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C++ GraphicsDevice::SetLandscape方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中GraphicsDevice::SetLandscape方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ GraphicsDevice::SetLandscape方法的具体用法?C++ GraphicsDevice::SetLandscape怎么用?C++ GraphicsDevice::SetLandscape使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在GraphicsDevice的用法示例。


示例1: device

      if( fileName != NULL)
	  DString fName;
	  e->AssureStringScalarKW( fileNameIx, fName);
	  if( fName == "")
	    e->Throw( "Null filename not allowed.");
	  bool success = actDevice->SetFileName( fName);
	  if( !success)
	    e->Throw( "Current device does not support keyword FILENAME.");

    // LANDSCAPE and PORTRAIT need to be executed before XSIZE, YSIZE, XOFFSET and YOFFSET!
      static int portraitIx = e->KeywordIx( "PORTRAIT");
      static int landscapeIx = e->KeywordIx( "LANDSCAPE"); 
    //IDL consider the value of the first typed of the two options, if both are present.
    //I dunoo how to do that with GDL parsing.
      if (e->KeywordSet(portraitIx) && e->KeywordSet(landscapeIx)) 
        Warning("Warning: both PORTRAIT and LANDSCAPE specified!");

      // LANDSCAPE 
        BaseGDL* landscapeKW=e->GetKW(landscapeIx);
        if (landscapeKW != NULL)
	      DLong isLandscape;
	      e->AssureLongScalarKW( landscapeIx, isLandscape);
          if (isLandscape == 0) {
            bool success = actDevice->SetPortrait();
            if (!success) e->Throw("Current device does not support keyword LANDSCAPE");
          } else {
            bool success = actDevice->SetLandscape();
            if (!success) e->Throw("Current device does not support keyword LANDSCAPE");

      // PORTRAIT 
        BaseGDL* portraitKW=e->GetKW(portraitIx);
        if (portraitKW != NULL)
	      DLong isPortrait;
	      e->AssureLongScalarKW( portraitIx, isPortrait);
          if (isPortrait == 0) {
            bool success = actDevice->SetLandscape();
            if (!success) e->Throw("Current device does not support keyword PORTRAIT");
          } else {
            bool success = actDevice->SetPortrait();
            if (!success) e->Throw("Current device does not support keyword PORTRAIT");

      static int inchesIx = e->KeywordIx( "INCHES");
      // XOFFSET 
        static int xOffsetIx = e->KeywordIx( "XOFFSET");
        BaseGDL* xOffsetKW = e->GetKW( xOffsetIx);
        if( xOffsetKW != NULL)
	    DFloat xOffsetValue;
