawnActorCollisionHandlingMethod::AlwaysSpawn;
	SpawnInfo.bNoFail = true;
	SpawnInfo.ObjectFlags = RF_Transient;

	AStaticMeshActor* InGameActor;
	InGameActor = World->SpawnActor<AStaticMeshActor>(SpawnInfo);

	OutputDir = FPaths::GameSavedDir() + TEXT("/Cubemaps");
