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C# Map.SetTerrainAt方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中Map.SetTerrainAt方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Map.SetTerrainAt方法的具体用法?C# Map.SetTerrainAt怎么用?C# Map.SetTerrainAt使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Map的用法示例。


示例1: UnplaceChunkOnMapAtPosition

        internal void UnplaceChunkOnMapAtPosition(Map map, Point upperLeftCorner)
            for (int i = 0; i < Width; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < Height; ++j)
                    Point mapPosition = upperLeftCorner + new Point(i, j);
                    map.SetTerrainAt(mapPosition, TerrainType.Wall);
            Point lowerRight = upperLeftCorner + new Point(Width, Height);
            foreach (Monster m in map.Monsters.OfType<Monster>().Where(x => x.Position.IsInRange(upperLeftCorner, lowerRight)).ToList())

            foreach (Point treasurePosition in TreasureChests)
                MapObject objectAtPoint = (MapObject)map.MapObjects.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Position == (upperLeftCorner + treasurePosition));
                if (objectAtPoint != null)

            foreach (Point doorPosition in Doors)
                MapObject objectAtPoint = (MapObject)map.MapObjects.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Position == (upperLeftCorner + doorPosition));
                if (objectAtPoint != null)

            foreach (Point cosmeticPosition in Cosmetics)
                MapObject objectAtPoint = (MapObject)map.MapObjects.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Position == (upperLeftCorner + cosmeticPosition));
                if (objectAtPoint != null)

示例2: FillEdgesWithWalls

 protected void FillEdgesWithWalls(Map map)
     // Fill edges with walls
     for (int i = 0; i < map.Width; ++i)
         map.SetTerrainAt(i, 0, TerrainType.Wall);
         map.SetTerrainAt(i, map.Height - 1, TerrainType.Wall);
     for (int j = 0; j < map.Height; ++j)
         map.SetTerrainAt(0, j, TerrainType.Wall);
         map.SetTerrainAt(map.Width - 1, j, TerrainType.Wall);

示例3: PlaceChunkOnMapAtPosition

        internal void PlaceChunkOnMapAtPosition(Map map, Point upperLeftCorner, Random random)
            for (int i = 0; i < Width; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < Height; ++j)
                    Point mapPosition = upperLeftCorner + new Point(i, j);
                    map.SetTerrainAt(mapPosition, MapSegment[i, j].Terrain);

            MapObjectFactory mapItemFactory = MapObjectFactory.Instance;

            TreasureChests.ForEach(treasurePosition => map.AddMapItem(mapItemFactory.CreateMapObject("TreasureChest", upperLeftCorner + treasurePosition)));

            int chanceToPlaceDoor = this.Type == MapNodeType.TreasureRoom ? TreasureRoomChanceToPlaceDoorAtSpot : NormalChanceToPlaceDoorAtSpot;
            Doors.Where(x => m_random.Chance(chanceToPlaceDoor)).ToList().ForEach(doorPosition => map.AddMapItem(mapItemFactory.CreateMapObject("MapDoor", upperLeftCorner + doorPosition)));

            Cosmetics.ForEach(cosmeticPosition => map.AddMapItem(mapItemFactory.CreateMapObject("Cosmetic", upperLeftCorner + cosmeticPosition)));

示例4: FillAllSmallerUnconnectedRooms

        protected void FillAllSmallerUnconnectedRooms(Map map)
            int currentScratchNumber = FloodFillWithContigiousNumbers(map);

            // Walk each tile, and count up the different groups.
            int[] numberOfTilesWithThatScratch = new int[currentScratchNumber];

            for (int i = 0; i < map.Width; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < map.Height; ++j)
                    if (map.GetTerrainAt(i, j) == TerrainType.Floor)
                        numberOfTilesWithThatScratch[map.GetScratchAt(i, j)]++;

            if (numberOfTilesWithThatScratch[0] != 0)
                throw new MapGenerationFailureException("Some valid tiles didn't get a scratch during FillAllSmallerRooms.");
            // Find the largest collection
            int biggestNumber = 1;
            for (int i = 2; i < currentScratchNumber; ++i)
                if (numberOfTilesWithThatScratch[i] > numberOfTilesWithThatScratch[biggestNumber])
                    biggestNumber = i;

            // Now walk level, and turn every floor tile without that scratch into a wall
            for (int i = 0; i < map.Width; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < map.Height; ++j)
                    if (map.GetTerrainAt(i, j) == TerrainType.Floor && map.GetScratchAt(i, j) != biggestNumber)
                        map.SetTerrainAt(i, j, TerrainType.Wall);

                    // And reset the scratch while we're here
                    map.SetScratchAt(i, j, 0);

            if (!CheckConnectivity(map))
                throw new MapGenerationFailureException("FillAllSmallerUnconnectedRooms produced a non-connected map.");

示例5: PlaceMapNode

 // Returns true if placed, false if we walled off seam
 private bool PlaceMapNode(MapNode current, MapChunk mapChunk, Map map, Point seam, ParenthoodChain parentChain)
     Point placedUpperLeftCorner = mapChunk.PlaceChunkOnMap(map, seam, m_level);
     if (placedUpperLeftCorner == Point.Invalid)
         map.SetTerrainAt(seam, TerrainType.Wall);
         return false;
         PossiblyUpdateLargestSmallestPoint(placedUpperLeftCorner, mapChunk);
         map.SetTerrainAt(seam, TerrainType.Floor);
         parentChain.Push(mapChunk, placedUpperLeftCorner, seam);
         WalkNeighbors(current, mapChunk, map, placedUpperLeftCorner, parentChain);
         return true;

示例6: UnplacePossibleHallwayToNowhere

 private void UnplacePossibleHallwayToNowhere(Map map, ParenthoodChain parentChain)
     ParenthoodChain localChain = new ParenthoodChain(parentChain);
     ParenthoodElement top = localChain.Pop();
     Point seamToFill = Point.Invalid;
     if (top.Chunk.Type == MapNodeType.Hall)
             if (top.Chunk.Type == MapNodeType.Hall)
                 top.Chunk.UnplaceChunkOnMapAtPosition(map, top.UpperLeft);
                 seamToFill = top.Seam;
                 top = localChain.Pop();
                 if (seamToFill == Point.Invalid)
                     throw new MapGenerationFailureException("Trying to fill in invalid seam");
                 map.SetTerrainAt(seamToFill, TerrainType.Wall);
         while (true);

示例7: GenerateMapFromGraph

        private void GenerateMapFromGraph(MapNode current, Map map, Point seam, ParenthoodChain parentChain)
            if (current.Generated)

            current.Generated = true;
            bool placed = false;

            switch (current.Type)
                case MapNodeType.Entrance:
                    placed = true;
                    MapChunk entranceChunk = GetRandomChunkFromList(m_entrances);

                    // We need to place entrace so it's at our expected location
                    Point randomCenter = new Point(m_random.getInt(100, 150), m_random.getInt(100, 150));
                    Point entraceUpperLeftCorner = randomCenter - entranceChunk.PlayerPosition;

                    parentChain.Push(entranceChunk, entraceUpperLeftCorner, Point.Invalid);

                    entranceChunk.PlaceChunkOnMapAtPosition(map, entraceUpperLeftCorner, m_random);
                    PossiblyUpdateLargestSmallestPoint(entraceUpperLeftCorner, entranceChunk);
                    map.AddMapItem(MapObjectFactory.Instance.CreateMapObject("StairsUp", entranceChunk.PlayerPosition + entraceUpperLeftCorner));

                    if (current.Neighbors.Count != entranceChunk.Seams.Count)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Number of neighbors should equal number of seams.");
                    WalkNeighbors(current, entranceChunk, map, entraceUpperLeftCorner, parentChain);


                case MapNodeType.Hall:
                    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                        placed = PlaceMapNode(current, GetRandomChunkFromList(m_halls), map, seam, parentChain);
                        if (placed)
                case MapNodeType.None:
                    // If we have nothing, see if we have any orphan nodes to try to place
                    if (m_unplacedDueToSpace.Count > 0)
                        // Grab the first unplaced node, and try again.
                        MapNode treeToGraphOn = m_unplacedDueToSpace.Dequeue();
                        treeToGraphOn.Generated = false;
                        GenerateMapFromGraph(treeToGraphOn, map, seam, parentChain);
                        map.SetTerrainAt(seam, TerrainType.Wall);
                        if (current.Neighbors.Count != 0)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("None Node types should only have no neighbors");
                    placed = true;
                case MapNodeType.MainRoom:
                    placed = PlaceMapNode(current, GetRandomChunkFromList(m_mainRooms), map, seam, parentChain);
                case MapNodeType.TreasureRoom:
                    placed = PlaceMapNode(current, GetRandomChunkFromList(m_treasureRooms), map, seam, parentChain);
                case MapNodeType.SideRoom:
                    placed = PlaceMapNode(current, GetRandomChunkFromList(m_sideRooms), map, seam, parentChain);
                case MapNodeType.NoneGivenYet:
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Trying to generate MapNode from invalid node.");
            if (!placed)
                UnplacePossibleHallwayToNowhere(map, parentChain);

示例8: GenerateMap

        public override Map GenerateMap(Stairs incommingStairs, int level)
            Map map;

            int width = m_random.getInt(40, 60);
            int height = m_random.getInt(40, 60);
            map = new Map(width, height);
            Map duplicateMap = new Map(width, height);

            // Fill non-sides with random bits
            for (int i = 1; i < width - 1; ++i)
                for (int j = 1; j < height - 1; ++j)
                    Point p = new Point(i, j);
                    if (m_random.Chance(40))
                        map.SetTerrainAt(p, TerrainType.Wall);
                        map.SetTerrainAt(p, TerrainType.Floor);


            // For 4 iterators, apply 1stset 1 rules...
            // If we're near(1 tile) 5 or more walls
            // or close to (2 tiles) 2 or less walls
            // we're now a wall
            for (int z = 0; z < 4; ++z)
                // Create a local copy to modify. We need both the old and new values for this calculation

                // Walk tiles, applying rule to local copy
                for (int i = 1; i < width - 1; ++i)
                    for (int j = 1; j < height - 1; ++j)
                        Point p = new Point(i, j);
                        int closeWalls = CountNumberOfSurroundingWallTilesOneStepAway(map, i, j);
                        int farWalls = CountNumberOfSurroundingWallTilesTwoStepAway(map, i, j);
                        bool conditionOne = closeWalls >= 5;
                        bool conditionTwo = farWalls <= 2;
                        if (conditionOne || conditionTwo)
                            duplicateMap.SetTerrainAt(p, TerrainType.Wall);
                            duplicateMap.SetTerrainAt(p, TerrainType.Floor);

                // Push our changes out

            // For 4 iterators, apply 2nd set of rules...
            // If we're near(1 tile) 5 or more walls we're now a wall
            for (int z = 0; z < 4; ++z)
                // Create a local copy to modify. We need both the old and new values for this calculation

                // Walk tiles, applying rule to local copy
                for (int i = 1; i < width - 1; ++i)
                    for (int j = 1; j < height - 1; ++j)
                        int closeWalls = CountNumberOfSurroundingWallTilesOneStepAway(map, i, j);
                        Point p = new Point(i, j);

                        if (closeWalls >= 5)
                            duplicateMap.SetTerrainAt(p, TerrainType.Wall);
                            duplicateMap.SetTerrainAt(p, TerrainType.Floor);

                // Push our changes out


            GenerateUpDownStairs(map, incommingStairs);

            Point stairsUpPosition = map.MapObjects.Where(x => x.Type == MapObjectType.StairsUp).First().Position;

            GenerateMonstersAndChests(map, stairsUpPosition, level);

            return map;
