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R missing.data GAM 中缺失数据

R语言 missing.data 位于 mgcv 包(package)。


如果 GAM 的响应或协变量中存在缺失值,则默认情况下仅使用“完整案例”。如果有很多缺失的协变量,这可能会变得相当浪费。一种可能性是使用插补。另一种方法是替换一个简单的随机效应模型,其中使用 by 变量机制将 s(x) 对于任何缺失的 x 设置为零,然后用高斯随机效应替换 ‘missing’ s(x) 。有关其工作原理的详细信息,请参阅示例;有关 by 变量的必要背景信息,请参阅gam.models


## The example takes a couple of minutes to run...

for (sim in c(1,7)) { ## cycle over uncorrelated and correlated covariates
  n <- 350;set.seed(2)
  ## simulate data but randomly drop 300 covariate measurements
  ## leaving only 50 complete cases...
  dat <- gamSim(sim,n=n,scale=3) ## 1 or 7
  drop <- sample(1:n,300) ## to
  for (i in 2:5) dat[drop[1:75+(i-2)*75],i] <- NA

  ## process data.frame producing binary indicators of missingness,
  ## mx0, mx1 etc. For each missing value create a level of a factor
  ## idx0, idx1, etc. So idx0 has as many levels as x0 has missing 
  ## values. Replace the NA's in each variable by the mean of the 
  ## non missing for that variable...

  dname <- names(dat)[2:5]
  dat1 <- dat
  for (i in 1:4) {
    by.name <- paste("m",dname[i],sep="") 
    dat1[[by.name]] <- is.na(dat1[[dname[i]]])
    dat1[[dname[i]]][dat1[[by.name]]] <- mean(dat1[[dname[i]]],na.rm=TRUE)
    lev <- rep(1,n);lev[dat1[[by.name]]] <- 1:sum(dat1[[by.name]])
    id.name <- paste("id",dname[i],sep="")
    dat1[[id.name]] <- factor(lev) 
    dat1[[by.name]] <- as.numeric(dat1[[by.name]])

  ## Fit a gam, in which any missing value contributes zero 
  ## to the linear predictor from its smooth, but each 
  ## missing has its own random effect, with the random effect 
  ## variances being specific to the variable. e.g.
  ## for s(x0,by=ordered(!mx0)), declaring the `by' as an ordered
  ## factor ensures that the smooth is centred, but multiplied
  ## by zero when mx0 is one (indicating a missing x0). This means
  ## that any value (within range) can be put in place of the 
  ## NA for x0.  s(idx0,bs="re",by=mx0) produces a separate Gaussian 
  ## random effect for each missing value of x0 (in place of s(x0),
  ## effectively). The `by' variable simply sets the random effect to 
  ## zero when x0 is non-missing, so that we can set idx0 to any 
  ## existing level for these cases.   

  b <- bam(y~s(x0,by=ordered(!mx0))+s(x1,by=ordered(!mx1))+

  for (i in 1:4) plot(b,select=i) ## plot the smooth effects from b

  ## fit the model to the `complete case' data...
  b2 <- gam(y~s(x0)+s(x1)+s(x2)+s(x3),data=dat,method="REML")
  plot(b2) ## plot the complete case results


Simon Wood <simon.wood@r-project.org>




注:本文由纯净天空筛选整理自R-devel大神的英文原创作品 Missing data in GAMs。非经特殊声明,原始代码版权归原作者所有,本译文未经允许或授权,请勿转载或复制。