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C# Map.getObject方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中Map.getObject方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Map.getObject方法的具体用法?C# Map.getObject怎么用?C# Map.getObject使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Map的用法示例。


示例1: Update

        public override void Update(GameTime gametime, Map.Map map)
            if (create_ameba)
                available_tiles = new List<Map.MapObject>();

                if (x > 0 && y > 0 && map.getObject(x - 1, y - 1) is Features.Slaby)
                    available_tiles.Add(map.getObject(x - 1, y - 1));
                if (x > 0 && map.getObject(x - 1, y) is Features.Slaby)
                    available_tiles.Add(map.getObject(x - 1, y));
                if (x > 0 && y < map.getHeight() - 1 && map.getObject(x - 1, y + 1) is Features.Slaby)
                    available_tiles.Add(map.getObject(x - 1, y + 1));
                if (y > 0 && map.getObject(x, y - 1) is Features.Slaby)
                    available_tiles.Add(map.getObject(x, y - 1));
                if (y < map.getHeight() - 1 && map.getObject(x, y + 1) is Features.Slaby)
                    available_tiles.Add(map.getObject(x, y + 1));
                if (x < map.getWidth() - 1 && y > 0 && map.getObject(x + 1, y - 1) is Features.Slaby)
                    available_tiles.Add(map.getObject(x + 1, y - 1));
                if (x<map.getWidth()-1&&map.getObject(x + 1, y) is Features.Slaby)
                    available_tiles.Add(map.getObject(x + 1, y));
                if (x<map.getWidth()-1&&y<map.getHeight()-1&&map.getObject(x + 1, y + 1) is Features.Slaby)
                    available_tiles.Add(map.getObject(x + 1, y + 1));
                create_ameba = false;

示例2: Przesun

        /// <summary>
        /// Przesuwanie 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="map"> Aktualna mapa obiektów</param>
        /// <param name="x_vel">Predkość w poziomie</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool Przesun(Map.Map map, int x_vel)
            if (map.vandal != null)
                if (map.GetVandalDirection() == Game.direction.left && map.getObject((int)(x_vel / this.Rectangle.Width) - 1, (int)(map.getVandalRectangle().Y / map.getVandalRectangle().Height)).GetType() == typeof(NonDestroyableObjects.Puste))
                    if ((x_vel) % this.rectangle.Width == 0)
                        int x_ind = (int)(x_vel / this.Rectangle.Width);
                        int y_ind = (int)(this.Rectangle.Y / this.Rectangle.Height);
                        map.setObject(x_ind, y_ind, this);
                        map.setObject(x_ind + 1, y_ind, new NonDestroyableObjects.Puste(content, new Rectangle((x_ind + 1) * this.rectangle.Width, y_ind * this.Rectangle.Height, this.rectangle.Width, this.rectangle.Width), x_ind + 1, y_ind));


                    rectangle.X = x_vel;
                    return true;

                if (map.GetVandalDirection() == Game.direction.right && map.getObject((int)(x_vel / this.Rectangle.Width), (int)(map.getVandalRectangle().Y / map.getVandalRectangle().Height)).GetType() == typeof(NonDestroyableObjects.Puste))
                    if ((x_vel) % this.rectangle.Width == 0)
                        int x_ind = (int)(x_vel / this.Rectangle.Width);
                        int y_ind = (int)(this.Rectangle.Y / this.Rectangle.Height);
                        map.setObject(x_ind - 1, y_ind, this);
                        map.setObject(x_ind, y_ind, new NonDestroyableObjects.Puste(content, new Rectangle((x_ind - 1) * this.rectangle.Width, y_ind * this.Rectangle.Height, this.rectangle.Width, this.rectangle.Width), x_ind, y_ind));
                    rectangle.X = x_vel;
                    return true;
            return false;

示例3: Move

 /// <summary>
 /// Poruszanie - ustalenie aktualnego kierunku ruchu
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="map">Mapa obiektów</param>
 public void Move(Map.Map map)
     List<Game.direction> available_dir = new List<Game.direction>();
     if (x > 1 && map.getObject(x - 1, y).GetType() == typeof(NonDestroyableObjects.Puste))
     if (x < map.getWidth() - 1 && map.getObject(x + 1, y).GetType() == typeof(NonDestroyableObjects.Puste))
     if (y > 1 && map.getObject(x, y - 1).GetType() == typeof(NonDestroyableObjects.Puste))
     if (x < map.getHeight() - 1 && map.getObject(x, y + 1).GetType() == typeof(NonDestroyableObjects.Puste))
     if (available_dir.Capacity > 0)
         int rand_dir = rand.Next(0, available_dir.Capacity - 1);
         current_direction = (Game.direction)(rand_dir);
     else current_direction = Game.direction.none;

示例4: MoveInDirection

 /// <summary>
 /// Poruszanie w określonym kierunku
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="add_x">Zmiana indeksu x na tablicy obiektów</param>
 /// <param name="add_y">Zmiana indeksu y na tablicy obiektów </param>
 /// <param name="map">Mapa obiektów</param>
 public void MoveInDirection(int add_x, int add_y, Map.Map map)
     int new_x = x + add_x;
     int new_y = y + add_y;
     collision_obj = map.getObject(new_x, new_y);
     if (collision_obj.GetType() == typeof(NonDestroyableObjects.Puste) || collision_obj.GetType() == typeof(DestroyableObjects.Ziemia))
         map.setObject(new_x, new_y, this);
         map.setObject(x, y, new NonDestroyableObjects.Puste(content, new Rectangle(x * this.rectangle.Width, y * this.rectangle.Height, this.rectangle.Width, this.rectangle.Height),x,y));
         x = new_x;
         y = new_y;

示例5: isVandalInSight

        /// <summary>
        /// Funkcja dla AI szczura (sprawdza czy Vandal jest w zasiegu wzroku szczura - jesli tak - to wyznacza kierunk ruc)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="map">Mapa obiektów</param>
        /// <returns>Punkt reprezentujacy kierunek poruszania Gigantycznego Szczura</returns>
        public Point isVandalInSight(Map.Map map)
            int x_move = 0;
            int y_move = 0;
            int vandal_x = map.GetVandal().x;
            int vandal_y = map.GetVandal().y;
            if (vandal_x == this.x)
                int lower_ind = vandal_y<this.y?vandal_y:this.y;
                int higher_ind = vandal_y<this.y?this.y:vandal_y;
                for (int i = lower_ind + 1; i < higher_ind; i++)
                    if (map.getObject(this.x, i).GetType() != typeof(NonDestroyableObjects.Puste))
                        y_move = 0;
                //    else y_move = lower_ind == this.y ? 1 : -1;

            if (vandal_y == this.y)
                int lower_ind = vandal_x < this.x ? vandal_x : this.x;
                int higher_ind = vandal_x < this.x ? this.x : vandal_x;
                for (int i = lower_ind + 1; i < higher_ind; i++)
                    if (map.getObject(i, this.y).GetType() != typeof(NonDestroyableObjects.Puste))
                        x_move = 0;
                 //   else x_move = lower_ind == this.x ? 1 : -1;

            return new Point(x_move, y_move);

示例6: Update

 /// <summary>
 /// Aktualizacja stanu na mapie z uwzględnieniem spadania
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="gametime"></param>
 /// <param name="map"></param>
 public override void Update(GameTime gametime, Map.Map map)
     int x_index = rectangle.X / rectangle.Width;
     int y_index = rectangle.Y / rectangle.Height;
     if (y_index == map.getHeight() - 1)
         if (is_falling)
             map.setObject(x_index, y_index, this);
             map.setObject(x_index, y_index - 1, new NonDestroyableObjects.Puste(content, rectangle, x_index, y_index - 1));
             is_falling = false;
         else return;
     if (is_falling)
         //nie spadl calkowice jeszcze na odpowiedni prosokat
         if (rectangle.Y % rectangle.Height != 0)
             map.setObject(x_index, y_index, this);
             map.setObject(x_index, y_index - 1, new NonDestroyableObjects.Puste(content, rectangle, x_index, y_index - 1));
             if (y_index < map.getHeight() - 1 && map.getObject(x_index, y_index + 1).GetType() == typeof(NonDestroyableObjects.Puste))
             else is_falling = false;
     else if (map.getObject(x_index, y_index + 1).GetType() == typeof(NonDestroyableObjects.Puste) && !map.is_vandal_on_rectangle(x_index, y_index + 1))
     {//rozpoczecie spadania
         is_falling = true;
     else return;

示例7: Update

        /// <summary>
        /// Aktualizacja stanu na mapie z uwzględnieniem spadania
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gametime"></param>
        /// <param name="map"></param>
        public override void Update(GameTime gametime, Map.Map map)
            if (explode)
                if (current_frame == 16) { die = true; explode = false; }
                    src_rectangle = new Rectangle((current_frame++) * 64, 0, 64, 64);
            else if (die)
                map.setObject(x, y, new NonDestroyableObjects.Puste(content, this.Rectangle, x, y));
                int x_index = rectangle.X / rectangle.Width;
                int y_index = rectangle.Y / rectangle.Height;

                //sprawdzenie wszytkich dookola pol
                if (map.is_vandal_on_rectangle(x_index - 1, y_index) ||
                    map.is_vandal_on_rectangle(x_index + 1, y_index) ||
                    map.is_vandal_on_rectangle(x_index, y_index - 1) ||
                    map.is_vandal_on_rectangle(x_index, y_index + 1) ||
                    map.is_vandal_on_rectangle(x_index - 1, y_index - 1) ||
                    map.is_vandal_on_rectangle(x_index - 1, y_index + 1) ||
                    map.is_vandal_on_rectangle(x_index + 1, y_index + 1) ||
                    map.is_vandal_on_rectangle(x_index + 1, y_index - 1))

                if (y_index == map.getHeight() - 1)
                    if (is_falling)
                        map.setObject(x_index, y_index, this);
                        this.x = x_index;
                        this.y = y_index;
                        map.setObject(x_index, y_index - 1, new NonDestroyableObjects.Puste(content, rectangle, x_index, y_index - 1));
                        is_falling = false;
                    else return;
                if (is_falling)
                    //nie spadl calkowice jeszcze na odpowiedni prosokat
                    if (rectangle.Y % rectangle.Height != 0)
                        map.setObject(x_index, y_index, this);
                        this.x = x_index;
                        this.y = y_index;
                        map.setObject(x_index, y_index - 1, new NonDestroyableObjects.Puste(content, rectangle, x_index, y_index - 1));
                        if (y_index < map.getHeight() - 1 && map.getObject(x_index, y_index + 1).GetType() == typeof(NonDestroyableObjects.Puste))
                        else is_falling = false;
                else if (map.getObject(x_index, y_index + 1).GetType() == typeof(NonDestroyableObjects.Puste) && !map.is_vandal_on_rectangle(x_index, y_index + 1))
                {//rozpoczecie spadania
                    is_falling = true;
                else return;

示例8: Przesun

        /// <summary>
        /// Przesuwanie 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="map"> Aktualna mapa obiektów</param>
        /// <param name="x_vel">Predkość w poziomie</param>
        /// <returns>czy moze byc przesuniety</returns>
        public bool Przesun(Map.Map map, int x_vel)
            if (map.getObject(x + x_vel, y).GetType() == typeof(NonDestroyableObjects.Puste))

                map.setObject(x + x_vel, y, this);
                this.x = x + x_vel;
                this.y = y;
                return true;
            else return false;

示例9: Update

        /// <summary>
        /// Aktualizacja stanu Bloba na mapie
        /// Poruszanie jeśli jest ustalony kierunek ruchu
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gametime">Czas gry</param>
        /// <param name="map">Mapa obiektów</param>
        public override void Update(GameTime gametime, Map.Map map)
            if (gametime.TotalGameTime.Milliseconds % move_frequency == 0)
                int add_x = 0;
                int add_y =0 ;
                if (!explode && !die)
                    switch (current_direction)
                        case Game.direction.down:
                            add_x = 0;
                            add_y = 1;
                            collision_obj = map.getObject(x, y + 1);
                        case Game.direction.left:
                            add_x = -1;
                            add_y = 0;
                            collision_obj = map.getObject(x - 1, y);
                        case Game.direction.right:
                            add_x = 1;
                            add_y = 0;
                            collision_obj = map.getObject(x + 1, y);
                        case Game.direction.up:
                            add_x = 0;
                            add_y = -1;
                            collision_obj = map.getObject(x, y - 1);
                    if (collision_obj.GetType() != typeof(NonDestroyableObjects.Puste) && collision_obj.GetType() != typeof(DestroyableObjects.Ziemia))
                    if (collision_obj.GetType() == typeof(NonDestroyableObjects.Puste))
                        MoveInDirection(add_x, add_y, map);
                else if (explode)
                    if (current_frame == 16) { die = true; explode = false; }
                        src_rectangle = new Rectangle((current_frame++) * 64, 0, 64, 64);

                else if (die)


示例10: Update

        /// <summary>
        /// Aktualizacja stanu rakiety
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gametime">Czas gry</param>
        /// <param name="map">Mapa obiektów</param>
        public override void Update(GameTime gametime, Map.Map map)
            if (gametime.TotalGameTime.Milliseconds % 20 == 0 && is_fired)

                int collision_x = x;
                int collision_y = y;
                switch (direction)
                    case Game.direction.down:
                        texture = content.Load<Texture2D>("Textures\\racket_down");
                        collision_x = x;
                        collision_y = y + 1;
                    case Game.direction.up:
                        texture = content.Load<Texture2D>("Textures\\racket_up");
                        collision_x = x;
                        collision_y = y - 1;
                    case Game.direction.left:
                        texture = content.Load<Texture2D>("Textures\\racket_left");
                        collision_x = x - 1;
                        collision_y = y;
                    case Game.direction.right:
                        texture = content.Load<Texture2D>("Textures\\racket_right");
                        collision_x = x + 1;
                        collision_y = y;

                if (map.getObject(collision_x, collision_y).GetType() != typeof(NonDestroyableObjects.Puste) && map.getObject(collision_x, collision_y) != this)
                     SoundEffect explosion_sound = content.Load<SoundEffect>("Audio\\explosion_sound");
                     int vandal_x = map.GetVandal().x;
                     int vandal_y = map.GetVandal().y;
                    //TODO: dodac sprawdzanie czy nie wykraczamy indeksow w mapie i czy obiekt nie jest niezniszczalny
                    //tak naprawde powinno sie to zmienic na wywolanie onDestroy dla kazdego z tych obiektow!!!!!!!!!!
                    if(x-1!=vandal_x&&y!=vandal_y&&map.getObject(x-1,y) is Zniszczalny)
                    map.setObject(x - 1, y, new NonDestroyableObjects.Puste(content, new Rectangle((x - 1) * rectangle.Width, y * rectangle.Height, rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height), x - 1, y));
                    if (x - 1 != vandal_x && y+1 != vandal_y && map.getObject(x - 1, y+1) is Zniszczalny)
                    map.setObject(x - 1, y + 1, new NonDestroyableObjects.Puste(content, new Rectangle((x - 1) * rectangle.Width, (y + 1) * rectangle.Height, rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height), x - 1, y + 1));
                    if (x - 1 != vandal_x && y-1 != vandal_y && map.getObject(x - 1, y-1) is Zniszczalny)
                    map.setObject(x - 1, y - 1, new NonDestroyableObjects.Puste(content, new Rectangle((x - 1) * rectangle.Width, (y - 1) * rectangle.Height, rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height), x - 1, y - 1));

                    if (x  != vandal_x && y-1 != vandal_y && map.getObject(x , y-1) is Zniszczalny)
                    map.setObject(x, y - 1, new NonDestroyableObjects.Puste(content, new Rectangle((x) * rectangle.Width, (y - 1) * rectangle.Height, rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height), x, y - 1));
                    if (x  != vandal_x && y+1 != vandal_y && map.getObject(x , y+1) is Zniszczalny)
                    map.setObject(x, y + 1, new NonDestroyableObjects.Puste(content, new Rectangle((x) * rectangle.Width, (y + 1) * rectangle.Height, rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height), x, y + 1));
                    if (x  != vandal_x && y != vandal_y && map.getObject(x , y) is Zniszczalny)
                    map.setObject(x, y, new NonDestroyableObjects.Puste(content, new Rectangle((x) * rectangle.Width, y * rectangle.Height, rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height), x, y));

                    if (x + 1 != vandal_x && y != vandal_y && map.getObject(x + 1, y) is Zniszczalny)
                    map.setObject(x + 1, y, new NonDestroyableObjects.Puste(content, new Rectangle((x + 1) * rectangle.Width, y * rectangle.Height, rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height), x + 1, y));
                    if (x + 1 != vandal_x && y+1 != vandal_y && map.getObject(x + 1, y+1) is Zniszczalny)
                    map.setObject(x + 1, y + 1, new NonDestroyableObjects.Puste(content, new Rectangle((x + 1) * rectangle.Width, (y + 1) * rectangle.Height, rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height), x + 1, y + 1));
                    if (x + 1 != vandal_x && y -1!= vandal_y && map.getObject(x + 1, y-1) is Zniszczalny)
                    map.setObject(x + 1, y - 1, new NonDestroyableObjects.Puste(content, new Rectangle((x + 1) * rectangle.Width, (y + 1) * rectangle.Height, rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height), x + 1, y - 1));

                   // if (x != vandal_x && y  != vandal_y && map.getObject(x , y ) is Zniszczalny)
                    map.setObject(x, y, new NonDestroyableObjects.Puste(content, this.rectangle, x, y));
                    map.setObject(collision_x, collision_y, this);
                    map.setObject(x, y, new NonDestroyableObjects.Puste(content, this.rectangle, x, y));
                    this.x = collision_x;
                    this.y = collision_y;


示例11: Update

        /// <summary>
        /// aktualizacja stanu Vandala
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gametime">czas gry</param>
        /// <param name="map">mapa obiektow</param>
        public override void Update(GameTime gametime, Map.Map map)
            if (!is_immortal)
                //sprawdzenie czy styka sie z wrogiem
                if (!map.GetVandal().is_immortal &&
                    map.getObject(x, y).GetType() == typeof(Characters.Enemy) || map.getObject(x, y) is Skazony)
                { is_alive = false; return; }


            switch (current_direction)
                case Game.direction.down:
                    MoveInDirection(0, 1, map);
                    current_direction = Game.direction.none;
                case Game.direction.left:
                    if (rectangle.X > 0)
                        MoveInDirection(-1, 0, map);
                    current_direction = Game.direction.none;
                case Game.direction.right:
                    MoveInDirection(1, 0, map);
                    current_direction = Game.direction.none;
                case Game.direction.up:
                    if (rectangle.Y > 0)
                        MoveInDirection(0, -1, map);
                    current_direction = Game.direction.none;
                    MoveInDirection(0, 0, map);
                    current_direction = Game.direction.none;


示例12: Update

        /// <summary>
        /// Aktualizacja stanu dynamitu
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gametime">czas gry</param>
        /// <param name="map">mapa obiektów</param>
        public override void Update(GameTime gametime, Map.Map map)
            if (is_fired)
                    Map.MapObject obj;
                    obj = map.getObject(x - 1, y-1);
                    if (obj is Zniszczalny) (obj as Zniszczalny).OnDestroy(map);
                    else if (obj.GetType() == typeof(Characters.Enemy))
                        (obj as Characters.Enemy).Die(map);

                    obj = map.getObject(x - 1, y+1);
                    if (obj is Zniszczalny) (obj as Zniszczalny).OnDestroy(map);
                    else if (obj.GetType() == typeof(Characters.Enemy))
                        (obj as Characters.Enemy).Die(map);
                    obj = map.getObject(x - 1, y );
                    if (obj is Zniszczalny) (obj as Zniszczalny).OnDestroy(map);
                    else if (obj.GetType() == typeof(Characters.Enemy))
                        (obj as Characters.Enemy).Die(map);
                    obj = map.getObject(x , y-1);
                    if (obj is Zniszczalny) (obj as Zniszczalny).OnDestroy(map);
                    else if (obj.GetType() == typeof(Characters.Enemy))
                        (obj as Characters.Enemy).Die(map);
                    obj = map.getObject(x , y+1);
                    if (obj is Zniszczalny) (obj as Zniszczalny).OnDestroy(map);
                    else if (obj.GetType() == typeof(Characters.Enemy))
                        (obj as Characters.Enemy).Die(map);
                    obj = map.getObject(x + 1, y);
                    if (obj is Zniszczalny) (obj as Zniszczalny).OnDestroy(map);
                    else if (obj.GetType() == typeof(Characters.Enemy))
                        (obj as Characters.Enemy).Die(map);
                    obj = map.getObject(x + 1, y-1);
                    if (obj is Zniszczalny) (obj as Zniszczalny).OnDestroy(map);
                    else if (obj.GetType() == typeof(Characters.Enemy))
                        (obj as Characters.Enemy).Die(map);
                    obj = map.getObject(x + 1, y + 1);
                    if (obj is Zniszczalny) (obj as Zniszczalny).OnDestroy(map);
                    else if (obj.GetType() == typeof(Characters.Enemy))
                        (obj as Characters.Enemy).Die(map);

示例13: isPointAccesible

        /// <summary>
        /// Sprawdzenie czy punkt jest dostepny ze wzgledu na poruszanie w danym kierunku
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="map">Mapa obiektów</param>
        /// <param name="dir">Kierunek ruchu</param>
        /// <returns>Czy jest możliwość ruchu w danym kierunku</returns>
        private bool isPointAccesible(Map.Map map, int dir)
            switch ((Game.direction)dir)
                case Game.direction.down:
                    if (y + 1 < map.getHeight() - 1)
                        if (map.getObject(x, y + 1).GetType() == typeof(NonDestroyableObjects.Puste))
                            return true;
                    } break;

                case Game.direction.left:
                    if (x > 0)
                        if (map.getObject(x - 1, y).GetType() == typeof(NonDestroyableObjects.Puste))
                            return true;

                case Game.direction.right:
                    if (x + 1 < map.getWidth() - 1)
                        if (map.getObject(x + 1, y).GetType() == typeof(NonDestroyableObjects.Puste))
                            return true;

                case Game.direction.up:
                    if (y > 0)
                        if (map.getObject(x, y - 1).GetType() == typeof(NonDestroyableObjects.Puste))

                            return true;
                    } break;

            return false;

示例14: Update

        /// <summary>
        /// Aktualizacja stanu dynamitu
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gametime">czas gry</param>
        /// <param name="map">mapa obiektów</param>
        public override void Update(GameTime gametime, Map.Map map)
            if (is_fired)
                    Map.MapObject obj;
                    obj = map.getObject(x - 1, y-1);
                    if (obj is Zniszczalny) (obj as Zniszczalny).OnDestroy(map);
                    else if (obj.GetType().IsSubclassOf(typeof(Characters.Enemy)))
                        (obj as Characters.Enemy).Die(map);
                    obj = map.getObject(x - 1, y+1);
                    if (obj is Zniszczalny) (obj as Zniszczalny).OnDestroy(map);
                    else if (obj.GetType().IsSubclassOf(typeof(Characters.Enemy)))
                        (obj as Characters.Enemy).Die(map);
                    obj = map.getObject(x - 1, y );
                    if (obj is Zniszczalny) (obj as Zniszczalny).OnDestroy(map);
                    else if (obj.GetType().IsSubclassOf(typeof(Characters.Enemy)))
                        (obj as Characters.Enemy).Die(map);
                    obj = map.getObject(x , y-1);
                    if (obj is Zniszczalny) (obj as Zniszczalny).OnDestroy(map);
                    else if (obj.GetType().IsSubclassOf(typeof(Characters.Enemy)))
                        (obj as Characters.Enemy).Die(map);
                    obj = map.getObject(x , y+1);
                    if (obj is Zniszczalny) (obj as Zniszczalny).OnDestroy(map);
                    else if (obj.GetType().IsSubclassOf(typeof(Characters.Enemy)))
                        (obj as Characters.Enemy).Die(map);
                    obj = map.getObject(x + 1, y);
                    if (obj is Zniszczalny) (obj as Zniszczalny).OnDestroy(map);
                    else if (obj.GetType().IsSubclassOf(typeof(Characters.Enemy)))
                        (obj as Characters.Enemy).Die(map);
                    obj = map.getObject(x + 1, y-1);
                    if (obj is Zniszczalny) (obj as Zniszczalny).OnDestroy(map);
                    else if (obj.GetType().IsSubclassOf(typeof(Characters.Enemy)))
                        (obj as Characters.Enemy).Die(map);
                    obj = map.getObject(x + 1, y + 1);
                    if (obj is Zniszczalny) (obj as Zniszczalny).OnDestroy(map);
                    else if (obj.GetType().IsSubclassOf(typeof(Characters.Enemy)))
                        (obj as Characters.Enemy).Die(map);

                    if (!map.player.AudioSettings.IsMuted)
                        SoundEffect.MasterVolume = (float)map.player.AudioSettings.SoundVolume;

示例15: Update

        public override void Update(GameTime gametime, Map.Map map)
            if (!is_immortal)
                //sprawdzenie czy styka sie z wrogiem
                if (map.getObject(x, y).GetType() == typeof(Characters.Enemy) || map.getObject(x, y) is Skazony)
                { is_alive = false; return; }
                /*   if (map.getObject(x + 1, y).GetType() == typeof(Characters.Enemy) || map.getObject(x + 1, y) is Skazony)
                   { is_alive = false; return; }
                   if (map.getObject(x, y - 1).GetType() == typeof(Characters.Enemy) || map.getObject(x, y - 1) is Skazony)
                   { is_alive = false; return; }
                   if (map.getObject(x, y + 1).GetType() == typeof(Characters.Enemy) || map.getObject(x, y + 1) is Skazony)
                   { is_alive = false; return; }
                   //lub skazonym polem po skosie
                   if (map.getObject(x - 1, y - 1) is Skazony)
                   { is_alive = false; return; }
                   if (map.getObject(x + 1, y - 1) is Skazony)
                   { is_alive = false; return; }
                   if (map.getObject(x - 1, y + 1) is Skazony)
                   { is_alive = false; return; }
                   if (map.getObject(x + 1, y + 1) is Skazony)
                   { is_alive = false; return; }*/

            if (gametime.TotalGameTime.Milliseconds % 20 == 0)
                switch (current_direction)
                    case Game.direction.down:
                        //  if (rectangle.Y + velocity < max_height - rectangle.Height)
                        MoveInDirection(0, 1, map);
                        current_direction = Game.direction.none;
                    case Game.direction.left:
                        if (rectangle.X > 0)
                            MoveInDirection(-1, 0, map);
                        current_direction = Game.direction.none;
                    case Game.direction.right:
                        // if (rectangle.X + velocity < max_width - rectangle.Width)
                        MoveInDirection(1, 0, map);
                        current_direction = Game.direction.none;
                    case Game.direction.up:
                        if (rectangle.Y > 0)
                            MoveInDirection(0, -1, map);
                        current_direction = Game.direction.none;
                        MoveInDirection(0, 0, map);
                        current_direction = Game.direction.none;

