本文整理汇总了C#中Hero.GetDagon方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Hero.GetDagon方法的具体用法?C# Hero.GetDagon怎么用?C# Hero.GetDagon使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类Hero
示例1: CalculateManaRequired
public static int CalculateManaRequired(Hero me)
if (Utils.SleepCheck("manaCalcErrorTimeout"))
var hook = me.Spellbook.Spell1;
var dismember = me.Spellbook.SpellR;
var urn = me.FindItem("item_urn_of_shadows");
var eblade = me.FindItem("item_ethereal_blade");
var dagon = me.GetDagon();
var ManaRequired = 0;
if (hook != null)
ManaRequired += (int)hook.ManaCost;
if (dismember != null)
ManaRequired += (int)dismember.ManaCost;
if (eblade != null)
ManaRequired += (int)eblade.ManaCost;
if (dagon != null)
ManaRequired += (int)dagon.ManaCost;
return (int)ManaRequired;
return 0;
catch (Exception ex)
// Print.Error("MANACALC: " + ex.Message);
Utils.Sleep(500, "manaCalcErrorTimeout");
return 0;
示例2: Game_OnUpdate
private static void Game_OnUpdate(EventArgs args)
if (sleeper.Sleeping)
dagon = hero.GetDagon();
if (dagon == null || Game.IsPaused || !Menu.Item("key").GetValue<KeyBind>().Active || hero.IsChanneling()
|| (hero.IsInvisible() && !hero.IsVisibleToEnemies))
if (hero.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_Unit_Hero_ArcWarden)
heroClone =
x =>
x.IsAlive && x.Team == hero.Team
&& x.HasModifier("modifier_arc_warden_tempest_double"));
if (heroClone != null)
dagonClone = heroClone.GetDagon();
var target = ObjectManager.GetEntities<Hero>().FirstOrDefault(x => CheckTarget(x));
if (target != null)
if (hero.CanUseItems() && dagon.CanBeCasted())
else if (heroClone != null && dagonClone.CanBeCasted() && heroClone.CanUseItems())
else if (heroClone != null)
if (dagonClone.CanBeCasted() && heroClone.CanUseItems() && dagon.CanBeCasted() && hero.CanUseItems())
target = ObjectManager.GetEntities<Hero>().FirstOrDefault(x => CheckTarget(x, true));
if (target != null)
示例3: Skills
public static void Skills(Hero enemy)
if (enemy != null)
int counter = 0;
foreach (var spell in enemy.Spellbook.Spells)
int Height = 20;
if (Variables.Settings.Enemy_Skills_Value.val == 1)
Height = 0;
if (spell == null || spell.Name == "attribute_bonus") continue;
int Cooldown = (int)spell.Cooldown;
//Print.Info(enemy.Name + " " + enemy.Spellbook.Spells.ToList().Count);
Vector2 heroBase = Drawing.WorldToScreen(enemy.Position) + new Vector2(- ((20 * (enemy.Spellbook.Spells.ToList().Count -1)/2)) , 40); //Base drawing point
if (Variables.Settings.Enemy_Skills_Value.val == 0)
Drawing.DrawRect(heroBase + new Vector2(counter * 20 - 5, 0), new Vector2(20, 20), Drawing.GetTexture(string.Format("materials/ensage_ui/spellicons/{0}.vmat", spell.Name ))); //Skill icons
Drawing.DrawRect(heroBase + new Vector2(counter * 20 - 5, Height), new Vector2(20, Cooldown == 0 ? 6 : 22), new ColorBGRA(0, 0, 0, 100), true); //Skill box outlines
if (spell.ManaCost > enemy.Mana) //Out of mana - Draw background Blue
Drawing.DrawRect(heroBase + new Vector2(counter * 20 - 5, Height), new Vector2(20, Cooldown == 0 ? 6 : 22), new ColorBGRA(0, 0, 150, 150));
if (Cooldown > 0) //Draw cool down
var text = Cooldown.ToString();
var textSize = Drawing.MeasureText(text, "Arial", new Vector2(10, 200), FontFlags.Outline | FontFlags.AntiAlias); //Measure text
var textPos = (heroBase + new Vector2(counter * 20 - 5, Height) - 1 + new Vector2(10 - textSize.X / 2, -textSize.Y / 2 + 12));
Drawing.DrawText(text, textPos, Color.White, FontFlags.AntiAlias | FontFlags.Outline);
if (spell.Level > 0)
for (int lvl = 1; lvl <= spell.Level; lvl++)
Drawing.DrawRect(heroBase + new Vector2(counter * 20 - 5 + 3 * lvl, Height + 2), new Vector2(2, 2), new ColorBGRA(255, 255, 0, 255), true); //Draw skill level
counter++; //Skill index
if (Variables.Settings.Enemy_Skills_Value.val == 0)
Item[] specialItems = { enemy.FindItem("item_blink"), enemy.FindItem("item_force_staff"), enemy.GetDagon() };
foreach (var item in specialItems)
if (item != null)
int Cooldown = (int)item.Cooldown;
Vector2 heroBase = Drawing.WorldToScreen(enemy.Position) + new Vector2(-((20 * (enemy.Spellbook.Spells.ToList().Count - 1) / 2)), 40); //Base drawing point
Drawing.DrawRect(heroBase + new Vector2(counter * 20 - 5, 0), new Vector2(28, 20), Drawing.GetTexture(string.Format("materials/ensage_ui/items/{0}.vmat", item.Name.Remove(0, 5)))); //Skill box outlines
Drawing.DrawRect(heroBase + new Vector2(counter * 20 - 5, 20), new Vector2(20, Cooldown == 0 ? 6 : 22), new ColorBGRA(0, 0, 0, 100), true); //Skill box outlines
if (item.ManaCost > enemy.Mana) //Out of mana - Draw background Blue
Drawing.DrawRect(heroBase + new Vector2(counter * 20 - 5, 20), new Vector2(20, Cooldown == 0 ? 6 : 22), new ColorBGRA(0, 0, 150, 150));
if (Cooldown > 0) //Draw cool down
var text = Cooldown.ToString();
var textSize = Drawing.MeasureText(text, "Arial", new Vector2(10, 200), FontFlags.Outline | FontFlags.AntiAlias); //Measure text
var textPos = (heroBase + new Vector2(counter * 20 - 5, 20) - 1 + new Vector2(10 - textSize.X / 2, -textSize.Y / 2 + 12));
Drawing.DrawText(text, textPos, Color.White, FontFlags.AntiAlias | FontFlags.Outline);
counter++; //Skill index
{ }
示例4: Game_OnUpdate
public static void Game_OnUpdate(EventArgs args)
me = ObjectMgr.LocalHero;
if (me == null || !Game.IsInGame || Game.IsWatchingGame)
if (me.ClassID != ClassID.CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Tinker)
// Ability init
Laser = me.Spellbook.Spell1;
Rocket = me.Spellbook.Spell2;
Refresh = me.Spellbook.Spell4;
// Item init
Blink = me.FindItem("item_blink");
Dagon = me.GetDagon();
Hex = me.FindItem("item_sheepstick");
Soulring = me.FindItem("item_soul_ring");
Ethereal = me.FindItem("item_ethereal_blade");
Veil = me.FindItem("item_veil_of_discord");
Orchid = me.FindItem("item_orchid");
Shiva = me.FindItem("item_shiva");
// Manacost calculations
var manaForCombo = Laser.ManaCost + Rocket.ManaCost;
if (Dagon != null && Dagon.CanBeCasted())
manaForCombo += 180;
if (Hex != null && Hex.CanBeCasted())
manaForCombo += 100;
if (Ethereal != null && Ethereal.CanBeCasted())
manaForCombo += 150;
if (Veil != null && Veil.CanBeCasted())
manaForCombo += 50;
// Main combo
if (active && toggle)
target = me.ClosestToMouseTarget(1000);
if (target != null && target.IsAlive && !target.IsIllusion && !target.IsMagicImmune() && Utils.SleepCheck("refresh") && !Refresh.IsChanneling)
if (Soulring != null && me.Mana < manaForCombo && Soulring.CanBeCasted() && me.Health > 400 && Utils.SleepCheck("soulring"))
Utils.Sleep(150 + Game.Ping, "soulring");
// Blink
else if (Blink != null && Blink.CanBeCasted() && Utils.SleepCheck("blink"))
Utils.Sleep(300 + Game.Ping, "blink");
Utils.ChainStun(me, me.GetTurnTime(target) * 1000 + Game.Ping, null, false);
// Items
else if (Veil != null && Veil.CanBeCasted() && Utils.SleepCheck("veil"))
Utils.Sleep(150 + Game.Ping, "veil");
Utils.Sleep(300 + Game.Ping, "ve");
Utils.ChainStun(me, 170 + Game.Ping, null, false);
else if (Hex != null && Hex.CanBeCasted() && Utils.SleepCheck("hex"))
Utils.Sleep(150 + Game.Ping, "hex");
Utils.Sleep(300 + Game.Ping, "h");
Utils.ChainStun(me, 170 + Game.Ping, null, false);
else if (Ethereal != null && Ethereal.CanBeCasted() && Utils.SleepCheck("ethereal"))
Utils.Sleep(270 + Game.Ping, "ethereal");
Utils.ChainStun(me, 200 + Game.Ping, null, false);
else if (Dagon != null && Dagon.CanBeCasted() && Utils.SleepCheck("ethereal") && Utils.SleepCheck("h") && Utils.SleepCheck("dagon") && Utils.SleepCheck("veil"))
Utils.Sleep(270 + Game.Ping, "dagon");
Utils.ChainStun(me, 200 + Game.Ping, null, false);
// Skills
else if (Rocket != null && Rocket.CanBeCasted() && Utils.SleepCheck("rocket") && Utils.SleepCheck("ethereal") && Utils.SleepCheck("veil"))
Utils.Sleep(150 + Game.Ping, "rocket");
Utils.ChainStun(me, 150 + Game.Ping, null, false);
else if (Laser != null && Laser.CanBeCasted() && Utils.SleepCheck("laser") && Utils.SleepCheck("ethereal") && Utils.SleepCheck("rocket"))
Utils.Sleep(150 + Game.Ping, "laser");
Utils.ChainStun(me, 150 + Game.Ping, null, false);
示例5: CalculateMaximumDamageOutput
public static int CalculateMaximumDamageOutput(Hero me, Hero enemy)
var hook = me.Spellbook.Spell1;
var rot = me.Spellbook.SpellW;
var dismember = me.Spellbook.SpellR;
var urn = me.FindItem("item_urn_of_shadows");
var dagon = me.GetDagon();
var eblade = me.FindItem("item_ethereal_blade");
var Damage = 0;
var theoreticalMana = me.Mana;
var resis = 1 - enemy.MagicDamageResist;
if (hook != null)
if (hook.Level > 0 && theoreticalMana - hook.ManaCost >= 0 && hook.AbilityState == AbilityState.Ready)
if (me.AghanimState())
Damage += (int)hook.AbilityData.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "damage_scepter").GetValue(hook.Level - 1);
Damage += (int)hook.AbilityData.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "#AbilityDamage").GetValue(hook.Level - 1);
theoreticalMana -= hook.ManaCost;
if (eblade != null)
int dmg = (int)(((me.TotalStrength + 75) * 2) * resis);
if (Variables.AetherLens)
dmg = (int)(dmg * 1.08);
theoreticalMana -= eblade.ManaCost;
Damage += dmg;
// Print.Info(dmg.ToString());
if (dismember != null && rot != null)
if (dismember.Level > 0 && theoreticalMana - dismember.ManaCost >= 0 && dismember.AbilityState == AbilityState.Ready)
if (rot.Level > 0)
var rotDPS = (int)rot.AbilityData.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "#AbilityDamage").GetValue(rot.Level - 1);
var totalDmgAfterResis = (rotDPS * 3) * resis;
if (Variables.AetherLens)
totalDmgAfterResis = (float)(totalDmgAfterResis * 1.08);
Damage += (int)totalDmgAfterResis;
var ultiDamage = dismember.AbilityData.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "dismember_damage").GetValue(dismember.Level - 1);
if (me.AghanimState())
//ultiDamage += (float)(me.TotalStrength * (0.2 + (dismember.Level * 0.10)));
var scepterDamage = ultiDamage + (me.TotalStrength * (0.2 + (dismember.Level * 0.10)));//ultiDamage + (me.TotalStrength * dismember.AbilityData.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "strength_damage_scepter").GetValue(dismember.Level - 1));
var totalDamageAfterResis = scepterDamage * resis;
if (Variables.AetherLens)
totalDamageAfterResis = (float)(totalDamageAfterResis * 1.08);
ultiDamage = (float)totalDamageAfterResis * 3;
var damagePerTickAfterResis = ultiDamage * resis;
if (Variables.AetherLens)
damagePerTickAfterResis = (float)(damagePerTickAfterResis * 1.08);
ultiDamage = damagePerTickAfterResis * 3;
Damage += (int)ultiDamage;
theoreticalMana -= dismember.ManaCost;
if (urn != null)
if (urn.CurrentCharges > 0)
Damage += 100;
if (dagon != null)
if (dagon != null && theoreticalMana - dagon.ManaCost >= 0 && dagon.AbilityState == AbilityState.Ready)
var dagonDamageAfterResis = (int)dagon.AbilityData.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "damage").GetValue(dagon.Level - 1) * resis;
if (Variables.AetherLens)
dagonDamageAfterResis = (float)(dagonDamageAfterResis * 1.08);
Damage += (int)dagonDamageAfterResis;
theoreticalMana -= dagon.ManaCost;
if (eblade != null)
return (int)(Damage * 1.4);
return Damage;
catch (Exception ex)
Print.Error("DAMAGE: " + ex.Message);
return 0;
示例6: Game_OnUpdate
private static void Game_OnUpdate(EventArgs args) {
if (!Utils.SleepCheck("dagonStealDelay"))
if (!inGame) {
hero = ObjectMgr.LocalHero;
if (!Game.IsInGame || hero == null) {
Utils.Sleep(1000, "dagonStealDelay");
inGame = true;
if (!Game.IsInGame) {
inGame = false;
dagon = hero.GetDagon();
if (dagon == null || Game.IsPaused || !Menu.Item("key").GetValue<KeyBind>().Active) {
Utils.Sleep(200, "dagonStealDelay");
if (hero.IsChanneling() || hero.IsInvisible()) {
Utils.Sleep(200, "dagonStealDelay");
if (hero.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_Unit_Hero_ArcWarden) {
heroClone =
x =>
x.IsAlive && x.Team == hero.Team &&
x.Modifiers.Any(mod => mod.Name == "modifier_arc_warden_tempest_double"));
if (heroClone != null) {
dagonClone = heroClone.GetDagon();
var target = ObjectMgr.GetEntities<Hero>().FirstOrDefault(x => CheckTarget(x));
if (target != null) {
if (hero.CanUseItems() && dagon.CanBeCasted())
else if (heroClone != null && dagonClone.CanBeCasted() && heroClone.CanUseItems())
} else if (heroClone != null) {
if (dagonClone.CanBeCasted() && heroClone.CanUseItems() && dagon.CanBeCasted() && hero.CanUseItems()) {
target = ObjectMgr.GetEntities<Hero>().FirstOrDefault(x => CheckTarget(x, true));
if (target != null) {
Utils.Sleep(200, "dagonStealDelay");
示例7: LetsUseItems
private static void LetsUseItems(Hero me, Hero target)
if (Push != null && Push.CanBeCasted()) return;
var itemOnTarget =
x =>
(x.Name == "item_abyssal_blade" || x.Name == "item_orchid" ||
x.Name == "item_heavens_halberd" || x.Name == "item_sheepstick" ||
(x.Name == "item_urn_of_shadows" && x.CurrentCharges>0)|| x.Name == "item_medallion_of_courage" ||
x.Name == "item_solar_crest") && x.CastRange >= me.Distance2D(target) && x.CanBeCasted() &&
//Game.PrintMessage(me.FindItem("item_solar_crest").CastRange.ToString(), MessageType.LogMessage);
if (itemOnTarget!=null)
var dagon = me.GetDagon();
if (dagon != null && dagon.CanBeCasted(target) && me.Distance2D(target) <= dagon.CastRange)