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MATLAB Semilogy()用法及代码示例

它使用 x 的线性标度和 y 的对数标度生成 x 和 y 值的图。


semilogy(Y) //	It generates a plot using a base 10 logarithmic scales for the y-axis and linear scales for the x-axis. It plots the column of Y versus their index.
semilogy(X1,Y1,...)//	     It plots all Yn versus Xn pairs.
semilogy(X1,Y1,LineSpec,...)// It plots all the lines described by the Xn,Yn,LineSpec triples. LineSpec determine line style, marker symbol, and color of the plotted lines.
semilogy(...,'PropertyName',PropertyValue,...)//  It sets property values for all the charting lines created by semilogy. 
semilogy(ax,...)//     It generates the line in the axes specified by ax instead of in the current axes (gca). The option ax precedes any of the input argument combinations in the previous syntaxes.
h = semilogy(...)//   It returns a vector of chart line objects.


创建一个图形,y 轴为对数刻度,x 轴为线性刻度。

t=linspace (0, 2*pi,200);
semilogy(t, exp(t))


MATLAB Semilogy()


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