本文整理汇总了C#中Actor.GetComponent方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Actor.GetComponent方法的具体用法?C# Actor.GetComponent怎么用?C# Actor.GetComponent使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类Actor
示例1: OnActorExit
public override void OnActorExit(Actor actor)
Pawn pawn = actor.GetComponent<Pawn>();
if(pawn != null)
示例2: OnActorEnter
public override void OnActorEnter(Actor actor)
Pawn pawn = actor.GetComponent<Pawn>();
if(pawn != null)
示例3: Invoke
* Invokes this trigger
public override void Invoke(Actor actor)
Collider col = actor.GetComponent<Collider>();
if(actor != null && col != null && actor.triggerCanChangeCollider)
col.enabled = this.isEnabled;
col.isTrigger = this.isTrigger;
示例4: Invoke
* Invokes this trigger
public override void Invoke(Actor actor)
Rigidbody rigidbody = actor.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
if(actor != null && rigidbody != null && actor.triggerCanChangeRigidbody)
rigidbody.useGravity = this.useGravity;
rigidbody.isKinematic = this.isKinematic;
rigidbody.velocity = this.velocity;
示例5: OnInteract
* Adds this item to the inventory
public override void OnInteract(Actor actor = null)
Inventory inventory = Inventory.FindInstance();
if(actor != null)
inventory = actor.GetComponent<Inventory>();
if(inventory != null)
DebugTool.LogError("Inventory could not be found", this);
示例6: AddActor
public void AddActor(Actor a)
if (a.tag == "Keeper")
a.Team = a.transform.position.x < 0 ? "Home" : "Away";
} else if (a.tag == "Player")
//Shitty Team assignment, fix this
bool homeTeam = a.GetComponent<PlayerSync>().LobbyTeam == "Home";
if (Home == null)
if (homeTeam)
a.Team = "Home";
} else
a.Team = "Away";
float x = homeTeam ? -20 : 20;
a.transform.position = new Vector3(x, a.transform.position.y, Random.Range(-15, 15));
else if (a.tag == "AI")
bool homeTeam = true;
a.Team = "Home";
float x = homeTeam ? -20 : 20;
a.transform.position = new Vector3(x, a.transform.position.y, Random.Range(-15, 15));
示例7: Init
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Desc:
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
public void Init( Actor _actor )
actor = _actor;
charCtrl = _actor.GetComponent<CharacterController>();
layerMasks = Game.layerMng.GetLayerMask ( layerMaskName );
moveDir = _actor.transform.forward;
moveSpeed = 0.0f;
velocity = Vector3.zero;
curPathIdx = 0;
path = new Vector3[0];
示例8: Main
/// <summary>
/// Entry point for the application
/// </summary>
/// <param name="args"></param>
public static void Main(string[] args)
// Create the message pool
MessagePool pool = new MessagePool();
// Create the root actor
Actor root = new Actor(pool);
// Attach core systems
root.AddComponent<Sleeper>().TargetFPS = 60.0f;
// Attach exit listener
bool exit = false;
Listener<ExitMessage> exitlistener = root.AddComponent<Listener<ExitMessage>>() as Listener<ExitMessage>;
exitlistener.OnMessageReceived += (msg) => exit = true;
// Initialise
// Send the initialise message
InitialiseMessage initmsg = new InitialiseMessage();
// Load the scene
if (!root.GetComponent<SceneLoader>().LoadSceneFromFile("scene.json"))
Console.WriteLine("Failed to load scene!");
// Setup the frame message
FrameMessage framemsg = new FrameMessage();
framemsg.FrameNumber = 0;
framemsg.DeltaTime = 0.0f;
// Setup the timer
Stopwatch frametimer = new Stopwatch();
// Loop until done
while (!exit)
// Send frame message
framemsg.DeltaTime = (float)frametimer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds;
// Increase frame number
// Process windows events
// Send the shutdown message
ShutdownMessage shutdownmsg = new ShutdownMessage();
// Delete root actor and clean up
示例9: Slide_Start_Position
public void Slide_Start_Position(Actor actor, Actor_Positions position)
RectTransform rect = actor.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
if (position == Actor_Positions.LEFT)
rect.localPosition = offscreen_left.localPosition;
if (position == Actor_Positions.RIGHT)
rect.localPosition = offscreen_right.localPosition;
rect.localPosition = new Vector3(rect.localPosition.x, ActorManager.Get_Actor_Y_Position(actor), rect.localPosition.z);
示例10: DrawShadowMap
private void DrawShadowMap(ICamera camera, Actor castingActor)
TransformComponent shadowCasterTransform = castingActor.GetComponent<TransformComponent>(ActorComponent.ComponentType.Transform);
Matrix casterView = Matrix.Invert(shadowCasterTransform.Transform);
// Find the front half of the frustum corners in world space.
Matrix invCamFrustum = Matrix.Invert(camera.Frustum.Matrix);
Vector3[] halfCamCorners = new Vector3[] {
new Vector3(-1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f),
new Vector3(1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f),
new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f),
new Vector3(-1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f),
new Vector3(-1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f),
new Vector3(1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f),
new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f),
new Vector3(-1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f),
for (int c = 0; c < 8; ++c)
Vector4 transformedCorner = Vector4.Transform(halfCamCorners[c], invCamFrustum);
transformedCorner /= transformedCorner.W;
halfCamCorners[c].X = transformedCorner.X;
halfCamCorners[c].Y = transformedCorner.Y;
halfCamCorners[c].Z = transformedCorner.Z;
for (int c = 0; c < 4; ++c)
halfCamCorners[c + 4] = halfCamCorners[c] + 0.05f * (halfCamCorners[c + 4] - halfCamCorners[c]);
Vector3[] camCorners = camera.Frustum.GetCorners();
// Transform those corners into to caster space, and form a bounding box around them, which will become our caster projection.
Vector3 shadowMapFrustumMinHalfCorner = Vector3.Transform(halfCamCorners[0], casterView);
Vector3 shadowMapFrustumMaxHalfCorner = shadowMapFrustumMinHalfCorner;
Vector3 shadowMapFrustumMinCorner = Vector3.Transform(camCorners[0], casterView);
Vector3 shadowMapFrustumMaxCorner = shadowMapFrustumMinHalfCorner;
for (int fc = 1; fc < 8; ++fc)
Vector3 currTranslatedCorner = Vector3.Transform(halfCamCorners[fc], casterView);
shadowMapFrustumMinHalfCorner = Vector3.Min(currTranslatedCorner, shadowMapFrustumMinHalfCorner);
shadowMapFrustumMaxHalfCorner = Vector3.Max(currTranslatedCorner, shadowMapFrustumMaxHalfCorner);
currTranslatedCorner = Vector3.Transform(camCorners[fc], casterView);
shadowMapFrustumMinCorner = Vector3.Min(currTranslatedCorner, shadowMapFrustumMinCorner);
shadowMapFrustumMaxCorner = Vector3.Max(currTranslatedCorner, shadowMapFrustumMaxCorner);
Matrix shadowMapProj = SpaceUtils.CreateOrthographicOffCenter(
shadowMapFrustumMaxHalfCorner.Z + 1000.0f, // Extra room to include shadow casting objects.
SceneGraph.VisibilityFrustum = new BoundingFrustum(casterView * shadowMapProj);
Resources.ShadowTransform = SceneGraph.VisibilityFrustum.Matrix * sShadowTextureShift;
SceneGraph.ExternalMaterialFlags = TraversalContext.MaterialFlags.ShadowMap;
示例11: Seek
// Get to a target ASAP.
private Vector2 Seek(Actor owner)
BipedControllerComponent bcc = owner.GetComponent<BipedControllerComponent>(ActorComponent.ComponentType.Control);
Vector3 relativeTarget = Target - BepuConverter.Convert(bcc.Controller.Body.Position);
if (relativeTarget.X == 0.0f && relativeTarget.Z == 0.0f)
return Vector2.Zero;
// Rotate into controller space.
Matrix controllerRotation = Matrix.CreateLookAt(Vector3.Zero, BepuConverter.Convert(bcc.Controller.HorizontalViewDirection), Vector3.Up);
relativeTarget = Vector3.Transform(relativeTarget, controllerRotation);
// Project the target onto the horizontal plane and normalize (via simple trig since we know Y == 0.0f).
// Take theta = 0.0f is facing forward (-Z)
double theta = Math.Atan2(-relativeTarget.X, -relativeTarget.Z);
return new Vector2(-(float)(Math.Sin(theta)), (float)(Math.Cos(theta)));
示例12: AvoidObstacles
// Steer away from obstacles in the way. This method returns a zero vector if no correction is required.
// It should be high priority and the steering from other behaviors should blend into the remaining space.
// So if this returns a length 1.0f vector, avoiding the obstacle is most urgent and there is no room for other
// steering.
private Vector2 AvoidObstacles(Actor owner)
BipedControllerComponent bcc = owner.GetComponent<BipedControllerComponent>(ActorComponent.ComponentType.Control);
// Conditions where we do not want to use this steering force.
if (GetAngleFromVertical(bcc.Controller.Body.LinearVelocity) < MathHelper.PiOver4 || // We're probably falling...
!bcc.Controller.SupportFinder.HasSupport ||
return Vector2.Zero;
// Sphere cast ahead along facing.
List<RayCastResult> obstacles = new List<RayCastResult>();
SphereShape probe = new SphereShape(bcc.Controller.BodyRadius * 1.1f);
RigidTransform probeStartPosition = new RigidTransform(bcc.Controller.Body.Position);
// Add a small constant to the probe length because we want a minimum amount of forward probing, even if we are not moving.
float probeLength = Math.Max(BepuVec3.Dot(bcc.Controller.Body.LinearVelocity, bcc.Controller.ViewDirection), 0.0f) + 1.0f;
BepuVec3 probeSweep = bcc.Controller.ViewDirection * probeLength;
ObstacleFilter filter = new ObstacleFilter(bcc.Controller.Body.CollisionInformation);
GameResources.ActorManager.SimSpace.ConvexCast(probe, ref probeStartPosition, ref probeSweep, filter.Test, obstacles);
RayCastDistanceComparer rcdc = new RayCastDistanceComparer();
BEPUutilities.Vector3 cross = BEPUutilities.Vector3.Zero;
int obstacleIndex = 0;
if (obstacles.Count == obstacleIndex)
return Vector2.Zero;
cross = BEPUutilities.Vector3.Cross(bcc.Controller.ViewDirection, -obstacles[obstacleIndex++].HitData.Normal);
while (cross.X > 0.7f); // if cross.X > 0.7f, the obstacle is some kind of gentle ramp; ignore it.
// dot will typically be negative and magnitude indicates how directly ahead the obstacle is.
float dot = BEPUutilities.Vector3.Dot(bcc.Controller.ViewDirection, -obstacles[0].HitData.Normal);
if (dot >= 0.0f) // The obstacle won't hinder us if we touch it.
return Vector2.Zero;
// When cross.Y is positive, the object is generally to the right, so veer left (and vice versa).
float directionSign = cross.Y >= 0.0f ? -1.0f : 1.0f;
BEPUutilities.Vector2 result = BEPUutilities.Vector2.UnitX * directionSign * -dot;
// Also scale response by how close the obstacle is.
float distance = (obstacles[0].HitData.Location - bcc.Controller.Body.Position).Length();
result *= MathHelper.Clamp((1.0f - distance / probeLength), 0.0f, 1.0f); // / Math.Abs(dot);
// So far the result is in terms of 'velocity space'. Rotate it to align with the controller facing.
float velocityTheta = (float)(Math.Atan2(-probeSweep.X, -probeSweep.Z));
BEPUutilities.Matrix2x2 velocityWorld = SpaceUtils.Create2x2RotationMatrix(velocityTheta);
float facingTheta = (float)(Math.Atan2(-bcc.Controller.HorizontalViewDirection.X, -bcc.Controller.HorizontalViewDirection.Z));
BEPUutilities.Matrix2x2 facingWorldInv = SpaceUtils.Create2x2RotationMatrix(facingTheta);
facingWorldInv.Transpose(); // We want the transpose/inverse of the facing transform because we want to transform the movement into 'facing space'.
return BepuConverter.Convert(SpaceUtils.TransformVec2(SpaceUtils.TransformVec2(result, velocityWorld), facingWorldInv));
示例13: Arrive
// Come to a smooth stop at a target.
private Vector2 Arrive(Actor owner)
BipedControllerComponent bcc = owner.GetComponent<BipedControllerComponent>(ActorComponent.ComponentType.Control);
Vector3 relativeTarget = Target - BepuConverter.Convert(bcc.Controller.Body.Position);
relativeTarget.Y = 0.0f;
if (relativeTarget.LengthSquared() < ARRIVE_TOLERANCE)
return Vector2.Zero;
float distToTarget = relativeTarget.Length();
relativeTarget /= distToTarget;
float normalizedSpeedToTarget = Vector3.Dot(BepuConverter.Convert(bcc.Controller.Body.LinearVelocity), relativeTarget) /
// Rotate into controller space.
Matrix controllerRotation = Matrix.CreateLookAt(Vector3.Zero, BepuConverter.Convert(bcc.Controller.HorizontalViewDirection), Vector3.Up);
relativeTarget = Vector3.Transform(relativeTarget, controllerRotation);
Vector2 seekResult = new Vector2(relativeTarget.X, -relativeTarget.Z);
const float DECELERATION_RADIUS = 24.0f; // Tweak this
float closeness = Math.Max(0.0f, normalizedSpeedToTarget * normalizedSpeedToTarget - distToTarget / DECELERATION_RADIUS * Urgency);
float brakes = closeness > 1.0f ? 1.0f : (float)(Math.Asin(closeness) / MathHelper.PiOver2);
return (1.0f - brakes) * seekResult;
示例14: AbandonedSeek
// This was my original attempt at seek, but it's not sure of what it needs to do. There are some interesting
// computations in here that I might want to use later though.
private Vector3 AbandonedSeek(Actor owner, Vector3 target, Plane surface)
BipedControllerComponent bcc = owner.GetComponent<BipedControllerComponent>(ActorComponent.ComponentType.Control);
// The location of the feet is the most reliable way to get current position in a nav surface
Vector3 bipedFeetPosition = BepuConverter.Convert(bcc.Controller.Body.Position) -
BepuConverter.Convert(bcc.Controller.Down) * bcc.Controller.SupportFinder.RayLengthToBottom;
Vector3 relativeTarget = target - bipedFeetPosition;
// Project the target onto the surface plane.
Vector3 surfaceProjectedRelativeTarget = relativeTarget - surface.Normal * Vector3.Dot(relativeTarget, surface.Normal);
// Unlikely that we're spot on, but we must avoid divide by zero on Normalize.
if (surfaceProjectedRelativeTarget.LengthSquared() == 0.0f)
return Vector3.Zero;
// Difference between actual and ideal velocity. This will be the direction of our impulse with a few exceptions.
Vector3 velocityDiff = surfaceProjectedRelativeTarget * bcc.RunSpeed - BepuConverter.Convert(bcc.Controller.Body.LinearVelocity);
// Exception 1: We don't want to remove excess velocity that's in the target's direction.
float deceleration = Vector3.Dot(velocityDiff, surfaceProjectedRelativeTarget);
if (deceleration < 0)
velocityDiff -= surfaceProjectedRelativeTarget * deceleration;
// Normalize velocityDiff in terms of max speed.
velocityDiff /= bcc.RunSpeed;
float lengthSq = velocityDiff.LengthSquared();
if (lengthSq < 1.0f)
// Exception 2 : Use up the extra impulse capacity to push against friction. Calculating the amount to add
// so that the resulting length is one is a bit tricky:
float fwdComp = Vector3.Dot(velocityDiff, surfaceProjectedRelativeTarget);
float latComp = (velocityDiff - surfaceProjectedRelativeTarget * fwdComp).Length();
float makeupLength = (float)(Math.Sqrt(1.0f - latComp * latComp)) - fwdComp;
velocityDiff += makeupLength * surfaceProjectedRelativeTarget;
else if (lengthSq > 1.0f)
// Clamp
return velocityDiff;
示例15: ComputeForce
public Vector2 ComputeForce(Actor owner)
// Aggregate the behaviors to produce an initial 'immediate' result:
Vector2 result = Vector2.Zero;
if (Weights[(int)WeightType.Seek] > 0.0f)
result += Weights[(int)WeightType.Seek] / TotalWeight * Seek(owner);
if (Weights[(int)WeightType.Arrive] > 0.0f)
result += Weights[(int)WeightType.Arrive] / TotalWeight * Arrive(owner);
if (Weights[(int)WeightType.Wander] > 0.0f)
result += Weights[(int)WeightType.Wander] / TotalWeight * Wander();
if (Weights[(int)WeightType.Wait] > 0.0f)
result += Weights[(int)WeightType.Wait] / TotalWeight * Wait();
result = FitIntoSlack(result, AvoidObstacles(owner));
// Create a 3D version of the result (so we can transform it using rotation about the y-axis)
Vector3 res3D = new Vector3(result.X, 0.0f, -result.Y);
// Keep a history of unit force directions, in world space. And magnitudes.
// Rotate into world space before storing so the history is all in the same space.
BipedControllerComponent bcc = owner.GetComponent<BipedControllerComponent>(ActorComponent.ComponentType.Control);
Matrix controllerRotation = Matrix.Transpose(Matrix.CreateLookAt(Vector3.Zero, BepuConverter.Convert(bcc.Controller.HorizontalViewDirection), Vector3.Up));
res3D = Vector3.Transform(res3D, controllerRotation);
// Store in the history arrays;
mHistoryIndex = (mHistoryIndex + 1) % HISTORY_SIZE;
mForceHistory[mHistoryIndex] = res3D.Length();
if (mForceHistory[mHistoryIndex] != 0.0f)
mDirHistory[mHistoryIndex] = res3D / mForceHistory[mHistoryIndex];
mDirHistory[mHistoryIndex] = Vector3.Forward;
// Get the average direction:
Vector3 dirAvg = Vector3.Zero;
for (int v = 0; v < HISTORY_SIZE; ++v)
int vIndex = (mHistoryIndex - v + HISTORY_SIZE) % HISTORY_SIZE;
dirAvg += mDirHistory[vIndex] * (HISTORY_SIZE - v); // Weight to favor more recent entries.
if (dirAvg.LengthSquared() != 0.0f)
// avgTheta is a measure of how much each direction in the history varies with the average.
float avgTheta = 0.0f;
int numWeights = ((HISTORY_SIZE + 1) * HISTORY_SIZE) / 2;
for (int v = 0; v < HISTORY_SIZE; ++v)
int vIndex = (mHistoryIndex - v + HISTORY_SIZE) % HISTORY_SIZE;
avgTheta += mForceHistory[vIndex] == 0.0f ? 0.0f : (float)(Math.Acos(MathHelper.Clamp(Vector3.Dot(mDirHistory[vIndex], dirAvg), 0.0f, 1.0f))) * (float)(HISTORY_SIZE - v);
avgTheta /= (float)numWeights;
// If avgTheta is large, the immediate forces are jittery, and we should use more history to smooth out the final result.
// otherwise, the immediate force is more continuous and we can use fewer histories.
int numHistoriesToUse = Math.Max((int)(Math.Min(avgTheta / MathHelper.Pi * 8.0f, 1.0f) * (float)HISTORY_SIZE), 1);
// In addition, we give recent forces more weight using a simple arithmetic sequence.
numWeights = ((numHistoriesToUse + 1) * numHistoriesToUse) / 2;
res3D = Vector3.Zero;
for (int v = 0; v < numHistoriesToUse; ++v)
int vIndex = (mHistoryIndex - v + HISTORY_SIZE) % HISTORY_SIZE;
res3D += mDirHistory[vIndex] * (float)(numHistoriesToUse - v) * mForceHistory[vIndex];
res3D /= (float)(numWeights);
// Back again into controller space:
controllerRotation = Matrix.Transpose(controllerRotation);
res3D = Vector3.Transform(res3D, controllerRotation);
result.X = res3D.X;
result.Y = -res3D.Z;
return result * ForceScale;