本文整理汇总了Python中model.Model.write方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Model.write方法的具体用法?Python Model.write怎么用?Python Model.write使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类model.Model
示例1: update
# 需要导入模块: from model import Model [as 别名]
# 或者: from model.Model import write [as 别名]
def update():
Prompt user to insert a new record or update an existing record
to data file.
# Read file
m = Model(compute=False)
print('\n', m.df.tail())
# Enter date. Default is today.
today = str(datetime.now().date())
date = input('Enter {0} ({1}): '.format(DATE, today))
if date == '':
date = today
d = pd.Timestamp(date)
# Enter weight.
weight = input('Enter {0}: '.format(WEIGHT))
w = float(weight)
# Update table
m.update(d, w)
print('\n', m.df.tail())
# Write file
confirm = input('Write file (y/[n])?: ')
if confirm == 'y':
示例2: main
# 需要导入模块: from model import Model [as 别名]
# 或者: from model.Model import write [as 别名]
def main():
# sys.argv == [categorize_parameters.txt, modelfile]
if len(sys.argv) <= 2:
"\nERROR! Fix your inputs!\n\nArg 1: input param file detailing each voronoi 'structure'.\nShould be of the form:\nCrystal:\n 0,2,8,*\n\nArg2: a model file.\n\nOutput is printed to screen."
paramfile = sys.argv[1]
modelfiles = sys.argv[2:]
from cutoff import cutoff
vp_dict = load_param_file(paramfile)
m0 = Model(modelfiles[0])
# voronoi_3d(m0, cutoff)
# set_atom_vp_types(m0, vp_dict)
# stats0 = VPStatistics(m0)
# stats0.print_indexes()
# stats0.print_categories()
from atom import Atom
m = Model(
"atoms with less than 12 neighbors in Zr50Cu45Al15 MD model (originally with 91200 atoms)",
count = 0
for j, atom in enumerate(m0.atoms):
if len(atom.neighs) >= 12:
new = Atom(count, "Si", *atom.coord)
count += 1
print("Added new atom {0}".format(new))
if len(modelfiles) > 1:
for modelfile in modelfiles[1:]:
m = Model(modelfile)
voronoi_3d(m, cutoff)
set_atom_vp_types(m, vp_dict)
stats0 = stats0 + m
示例3: main
# 需要导入模块: from model import Model [as 别名]
# 或者: from model.Model import write [as 别名]
def main():
modelfile = sys.argv[1]
paramfile = sys.argv[2]
m = Model(modelfile)
cutoff = {}
cutoff[(40,40)] = 3.6
cutoff[(13,29)] = 3.6
cutoff[(29,13)] = 3.6
cutoff[(40,13)] = 3.6
cutoff[(13,40)] = 3.6
cutoff[(29,40)] = 3.6
cutoff[(40,29)] = 3.6
cutoff[(13,13)] = 3.6
cutoff[(29,29)] = 3.6
cutoff[(41,41)] = 3.7
cutoff[(28,28)] = 3.7
cutoff[(41,28)] = 3.7
cutoff[(28,41)] = 3.7
cutoff[(46,46)] = 3.45
cutoff[(14,14)] = 3.45
cutoff[(46,14)] = 3.45
cutoff[(14,46)] = 3.45
vp_dict = load_param_file(paramfile)
#vor_stats(m) # Prints what you probably want
count = 0
for atom in m.atoms:
if(atom.vp.index[:4] == (0,1,10,2)):
atoms = [a for a in atom.neighs]+[atom]
for atom in atoms[1:]:
#if( abs(atom.coord[0]-atoms[0].coord[0]) > 10 ):
fix_atom(m, atoms[0], atom)
vp = Model('0,1,10,2 vp',100,100,100,atoms)
count += 1
示例4: main
# 需要导入模块: from model import Model [as 别名]
# 或者: from model.Model import write [as 别名]
def main():
if(len(sys.argv) != 4):
raise Exception("Usage: paramfile, jobid, npix for center positions of spots")
paramfile = sys.argv[1]
jobid = sys.argv[2]
npix = int(sys.argv[3])
#types = ['mgrid','ft_onespot1','ft_onespot2']
types = ['mgrid']
with open(paramfile) as f:
params = f.readlines()
params = [x.strip() for x in params]
modelfile = params[0]
stop = int(params[1])
for i in range(0,stop):
j = i*7 +2
for t in types:
prefix = params[j] + t + '_' + jobid
file = prefix + '.gfx'
lines_to_3d_wave(file, prefix + '.txt')
if(t == 'mgrid'):
p = subprocess.Popen(['/home/maldonis/3dft/stdev',file,jobid], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
for nextline in iter(p.stdout.readline, ""):
poutput = p.stdout.read()
perr = p.stderr.read()
preturncode = p.wait()
if(preturncode != 0):
print("stdev exit status: "+str(preturncode))
raise Exception("stdev failed on file {0}!".format(file)+perr)
new_model_file_base_name = params[j] + jobid
worked = atom_selection(modelfile, 'stdev_'+jobid+'.gfx', 256, new_model_file_base_name)
x0,y0,z0 = tuple([float(x) for x in params[j+1].split()])
sx,sy,sz = tuple([float(x) for x in params[j+2].split()])
cxy,cxz,cyz = tuple([float(x) for x in params[j+3].split()])
xc = eval(params[j+4].split()[2])
yc = eval(params[j+5].split()[2])
zc = eval(params[j+6].split()[2])
gvec = float(params[j+6].split()[3])
print("g-vector length = {0}".format(gvec))
print("The more correct g-vector length == {0}".format(sqrt((npix/4.0-x0+1)**2 + (npix/4.0-y0+1)**2 + (npix/4.0-z0)**2+1)*3.0/(npix/2)))
if(worked == 0):
m = Model(new_model_file_base_name+'.xyz')
rot_arr = calc_rot_array_from_hkl(npix/2-xc,npix/2-yc,npix/2-zc)
rot(m, rot_arr)
示例5: main
# 需要导入模块: from model import Model [as 别名]
# 或者: from model.Model import write [as 别名]
def main():
modelfile = sys.argv[1]
m = Model(modelfile)
extension = modelfile.split('.')[-1]
of = open("cgm_temp.in", 'w')
of.write("""units metal
boundary p p p
atom_style atomic
read_data temp.dat
pair_style eam/alloy
pair_coeff * * potentials/ZrCuAl2011.eam.alloy Zr Cu Al
thermo_style custom step etotal fmax fnorm
thermo 1
minimize 1.0e-6 0 1000 10000
write_data output.dat""")
示例6: main
# 需要导入模块: from model import Model [as 别名]
# 或者: from model.Model import write [as 别名]
def main():
model = Model(sys.argv[1])
cluster_prefix = 'jason'
#cluster_types = 'Crystal-like'
#cluster_types = ['Icosahedra-like', 'Full-icosahedra']
cluster_types = 'Icosahedra-like','Full-icosahedra'
#cluster_types = 'Full-icosahedra'
#cluster_types = 'Icosahedra-like'
ag = AtomGraph(sys.argv[1],3.5)
#clusters = ag.get_connected_clusters_with_neighs(3.5,cluster_types)
#clusters = ag.get_connected_clusters_with_neighs(3.5,'Icosahedra-like','Full-icosahedra')
#clusters = ag.get_interpenetrating_clusters_with_neighs(3.5,cluster_types)
#clusters = ag.get_clusters(cluster_types)
#clusters = ag.get_vertex_sharing_clusters(3.5,cluster_types)
#clusters = ag.get_edge_sharing_clusters(3.5,cluster_types)
#clusters = ag.get_face_sharing_clusters(3.5,cluster_types)
#clusters = ag.get_interpenetrating_clusters_with_neighs(3.5,cluster_types)
clusters = ag.get_interpenetrating_atoms(3.5,cluster_types)
orig_clusters = clusters[:]
# Print orig clusters
j = 0
for i,cluster in enumerate(clusters):
print("Orig cluster {0} contains {1} atoms.".format(i,len(cluster)))
# This changes all the atoms in the original cluster
# (ie of type set above) to have no atomic number,
# which displays as Te (gold) in vesta for me
#for atom in cluster:
# if(i==0): print(atom.vp.type)
# if(atom.vp.type in cluster_types):
# atom.z = 0
# Save cluster files
cluster_model = Model("Orig cluster {0} contains {1} atoms.".format(i,len(cluster)),model.lx, model.ly, model.lz, cluster)
#for atom in cluster_model.atoms:
# if(atom.vp.type in cluster_types): print(' {0}\t{1}'.format(atom,atom.vp.type))
示例7: main
# 需要导入模块: from model import Model [as 别名]
# 或者: from model.Model import write [as 别名]
def main():
cutoff = {}
cutoff[(40,40)] = 3.6
cutoff[(13,29)] = 3.6
cutoff[(29,13)] = 3.6
cutoff[(40,13)] = 3.6
cutoff[(13,40)] = 3.6
cutoff[(29,40)] = 3.6
cutoff[(40,29)] = 3.6
cutoff[(13,13)] = 3.6
cutoff[(29,29)] = 3.6
cutoff[(41,41)] = 3.7
cutoff[(28,28)] = 3.7
cutoff[(41,28)] = 3.7
cutoff[(28,41)] = 3.7
cutoff[(46,46)] = 3.45
cutoff[(14,14)] = 3.45
cutoff[(46,14)] = 3.45
cutoff[(14,46)] = 3.45
paramfile = sys.argv[1]
vp_dict = load_param_file(paramfile)
modelfiles = sys.argv[2:]
count = defaultdict(int) # Stores how many VPs have been found of each index type
count = 0
direc = 'ZrCuAl/md_80k/'
for modelfile in modelfiles:
m = Model(modelfile)
#cats = index_stats(m)
#for atom in m.atoms:
# #new = Model('0,0,12,0; number of atoms is {0};'.format(count), m.lx, m.ly, m.lz, atom.neighs + [atom])
# new = Model('{0}; number of atoms is {1};'.format(atom.vp.index, count[atom.vp.index]), m.lx, m.ly, m.lz, atom.neighs + [atom])
# fix_cluster_pbcs(new)
# val = normalize_bond_distances(new)
# new.comment = '{0}; number of atoms is {1}; bond length scaling factor is {2}'.format(atom.vp.index, count,val)
# center = find_center_atom(new)
# new.remove(center)
# new.add(center)
# vp_str = ''.join([str(x) for x in atom.vp.index])
# if not os.path.exists(direc+vp_str):
# os.makedirs(direc+vp_str)
# new.write(direc+'{0}/{0}.{1}.xyz'.format(vp_str, count[atom.vp.index]))
# count[atom.vp.index] += 1
cn = 0.0
for atom in m.atoms:
cn += atom.cn
cn = float(cn)/m.natoms
for atom in m.atoms:
new_cut = copy.copy(cutoff)
old_cn = atom.cn
inc = 0.0
while atom.cn < 12:
for key,val in new_cut.items(): new_cut[key] = val + 0.1
inc += 0.1
atom.neighs = m.get_atoms_in_cutoff(atom, new_cut)
if(atom in atom.neighs): atom.neighs.remove(atom)
atom.cn = len(atom.neighs)
new = Model('CN changed from {0} to {1};'.format(old_cn, atom.cn), m.lx, m.ly, m.lz, atom.neighs + [atom])
if inc > 0.0: print("Increased shell by {0} Ang. for atom {1}".format(inc, count))
count += 1
cn = 0.0
for atom in m.atoms:
cn += atom.cn
cn = float(cn)/m.natoms
return 0
modelfile = sys.argv[2]
m = Model(modelfile)
xtal_atoms = sys.argv[3]
xtal_atoms = Model(xtal_atoms).atoms
#x,y,z = (round(x,6) for x in self.coord)
#a,b,c = (round(x,6) for x in other.coord)
#print([round(x,7) for x in xtal_atoms[13].coord])
#print([round(x,7) for x in m.atoms[153].coord])
#print(xtal_atoms[13] == m.atoms[153])
#return 0
glassy_atoms = []
for atom in m.atoms:
if atom not in xtal_atoms:
示例8: Model
# 需要导入模块: from model import Model [as 别名]
# 或者: from model.Model import write [as 别名]
import sys, os
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', 'resource-gcg', 'scripts'))
from model import Model
lexicon = Model('L')
sfile = open(sys.argv[1],'r')
opts = sys.argv[2:]
unkhold = [o for o in opts if '-u' in o]
if unkhold != []:
unkhold = int(unkhold[0][2:])
unkhold = 0
for line in sfile.readlines():
for word in line.split():
lexicon[word] += 1
for word in lexicon:
if lexicon[word] < unkhold:
lexicon[word] = 0.0
示例9: main
# 需要导入模块: from model import Model [as 别名]
# 或者: from model.Model import write [as 别名]
def main():
# Load the MD model
modelfile = sys.argv[1]
md = Model(modelfile)
# Make a model to hold all the atoms we pull out to make sure the original model was sampled uniformly.
# Only the center atoms are added to this model.
holding_model = Model(comment='holding box', xsize=md.xsize, ysize=md.ysize, zsize=md.zsize, atoms=[])
# Load the cutoff dictionary so that we can generate neighbors for every atom
from cutoff import cutoff
# Directory name to save the files to
dir = 'all_91200_clusters'
if not os.path.exists(dir):
# Set the number of clusters to randomly select
num_clusters = 'all'
if num_clusters == 'all' or num_clusters == md.natoms:
random_selection = False
num_clusters = md.natoms
num_clusters = min(num_clusters, md.natoms)
random_selection = True
if random_selection:
unpicked = range(md.natoms)
start = 0
for n in range(start, num_clusters+start):
if random_selection:
rand = random.choice(unpicked)
atom = md.atoms[rand]
atom = md.atoms[n-start]
rand = n-start
# Generate neighbors for this atom
atom.neighs = md.get_atoms_in_cutoff(atom, cutoff)
if(atom in atom.neighs): atom.neighs.remove(atom)
atom.cn = len(atom.neighs)
# Create the cluster, normalize the bond distances, and write to disk
atoms = atom.neighs + [atom]
# c = create_cluster(md, atom, start, n, rand, center_included=True)
c = Cluster(
comment='cluster #{0} from atom {1}'.format(n-start, rand),
center_included = True
ratio = c.normalize_bond_distances()
c.comment='cluster #{0} from atom {1}; normalized bond distances by {2}'.format(n-start, rand, ratio)
c.write(os.path.join(dir, '{0}.xyz'.format(n)))
print(n-start, atom.id)
holding_model.write(os.path.join(dir, 'holding_model.xyz'))
示例10: Model
# 需要导入模块: from model import Model [as 别名]
# 或者: from model.Model import write [as 别名]
sunib = Model('UB'+opts)
sbi = CondModel(opts)
ver = -1
for line in srif:
if line[0] == '\\':
ver += 1
if opts == 'U' and ver > 1:
elif ver == 0:
sline = line.split()
if (len(sline) < 3 and opts != 'U') or (opts == 'U' and len(sline) < 2):
if ver == 1:
suni[sline[1]] = 10**float(sline[0])
if opts != 'U':
sunib[sline[1]] = 10**float(sline[2])
elif ver == 2:
sbi[sline[1]][sline[2]] = 10**float(sline[0])
if opts != 'U':
示例11: main
# 需要导入模块: from model import Model [as 别名]
# 或者: from model.Model import write [as 别名]
def main():
modelfile = sys.argv[1]
m = Model(modelfile)
for i,atom in enumerate(m.atoms):
atom.id = i
m.write(modelfile, ext='dat')