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Python Raw.time_as_index方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中mne.io.Raw.time_as_index方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Raw.time_as_index方法的具体用法?Python Raw.time_as_index怎么用?Python Raw.time_as_index使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在mne.io.Raw的用法示例。


示例1: test_time_index

# 需要导入模块: from mne.io import Raw [as 别名]
# 或者: from mne.io.Raw import time_as_index [as 别名]
def test_time_index():
    """Test indexing of raw times"""
    raw_fname = op.join(op.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', 'io', 'tests',
                        'data', 'test_raw.fif')
    raw = Raw(raw_fname)

    # Test original (non-rounding) indexing behavior
    orig_inds = raw.time_as_index(raw.times)
    assert(len(set(orig_inds)) != len(orig_inds))

    # Test new (rounding) indexing behavior
    new_inds = raw.time_as_index(raw.times, use_rounding=True)
    assert(len(set(new_inds)) == len(new_inds))

示例2: test_io_complex

# 需要导入模块: from mne.io import Raw [as 别名]
# 或者: from mne.io.Raw import time_as_index [as 别名]
def test_io_complex():
    """Test IO with complex data types
    rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    dtypes = [np.complex64, np.complex128]

    raw = Raw(fif_fname, preload=True)
    picks = np.arange(5)
    start, stop = raw.time_as_index([0, 5])

    data_orig, _ = raw[picks, start:stop]

    for di, dtype in enumerate(dtypes):
        imag_rand = np.array(1j * rng.randn(data_orig.shape[0], data_orig.shape[1]), dtype)

        raw_cp = raw.copy()
        raw_cp._data = np.array(raw_cp._data, dtype)
        raw_cp._data[picks, start:stop] += imag_rand
        # this should throw an error because it's complex
        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
            raw_cp.save(op.join(tempdir, "raw.fif"), picks, tmin=0, tmax=5, overwrite=True)
            # warning gets thrown on every instance b/c simplifilter('always')
            assert_equal(len(w), 1)

        raw2 = Raw(op.join(tempdir, "raw.fif"))
        raw2_data, _ = raw2[picks, :]
        n_samp = raw2_data.shape[1]
        assert_allclose(raw2_data[:, :n_samp], raw_cp._data[picks, :n_samp])
        # with preloading
        raw2 = Raw(op.join(tempdir, "raw.fif"), preload=True)
        raw2_data, _ = raw2[picks, :]
        n_samp = raw2_data.shape[1]
        assert_allclose(raw2_data[:, :n_samp], raw_cp._data[picks, :n_samp])

示例3: test_raw_index_as_time

# 需要导入模块: from mne.io import Raw [as 别名]
# 或者: from mne.io.Raw import time_as_index [as 别名]
def test_raw_index_as_time():
    """ Test index as time conversion"""
    raw = Raw(fif_fname, preload=True)
    t0 = raw.index_as_time([0], True)[0]
    t1 = raw.index_as_time([100], False)[0]
    t2 = raw.index_as_time([100], True)[0]
    assert_true((t2 - t1) == t0)
    # ensure we can go back and forth
    t3 = raw.index_as_time(raw.time_as_index([0], True), True)
    assert_array_almost_equal(t3, [0.0], 2)
    t3 = raw.index_as_time(raw.time_as_index(raw.info['sfreq'], True), True)
    assert_array_almost_equal(t3, [raw.info['sfreq']], 2)
    t3 = raw.index_as_time(raw.time_as_index(raw.info['sfreq'], False), False)
    assert_array_almost_equal(t3, [raw.info['sfreq']], 2)
    i0 = raw.time_as_index(raw.index_as_time([0], True), True)
    assert_true(i0[0] == 0)
    i1 = raw.time_as_index(raw.index_as_time([100], True), True)
    assert_true(i1[0] == 100)
    # Have to add small amount of time because we truncate via int casting
    i1 = raw.time_as_index(raw.index_as_time([100.0001], False), False)
    assert_true(i1[0] == 100)

示例4: test_io_raw

# 需要导入模块: from mne.io import Raw [as 别名]
# 或者: from mne.io.Raw import time_as_index [as 别名]
def test_io_raw():
    """Test IO for raw data (Neuromag + CTF + gz)
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    # test unicode io
    for chars in [b'\xc3\xa4\xc3\xb6\xc3\xa9', b'a']:
        with Raw(fif_fname) as r:
            assert_true('Raw' in repr(r))
            assert_true(op.basename(fif_fname) in repr(r))
            desc1 = r.info['description'] = chars.decode('utf-8')
            temp_file = op.join(tempdir, 'raw.fif')
            r.save(temp_file, overwrite=True)
            with Raw(temp_file) as r2:
                desc2 = r2.info['description']
            assert_equal(desc1, desc2)

    # Let's construct a simple test for IO first
    raw = Raw(fif_fname).crop(0, 3.5, False)
    # put in some data that we know the values of
    data = rng.randn(raw._data.shape[0], raw._data.shape[1])
    raw._data[:, :] = data
    # save it somewhere
    fname = op.join(tempdir, 'test_copy_raw.fif')
    raw.save(fname, buffer_size_sec=1.0)
    # read it in, make sure the whole thing matches
    raw = Raw(fname)
    assert_allclose(data, raw[:, :][0], rtol=1e-6, atol=1e-20)
    # let's read portions across the 1-sec tag boundary, too
    inds = raw.time_as_index([1.75, 2.25])
    sl = slice(inds[0], inds[1])
    assert_allclose(data[:, sl], raw[:, sl][0], rtol=1e-6, atol=1e-20)

    # now let's do some real I/O
    fnames_in = [fif_fname, test_fif_gz_fname, ctf_fname]
    fnames_out = ['raw.fif', 'raw.fif.gz', 'raw.fif']
    for fname_in, fname_out in zip(fnames_in, fnames_out):
        fname_out = op.join(tempdir, fname_out)
        raw = Raw(fname_in)

        nchan = raw.info['nchan']
        ch_names = raw.info['ch_names']
        meg_channels_idx = [k for k in range(nchan)
                            if ch_names[k][0] == 'M']
        n_channels = 100
        meg_channels_idx = meg_channels_idx[:n_channels]
        start, stop = raw.time_as_index([0, 5])
        data, times = raw[meg_channels_idx, start:(stop + 1)]
        meg_ch_names = [ch_names[k] for k in meg_channels_idx]

        # Set up pick list: MEG + STI 014 - bad channels
        include = ['STI 014']
        include += meg_ch_names
        picks = pick_types(raw.info, meg=True, eeg=False, stim=True,
                           misc=True, ref_meg=True, include=include,

        # Writing with drop_small_buffer True
        raw.save(fname_out, picks, tmin=0, tmax=4, buffer_size_sec=3,
                 drop_small_buffer=True, overwrite=True)
        raw2 = Raw(fname_out)

        sel = pick_channels(raw2.ch_names, meg_ch_names)
        data2, times2 = raw2[sel, :]
        assert_true(times2.max() <= 3)

        # Writing
        raw.save(fname_out, picks, tmin=0, tmax=5, overwrite=True)

        if fname_in == fif_fname or fname_in == fif_fname + '.gz':
            assert_equal(len(raw.info['dig']), 146)

        raw2 = Raw(fname_out)

        sel = pick_channels(raw2.ch_names, meg_ch_names)
        data2, times2 = raw2[sel, :]

        assert_allclose(data, data2, rtol=1e-6, atol=1e-20)
        assert_allclose(times, times2)
        assert_allclose(raw.info['sfreq'], raw2.info['sfreq'], rtol=1e-5)

        # check transformations
        for trans in ['dev_head_t', 'dev_ctf_t', 'ctf_head_t']:
            if raw.info[trans] is None:
                assert_true(raw2.info[trans] is None)

                # check transformation 'from' and 'to'
                if trans.startswith('dev'):
                    from_id = FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_DEVICE
                    from_id = FIFF.FIFFV_MNE_COORD_CTF_HEAD
                if trans[4:8] == 'head':
                    to_id = FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_HEAD
                    to_id = FIFF.FIFFV_MNE_COORD_CTF_HEAD
                for raw_ in [raw, raw2]:
                    assert_equal(raw_.info[trans]['from'], from_id)

示例5: test_raw_time_as_index

# 需要导入模块: from mne.io import Raw [as 别名]
# 或者: from mne.io.Raw import time_as_index [as 别名]
def test_raw_time_as_index():
    """ Test time as index conversion"""
    raw = Raw(fif_fname, preload=True)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):  # deprecation
        first_samp = raw.time_as_index([0], True)[0]
    assert_equal(raw.first_samp, -first_samp)

示例6: test_raw_time_as_index

# 需要导入模块: from mne.io import Raw [as 别名]
# 或者: from mne.io.Raw import time_as_index [as 别名]
def test_raw_time_as_index():
    """ Test time as index conversion"""
    raw = Raw(fif_fname, preload=True)
    first_samp = raw.time_as_index([0], True)[0]
    assert_true(raw.first_samp == -first_samp)

示例7: method

# 需要导入模块: from mne.io import Raw [as 别名]
# 或者: from mne.io.Raw import time_as_index [as 别名]
data_path = sample.data_path()
fname_inv = data_path + '/MEG/sample/sample_audvis-meg-oct-6-meg-inv.fif'
fname_raw = data_path + '/MEG/sample/sample_audvis_raw.fif'
label_name = 'Aud-lh'
fname_label = data_path + '/MEG/sample/labels/%s.label' % label_name

snr = 1.0  # use smaller SNR for raw data
lambda2 = 1.0 / snr ** 2
method = "sLORETA"  # use sLORETA method (could also be MNE or dSPM)

# Load data
raw = Raw(fname_raw)
inverse_operator = read_inverse_operator(fname_inv)
label = mne.read_label(fname_label)

start, stop = raw.time_as_index([0, 15])  # read the first 15s of data

# Compute inverse solution
stc = apply_inverse_raw(raw, inverse_operator, lambda2, method, label,
                        start, stop, pick_ori=None)

# Save result in stc files
stc.save('mne_%s_raw_inverse_%s' % (method, label_name))

# View activation time-series
plt.plot(1e3 * stc.times, stc.data[::100, :].T)
plt.xlabel('time (ms)')
plt.ylabel('%s value' % method)

示例8: range

# 需要导入模块: from mne.io import Raw [as 别名]
# 或者: from mne.io.Raw import time_as_index [as 别名]
title = 'Spatial patterns of ICA components for ECG+EOG (Magnetometers)'
source_idx = range(15)
ica.plot_topomap([ecg_source_idx, eog_source_idx], ch_type='mag')
plt.suptitle(title, fontsize=12)

# Show MEG data before and after ICA cleaning.

# We now add the eog artifacts to the ica.exclusion list
ica.exclude += [eog_source_idx]

# Restore sensor space data and keep all PCA components
raw_ica = ica.pick_sources_raw(raw, include=None, n_pca_components=1.0)

# let's now compare the date before and after cleaning.
start_compare, stop_compare = raw.time_as_index([100, 106])
data, times = raw[picks, start_compare:stop_compare]
data_clean, _ = raw_ica[picks, start_compare:stop_compare]

# first the raw data
plt.plot(times, data.T, color='r')
plt.plot(times, data_clean.T, color='k')
plt.xlabel('time (s)')
plt.xlim(100, 106)

# now the affected channel
affected_idx = raw.ch_names.index('MEG 1531')
plt.plot(times, data[affected_idx], color='r')

示例9: Raw

# 需要导入模块: from mne.io import Raw [as 别名]
# 或者: from mne.io.Raw import time_as_index [as 别名]
from mne.io import Raw
from mne.datasets import sample

data_path = sample.data_path()
raw_fname = data_path + '/MEG/sample/sample_audvis_filt-0-40_raw.fif'

# get raw data
raw = Raw(raw_fname)

# set picks
picks = mne.pick_types(raw.info, meg=True, eeg=False, eog=False,
                       stim=False, exclude='bads')

# pick times relative to the onset of the MEG measurement.
start, stop = raw.time_as_index([100, 115], use_first_samp=False)

# export to nitime using a copy of the data
raw_ts = raw.to_nitime(start=start, stop=stop, picks=picks, copy=True)

# explore some nitime timeseries features

# get start

# get duration

# get sample duration (sampling interval)

示例10: simulate_movement

# 需要导入模块: from mne.io import Raw [as 别名]
# 或者: from mne.io.Raw import time_as_index [as 别名]

    if pos is None:  # use pos from file
        dev_head_ts = [raw.info['dev_head_t']] * 2
        offsets = np.array([0, raw.n_times])
        interp = 'zero'
        if isinstance(pos, string_types):
            pos = get_chpi_positions(pos, verbose=False)
        if isinstance(pos, tuple):  # can be an already-loaded pos file
            transs, rots, ts = pos
            ts -= raw.first_samp / raw.info['sfreq']  # MF files need reref
            dev_head_ts = [np.r_[np.c_[r, t[:, np.newaxis]], [[0, 0, 0, 1]]]
                           for r, t in zip(rots, transs)]
            del transs, rots
        elif isinstance(pos, dict):
            ts = np.array(list(pos.keys()), float)
            dev_head_ts = [pos[float(tt)] for tt in ts]
            raise TypeError('unknown pos type %s' % type(pos))
        if not (ts >= 0).all():  # pathological if not
            raise RuntimeError('Cannot have t < 0 in transform file')
        tend = raw.times[-1]
        assert not (ts < 0).any()
        assert not (ts > tend).any()
        if ts[0] > 0:
            ts = np.r_[[0.], ts]
            dev_head_ts.insert(0, raw.info['dev_head_t']['trans'])
        dev_head_ts = [{'trans': d, 'to': raw.info['dev_head_t']['to'],
                        'from': raw.info['dev_head_t']['from']}
                       for d in dev_head_ts]
        if ts[-1] < tend:
            ts = np.r_[ts, [tend]]
        offsets = raw.time_as_index(ts)
        offsets[-1] = raw.n_times  # fix for roundoff error
        assert offsets[-2] != offsets[-1]
        del ts
    if isinstance(cov, string_types):
        assert cov == 'simple'
        cov = make_ad_hoc_cov(raw.info, verbose=False)
    assert np.array_equal(offsets, np.unique(offsets))
    assert len(offsets) == len(dev_head_ts)
    approx_events = int((raw.n_times / raw.info['sfreq']) /
                        (stc.times[-1] - stc.times[0]))
    logger.info('Provided parameters will provide approximately %s event%s'
                % (approx_events, '' if approx_events == 1 else 's'))

    # get HPI freqs and reorder
    hpi_freqs = np.array([x['custom_ref'][0]
                          for x in raw.info['hpi_meas'][0]['hpi_coils']])
    n_freqs = len(hpi_freqs)
    order = [x['number'] - 1 for x in raw.info['hpi_meas'][0]['hpi_coils']]
    assert np.array_equal(np.unique(order), np.arange(n_freqs))
    hpi_freqs = hpi_freqs[order]
    hpi_order = raw.info['hpi_results'][0]['order'] - 1
    assert np.array_equal(np.unique(hpi_order), np.arange(n_freqs))
    hpi_freqs = hpi_freqs[hpi_order]

    # extract necessary info
    picks = pick_types(raw.info, meg=True, eeg=True)  # for simulation
    meg_picks = pick_types(raw.info, meg=True, eeg=False)  # for CHPI
    fwd_info = pick_info(raw.info, picks)
    fwd_info['projs'] = []
    logger.info('Setting up raw data simulation using %s head position%s'
                % (len(dev_head_ts), 's' if len(dev_head_ts) != 1 else ''))

示例11: split_fif_into_epochs

# 需要导入模块: from mne.io import Raw [as 别名]
# 或者: from mne.io.Raw import time_as_index [as 别名]
def split_fif_into_epochs(fif_file, ep_length, isRemoveMuscleEpochs=False):
  Split fif_file into epochs of ep_length. Removes epochs
  with muscle activity if isRemoveMuscleEpochs is set to True.
  # ---------------- Imports ---------------------------------#
  import os
  import numpy as np
  import mne
  from mne.io import Raw
  from nipype.utils.filemanip import split_filename as split_f
  # --------------------------------------------------------- #
  ep_length = float(ep_length)
  subj_path, basename, ext = split_f(fif_file)
  # path = '/media/karim/79DE901F11ABED4C/Dimitriy/resting_data/MEG/K0017/'
  raw = Raw(fif_file, preload=True)
  sfreq = raw.info['sfreq']
  half_ep_length = ep_length / 2.
  first_time = half_ep_length
  last_time = raw.times[-1]
  event_times = np.arange(first_time, last_time, ep_length)
  event_idx = raw.time_as_index(event_times) + raw.first_samp
  events = np.array([event_idx, np.zeros(event_idx.shape),
                     np.ones(event_idx.shape)], dtype=np.int)
  picks = mne.pick_types(
      raw.info, meg=True, eeg=False, stim=False, eog=False)

  # Remove epoch if its amplitude goes more then stdThreshold STDs above
  # baseline
  bad_epochs_count = 0
  if isRemoveMuscleEpochs:
    from split_data import generate_figures_for_report
    from mne.report import Report
    report = Report()
    report_filename = basename + '_muscle_' + '.html'
    rawHpass = raw.copy()
    rawHpass.filter(l_freq=100, h_freq=None)
    rawHpassPicks = mne.pick_types(
        rawHpass.info, meg='mag', eeg=False, stim=False, eog=False)
    stdThreshold = 4.
    maxThreshold = 6.
    # print("Before epochs")

    epochsHpass = mne.Epochs(rawHpass, events.T, picks=rawHpassPicks,
                             event_id=1, tmin=-half_ep_length, tmax=half_ep_length,
                             reject=None, baseline=None, flat=dict(mag=1e-14), preload=True)
    # print("After epochs")

    ep_data = epochsHpass.get_data()
    baseline_std = 5e-14
    badChThreshold_std = 15
    badChThreshold_max = 50

    for iEp in range(len(ep_data[:, -1, -1])):
      std_ep = ep_data[iEp, :, :].std(axis=1)
      # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
      max_ep = ep_data[iEp, :, :].max(axis=1)
      if len(std_ep[std_ep > baseline_std * stdThreshold]) > badChThreshold_std or len(max_ep[max_ep > baseline_std * maxThreshold]) > badChThreshold_max:

          # print std_ep[std_ep > baseline_std * std_ep]
          bad_epochs_count += 1
          events[2, iEp] = 0
          # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
          # print len(std_ep[std_ep > baseline_std * std_ep])
          print "Number of contaminated channels: ", len(std_ep[std_ep > baseline_std * stdThreshold]) + len(max_ep[max_ep > baseline_std * maxThreshold])
              report, epochsHpass, rawHpass, events, half_ep_length, ep_length, iEp, picks)

    report.save(report_filename, open_browser=False, overwrite=True)

  # Set events for epochs
  # Need to add raw.first_samp because otherwise it drops out
  # epochs with times less than raw.first_samp (see epochs.py: _get_epoch_from_disk)
  # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
  epochs = mne.Epochs(raw, events.T, picks=picks, proj=False, event_id=1,
                      tmin=-half_ep_length, tmax=half_ep_length,
                      reject=None, baseline=None, preload=True)
  np_epochs = epochs.get_data()
  epochs_file = os.path.abspath(basename + '_epochs.npy')
  np.save(epochs_file, np_epochs)
  return epochs, epochs_file, np_epochs, bad_epochs_count

示例12: test_io_raw

# 需要导入模块: from mne.io import Raw [as 别名]
# 或者: from mne.io.Raw import time_as_index [as 别名]
def test_io_raw():
    """Test IO for raw data (Neuromag + CTF + gz)
    # test unicode io
    for chars in [b"\xc3\xa4\xc3\xb6\xc3\xa9", b"a"]:
        with Raw(fif_fname) as r:
            desc1 = r.info["description"] = chars.decode("utf-8")
            temp_file = op.join(tempdir, "raw.fif")
            r.save(temp_file, overwrite=True)
            with Raw(temp_file) as r2:
                desc2 = r2.info["description"]
            assert_equal(desc1, desc2)

    # Let's construct a simple test for IO first
    raw = Raw(fif_fname, preload=True)
    raw.crop(0, 3.5)
    # put in some data that we know the values of
    data = np.random.randn(raw._data.shape[0], raw._data.shape[1])
    raw._data[:, :] = data
    # save it somewhere
    fname = op.join(tempdir, "test_copy_raw.fif")
    raw.save(fname, buffer_size_sec=1.0)
    # read it in, make sure the whole thing matches
    raw = Raw(fname)
    assert_true(np.allclose(data, raw[:, :][0], 1e-6, 1e-20))
    # let's read portions across the 1-sec tag boundary, too
    inds = raw.time_as_index([1.75, 2.25])
    sl = slice(inds[0], inds[1])
    assert_true(np.allclose(data[:, sl], raw[:, sl][0], 1e-6, 1e-20))

    # now let's do some real I/O
    fnames_in = [fif_fname, fif_gz_fname, ctf_fname]
    fnames_out = ["raw.fif", "raw.fif.gz", "raw.fif"]
    for fname_in, fname_out in zip(fnames_in, fnames_out):
        fname_out = op.join(tempdir, fname_out)
        raw = Raw(fname_in)

        nchan = raw.info["nchan"]
        ch_names = raw.info["ch_names"]
        meg_channels_idx = [k for k in range(nchan) if ch_names[k][0] == "M"]
        n_channels = 100
        meg_channels_idx = meg_channels_idx[:n_channels]
        start, stop = raw.time_as_index([0, 5])
        data, times = raw[meg_channels_idx, start : (stop + 1)]
        meg_ch_names = [ch_names[k] for k in meg_channels_idx]

        # Set up pick list: MEG + STI 014 - bad channels
        include = ["STI 014"]
        include += meg_ch_names
        picks = pick_types(
            raw.info, meg=True, eeg=False, stim=True, misc=True, ref_meg=True, include=include, exclude="bads"

        # Writing with drop_small_buffer True
        raw.save(fname_out, picks, tmin=0, tmax=4, buffer_size_sec=3, drop_small_buffer=True, overwrite=True)
        raw2 = Raw(fname_out, preload=True)

        sel = pick_channels(raw2.ch_names, meg_ch_names)
        data2, times2 = raw2[sel, :]
        assert_true(times2.max() <= 3)

        # Writing
        raw.save(fname_out, picks, tmin=0, tmax=5, overwrite=True)

        if fname_in == fif_fname or fname_in == fif_fname + ".gz":
            assert_true(len(raw.info["dig"]) == 146)

        raw2 = Raw(fname_out)

        sel = pick_channels(raw2.ch_names, meg_ch_names)
        data2, times2 = raw2[sel, :]

        assert_true(np.allclose(data, data2, 1e-6, 1e-20))
        assert_allclose(times, times2)
        assert_allclose(raw.info["sfreq"], raw2.info["sfreq"], rtol=1e-5)

        # check transformations
        for trans in ["dev_head_t", "dev_ctf_t", "ctf_head_t"]:
            if raw.info[trans] is None:
                assert_true(raw2.info[trans] is None)
                assert_array_equal(raw.info[trans]["trans"], raw2.info[trans]["trans"])

                # check transformation 'from' and 'to'
                if trans.startswith("dev"):
                    from_id = FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_DEVICE
                    from_id = FIFF.FIFFV_MNE_COORD_CTF_HEAD
                if trans[4:8] == "head":
                    to_id = FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_HEAD
                    to_id = FIFF.FIFFV_MNE_COORD_CTF_HEAD
                for raw_ in [raw, raw2]:
                    assert_true(raw_.info[trans]["from"] == from_id)
                    assert_true(raw_.info[trans]["to"] == to_id)

        if fname_in == fif_fname or fname_in == fif_fname + ".gz":
            assert_allclose(raw.info["dig"][0]["r"], raw2.info["dig"][0]["r"])

    # test warnings on bad filenames
