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C# Mobile.FindMostRecentDamager方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中Server.Mobile.FindMostRecentDamager方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Mobile.FindMostRecentDamager方法的具体用法?C# Mobile.FindMostRecentDamager怎么用?C# Mobile.FindMostRecentDamager使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Server.Mobile的用法示例。


示例1: HandleDeath

        public static void HandleDeath( Mobile victim, Mobile killer )
            if( !NewGuildSystem )

            if ( killer == null )
                killer = victim.FindMostRecentDamager( false );

            if( killer == null || victim.Guild == null || killer.Guild == null )

            Guild victimGuild = GetAllianceLeader( victim.Guild as Guild );
            Guild killerGuild = GetAllianceLeader( killer.Guild as Guild );

            WarDeclaration war = killerGuild.FindActiveWar( victimGuild );

            if( war == null )


            if ( war.Opponent == victimGuild )

示例2: OnDeath

        public override bool OnDeath( Mobile mob, Container corpse )
            Mobile killer = mob.FindMostRecentDamager( false );

            bool hadBomb = false;

            Item[] bombs = corpse.FindItemsByType( typeof( BRBomb ), false );

            for ( int i = 0; i < bombs.Length; ++i )
                ( bombs[i] as BRBomb ).DropTo( mob, killer );

            hadBomb = ( hadBomb || bombs.Length > 0 );

            if ( mob.Backpack != null )
                bombs = mob.Backpack.FindItemsByType( typeof( BRBomb ), false );

                for ( int i = 0; i < bombs.Length; ++i )
                    ( bombs[i] as BRBomb ).DropTo( mob, killer );

                hadBomb = ( hadBomb || bombs.Length > 0 );

            if ( killer != null && killer.Player )
                BRTeamInfo teamInfo = GetTeamInfo( killer );
                BRTeamInfo victInfo = GetTeamInfo( mob );

                if ( teamInfo != null && teamInfo != victInfo )
                    BRPlayerInfo playerInfo = teamInfo[killer];

                    if ( playerInfo != null )
                        playerInfo.Kills += 1;
                        playerInfo.Score += 1; // base frag

                        if ( hadBomb )
                            playerInfo.Score += 4; // fragged bomb carrier

            mob.CloseGump( typeof( BRBoardGump ) );
            mob.SendGump( new BRBoardGump( mob, this ) );

            m_Context.Requip( mob, corpse );
            DelayBounce( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 30.0 ), mob, corpse );

            return false;

示例3: Requip

		public void Requip( Mobile from, Container cont )
			Corpse corpse = cont as Corpse;

			if ( corpse == null )

			List<Item> items = new List<Item>( corpse.Items );

			bool gathered = false;
			bool didntFit = false;

			Container pack = from.Backpack;

			for ( int i = 0; !didntFit && i < items.Count; ++i )
				Item item = items[i];
				Point3D loc = item.Location;

				if ( (item.Layer == Layer.Hair || item.Layer == Layer.FacialHair) || !item.Movable )

				if ( pack != null )
					pack.DropItem( item );
					gathered = true;
					didntFit = true;

			corpse.Carved = true;

			if ( corpse.ItemID == 0x2006 )
				corpse.ItemID = Utility.Random( 0xECA, 9 ); // bone graphic
				corpse.Hue = 0;

				Mobile killer = from.FindMostRecentDamager( false );

				if ( killer != null && killer.Player )
					killer.AddToBackpack( new Head( m_Tournament == null ? HeadType.Duel : HeadType.Tournament, from.Name ) );

			from.PlaySound( 0x3E3 );

			if ( gathered && !didntFit )
				from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1062471 ); // You quickly gather all of your belongings.
			else if ( gathered && didntFit )
				from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1062472 ); // You gather some of your belongings. The rest remain on the corpse.

示例4: OnDeath

        public override bool OnDeath( Mobile mob, Container corpse )
            Mobile killer = mob.FindMostRecentDamager( false );

            bool hadFlag = false;

            Item[] flags = corpse.FindItemsByType( typeof( CTFFlag ), false );

            for ( int i = 0; i < flags.Length; ++i )
                ( flags[i] as CTFFlag ).DropTo( mob, killer );

            hadFlag = ( hadFlag || flags.Length > 0 );

            if ( mob.Backpack != null )
                flags = mob.Backpack.FindItemsByType( typeof( CTFFlag ), false );

                for ( int i = 0; i < flags.Length; ++i )
                    ( flags[i] as CTFFlag ).DropTo( mob, killer );

                hadFlag = ( hadFlag || flags.Length > 0 );

            if ( killer != null && killer.Player )
                CTFTeamInfo teamInfo = GetTeamInfo( killer );
                CTFTeamInfo victInfo = GetTeamInfo( mob );

                if ( teamInfo != null && teamInfo != victInfo )
                    CTFPlayerInfo playerInfo = teamInfo[killer];

                    if ( playerInfo != null )
                        playerInfo.Kills += 1;
                        playerInfo.Score += 1; // base frag

                        if ( hadFlag )
                            playerInfo.Score += 4; // fragged flag carrier

                        if ( mob.InRange( teamInfo.Origin, 24 ) && mob.Map == this.Facet )
                            playerInfo.Score += 1; // fragged in base -- guarding

                        for ( int i = 0; i < m_Controller.TeamInfo.Length; ++i )
                            if ( m_Controller.TeamInfo[i] == teamInfo )

                            Mobile ourFlagCarrier = null;

                            if ( m_Controller.TeamInfo[i].Flag != null )
                                ourFlagCarrier = m_Controller.TeamInfo[i].Flag.RootParent as Mobile;

                            if ( ourFlagCarrier != null && GetTeamInfo( ourFlagCarrier ) == teamInfo )
                                for ( int j = 0; j < ourFlagCarrier.Aggressors.Count; ++j )
                                    AggressorInfo aggr = ourFlagCarrier.Aggressors[j];

                                    if ( aggr == null || aggr.Defender != ourFlagCarrier || aggr.Attacker != mob )

                                    playerInfo.Score += 2; // helped defend guy capturing enemy flag

                                if ( mob.Map == ourFlagCarrier.Map && ourFlagCarrier.InRange( mob, 12 ) )
                                    playerInfo.Score += 1; // helped defend guy capturing enemy flag

            mob.CloseGump( typeof( CTFBoardGump ) );
            mob.SendGump( new CTFBoardGump( mob, this ) );

            m_Context.Requip( mob, corpse );
            DelayBounce( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 30.0 ), mob, corpse );

            return false;

示例5: OnDamage

		public override bool OnDamage(Mobile m, ref int damage)
			if (Battle != null && Battle.State != PvPBattleState.Internal && !Battle.Hidden &&
				!Battle.OnDamage(m.FindMostRecentDamager(true), m, ref damage))
				return false;

			return base.OnDamage(m, ref damage);

示例6: OnDeath

		public override bool OnDeath( Mobile mob, Container corpse )
			Mobile killer = mob.FindMostRecentDamager( false );

			if ( killer != null && killer.Player )
				DDTeamInfo teamInfo = GetTeamInfo( killer );
				DDTeamInfo victInfo = GetTeamInfo( mob );

				if ( teamInfo != null && teamInfo != victInfo )
					DDPlayerInfo playerInfo = teamInfo[killer];

					if ( playerInfo != null )
						playerInfo.Kills += 1;
						playerInfo.Score += 1; // base frag

						// extra points for killing someone on the waypoint
						if ( this.Controller.PointA != null )
							if ( mob.InRange( this.Controller.PointA, 2 ) )
								playerInfo.Score += 1;

						if ( this.Controller.PointB != null )
							if ( mob.InRange( this.Controller.PointB, 2 ) )
								playerInfo.Score += 1;

					playerInfo = victInfo[mob];
					if ( playerInfo != null )
						playerInfo.Score -= 1;

			mob.CloseGump( typeof( DDBoardGump ) );
			mob.SendGump( new DDBoardGump( mob, this ) );

			m_Context.Requip( mob, corpse );
			DelayBounce( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 30.0 ), mob, corpse );

			return false;

示例7: HandleDeath

		public static void HandleDeath( Mobile victim, Mobile killer )
			if ( killer == null )
				killer = victim.FindMostRecentDamager( true );

			PlayerState killerState = PlayerState.Find( killer );

			Container pack = victim.Backpack;

			if ( pack != null )
				Container killerPack = ( killer == null ? null : killer.Backpack );
				Item[] sigils = pack.FindItemsByType( typeof( Sigil ) );

				for ( int i = 0; i < sigils.Length; ++i )
					Sigil sigil = (Sigil)sigils[i];

					if ( killerState != null && killerPack != null )
						if ( killer.GetDistanceToSqrt( victim ) > 64 ) {
							killer.SendLocalizedMessage( 1042230 ); // The sigil has gone back to its home location.
						else if ( Sigil.ExistsOn( killer ) )
							killer.SendLocalizedMessage( 1010258 ); // The sigil has gone back to its home location because you already have a sigil.
						else if ( !killerPack.TryDropItem( killer, sigil, false ) )
							killer.SendLocalizedMessage( 1010259 ); // The sigil has gone home because your backpack is full.

			if ( killerState == null )

			if ( victim is BaseCreature )
				BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)victim;
				Faction victimFaction = bc.FactionAllegiance;

				if ( bc.Map == Faction.Facet && victimFaction != null && killerState.Faction != victimFaction )
					int silver = killerState.Faction.AwardSilver( killer, bc.FactionSilverWorth );

					if ( silver > 0 )
						killer.SendLocalizedMessage( 1042748, silver.ToString( "N0" ) ); // Thou hast earned ~1_AMOUNT~ silver for vanquishing the vile creature.

				#region Ethics
				if ( bc.Map == Faction.Facet && bc.GetEthicAllegiance( killer ) == BaseCreature.Allegiance.Enemy )
					Ethics.Player killerEPL = Ethics.Player.Find( killer );

					if ( killerEPL != null && ( 100 - killerEPL.Power ) > Utility.Random( 100 ) )


			PlayerState victimState = PlayerState.Find( victim );

			if ( victimState == null )

			if ( killer == victim || killerState.Faction != victimState.Faction )
				ApplySkillLoss( victim );

			if ( killerState.Faction != victimState.Faction )
				if ( victimState.KillPoints <= -6 )
					killer.SendLocalizedMessage( 501693 ); // This victim is not worth enough to get kill points from. 

					#region Ethics
					Ethics.Player killerEPL = Ethics.Player.Find( killer );
					Ethics.Player victimEPL = Ethics.Player.Find( victim );

					if ( killerEPL != null && victimEPL != null && victimEPL.Power > 0 && victimState.CanGiveSilverTo( killer ) )
						int powerTransfer = Math.Max( 1, victimEPL.Power / 5 );

						if ( powerTransfer > ( 100 - killerEPL.Power ) )
							powerTransfer = 100 - killerEPL.Power;

						if ( powerTransfer > 0 )

示例8: HandleDeath

        public static void HandleDeath( Mobile victim, Mobile killer )
            if ( victim.Map != Faction.Facet )

            if ( killer == null )
                killer = victim.FindMostRecentDamager( true );

            PlayerState killerState = PlayerState.Find( killer );

            Container pack = victim.Backpack;

            if ( pack != null )
                Container killerPack = ( killer == null ? null : killer.Backpack );
                Item[] sigils = pack.FindItemsByType( typeof( Sigil ) );

                for ( int i = 0; i < sigils.Length; ++i )
                    Sigil sigil = (Sigil) sigils[i];

                    if ( killerState != null && killerPack != null )
                        if ( Sigil.ExistsOn( killer ) )
                            killer.SendLocalizedMessage( 1010258 ); // The sigil has gone back to its home location because you already have a sigil.
                        else if ( !killerPack.TryDropItem( killer, sigil, false ) )
                            killer.SendLocalizedMessage( 1010259 ); // The sigil has gone home because your backpack is full.

                        sigil.RestoreThief( killerState.Faction );

            PlayerState victimState = PlayerState.Find( victim );

            if ( killerState == null )
                if ( victimState != null && killer is BaseCreature && victim is PlayerMobile )
                    BaseCreature slayingCreature = killer as BaseCreature;

                    if ( slayingCreature.FactionAllegiance != null && slayingCreature.FactionAllegiance != victimState.Faction )
                        ApplySkillLoss( victim );


            if ( victim is BaseCreature )
                BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature) victim;
                Faction victimFaction = bc.FactionAllegiance;

                if ( bc.Map == Faction.Facet && victimFaction != null && killerState.Faction != victimFaction )
                    int silver = killerState.Faction.AwardSilver( killer, bc.FactionSilverWorth );

                    if ( silver > 0 )
                        killer.SendLocalizedMessage( 1042748, silver.ToString( "N0" ) ); // Thou hast earned ~1_AMOUNT~ silver for vanquishing the vile creature.


            if ( victimState == null )

            if ( killerState.Faction != victimState.Faction )
                if ( !victimState.CanGiveSilverTo( killer ) )
                    killer.SendLocalizedMessage( 1042231 ); // You have recently defeated this enemy and thus their death brings you no honor.
                    int totalAward = ComputeKillPointAward( victim );
                    totalAward = Math.Min( totalAward, victimState.KillPoints - MinFactionKillPoints );

                    if ( totalAward <= 0 )
                        if ( killer == victim || killerState.Faction != victimState.Faction )
                            ApplySkillLoss( victim );
                        killer.SendLocalizedMessage( 501693 ); // This victim is not worth enough to get kill points from.

                    int killerAward = (int) Math.Ceiling( 0.4 * totalAward );
                    int participantsAward = totalAward - killerAward;

示例9: HandleDeath

        public static void HandleDeath( Mobile victim, Mobile killer )
            if ( killer == null )
                killer = victim.FindMostRecentDamager( true );

            PlayerState killerState = PlayerState.Find( killer );

            Container pack = victim.Backpack;

            if ( pack != null )
                Container killerPack = ( killer == null ? null : killer.Backpack );
                Item[] sigils = pack.FindItemsByType( typeof( Sigil ) );

                for ( int i = 0; i < sigils.Length; ++i )
                    Sigil sigil = (Sigil)sigils[i];

                    if ( killerState != null && killerPack != null )
                        if ( Sigil.ExistsOn( killer ) )
                            killer.SendAsciiMessage( "The sigil has gone back to its home location because you already have a sigil." );
                        else if ( !killerPack.TryDropItem( killer, sigil, false ) )
                            killer.SendAsciiMessage( "The sigil has gone home because your backpack is full." );

            if ( killerState == null )

            if ( victim is BaseCreature )
                BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)victim;
                Faction victimFaction = bc.FactionAllegiance;

                if ( bc.Map == Faction.Facet && victimFaction != null && killerState.Faction != victimFaction )
                    int silver = killerState.Faction.AwardSilver( killer, bc.FactionSilverWorth );

                    if ( silver > 0 )
                        killer.SendAsciiMessage( "Thou hast earned " + silver.ToString( "N0" ) + " silver for vanquishing the vile creature." );


            PlayerState victimState = PlayerState.Find( victim );

            if ( victimState == null )

            if ( killer == victim || killerState.Faction != victimState.Faction )
                ApplySkillLoss( victim );

            if ( killerState.Faction != victimState.Faction )
                if ( victimState.KillPoints <= -6 )
                    killer.SendAsciiMessage( "This victim is not worth enough to get kill points from. " );
                    int award = Math.Max( victimState.KillPoints / 10, 1 );

                    if ( award > 40 )
                        award = 40;

                    if ( victimState.CanGiveSilverTo( killer ) )
                        if ( victimState.KillPoints > 0 )
                            int silver = 0;

                            silver = killerState.Faction.AwardSilver( killer, award * 40 );

                            if ( silver > 0 )
                                killer.SendAsciiMessage( "You have earned " + silver.ToString() + " pieces for vanquishing " + victim.Name + "!" );

                        victimState.KillPoints -= award;
                        killerState.KillPoints += award;

                        int offset = ( award != 1 ? 0 : 2 ); // for pluralization

                        string args = String.Format( "{0}\t{1}\t{2}", award, victim.Name, killer.Name );

                        if ( award > 1 )
                            killer.SendAsciiMessage( "Thou hast been honored with " + award.ToString() + " kill points for vanquishing " + victim.Name + "!" );

示例10: OnDeath

        public override bool OnDeath(Mobile mob, Container corpse)
            Mobile killer = mob.FindMostRecentDamager(false);
            KHTeamInfo teamInfo = null;
            KHTeamInfo victInfo = GetTeamInfo(mob);
            int bonus = 0;

            if (killer != null && killer.Player)
                teamInfo = GetTeamInfo(killer);

            for (int i = 0; i < m_Controller.Hills.Length; i++)
                if (m_Controller.Hills[i] == null)

                if (m_Controller.Hills[i].King == mob)
                    bonus += m_Controller.Hills[i].CapturesSoFar;
                    m_Controller.Hills[i].OnKingDied(mob, victInfo, killer, teamInfo);

                if (m_Controller.Hills[i].King == killer)
                    bonus += 2;

            if (teamInfo != null && teamInfo != victInfo)
                KHPlayerInfo playerInfo = teamInfo[killer];

                if (playerInfo != null)
                    playerInfo.Kills += 1;
                    playerInfo.Score += 1 + bonus;

            mob.SendGump(new KHBoardGump(mob, this));

            m_Context.Requip(mob, corpse);
            DelayBounce(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30.0), mob, corpse);

            return false;

示例11: HandleDeath

		// end

		public static void HandleDeath( Mobile victim, Mobile killer )
            if ((victim != null && victim.Region is CustomRegion && ((CustomRegion)victim.Region).NoFactionEffects) ||
                (killer != null && killer.Region is CustomRegion && ((CustomRegion)killer.Region).NoFactionEffects))

            if ( killer == null )
				killer = victim.FindMostRecentDamager( true );

			PlayerState victimState = PlayerState.Find( victim );

			//to give statloss from guards
			if ( victimState != null && killer is BaseFactionGuard && ((BaseFactionGuard)killer).Faction != victimState.Faction )
				ApplySkillLoss( victim );

			PlayerState killerState = PlayerState.Find( killer );

			Container pack = victim.Backpack;

			if ( pack != null )
				Container killerPack = ( killer == null ? null : killer.Backpack );
				Item[] sigils = pack.FindItemsByType( typeof( Sigil ) );

				for ( int i = 0; i < sigils.Length; ++i )
					Sigil sigil = (Sigil)sigils[i];

					if ( killerState != null && killerPack != null )
						if ( Sigil.ExistsOn( killer ) )
							killer.SendLocalizedMessage( 1010258 ); // The sigil has gone back to its home location because you already have a sigil.
						else if ( !killerPack.TryDropItem( killer, sigil, false ) )
							killer.SendLocalizedMessage( 1010259 ); // The sigil has gone home because your backpack is full.

			if ( killerState == null )

			if ( victim is BaseCreature )
				BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)victim;
				Faction victimFaction = bc.FactionAllegiance;

                bool bcRegionIsNoFactions = (bc.Region is CustomRegion && ((CustomRegion)bc.Region).NoFactionEffects);
                if ( Faction.IsFactionMap(bc.Map) && victimFaction != null && killerState.Faction != victimFaction && !bcRegionIsNoFactions)
					int silver = killerState.Faction.AwardSilver( killer, bc.FactionSilverWorth );

					if ( silver > 0 )
						killer.SendLocalizedMessage( 1042748, silver.ToString( "N0" ) ); // Thou hast earned ~1_AMOUNT~ silver for vanquishing the vile creature.


			//PlayerState victimState = PlayerState.Find( victim );

			if ( victimState == null )

			// MODIFICATIONS FOR Capture the Flag / Double Dom games
			Server.Items.CTFTeam ft = Server.Items.CTFGame.FindTeamFor( killer );
			if ( ft != null )
				Server.Items.CTFTeam tt = Server.Items.CTFGame.FindTeamFor( victim );
				if ( tt != null && ft.Game == tt.Game )
			// END

			// MODIFICATIONS TO award correct player for faction kill ( last damager )
			TimeSpan lastTime = TimeSpan.MaxValue;

			for ( int i = 0; i < victim.Aggressors.Count; ++i )
				AggressorInfo info = (AggressorInfo)victim.Aggressors[i];
				if ( info.Attacker != null && info.Attacker is PlayerMobile && info.Attacker.Alive && (DateTime.Now - info.LastCombatTime) < lastTime && (DateTime.Now - info.LastCombatTime) < TimeSpan.FromMinutes( 2.0 ) )
					PlayerMobile tempkiller = info.Attacker as PlayerMobile;
					PlayerState tempkillerState = PlayerState.Find( tempkiller );
					if ( tempkillerState != null && tempkillerState.Faction != victimState.Faction )
						killer = tempkiller;
						killerState = tempkillerState;
