本文整理汇总了C++中UPrimitiveComponent类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ UPrimitiveComponent类的具体用法?C++ UPrimitiveComponent怎么用?C++ UPrimitiveComponent使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: FlushRenderingCommands
FGlobalComponentReregisterContext::FGlobalComponentReregisterContext(const TArray<AActor*>& InParentActors)
// wait until resources are released
// Detach only actor components that are children of the actors list provided
for(TObjectIterator<UActorComponent> ComponentIt;ComponentIt;++ComponentIt)
bool bShouldReregister=false;
UPrimitiveComponent* PrimitiveComponent = Cast<UPrimitiveComponent>(*ComponentIt);
if (PrimitiveComponent && PrimitiveComponent->ReplacementPrimitive.Get())
UPrimitiveComponent* ReplacementPrimitive = PrimitiveComponent->ReplacementPrimitive.Get();
AActor* ParentActor = Cast<AActor>(ReplacementPrimitive->GetOuter());
if (ParentActor && InParentActors.Contains(ParentActor))
bShouldReregister = true;
if( bShouldReregister )
new(ComponentContexts) FComponentReregisterContext(*ComponentIt);
示例2: GatherCurrentMovement
void AActor::GatherCurrentMovement()
UPrimitiveComponent* RootPrimComp = Cast<UPrimitiveComponent>(GetRootComponent());
if (RootPrimComp && RootPrimComp->IsSimulatingPhysics())
FRigidBodyState RBState;
else if(RootComponent != NULL)
// If we are attached, don't replicate absolute position
if( RootComponent->AttachParent != NULL )
// Networking for attachments assumes the RootComponent of the AttachParent actor.
// If that's not the case, we can't update this, as the client wouldn't be able to resolve the Component and would detach as a result.
if( AttachmentReplication.AttachParent != NULL )
AttachmentReplication.LocationOffset = RootComponent->RelativeLocation;
AttachmentReplication.RotationOffset = RootComponent->RelativeRotation;
AttachmentReplication.RelativeScale3D = RootComponent->RelativeScale3D;
ReplicatedMovement.Location = RootComponent->GetComponentLocation();
ReplicatedMovement.Rotation = RootComponent->GetComponentRotation();
ReplicatedMovement.LinearVelocity = GetVelocity();
ReplicatedMovement.bRepPhysics = false;
void FBodyInstance2D::TermBody()
UPrimitiveComponent* OwnerComponent = OwnerComponentPtr.Get();
//@TODO: Handle this - check(OwnerComponent);
if (OwnerComponent == NULL)
if (BodyInstancePtr != NULL)
if (b2World* World = FPhysicsIntegration2D::FindAssociatedWorld(OwnerComponent->GetWorld()))
BodyInstancePtr = NULL;
示例4: SetActorSelectionFlags
void UUnrealEdEngine::SetActorSelectionFlags (AActor* InActor)
TInlineComponentArray<UActorComponent*> Components;
//for every component in the actor
for(int32 ComponentIndex = 0; ComponentIndex < Components.Num(); ComponentIndex++)
UActorComponent* Component = Components[ComponentIndex];
if (Component->IsRegistered())
// If we have a 'child actor' component, want to update its visible selection state
UChildActorComponent* ChildActorComponent = Cast<UChildActorComponent>(Component);
if(ChildActorComponent != NULL && ChildActorComponent->ChildActor != NULL)
UPrimitiveComponent* PrimComponent = Cast<UPrimitiveComponent>(Component);
if(PrimComponent != NULL && PrimComponent->IsRegistered())
UDecalComponent* DecalComponent = Cast<UDecalComponent>(Component);
if(DecalComponent != NULL)// && DecalComponent->IsRegistered())
示例5: GetPawn
void ACinemotusPlayerController::AbsoluteTick(float DeltaTime)
TotalYawAbs += addYaw;
UPrimitiveComponent* prim = GetPawn()->GetMovementComponent()->UpdatedComponent;
//USceneComponent* sComponent = GetPawn()->GetRootComponent();
bool SetPrimDirectly = true;
FQuat finalQuat;
if (((currentCaptureState&ECinemotusCaptureState::EAbsolute) == ECinemotusCaptureState::EAbsolute) &&
((currentCaptureState&ECinemotusCaptureState::EAbsoluteOff) == 0))
finalQuat = FRotator(0, TotalYawAbs, 0).Quaternion()*(HydraLatestData->controllers[CAM_HAND].quat);
finalQuat = FRotator(0, addYaw, 0).Quaternion()*prim->GetComponentQuat();
if (SetPrimDirectly && prim)
prim->SetWorldLocationAndRotation(prim->GetComponentLocation(), finalQuat);// not sure need
HandleMovementAbs(DeltaTime, ((currentCaptureState&ECinemotusCaptureState::EAbsolute) == ECinemotusCaptureState::EAbsolute));
示例6: GetWorld
void UBuoyancyForceComponent::InitializeComponent()
//UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("We're initializing..."));
//Store the world ref.
World = GetWorld();
// If no OceanManager is defined, auto-detect
if (!OceanManager)
for (TActorIterator<AOceanManager> ActorItr(World); ActorItr; ++ActorItr)
OceanManager = Cast<AOceanManager>(*ActorItr);
TestPointRadius = FMath::Abs(TestPointRadius);
UPrimitiveComponent* BasePrimComp = Cast<UPrimitiveComponent>(GetAttachParent());
if (BasePrimComp)
//Store the initial damping values.
_baseLinearDamping = BasePrimComp->GetLinearDamping();
_baseAngularDamping = BasePrimComp->GetAngularDamping();
示例7: OnGetBodyMass
FText FPrimitiveComponentDetails::OnGetBodyMass() const
UPrimitiveComponent* Comp = NULL;
float Mass = 0.0f;
bool bMultipleValue = false;
for (auto ObjectIt = ObjectsCustomized.CreateConstIterator(); ObjectIt; ++ObjectIt)
if(ObjectIt->IsValid() && (*ObjectIt)->IsA(UPrimitiveComponent::StaticClass()))
Comp = Cast<UPrimitiveComponent>(ObjectIt->Get());
float CompMass = Comp->CalculateMass();
if (Mass == 0.0f || FMath::Abs(Mass - CompMass) < 0.1f)
Mass = CompMass;
bMultipleValue = true;
if (bMultipleValue)
return LOCTEXT("MultipleValues", "Multiple Values");
return FText::AsNumber(Mass);
示例8: BeginPlay
/** This occurs when play begins */
void AMagicBattleSoccerBall::BeginPlay()
if (Role < ROLE_Authority)
// The server manages the game state; the soccer ball will be replicated to us.
// Physics however are not replicated. We will need to have the ball orientation
// replicated to us. We need to turn off physics simulation and collision detection.
UPrimitiveComponent *Root = Cast<UPrimitiveComponent>(GetRootComponent());
// Servers should add this soccer ball to the game mode cache.
// It will get replicated to clients for when they need to access
// the ball itself to get information such as who possesses it.
AMagicBattleSoccerGameState* GameState = GetGameState();
GameState->SoccerBall = this;
示例9: GetBodyInstance
bool UPrimitiveComponent::WeldToImplementation(USceneComponent * InParent, FName ParentSocketName /* = Name_None */, bool bWeldSimulatedChild /* = false */)
//WeldToInternal assumes attachment is already done
if (AttachParent != InParent || AttachSocketName != ParentSocketName)
return false;
//Check that we can actually our own socket name
FBodyInstance* BI = GetBodyInstance(NAME_None, false);
if (BI == NULL)
return false;
if (BI->ShouldInstanceSimulatingPhysics() && bWeldSimulatedChild == false)
return false;
UnWeldFromParent(); //make sure to unweld from wherever we currently are
FName SocketName;
UPrimitiveComponent * RootComponent = GetRootWelded(this, ParentSocketName, &SocketName, true);
if (RootComponent)
if (FBodyInstance* RootBI = RootComponent->GetBodyInstance(SocketName, false))
if (BI->WeldParent == RootBI) //already welded so stop
return true;
BI->bWelded = true;
//There are multiple cases to handle:
//Root is kinematic, simulated
//Child is kinematic, simulated
//Child always inherits from root
//if root is kinematic simply set child to be kinematic and we're done
if (RootComponent->IsSimulatingPhysics(SocketName) == false)
BI->WeldParent = NULL;
return false; //return false because we need to continue with regular body initialization
//root is simulated so we actually weld the body
FTransform RelativeTM = RootComponent == AttachParent ? GetRelativeTransform() : GetComponentToWorld().GetRelativeTransform(RootComponent->GetComponentToWorld()); //if direct parent we already have relative. Otherwise compute it
RootBI->Weld(BI, GetComponentToWorld());
BI->WeldParent = RootBI;
return true;
return false;
示例10: MoveIgnoreActorRemove
void APawn::MoveIgnoreActorRemove(AActor* ActorToIgnore)
UPrimitiveComponent* RootPrimitiveComponent = Cast<UPrimitiveComponent>(GetRootComponent());
if( RootPrimitiveComponent )
RootPrimitiveComponent->IgnoreActorWhenMoving(ActorToIgnore, false);
示例11: RemoveViewFromActorViewVisibility
void FLayers::RemoveViewFromActorViewVisibility( FLevelEditorViewportClient* ViewportClient )
const int32 ViewIndex = ViewportClient->ViewIndex;
// get the bit for the view index
uint64 ViewBit = ((uint64)1 << ViewIndex);
// get all bits under that that we want to keep
uint64 KeepBits = ViewBit - 1;
// Iterate over all actors, looking for actors in the specified layers.
for( FActorIterator It(ViewportClient->GetWorld()) ; It ; ++It )
const TWeakObjectPtr< AActor > Actor = *It;
if( !IsActorValidForLayer( Actor ) )
// remember original bits
uint64 OriginalHiddenViews = Actor->HiddenEditorViews;
uint64 Was = Actor->HiddenEditorViews;
// slide all bits higher than ViewIndex down one since the view is being removed from Editor
uint64 LowBits = Actor->HiddenEditorViews & KeepBits;
// now slide the top bits down by ViewIndex + 1 (chopping off ViewBit)
uint64 HighBits = Actor->HiddenEditorViews >> (ViewIndex + 1);
// then slide back up by ViewIndex, which will now have erased ViewBit, as well as leaving 0 in the low bits
HighBits = HighBits << ViewIndex;
// put it all back together
Actor->HiddenEditorViews = LowBits | HighBits;
// reregister if we changed the visibility bits, as the rendering thread needs them
if (OriginalHiddenViews == Actor->HiddenEditorViews)
// Find all registered primitive components and update the scene proxy with the actors updated visibility map
TInlineComponentArray<UPrimitiveComponent*> Components;
for( int32 ComponentIdx = 0; ComponentIdx < Components.Num(); ++ComponentIdx )
UPrimitiveComponent* PrimitiveComponent = Components[ComponentIdx];
if (PrimitiveComponent->IsRegistered())
// Push visibility to the render thread
PrimitiveComponent->PushEditorVisibilityToProxy( Actor->HiddenEditorViews );
示例12: OnConstruction
void ABomb::OnConstruction(const FTransform &Transform)
UPrimitiveComponent *pc = Cast<UPrimitiveComponent>(GetComponent(RootComponent, "BombMesh"));
if (pc)
BombMIB = pc->CreateDynamicMaterialInstance(0, NULL);
示例13: GetSequencer
UMaterialInterface* FComponentMaterialTrackEditor::GetMaterialInterfaceForTrack( FGuid ObjectBinding, UMovieSceneMaterialTrack* MaterialTrack )
UObject* ComponentObject = GetSequencer()->GetFocusedMovieSceneSequence()->FindObject( ObjectBinding );
UPrimitiveComponent* Component = Cast<UPrimitiveComponent>( ComponentObject );
UMovieSceneComponentMaterialTrack* ComponentMaterialTrack = Cast<UMovieSceneComponentMaterialTrack>( MaterialTrack );
if ( Component != nullptr && ComponentMaterialTrack != nullptr )
return Component->GetMaterial( ComponentMaterialTrack->GetMaterialIndex() );
return nullptr;
示例14: MoveWithPossessor
void AMagicBattleSoccerBall::Tick(float DeltaSeconds)
if (nullptr != Possessor)
// If the ball is possessed by a player, then the ball should move as a function
// of the possessor
// No possessor. The ball is freely moving.
if (Role < ROLE_Authority)
// Clients should update its local position based on where it is on the server
// Update the charging value
if (GetVelocity().SizeSquared() > 1.f)
IsCharging = false;
// Servers should simulate the ball physics freely and replicate the orientation
UPrimitiveComponent *Root = Cast<UPrimitiveComponent>(GetRootComponent());
ServerPhysicsState.pos = GetActorLocation();
ServerPhysicsState.rot = GetActorRotation();
ServerPhysicsState.vel = Root->GetComponentVelocity();
ServerPhysicsState.timestamp = AMagicBattleSoccerPlayerController::GetLocalTime();
// Servers should also test the distance from the old possessor and reset it
if (nullptr != PossessorToIgnore)
if (!PossessorToIgnore->IsAlive())
PossessorToIgnore = nullptr;
FVector2D PossessorLoc(PossessorToIgnore->GetActorLocation());
FVector2D BallLoc(GetActorLocation());
float d = FVector2D::DistSquared(PossessorLoc, BallLoc);
if (d > 14000)
PossessorToIgnore = nullptr;
示例15: GetActorLocation
void AFP_FirstPersonCharacter::OnFire()
// Play a sound if there is one
if (FireSound != NULL)
UGameplayStatics::PlaySoundAtLocation(this, FireSound, GetActorLocation());
// try and play a firing animation if specified
if(FireAnimation != NULL)
// Get the animation object for the arms mesh
UAnimInstance* AnimInstance = Mesh1P->GetAnimInstance();
if(AnimInstance != NULL)
AnimInstance->Montage_Play(FireAnimation, 1.f);
// Now send a trace from the end of our gun to see if we should hit anything
APlayerController* PlayerController = Cast<APlayerController>(GetController());
// Calculate the direction of fire and the start location for trace
FVector CamLoc;
FRotator CamRot;
PlayerController->GetPlayerViewPoint(CamLoc, CamRot);
const FVector ShootDir = CamRot.Vector();
FVector StartTrace = FVector::ZeroVector;
if (PlayerController)
FRotator UnusedRot;
PlayerController->GetPlayerViewPoint(StartTrace, UnusedRot);
// Adjust trace so there is nothing blocking the ray between the camera and the pawn, and calculate distance from adjusted start
StartTrace = StartTrace + ShootDir * ((GetActorLocation() - StartTrace) | ShootDir);
// Calculate endpoint of trace
const FVector EndTrace = StartTrace + ShootDir * WeaponRange;
// Check for impact
const FHitResult Impact = WeaponTrace(StartTrace, EndTrace);
// Deal with impact
AActor* DamagedActor = Impact.GetActor();
UPrimitiveComponent* DamagedComponent = Impact.GetComponent();
// If we hit an actor, with a component that is simulating physics, apply an impulse
if ((DamagedActor != NULL) && (DamagedActor != this) && (DamagedComponent != NULL) && DamagedComponent->IsSimulatingPhysics())
DamagedComponent->AddImpulseAtLocation(ShootDir*WeaponDamage, Impact.Location);