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C++ TerrainTile::Cost方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中TerrainTile::Cost方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ TerrainTile::Cost方法的具体用法?C++ TerrainTile::Cost怎么用?C++ TerrainTile::Cost使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在TerrainTile的用法示例。


示例1: Update

PLAYER_UPDATE_STATE Player::Update(float delta_, Goal* goal_, std::vector<Bullet> bullets_, std::set<TerrainTile*> monitoredTiles_)
	playerWaitTimer += delta_;
	animationTimer += delta_;

	//set animation
	if (animationTimer > 0.6f)
		animationTimer = 0.0f;

		if (animSwitch % 2 == 0)
			playerTexture = textures[0];
			playerTexture = textures[1];

	if (spotted && behaviour != FLEE)
		cout << "behaviour == FLEE" << endl;
		behaviour = FLEE;
		spotted = false;

	//update player on normal path 
	//while the navigationList is not empty. 
	if (navigationList.empty() && behaviour == SEEK)
		//		//convert click location to tile
		TerrainTile* dstTile = terrain->TileAtMouseCoords(goal_->Pos());

		//convert player location to tile
		TerrainTile* playerTile = terrain->TileAtMouseCoords(static_cast<int>(pos.x), static_cast<int>(pos.y));

		//		//get the vector of tiles to nav to 
		navigationList = terrain->ShortestPath(playerTile, dstTile, monitoredTiles_);

	if (navigationList.empty() && behaviour == FLEE)
		TerrainTile* playerTile = terrain->TileAtMouseCoords(static_cast<int>(pos.x), static_cast<int>(pos.y));
		//get a new path from terrain to get away from enemy
		navigationList = terrain->ClosestUnmonitoredTile(playerTile, monitoredTiles_);

		//is current tile monitored? 
		if (std::find(monitoredTiles_.begin(), monitoredTiles_.end(), playerTile) == monitoredTiles_.end())
			behaviour = SEEK;

	////wait for x seconds
	//if (navigationList.empty() && behaviour == FLEE)
	//	cout << "behaviour == WAIT" << endl;
	//	behaviour = WAIT;

	//if (behaviour == WAIT)
	//	if (playerWaitTimer > 0.1f)
	//	{			
	//		playerWaitTimer = 0.0f;
	//		cout << "behaviour == SEEK" << endl;
	//		behaviour = SEEK;
	//	}

	if (!navigationList.empty())
		//if ( behaviour != WAIT )
			//get the next node and move towards it
			TerrainTile* nextNode = navigationList[navigationList.size() - 1];
			Vector2 nextNodePos = nextNode->Pos();

			//if reached pop it off the top
			if ((pos - nextNode->Pos()).GetMagnitude() < 1.0f)
				pos = nextNode->Pos();
				navigationList.erase(navigationList.end() - 1);
				int currentTerrainCost = 1;
				if ((pos - nextNode->Pos()).GetMagnitude() < TILE_SIZE * 0.5f)
					currentTerrainCost = nextNode->Cost();
