本文整理汇总了C#中UnityEngine.Rect.Overlaps方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Rect.Overlaps方法的具体用法?C# Rect.Overlaps怎么用?C# Rect.Overlaps使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类UnityEngine.Rect
示例1: FixedUpdate
void FixedUpdate()
ball.localPosition += new Vector3(velocityX, velocityY, 0);
Debug.Log(ball.localPosition + (Vector3.up * ballRadius));
if (velocityY > 0)
if (!area.rect.Contains(ball.localPosition + new Vector3(0, ballRadius, 0)))
velocityY = -velocityY;
if (!area.rect.Contains(ball.localPosition + new Vector3(0, -ballRadius, 0)))
velocityY = -velocityY;
Rect ball2Rect = new Rect(ball.localPosition.x - ballRadius, ball.localPosition.y - ballRadius, ballRadius * 2, ballRadius * 2);
Rect paddle1Rect = new Rect(paddle1.localPosition.x - 5, paddle1.localPosition.y - 25, 10, 50);
Rect paddle2Rect = new Rect(paddle2.localPosition.x - 5, paddle2.localPosition.y - 25, 10, 50);
if (velocityX > 0 && ball2Rect.Overlaps(paddle2Rect))
velocityX = -velocityX;
else if (velocityX < 0 && ball2Rect.Overlaps(paddle1Rect))
velocityX = -velocityX;
示例2: TestOverlop
static void TestOverlop()
var rect = new Rect(0, 0, 100, 100);
Assert(true, rect.Overlaps(new Rect(-1, -1, 101, 101)));
Assert(true, rect.Overlaps(new Rect(1, 1, 50, 50)));
Assert(true, rect.Overlaps(new Rect(50, 50, 200, 200)));
Assert(false, rect.Overlaps(new Rect(150, 150, 200, 200)));
示例3: IsInRegion
/// <summary>
/// Gets whether any part of this object is touching the given region of world space.
/// </summary>
public bool IsInRegion(Rect region)
Bounds myBounds3D = MyCollider.bounds;
Rect myBounds = new Rect(myBounds3D.min.x, myBounds3D.min.y,
myBounds3D.size.x, myBounds3D.size.y);
return region.Overlaps(myBounds, true);
示例4: Intersects
public static bool Intersects(Rect r1, Rect r2)
if (!r1.Overlaps(r2) && !r2.Overlaps(r1))
return false;
return true;
示例5: Overlaps
public static bool Overlaps(Rect screenRect, Renderer renderer)
if (!renderer)
return false;
Rect boundsRect = BoundsToScreenRect(renderer.bounds);
return screenRect.Overlaps(boundsRect);
示例6: Intersection
public static bool Intersection(Rect r1, Rect r2, out Rect intersection)
if (!r1.Overlaps(r2) && !r2.Overlaps(r1))
intersection = new Rect(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f);
return false;
float x = Mathf.Max(r1.xMin, r2.xMin);
float y = Mathf.Max(r1.yMin, r2.yMin);
float num3 = Mathf.Min(r1.xMax, r2.xMax);
float num4 = Mathf.Min(r1.yMax, r2.yMax);
intersection = new Rect(x, y, num3 - x, num4 - y);
return true;
示例7: Update
void Update()
Rect PlayerRect = new Rect(Player.transform.position.x - Player.sprite.bounds.extents.x, Player.transform.position.y - Player.sprite.bounds.extents.y, Player.sprite.bounds.extents.x * 2, Player.sprite.bounds.extents.y * 2),
BuildingRect = new Rect(_buildingBoxCollider.transform.position.x - _buildingBoxCollider.bounds.extents.x, _buildingBoxCollider.transform.position.y - _buildingBoxCollider.bounds.extents.y, _buildingBoxCollider.bounds.extents.x * 2, _buildingBoxCollider.bounds.extents.y * 2);
if (PlayerRect.Overlaps(BuildingRect))
if (_buildingRenderer.color.a > 0.1)
_buildingRenderer.color = new Color(_buildingRenderer.color.r, _buildingRenderer.color.g, _buildingRenderer.color.b, _buildingRenderer.color.a - Time.deltaTime);
if(_buildingRenderer.color.a < 1)
_buildingRenderer.color = new Color(_buildingRenderer.color.r, _buildingRenderer.color.g, _buildingRenderer.color.b, _buildingRenderer.color.a + Time.deltaTime);
示例8: Intersect
/// <summary>
/// Find the intersection of two rectangles, returns the amount of overlap as a Rectangle.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="one">One.</param>
/// <param name="two">Two.</param>
public static Rect Intersect(Rect one, Rect two)
if (one.Overlaps(two))
float left, right, top, bottom;
if (one.xMin > two.xMin)
left = one.xMin;
} else {
left = two.xMin;
if (one.xMax < two.xMax)
right = one.xMax;
} else{
right = two.xMax;
if (one.yMax < two.yMax)
top = one.yMax;
} else {
top = two.yMax;
if (one.yMin > two.yMin)
bottom = one.yMin;
} else {
bottom = two.yMin;
return new Rect(left, top, right - left, top - bottom);
} else {
return new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
示例9: getLimbHit
int getLimbHit(OmniObject player, Rect r, ref Vector2 pos)
if (player.skeleton == null)
return -1;
Rect b = new Rect();
for (int i = 0; i < player.skeleton.Length; i++)
if (player.skeleton[i].name == "bounds")
b.x = player.bounds.x;
b.y = player.bounds.y;
b.x += player.skeleton[i].bounds.x * player.item.Size;
b.y += player.skeleton[i].bounds.y * player.item.Size;
b.width = player.skeleton[i].bounds.width * player.item.Size;
b.height = player.skeleton[i].bounds.height * player.item.Size;
if (r.Overlaps(b))
pos = new Vector2(r.x - b.x, r.y - b.y);
return i;
return -1;
示例10: SelectWindowsInRect
public void SelectWindowsInRect(Rect rect, System.Func<FlowWindow, bool> predicate = null) {
//this.selectionRect = rect;
foreach (var window in this.windows) {
if (window.IsContainer() == false && rect.Overlaps(window.rect, true) == true && (predicate == null || predicate(window) == true)) {
示例11: Update
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
if (playerTime.playTime > 0 && !lost)
for (int i = arrows.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
GameObject obj = arrows[i];
obj.transform.Translate(-speed, 0, 0);
Rect rectObj, rectZone;
rectObj = new Rect(obj.transform.position.x - obj.GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.width,
obj.transform.position.y - obj.GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.height,
obj.GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.width, obj.GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.height);
rectZone = new Rect(pointZone.transform.position.x - pointZone.GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.width,
pointZone.transform.position.y - pointZone.GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.height,
pointZone.GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.width, pointZone.GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.height);
bool hit = false;
if (rectObj.Overlaps(rectZone))
Debug.Log("Obj " + rectObj + rectObj.size.x * rectObj.size.y);
Debug.Log("Zone " + rectZone + rectZone.size.x * rectZone.size.y);
Rect inter = new Rect(rectObj.xMin, rectObj.yMin, Mathf.Abs(rectObj.xMin - rectZone.xMax),
Mathf.Abs(rectObj.yMin - rectZone.yMax));
Debug.Log("inter " + inter + inter.size.x * inter.size.y);
int image = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < images.Length; j++)
if (obj.GetComponent<Image>().sprite == images[j])
image = j;
switch (image)
case 0:
if (Input.GetKeyDown("up"))
hit = true;
Debug.Log("Obj " + rectObj + rectObj.size.x * rectObj.size.y);
Debug.Log("Zone " + rectZone + rectZone.size.x * rectZone.size.y);
inter = new Rect(rectObj.xMin, rectObj.yMin, Mathf.Abs(rectObj.xMin - rectZone.xMax),
Mathf.Abs(rectObj.yMin - rectZone.yMax));
Debug.Log("inter " + inter + inter.size.x * inter.size.y);
case 1:
if (Input.GetKeyDown("right"))
hit = true;
Debug.Log("Obj " + rectObj + rectObj.size.x * rectObj.size.y);
Debug.Log("Zone " + rectZone + rectZone.size.x * rectZone.size.y);
inter = new Rect(rectObj.xMin, rectObj.yMin, Mathf.Abs(rectObj.xMin - rectZone.xMax),
Mathf.Abs(rectObj.yMin - rectZone.yMax));
Debug.Log("inter " + inter + inter.size.x * inter.size.y);
case 2:
if (Input.GetKeyDown("left"))
hit = true;
Debug.Log("Obj " + rectObj + rectObj.size.x * rectObj.size.y);
Debug.Log("Zone " + rectZone + rectZone.size.x * rectZone.size.y);
inter = new Rect(rectObj.xMin, rectObj.yMin, Mathf.Abs(rectObj.xMin - rectZone.xMax),
Mathf.Abs(rectObj.yMin - rectZone.yMax));
Debug.Log("inter " + inter + inter.size.x * inter.size.y);
case 3:
if (Input.GetKeyDown("down"))
hit = true;
Debug.Log("Obj " + rectObj + rectObj.size.x * rectObj.size.y);
Debug.Log("Zone " + rectZone + rectZone.size.x * rectZone.size.y);
inter = new Rect(rectObj.xMin, rectObj.yMin, Mathf.Abs(rectObj.xMin - rectZone.xMax),
Mathf.Abs(rectObj.yMin - rectZone.yMax));
Debug.Log("inter " + inter + inter.size.x * inter.size.y);
if (obj.transform.position.x <= 0 || hit)
lost = !hit;
if (lost)
separation -= speed;
if (separation <= 0)
示例12: FindNearestCellsToARect
public List<Cell> FindNearestCellsToARect (Rect bbox)
List<Cell> foundCells = new List<Cell> ();
// Automatically abort if the range does not collide with this quad
if (!BoundingBox.Contains (new Vector2 (bbox.xMin, bbox.yMin)) && !BoundingBox.Contains (new Vector2 (bbox.xMin, bbox.yMax)) &&
!BoundingBox.Contains (new Vector2 (bbox.xMax, bbox.yMin)) && !BoundingBox.Contains (new Vector2 (bbox.xMax, bbox.yMax))
&& !BoundingBox.Overlaps (bbox))
return foundCells;
// Check objects at this quad level
if (bbox.Overlaps (BoundingBox)
|| bbox.Contains (new Vector2 (BoundingBox.xMin, BoundingBox.yMin))
|| bbox.Contains (new Vector2 (BoundingBox.xMin, BoundingBox.yMax))
|| bbox.Contains (new Vector2 (BoundingBox.xMax, BoundingBox.yMin))
|| bbox.Contains (new Vector2 (BoundingBox.xMax, BoundingBox.yMax))
|| bbox.Contains (BoundingBox.center)) {
if (Cells.Count > 0) {
foreach (Cell c in Cells) {
foundCells.Add (c);
// Terminate here, if there are no children
if (Children == null)
return foundCells;
// Otherwise, add the points from the children
foundCells.AddRange (Children [0].FindNearestCellsToARect (bbox));
foundCells.AddRange (Children [1].FindNearestCellsToARect (bbox));
foundCells.AddRange (Children [2].FindNearestCellsToARect (bbox));
foundCells.AddRange (Children [3].FindNearestCellsToARect (bbox));
return foundCells;
示例13: CalcCollision
//chamto noUsed function !!
//chamto need Optimization !!
public MonoDrop CalcCollision(MonoDrop srcDrop)
const float BOX_WIDTH = 0.57f;
const float BOX_HEIGHT = 0.57f;
if(null == srcDrop) return null;
Rect srcBox = new Rect();
Rect dstBox = new Rect();
srcBox.width = BOX_WIDTH;
srcBox.height = BOX_HEIGHT;
srcBox.center = new Vector2(srcDrop.transform.position.x,srcDrop.transform.position.y);
dstBox = srcBox;
foreach(MonoDrop dstDrop in m_mapDrop.DtnrId.Values)
//self exclusion
if(srcDrop == dstDrop) continue;
//dstBox.center = new Vector2(dstDrop.transform.position.x,dstDrop.transform.position.y);
dstBox.center = new Vector2(dstDrop.gotoWorldPosition.x , dstDrop.gotoWorldPosition.y);
if(true == srcBox.Overlaps(dstBox,true)) //include allowInverse
return dstDrop;
return null;
示例14: Attack
public void Attack()
if (animator.GetInteger("dolphin_int") != 2)
animator.SetInteger("dolphin_int", 2);
transform.Translate(0f, -0.5f, 0f);
transform.Rotate(0f, 0f, 180f);
AttackCounter = Time.time + AttackTimer;
splashEvent(new Vector3(gameObject.transform.position.x,gameObject.transform.position.y + 0.2f, gameObject.transform.position.z));
transform.Rotate(Vector3.forward * (0.5f));
dolphin.transform.Rotate(0f, 0f, -300.0f * Time.deltaTime);
transform.Translate(new Vector3(1 * 11f * Time.deltaTime, 0f, 0f));
//hit test
pr = getRect(playerHitArea);
//rg = getRect(objectMesh);
if (pr.Overlaps(rg))
playerAttacked = true;
if (Time.time > AttackCounter)
currentState = dolphinStates.escaping;
示例15: doRoomsOverlapCorridor
bool doRoomsOverlapCorridor(Corridor alreadyPlaced, Room toBePlaced)
bool doesOverlap = false;
//finds the direction of the corridor and makes the correct rectangle
case Direction.North:
alreadyPlacedRect = new Rect (alreadyPlaced.startXPos, alreadyPlaced.startYPos, alreadyPlaced.corridorWidth+2, alreadyPlaced.corridorLength);
case Direction.East:
alreadyPlacedRect = new Rect (alreadyPlaced.startXPos, alreadyPlaced.startYPos, alreadyPlaced.corridorLength, alreadyPlaced.corridorWidth+2);
case Direction.South:
alreadyPlacedRect = new Rect (alreadyPlaced.startXPos, alreadyPlaced.EndPositionY, alreadyPlaced.corridorWidth+2, alreadyPlaced.corridorLength);
case Direction.West:
alreadyPlacedRect = new Rect (alreadyPlaced.EndPositionX, alreadyPlaced.startYPos, alreadyPlaced.corridorLength, alreadyPlaced.corridorWidth+2);
//makes the room rectangle
toBePlacedRect = new Rect (toBePlaced.xPos-2, toBePlaced.yPos-2, toBePlaced.roomWidth+3, toBePlaced.roomHeight+3);
//checks to see if the toBePlaced rectangle overlaps the already placed
if (alreadyPlacedRect.Overlaps (toBePlacedRect))
doesOverlap = true;
//if previous did not register then checks vise versa
else if (toBePlacedRect.Overlaps (alreadyPlacedRect))
doesOverlap = true;
//Lastly if code gets here then it individually checks each tile and checks if it is within the other rect
for (float i = toBePlacedRect.x; i <= toBePlacedRect.x + toBePlacedRect.width; i++) {
for (float j = toBePlacedRect.y; j <= toBePlacedRect.y + toBePlacedRect.height; j++) {
if (alreadyPlacedRect.Contains (new Vector2 (i, j))) {
doesOverlap = true;
return doesOverlap;