本文整理汇总了C#中Texture.GetSurfaceLevel方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Texture.GetSurfaceLevel方法的具体用法?C# Texture.GetSurfaceLevel怎么用?C# Texture.GetSurfaceLevel使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类Texture
示例1: CreateMinimap
public void CreateMinimap(ADT.IADTFile file)
string fileName = "";
if (!gMinimapDir.getMinimapEntry(file.Continent, (int)file.IndexX, (int)file.IndexY, ref fileName))
Video.ShaderCollection.TerrainShader.SetValue("minimapMode", true);
var oldCamera = Game.GameManager.GraphicsThread.GraphicsManager.Camera;
var oldTarget = Game.GameManager.GraphicsThread.GraphicsManager.Device.GetRenderTarget(0);
Game.GameManager.GraphicsThread.GraphicsManager.Device.SetRenderTarget(0, mRenderSurface);
Game.GameManager.GraphicsThread.GraphicsManager.Device.Clear(ClearFlags.Target | ClearFlags.ZBuffer, System.Drawing.Color.CornflowerBlue, 1, 0);
var newCamera = new Video.OrthogonalCamera(1, 1, false);
newCamera.ViewFrustum.PassAllTests = true;
newCamera.PreventWorldUpdate = true;
Game.GameManager.GraphicsThread.GraphicsManager.Camera = newCamera;
Game.GameManager.GraphicsThread.GraphicsManager.Camera.SetPosition(new Vector3(Utils.Metrics.Tilesize / 2.0f, Utils.Metrics.Tilesize / 2.0f, 1000.0f), true);
file.RenderADT(Matrix.Translation(-file.IndexX * Utils.Metrics.Tilesize + Utils.Metrics.MidPoint, -file.IndexY * Utils.Metrics.Tilesize + Utils.Metrics.MidPoint, 0));
Game.GameManager.GraphicsThread.GraphicsManager.Device.SetRenderTarget(0, oldTarget);
Game.GameManager.WorldManager.FogStart = 530.0f;
Game.GameManager.GraphicsThread.GraphicsManager.Camera = oldCamera;
Texture saveTexture = new Texture(mRenderSurface.Device, 256, 256, 1, Usage.None, Format.X8R8G8B8, Pool.Managed);
Surface surf = saveTexture.GetSurfaceLevel(0);
Surface.FromSurface(surf, mRenderSurface, Filter.Box, 0);
Video.TextureConverter.SaveTextureAsBlp(Video.TextureConverter.BlpCompression.Dxt3, saveTexture, fileName);
Video.ShaderCollection.TerrainShader.SetValue("minimapMode", false);
示例2: Setup
private void Setup()
EdgeMap = new Texture(SlimMMDXCore.Instance.Device, width, height, 1, Usage.RenderTarget, Format.A8R8G8B8, Pool.Default);
catch (Direct3D9Exception)
EdgeMap = new Texture(SlimMMDXCore.Instance.Device, width, height, 1, Usage.RenderTarget, Format.A8B8G8R8, Pool.Default);
renderSurface = EdgeMap.GetSurfaceLevel(0);
depthBuffer = Surface.CreateDepthStencil(SlimMMDXCore.Instance.Device, width, height, Format.D16, MultisampleType.None, 0, true);
if (effect != null)
effect = Effect.FromMemory(SlimMMDXCore.Instance.Device, MMDXResource.MMDEdgeEffect,
ShaderFlags.OptimizationLevel0 | ShaderFlags.Debug
effect.SetValue("EdgeWidth", EdgeWidth);
effect.Technique = "MMDEdgeEffect";
effect.SetValue("ScreenResolution", new Vector2(width, height));
示例3: MafiaVideo
public MafiaVideo(Form form, bool fullscreen)
this.form = form;
this.fullscreen = fullscreen;
if (fullscreen)
form.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None;
form.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.Sizable;
device = new Device(0, DeviceType.Hardware, form, CreateFlags.HardwareVertexProcessing, GetDefaultPresentParameters(fullscreen));
catch (InvalidCallException)
device = new Device(0, DeviceType.Hardware, form, CreateFlags.SoftwareVertexProcessing, GetDefaultPresentParameters(fullscreen));
catch (InvalidCallException)
device = new Device(0, DeviceType.Software, form, CreateFlags.SoftwareVertexProcessing, GetDefaultPresentParameters(fullscreen));
catch (InvalidCallException)
throw new Exception("Direct3Dデバイスの生成に失敗しました。");
deviceLost = new EventHandler(OnDeviceLost);
deviceReset = new EventHandler(OnDeviceReset);
deviceResizing = new CancelEventHandler(OnDeviceResizing);
device.DeviceLost += deviceLost;
device.DeviceReset += deviceReset;
device.DeviceResizing += deviceResizing;
device.Clear(ClearFlags.Target, Color.FromArgb(212, 208, 200), 0.0f, 0);
sprite = new Sprite(device);
backBuffer = device.GetBackBuffer(0, 0, BackBufferType.Mono);
offScreenImage = new Texture(device, Mafia.SCREEN_WIDTH, Mafia.SCREEN_HEIGHT, 1, Usage.RenderTarget, Manager.Adapters[0].CurrentDisplayMode.Format, Pool.Default);
offScreenSurface = offScreenImage.GetSurfaceLevel(0);
texture = MafiaLoader.DefaultLoader.GetTexture(device, "mafia.bmp");
if (fullscreen)
// form.ClientSize = new Size(Mafia.SCREEN_WIDTH, Mafia.SCREEN_HEIGHT);
form.ClientSize = new Size(Mafia.SCREEN_WIDTH * 2, Mafia.SCREEN_HEIGHT * 2);
示例4: MinimapRender
public MinimapRender()
mRenderTarget = new Texture(Game.GameManager.GraphicsThread.GraphicsManager.Device,
2048, 2048, 1, Usage.RenderTarget, Format.X8R8G8B8, Pool.Default);
mRenderSurface = mRenderTarget.GetSurfaceLevel(0);
示例5: D3DTexture2D
public D3DTexture2D(Texture pTexture, ImageInformation pImageInfo, string szName)
m_pTexture = pTexture;
m_pImageInfo = pImageInfo;
m_szName = szName;
m_pBaseSurface = pTexture.GetSurfaceLevel(0);
m_nFrames = 1;
示例6: EncodeProcess
private void EncodeProcess()
// calc info
int totalFrames = (int)((float)settings.FramesPerSecond * (float)recording.Duration.Seconds);
// start encoding
IOutputStream stream = VideoEncodingInterface.CreateVideoStream(outFilename, settings.Codec,
settings.Width, settings.Height,
16, settings.FramesPerSecond, TimeSpan.MinValue, null);
// create local buffer
int pixels = settings.Width * settings.Height;
byte[] buffer = new byte[settings.Width * settings.Height * 4];
Device device = renderer.Device;
Surface bb = device.GetBackBuffer(0, 0, BackBufferType.Mono);
Texture t = new Texture(device, settings.Width, settings.Height, 1, bb.Description.Usage, bb.Description.Format, bb.Description.Pool);
Surface target = t.GetSurfaceLevel(0);
Texture sysT = new Texture(device, settings.Width, settings.Height, 1, bb.Description.Usage, bb.Description.Format, bb.Description.Pool);
Surface sysTarget = sysT.GetSurfaceLevel(0);
byte[] pBuf = new byte[4];
for (int frame = 0; frame < totalFrames; frame++)
// Draw frame
renderer.Render(0, target);
//Bitmap b = new Bitmap(TextureLoader.SaveToStream(ImageFileFormat.Bmp, t));
//BitmapData data = b.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, settings.Width, settings.Height), System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
device.GetRenderTargetData(target, sysTarget);
GraphicsStream gStream = sysTarget.LockRectangle(LockFlags.ReadOnly);
// copy over to right format
// Format.X8R8G8B8 > RGBA
int bIdx = 0;
for (int pixel = 0; pixel < pixels; pixel++)
gStream.Read(pBuf, 0, 4);
buffer[bIdx++] = pBuf[1]; // r
buffer[bIdx++] = pBuf[2]; // g
buffer[bIdx++] = pBuf[3]; // b
buffer[bIdx++] = pBuf[0]; // a
// encode frame
int totalBytes = 0;
stream.Close(out totalBytes);
catch (ThreadAbortException) { }
complete = true;
示例7: D3D_background
/// <summary>
/// Sets up the background Object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="device">The DirectX Device that the Background will be assigned to.</param>
/// <param name="BackgroundImagePath">The Full path and filename to the Image file to be used as the background</param>
public D3D_background(Device device, string BackgroundImagePath)
backgroundImagePath = BackgroundImagePath;
// Load in the background texture from the file and assign it to
// the sprite
backgroundSpriteTexture = TextureLoader.FromFile(device, backgroundImagePath);
using (Surface s = backgroundSpriteTexture.GetSurfaceLevel(0))
SurfaceDescription desc = s.Description;
backgroundTextureSize = new Rectangle(0, 0, desc.Width, desc.Height);
backgroundSprite = new Sprite(device);
示例8: GenerateTexture
private void GenerateTexture(ref Texture texture, int width, int height, EffectHandle function)
texture = new Texture(device, width, height, 1, Usage.RenderTarget, Format.X8R8G8B8, Pool.Default);
device.SetRenderTarget(0, texture.GetSurfaceLevel(0));
device.Clear(ClearFlags.Target | ClearFlags.ZBuffer, Color.Black, 1, 0);
示例9: IconTexture
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref= "T:WorldWind.Renderable.IconTexture"/> class
/// from a texture file on disk.
/// </summary>
public IconTexture(Device device, string textureFileName)
if ((textureFileName != null) && textureFileName.Length > 0)
if (textureFileName.ToLower().StartsWith("http://") && BaseSavePath != null)
// download it
Uri uri = new Uri(textureFileName);
// Set the subdirectory path to the hostname and replace . with _
string savePath = uri.Host;
savePath = savePath.Replace('.', '_');
// build the save file name from the component pieces
savePath = BaseSavePath + @"\" + savePath + uri.AbsolutePath;
savePath = savePath.Replace('/', '\\');
WorldWind.Net.WebDownload webDownload = new WorldWind.Net.WebDownload(textureFileName);
webDownload.DownloadType = WorldWind.Net.DownloadType.Unspecified;
// reset the texture file name for later use.
textureFileName = savePath;
catch { }
// Load without rescaling source bitmap
using(Image image = ImageHelper.LoadImage(textureFileName))
LoadImage(device, image);
// Only DirectX can read this file, might get upscaled depending on input dimensions.
Texture = ImageHelper.LoadIconTexture( textureFileName );
// Read texture level 0 size
using(Surface s = Texture.GetSurfaceLevel(0))
SurfaceDescription desc = s.Description;
Width = desc.Width;
Height = desc.Height;
示例10: Obj_Window
public Obj_Window(Device device)
_background = new Sprite(device);
Assembly assem = this.GetType().Assembly;
Stream strm = assem.GetManifestResourceStream("GameLib.images.window.png");
_window_background = Texture.FromStream(device, strm, Usage.None, Pool.Managed);
using (Surface s = _window_background.GetSurfaceLevel(0))
_window_texture_height = s.Description.Height;
_window_texture_width = s.Description.Width;
示例11: UpdateTexture
public void UpdateTexture(Texture texture)
if (!Initialised)
if (!FImageInput.ImageChanged || !FImageInput.Allocated)
if (FImageInput.ImageAttributesChanged)
FImageInput.ImageAttributesChanged = true; //reset flag as it will now have dropped
Surface srf = texture.GetSurfaceLevel(0);
DataRectangle rect = srf.LockRectangle(LockFlags.Discard);
CVImage buffer;
if (FNeedsConversion)
CVImageUtils.CopyImageConverted(FImageInput.Image, FBufferConverted);
buffer = FBufferConverted;
buffer = FImageInput.Image;
rect.Data.WriteRange(buffer.Data, buffer.ImageAttributes.BytesPerFrame);
示例12: SetBackBufferSlimDX
public void SetBackBufferSlimDX(SlimDX.Direct3D11.Texture2D Texture)
if (SharedTexture != null)
SharedTexture = null;
if (Texture == null)
if (SharedTexture != null)
SharedTexture = null;
SetBackBuffer(D3DResourceType.IDirect3DSurface9, IntPtr.Zero);
else if (IsShareable(Texture))
Format format = TranslateFormat(Texture);
if (format == Format.Unknown)
throw new ArgumentException("Texture format is not compatible with OpenSharedResource");
IntPtr Handle = GetSharedHandle(Texture);
if (Handle == IntPtr.Zero)
throw new ArgumentNullException("Handle");
SharedTexture = new Texture(D3DDevice, Texture.Description.Width, Texture.Description.Height, 1, Usage.RenderTarget, format, Pool.Default, ref Handle);
using (Surface Surface = SharedTexture.GetSurfaceLevel(0))
SetBackBuffer(D3DResourceType.IDirect3DSurface9, Surface.ComPointer);
throw new ArgumentException("Texture must be created with ResourceOptionFlags.Shared");
示例13: DrawFloor
private void DrawFloor()
if (_floorTexture == null || _floorTexture.Disposed)
_floorTexture = new Texture(DXManager.Device, Settings.ScreenWidth, Settings.ScreenHeight, 1, Usage.RenderTarget, Format.A8R8G8B8, Pool.Default);
_floorTexture.Disposing += FloorTexture_Disposing;
_floorSurface = _floorTexture.GetSurfaceLevel(0);
Surface oldSurface = DXManager.CurrentSurface;
DXManager.Device.Clear(ClearFlags.Target, Color.Black, 0, 0);
int index;
int drawY, drawX;
for (int y = User.Movement.Y - ViewRangeY; y <= User.Movement.Y + ViewRangeY; y++)
if (y <= 0 || y % 2 == 1) continue;
if (y >= Height) break;
drawY = (y - User.Movement.Y + OffSetY) * CellHeight + User.OffSetMove.Y; //Moving OffSet
for (int x = User.Movement.X - ViewRangeX; x <= User.Movement.X + ViewRangeX; x++)
if (x <= 0 || x % 2 == 1) continue;
if (x >= Width) break;
drawX = (x - User.Movement.X + OffSetX) * CellWidth - OffSetX + User.OffSetMove.X; //Moving OffSet
if ((M2CellInfo[x, y].BackImage == 0) || (M2CellInfo[x, y].BackIndex == -1)) continue;
index = (M2CellInfo[x, y].BackImage & 0x1FFFF) - 1;
Libraries.MapLibs[M2CellInfo[x, y].BackIndex].Draw(index, drawX, drawY);
for (int y = User.Movement.Y - ViewRangeY; y <= User.Movement.Y + ViewRangeY + 5; y++)
if (y <= 0) continue;
if (y >= Height) break;
drawY = (y - User.Movement.Y + OffSetY) * CellHeight + User.OffSetMove.Y; //Moving OffSet
for (int x = User.Movement.X - ViewRangeX; x <= User.Movement.X + ViewRangeX; x++)
if (x < 0) continue;
if (x >= Width) break;
drawX = (x - User.Movement.X + OffSetX) * CellWidth - OffSetX + User.OffSetMove.X; //Moving OffSet
index = M2CellInfo[x, y].MiddleImage - 1;
if ((index < 0) || (M2CellInfo[x, y].MiddleIndex == -1)) continue;
if (M2CellInfo[x, y].MiddleIndex > 199)
{//mir3 mid layer is same level as front layer not real middle + it cant draw index -1 so 2 birds in one stone :p
Size s = Libraries.MapLibs[M2CellInfo[x, y].MiddleIndex].GetSize(index);
if (s.Width != CellWidth || s.Height != CellHeight) continue;
Libraries.MapLibs[M2CellInfo[x, y].MiddleIndex].Draw(index, drawX, drawY);
for (int y = User.Movement.Y - ViewRangeY; y <= User.Movement.Y + ViewRangeY + 5; y++)
if (y <= 0) continue;
if (y >= Height) break;
drawY = (y - User.Movement.Y + OffSetY) * CellHeight + User.OffSetMove.Y; //Moving OffSet
for (int x = User.Movement.X - ViewRangeX; x <= User.Movement.X + ViewRangeX; x++)
if (x < 0) continue;
if (x >= Width) break;
drawX = (x - User.Movement.X + OffSetX) * CellWidth - OffSetX + User.OffSetMove.X; //Moving OffSet
index = (M2CellInfo[x, y].FrontImage & 0x7FFF) - 1;
if (index == -1) continue;
int fileIndex = M2CellInfo[x, y].FrontIndex;
if (fileIndex == -1) continue;
Size s = Libraries.MapLibs[fileIndex].GetSize(index);
if (fileIndex == 200) //could break maps i have no clue anymore :( fixes random bad spots on old school 4.map tho
if (index < 0 || ((s.Width != CellWidth || s.Height != CellHeight) && ((s.Width != CellWidth * 2) || (s.Height != CellHeight * 2)))) continue;
Libraries.MapLibs[fileIndex].Draw(index, drawX, drawY);
FloorValid = true;
示例14: InternalPresentImage
_shouldRenderTexture = false;
//clear screen
_debugStep = 5;
lock (GUIGraphicsContext.RenderModeSwitch)
// in case of GUIGraphicsContext.BlankScreen == true always use old method
// for painting blank screen
if (GUIGraphicsContext.BlankScreen ||
GUIGraphicsContext.Render3DMode == GUIGraphicsContext.eRender3DMode.None ||
GUIGraphicsContext.Render3DMode == GUIGraphicsContext.eRender3DMode.SideBySideTo2D ||
GUIGraphicsContext.Render3DMode == GUIGraphicsContext.eRender3DMode.TopAndBottomTo2D ||
GUIGraphicsContext.Render3DMode == GUIGraphicsContext.eRender3DMode.SideBySideFrom2D)
if (GUIGraphicsContext.Render3DMode == GUIGraphicsContext.eRender3DMode.SideBySideFrom2D)
// convert 2D to 3D
Surface backbuffer = GUIGraphicsContext.DX9Device.GetBackBuffer(0, 0, BackBufferType.Mono);
// create texture/surface for preparation for 3D output
Texture auto3DTexture = new Texture(GUIGraphicsContext.DX9Device,
backbuffer.Description.Height, 0, Usage.RenderTarget,
backbuffer.Description.Format, Pool.Default);
Surface auto3DSurface = auto3DTexture.GetSurfaceLevel(0);
// left half
timePassed, backbuffer, auto3DSurface,
new Rectangle(0, 0, backbuffer.Description.Width/2, backbuffer.Description.Height));
// right half
timePassed, backbuffer, auto3DSurface,
new Rectangle(backbuffer.Description.Width/2, 0, backbuffer.Description.Width/2,
if (!GUIGraphicsContext.Render3DSubtitle)
SubEngine.GetInstance().Render(_subsRect, _destinationRect, 0);
if (GUIGraphicsContext.LastFramesIndex > GUIGraphicsContext.LastFrames.Count - 1)
GUIGraphicsContext.LastFramesIndex = 0;
else // normal 2D output
示例15: DrawLights
private void DrawLights(LightSetting setting)
if (DXManager.Lights == null || DXManager.Lights.Count == 0) return;
if (_lightTexture == null || _lightTexture.Disposed)
_lightTexture = new Texture(DXManager.Device, Settings.ScreenWidth, Settings.ScreenHeight, 1, Usage.RenderTarget, Format.A8R8G8B8, Pool.Default);
_lightTexture.Disposing += FloorTexture_Disposing;
_lightSurface = _lightTexture.GetSurfaceLevel(0);
Surface oldSurface = DXManager.CurrentSurface;
DXManager.Device.Clear(ClearFlags.Target, setting == LightSetting.Night ? Color.Black : Color.FromArgb(255, 50, 50, 50), 0, 0);
int light;
Point p;
DXManager.Device.RenderState.SourceBlend = Blend.SourceAlpha;
for (int i = 0; i < Objects.Count; i++)
MapObject ob = Objects[i];
if (ob.Light > 0 && (!ob.Dead || ob == MapObject.User || ob.Race == ObjectType.Spell))
light = ob.Light;
if (light >= DXManager.Lights.Count)
light = DXManager.Lights.Count - 1;
p = ob.DrawLocation;
p.Offset(((light + 1)*-65 + CellWidth)/2, ((light + 1)*-50 + CellHeight)/2);
if (DXManager.Lights[light] != null && !DXManager.Lights[light].Disposed)
DXManager.Sprite.Draw2D(DXManager.Lights[light], PointF.Empty, 0, p, ob is MonsterObject && ob.AI != 6 ? Color.PaleVioletRed : Color.White);
if (!Settings.Effect) continue;
for (int e = 0; e < ob.Effects.Count; e++)
Effect effect = ob.Effects[e];
if (!effect.Blend || CMain.Time < effect.Start || (!(effect is Missile) && effect.Light < ob.Light)) continue;
light = effect.Light;
p = effect.DrawLocation;
p.Offset(((light + 1)*-65 + CellWidth)/2, ((light + 1)*-50 + CellHeight)/2);
if (DXManager.Lights[light] != null && !DXManager.Lights[light].Disposed)
DXManager.Sprite.Draw2D(DXManager.Lights[light], PointF.Empty, 0, p, Color.White);
if (Settings.Effect)
for (int e = 0; e < Effects.Count; e++)
Effect effect = Effects[e];
if (!effect.Blend || CMain.Time < effect.Start) continue;
light = effect.Light;
p = effect.DrawLocation;
p.Offset(((light + 1)*-65 + CellWidth)/2, ((light + 1)*-50 + CellHeight)/2);
if (DXManager.Lights[light] != null && !DXManager.Lights[light].Disposed)
DXManager.Sprite.Draw2D(DXManager.Lights[light], PointF.Empty, 0, p, Color.White);
for (int y = MapObject.User.Movement.Y - ViewRangeY - 10; y <= MapObject.User.Movement.Y + ViewRangeY + 10; y++)
if (y < 0) continue;
if (y >= Height) break;
for (int x = MapObject.User.Movement.X - ViewRangeX - 10; x < MapObject.User.Movement.X + ViewRangeX + 10; x++)
if (x < 0) continue;
if (x >= Width) break;
int imageIndex = (M2CellInfo[x, y].FrontImage & 0x7FFF) - 1;
if (M2CellInfo[x, y].Light <= 0 || M2CellInfo[x, y].Light >= 10) continue;
light = M2CellInfo[x, y].Light*3;
int fileIndex = M2CellInfo[x, y].FileIndex;
p = new Point(
(x + OffSetX - MapObject.User.Movement.X) * CellWidth + MapObject.User.OffSetMove.X,
(y + OffSetY - MapObject.User.Movement.Y) * CellHeight + MapObject.User.OffSetMove.Y + 32);
p.Offset(((light + 1)*-65 + CellWidth)/2, ((light + 1)*-50 + CellHeight)/2);
if (M2CellInfo[x, y].AnimationFrame > 0)
if (light > DXManager.Lights.Count)
light = DXManager.Lights.Count - 1;
if (DXManager.Lights[light] != null && !DXManager.Lights[light].Disposed)
DXManager.Sprite.Draw2D(DXManager.Lights[light], PointF.Empty, 0, p, Color.White);