本文整理汇总了C#中Texture.SetPosition方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Texture.SetPosition方法的具体用法?C# Texture.SetPosition怎么用?C# Texture.SetPosition使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类Texture
示例1: Main
public static void Main(string[] args)
Application.Init ();
Stage stage = Stage.Default as Stage;
(stage as Stage).KeyPressEvent += delegate {
// fixme: add constructor
Clutter.Color stage_color = new Clutter.Color (0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xff);
stage.SetColor (stage_color);
Clutter.Group group = new Group();
stage.Add (group);
group.Show ();
// Make a hand
Clutter.Actor hand = new Texture ("redhand.png");
hand.SetPosition (0,0);
hand.Show ();
// Make a rect
Clutter.Rectangle rect = new Clutter.Rectangle();
rect.SetPosition (0,0);
rect.SetSize ((int)hand.Width, (int)hand.Height);
Clutter.Color rect_bg_color = new Clutter.Color (0x33, 0x22, 0x22, 0xff);
rect.SetColor (rect_bg_color);
rect.BorderWidth = 10;
rect.Show ();
group.Add (rect);
group.Add (hand);
// Make a timeline
Timeline timeline = new Timeline (100, 26);
timeline.Loop = true;
Alpha alpha = new Alpha (timeline, (a) => a.Value);
Behaviour o_behave = new BehaviourOpacity (alpha, 0x33, 0xff);
o_behave.Apply (group);
// Make a path behaviour and apply that too
Behaviour p_behave = new BehaviourPath(alpha, knots); // fixme: add custom constructor?
p_behave.Apply (group);
// start timeline
timeline.Start ();
// launch
Application.Run ();
示例2: Main
public static void Main()
ClutterRun.Init ();
Stage stage = Stage.Default;
stage.SetSize(512, 384);
Shader shader = new Shader ();
shader.FragmentSource = shader_sources[current_shader];
shader.Compile ();
stage.Title = "Shader Test";
stage.Color = new Clutter.Color (0x61, 0x64, 0x8c, 0xff);
Timeline timeline = new Timeline(360, 60);
timeline.Loop = true;
stage.AddActor (new Label ("Mono 16", "Press the Hand"));
Texture actor = new Texture("redhand.png");
actor.SetShader (shader);
actor.Reactive = true;
actor.ButtonPressEvent += HandleActorButtonPress;
stage.AddActor (actor);
actor.SetShaderParam("brightness", 0.4f);
actor.SetShaderParam("contrast", -1.9f);
actor.SetPosition (0, 20);
stage.ShowAll ();
timeline.Start ();
ClutterRun.Main ();
示例3: Main
static void Main()
Clutter.Application.Init ();
Stage = new Stage ();
Stage.Title = "Deal!";
Stage.Add (new Texture ("Pixmaps/Table.png"));
Stage.SetSize (800, 480);
Stage.KeyPressEvent += HandleKeyPress;
Texture C = new Texture ("Pixmaps/Coin.png");
C.SetSize (50, 50);
C.SetPosition (35, 405);
Stage.Add (C);
Bet = 0;
BetButton = new BetButton ();
BetButton.ButtonPressEvent += IncreaseBet;
Stage.Add (BetButton);
DealButton = new DealButton ();
DealButton.ButtonPressEvent += NewGame;
Stage.Add (DealButton);
StepButton = new StepButton ();
StepButton.ButtonPressEvent += NextStep;
Stage.Add (StepButton);
Stack = new Stack ();
Stack.Decrease (20);
ScoreText = new Text ("Droid Sans Bold 21", "" + Stack.GetAmount());
ScoreText.SetColor (new Clutter.Color (0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff));
ScoreText.SetPosition (100, 413);
Stage.Add (ScoreText);
Coins = new Coin [5];
Coins [0] = new Coin ();
Coins [1] = new Coin ();
Coins [2] = new Coin ();
Coins [3] = new Coin ();
Coins [4] = new Coin ();
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
Coins [i].SetPosition (35, 405);
Stage.Add (Coins [i]);
Deck = new Deck ();
PlayerHand = new Hand (Deck.Draw (), Deck.Draw (), Deck.Draw (), Deck.Draw (), Deck.Draw ());
OpponentHand = new Hand (Deck.Draw (), Deck.Draw (), Deck.Draw (), Deck.Draw (), Deck.Draw ());
SetupAnimation ();
Clutter.Application.Run ();
示例4: VideoApp
public VideoApp(string filename)
Stage stage = Stage.Default;
stage.Color = new Color (0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00);
stage.SetSize (1200, 1024);
vtexture = new GstVideoTexture ();
vtexture.SyncSize = false;
// add size changed call back here
vtexture.SizeChange += HandleSizeChange;
vtexture.Filename = filename;
control = new Group ();
// panel
control_bg = new Texture ("vid-panel.png");
// play button
control_play = new Texture ("media-actions-start.png");
// pause button
control_pause = new Texture ("media-actions-pause.png");
control_seek1 = new Rectangle (new Color (73, 74, 77, 0xee));
control_seek2 = new Rectangle (new Color (0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xff));
control_seekbar = new Rectangle (new Color (73, 74, 77, 0xee));
control_seekbar.Opacity = 0x99;
// label with name
string text = System.IO.Path.GetFileName (filename);
control_label = new Label ("Sans Bold 24", text);
control_label.Color = new Color (73, 74, 77, 0xee);
control.AddActor (control_bg);
control.AddActor (control_play);
control.AddActor (control_pause);
control.AddActor (control_seek1);
control.AddActor (control_seek2);
control.AddActor (control_seekbar);
control.AddActor (control_label);
control.Opacity = 0xee;
control_play.SetPosition (30, 30);
control_pause.SetPosition (30, 30);
control_seek1.SetSize (SEEK_W + 10, SEEK_H + 10);
control_seek1.SetPosition (200, 100);
control_seek2.SetSize (SEEK_W, SEEK_H);
control_seek2.SetPosition (205, 105);
control_seekbar.SetSize (0, SEEK_H);
control_seekbar.SetPosition (205, 105);
control_label.SetPosition (200, 40);
stage.AddActor (vtexture);
stage.AddActor (control);
int x = (int)((stage.Width - control.Width) / 2);
int y = (int)(stage.Height - (stage.Height / 3));
control.SetPosition (x, y);
controls_tl = new Timeline (10, 30);
controls_tl.NewFrame += HandleControlTlNewFrame;
controls_tl.Completed += HandleControlTimelineCompleted;
effect1_tl = new Timeline (30, 90);
effect1_tl.NewFrame += HandleEffect1TlNewFrame;
GLib.Timeout.Add (1000, new GLib.TimeoutHandler (Tick));
stage.MotionEvent += delegate { ShowControls (true); };
stage.ButtonPressEvent += HandleButtonPressEvent;
stage.KeyReleaseEvent += HandleKeyReleaseEvent;
vtexture.Playing = true;
stage.ShowAll ();
control_play.Hide ();