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C++ TerrainTile::addBufferUpdateRange方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中TerrainTile::addBufferUpdateRange方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ TerrainTile::addBufferUpdateRange方法的具体用法?C++ TerrainTile::addBufferUpdateRange怎么用?C++ TerrainTile::addBufferUpdateRange使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在TerrainTile的用法示例。


示例1: setValue

float TerrainInteraction::setValue(TerrainTile & tile, unsigned row, unsigned column, float value, bool setToInteractionElement)
    float stddev = tile.interactStdDeviation;
    assert(stddev > 0);

    /** clamp value */
    if (value < tile.minValidValue) value = tile.minValidValue;
    if (value > tile.maxValidValue) value = tile.maxValidValue;

    // define the size of the affected interaction area, in grid coords
    const float effectRadiusWorld = stddev * 3;
    const uint32_t effectRadius = static_cast<uint32_t>(std::ceil(effectRadiusWorld * tile.samplesPerWorldCoord)); // = 0 means to change only the value at (row,column)

    bool moveUp = (value - tile.valueAt(row, column)) > 0;
    int invert = moveUp ? 1 : -1;   // invert the curve if moving downwards

    float norm0Inv = 1.0f / normalDist(0, 0, stddev);
    float valueRange = std::abs(tile.maxValidValue - tile.minValidValue);
    std::function<float(float)> interactHeight = [stddev, norm0Inv, value, valueRange, invert](float x) {
        return normalDist(x, 0, stddev)     // - normalize normDist to
                   * norm0Inv               //    normDist value at interaction center
               * (valueRange + 10)          // - scale to value range + offset to omit norm values near 0
               * invert                     // - mirror the curve along the y axis if moving downward
               + value                      // - move along y so that value==0 => y==0
               - (valueRange + 10) * invert;

    unsigned int minRow, maxRow, minColumn, maxColumn;
        // unchecked signed min/max values, possibly < 0 or > numRows/Column
        int iMinRow = row - effectRadius, iMaxRow = row + effectRadius, iMinColumn = column - effectRadius, iMaxColumn = column + effectRadius;
        // work on rows and column that are in range of the terrain tile settings and larger than 0
        minRow = iMinRow < 0 ? 0 : (iMinRow >= static_cast<signed>(tile.samplesPerAxis) ? tile.samplesPerAxis - 1 : static_cast<unsigned int>(iMinRow));
        maxRow = iMaxRow < 0 ? 0 : (iMaxRow >= static_cast<signed>(tile.samplesPerAxis) ? tile.samplesPerAxis - 1 : static_cast<unsigned int>(iMaxRow));
        minColumn = iMinColumn < 0 ? 0 : (iMinColumn >= static_cast<signed>(tile.samplesPerAxis) ? tile.samplesPerAxis - 1 : static_cast<unsigned int>(iMinColumn));
        maxColumn = iMaxColumn < 0 ? 0 : (iMaxColumn >= static_cast<signed>(tile.samplesPerAxis) ? tile.samplesPerAxis - 1 : static_cast<unsigned int>(iMaxColumn));

    // also change element id's if requested and the tile supports it
    PhysicalTile * physicalTile = dynamic_cast<PhysicalTile*>(&tile);
    if (setToInteractionElement) {

    uint8_t elementIndex = 0;
    if (physicalTile)
        elementIndex = physicalTile->elementIndex(m_interactElement);

    for (unsigned int r = minRow; r <= maxRow; ++r) {
        float relWorldX = (signed(r) - signed(row)) * tile.sampleInterval;
        for (unsigned int c = minColumn; c <= maxColumn; ++c) {
            float relWorldZ = (signed(c) - signed(column)) * tile.sampleInterval;

            float localRadius = std::sqrt(relWorldX*relWorldX + relWorldZ*relWorldZ);

            if (localRadius > effectRadiusWorld)  // interaction in a circle, not square

            float newLocalHeight = interactHeight(localRadius);

            bool localMoveUp = newLocalHeight > tile.valueAt(r, c);
            // don't do anything if we pull up the terrain but the local height point is already higher than its calculated height. (vice versa)
            if (localMoveUp != moveUp)

            tile.setValue(r, c, newLocalHeight);
            if (setToInteractionElement)
                physicalTile->setElement(r, c, elementIndex);
        tile.addBufferUpdateRange(minColumn + r * tile.samplesPerAxis, 1u + effectRadius * 2u);

    if (physicalTile)
        physicalTile->addToPxUpdateBox(minRow, maxRow, minColumn, maxColumn);

    return value;
