本文整理汇总了Python中model.Model.query方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Model.query方法的具体用法?Python Model.query怎么用?Python Model.query使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类model.Model
示例1: get
# 需要导入模块: from model import Model [as 别名]
# 或者: from model.Model import query [as 别名]
def get(self):
#path param 1 = total number of data store writes
#path param 2 = batch size used for multi-writes
#path param3 = batch size used for page fetch
#path param4 = number of writes to do using the task queue
#E.g. http://localhost:8080/?writetotal=1000&writebatch=1000&fetchbatch=1000&taskwrite=1
path = re.sub('^/', '', self.request.path)
path = re.sub('/$', '', path)
split = path.split('/')
countDataStoreWriteTotalParam = 0
countDataStoreWriteBatchParam = 1000
countDataStoreFetchBatchParam = 1000
taskQueueWrites = 0;
temp = self.request.get("writetotal")
if temp != '':
countDataStoreWriteTotalParam = int(temp)
temp = self.request.get("writebatch")
if temp != '':
countDataStoreWriteBatchParam = int(temp)
temp = self.request.get("fetchbatch")
if temp != '':
countDataStoreFetchBatchParam = int(temp)
temp = self.request.get("taskwrite")
if temp != '':
taskQueueWrites = int(temp)
processing_start = datetime.datetime.now()
responseMsg = '<p>Data store test starting (timestamp = %s).....countDataStoreWriteTotalParam = %d, countDataStoreWriteBatchParam = %d, countDataStoreFetchBatchParam = %d, taskQueueWrites = %d' % (str(processing_start), countDataStoreWriteTotalParam, countDataStoreWriteBatchParam, countDataStoreFetchBatchParam, taskQueueWrites)
if True:
#1 batch put to the datastore
entity_write_count = countDataStoreWriteTotalParam
entity_write_batch_size = countDataStoreWriteBatchParam
responseMsg += '<p>#1 starting datastore writes %d in batch size of %d' % (entity_write_count, entity_write_batch_size)
start = datetime.datetime.now()
if True:
WriteRecords(entity_write_count, entity_write_batch_size, 'ur')
end = datetime.datetime.now()
responseMsg += '<p style="text-indent: 2em;">data store writes processing time (mS) = %s' % str((end-start).total_seconds() * 1000)
if False:
#2 read all keys using single fetch
responseMsg += '<p>#2 starting datastore read all keys using single fetch'
start = datetime.datetime.now()
keys = Model.query().fetch(keys_only=True)
entity_count = len(keys)
end = datetime.datetime.now()
responseMsg += '<p style="text-indent: 2em;">entity count %i, processing time (mS) = %s' % (entity_count, str((end-start).total_seconds() * 1000))
key_in_dataset = None
if False:
#3 read all keys from data store using paged fetch
fetch_page_size = countDataStoreFetchBatchParam
if fetch_page_size <= 0:
fetch_page_size = 1000
responseMsg += '<p>#3 starting datastore read all keys using paged fetch using batch size of ' + str(fetch_page_size)
start = datetime.datetime.now()
pages_fetched = 0
entities_fetched = 0
#for the while loop
has_more = True
cursor = None
while has_more:
entities, cursor, more = Model.query().fetch_page(fetch_page_size,
start_cursor=cursor, keys_only=True)
pages_fetched += 1
entities_fetched += len(entities)
has_more = cursor and more
if has_more == False:
key_in_dataset = entities[0]
end = datetime.datetime.now()
responseMsg += '<p style="text-indent: 2em;">Fetch page called %i times, entities fetched %i, processing time (mS) = %s' % (pages_fetched, entities_fetched, str((end-start).total_seconds() * 1000))
示例2: MTV
# 需要导入模块: from model import Model [as 别名]
# 或者: from model.Model import query [as 别名]
class MTV(object):
def __init__(self, D, initial_C=[], k=DEFAULT_K, m=DEFAULT_M, s=DEFAULT_S, z=DEFAULT_Z, v=DEFAULT_V, q=DEFAULT_Q, add_negated=DEFAULT_ADD_NEGATED, greedy=DEFAULT_GREEDY, headers=None):
super(MTV, self).__init__()
# Mine up to k itemsets
self.k = k
# Maximum itemset size
self.m = m
# Support
self.s = s
# Constraint on max model size
self.q = q
# If q is set, we will black list singletons from models
# having reached the max size
self.black_list_singletons = set()
# Be verbose
self.v = v
# Header strings for attributes
self.headers = headers
# If set to True, MTV will also produce negated patterns
self.add_negated = add_negated
# If true FindBestItemset will be more greedy
self.greedy = greedy
# Number of candidate itemsets FindBestItemSet should search for
# Will result in a list of top-z highest heuristics
self.z = z
# Dataset, is it right to always remove empty rows?
tmp = []
for i in D:
if i != 0:
self.D = tmp
# Singletons
self.I = itemsets.singletons(self.D)
if self.add_negated:
self.D = dataset_with_negations(self.D, self.I)
self.I = itemsets.singletons(self.D)
# Cached frequency counts in D
self.fr_cache = {}
# Global summary
self.C = list()
self.union_of_C = itemsets.union_of_itemsets(self.C)
self.BIC_scores = {}
self.heuristics = {}
# Create a model for holding all singletons
# Singletons not used by model in the graph
# will be in this model
self.singleton_model = Model(self)
self.singleton_model.I = self.I.copy()
# Cached queries
self.query_cache = {}
# List to track history of disjoint components
self.independent_components = []
# List to track history of C size
self.summary_sizes = []
# List to track how large a search space was searched
self.search_space = []
# List to track history of timings of a loop in mtv
self.loop_times = []
# Initialize Graph of independent models
self.graph = Graph()
self.BIC_scores['initial_score'] = self.score()
def mtv(self):
Run the mtv algorithm
# Added 0 loop_times for seeded itemsets
for X in self.C:
示例3: Controller
# 需要导入模块: from model import Model [as 别名]
# 或者: from model.Model import query [as 别名]
class Controller(TabbedPanel):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(Controller, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.model = Model()
self.menu = self.buildMenu()
self.panels = self.buildPanels()
def buildMenu(self):
menu = MenuScreen(controller = self)
return menu
def buildPanels(self):
panels = []
for i in range(4):
panel = Panel()
for panel in panels:
return panels
def configureController(self):
# dynamically assign mat and EventID
self.mat = 1
self.EventID = 1
self.default_tab = self.menu
self.add_widget(SyncButton(controller = self))
def listen(self, caller):
print "listen heard an event"
for value in caller.value:
if (value in self.callbacks):
print 'callback available {}'.format(value)
print "no callbacks available for this call: {}".format(value)
def buildCallbacks(self):
self.callbacks = {
'get brackets':self.getBrackets
def syncCurrentPanel(self):
print 'syncCurrentPanel: message received'
# check if attempting to sync menu
# ask to verify sync
# query model to store division info
# set panel content to null
# remove panel widget
def getBrackets(self):
if not (self.isPanelReady()):
return False
divisions = self.getDivisions()
for division in divisions:
print "Division ready to run: {}".format(division["DivisionID"])
fighters = self.getFighters(division)
bracket = self.getBracket(fighters)
def isPanelReady(self):
for panel in self.panels:
if (panel.ready):
return True
def getDivisions(self):
divisions = self.model.query("SELECT DivisionID FROM Mat WHERE Mat = ? AND EventID = ? AND State = ? ", self.mat, self.EventID, "Not Running")
return divisions
def getFighters(self, division):
fighters = []
curs = self.model.query("SELECT FighterID,FirstName,LastName,Gym FROM Entry JOIN Fighter USING ( FighterID ) WHERE DivisionID = ? AND EventID = ?", division["DivisionID"], self.EventID)
for fighter in curs:
entry = dict(FirstName=fighter["FirstName"],
return fighters
def getBracketSize(self, fighters):