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C# Mobile.CriminalAction方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中Server.Mobile.CriminalAction方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Mobile.CriminalAction方法的具体用法?C# Mobile.CriminalAction怎么用?C# Mobile.CriminalAction使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Server.Mobile的用法示例。


示例1: OnProfanityDetected

        private static bool OnProfanityDetected( Mobile from, string speech )
            switch ( Action )
                case ProfanityAction.None:
                    return true;
                case ProfanityAction.Disallow:
                    return false;
                case ProfanityAction.Criminal:
                    from.Criminal = true;
                    return true;
                case ProfanityAction.CriminalAction:
                    from.CriminalAction( false );
                    return true;
                case ProfanityAction.Disconnect:
                        GameClient ns = from.Client;

                        if ( ns != null )

                        return false;
                case ProfanityAction.Other: // TODO: Provide custom implementation if this is chosen
                        return true;

示例2: Carve

        public void Carve( Mobile from, Item item )
            Mobile dead = m_Owner;

            if ( m_Carved || dead == null )
                from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500485 ); // You see nothing useful to carve from the corpse.
            else if ( ((Body)Amount).IsHuman && ItemID == 0x2006 )
                new Blood( 0x122D ).MoveToWorld( Location, Map );

                new Torso().MoveToWorld( Location, Map );
                new LeftLeg().MoveToWorld( Location, Map );
                new LeftArm().MoveToWorld( Location, Map );
                new RightLeg().MoveToWorld( Location, Map );
                new RightArm().MoveToWorld( Location, Map );
                new Head( String.Format( "the head of {0}", dead.Name ) ).MoveToWorld( Location, Map );

                m_Carved = true;

                ItemID = Utility.Random( 0xECA, 9 ); // bone graphic
                Hue = 0;

                if ( IsCriminalAction( from ) )
                    from.CriminalAction( true );
            else if ( dead is BaseCreature )
                ((BaseCreature)dead).OnCarve( from, this );
                from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500485 ); // You see nothing useful to carve from the corpse.

示例3: Carve

                            ow.Maimings = 666; // Set Maimings to 666, so it doesn't re-maim them if they've PDed
                            new Blood().MoveToWorld( Location, Map );
                            new Blood().MoveToWorld( Location, Map );
                            new Blood().MoveToWorld( Location, Map );
                            new Torso().MoveToWorld( Location, Map );
                            new LeftLeg().MoveToWorld( Location, Map );
                            new LeftArm().MoveToWorld( Location, Map );
                            new RightLeg().MoveToWorld( Location, Map );
                            new RightArm().MoveToWorld( Location, Map );
                            new Head( dead.Name ).MoveToWorld( Location, Map );
                            m_Carved = true;
                            ItemID = Utility.Random( 0xECA, 9 ); // bone graphic
                            Hue = 0;

                if (ow.Maimings < 666) //Do our check to make sure the dude aint dead already!
                    //If maim count is below 2, or if the lucky dog passed his chance to DIE...

                    from.SendMessage( 32, "You inflict a grievous finishing wound upon " + dead.Name + "!" );
                    from.Emote( "*{0} inflicts a grievous wound upon {1}*",from.Name ,dead.Name );
                    UseDelaySystem.AddContext(from, DelayContextType.WoundCommand,TimeSpan.FromHours(1));
                    dead.SendMessage( 32, "You have been dealt a grievous finishing wound! Your wound count has increased by 1!" );

                    if (HealthAttachment.HasHealthAttachment(dead))

                    ow.Maimings += 1;
                    ow.HCWound = DateTime.Now;
                    new Blood().MoveToWorld( Location, Map );
                    new Blood().MoveToWorld( Location, Map );
                    new Blood().MoveToWorld( Location, Map );

                    //Blow through our checks to see if we should lower stats!
                    if (ow.RawHits > 25 && ow.Maimings + 1 > Utility.Random(10))
                        ow.RawHits -= Utility.RandomList(5,10);
                        dead.SendMessage( 32, "You have lost some hit points permenantly due to the wound you've sustained!" );
                    if (ow.RawStam > 25 && ow.Maimings + 1 > Utility.Random(10))
                        ow.RawStam -= Utility.RandomList(5,10);
                        dead.SendMessage( 32, "You have lost some stamina points permenantly due to the wound you've sustained!" );
                    if (ow.RawMana > 25 && ow.Maimings + 1 > Utility.Random(10))
                        ow.RawMana -= Utility.RandomList(5,10);
                        dead.SendMessage( 32, "You have lost some mana points permenantly due to the wound you've sustained!" );
            from.SendMessage( "You are not capable of inflicting a wound on that target, as they have been dealt a finishing move within the past 24 hours." );

            else if( this.Owner != null && this.Owner is PlayerMobile && ((PlayerMobile)this.Owner).Lives > -1 )
                from.SendMessage( "That person is not dead yet, so you cannot carve their body." );

            else if ( dead == null )
                from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500485 ); // You see nothing useful to carve from the corpse.
            else if ( ((Body)Amount).IsHuman && ItemID == 0x2006 )
                new Blood( 0x122D ).MoveToWorld( Location, Map );

                new Torso().MoveToWorld( Location, Map );
                new LeftLeg().MoveToWorld( Location, Map );
                new LeftArm().MoveToWorld( Location, Map );
                new RightLeg().MoveToWorld( Location, Map );
                new RightArm().MoveToWorld( Location, Map );
                new Head( dead.Name ).MoveToWorld( Location, Map );

                m_Carved = true;

                ItemID = Utility.Random( 0xECA, 9 ); // bone graphic
                Hue = 0;

                if ( IsCriminalAction( from ) )
                    from.CriminalAction( true );
            else if ( dead is BaseCreature )
                ((BaseCreature)dead).OnCarve( from, this );
                from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500485 ); // You see nothing useful to carve from the corpse.

示例4: FilterText

        public static string FilterText( Mobile m, string s )

            string filter = "";
            string subOne = "";
            string subTwo = "";
            string subThree = "";
            int index = 0;

            for( int i = 0; i < ChatInfo.Filters.Count; ++i )
                filter = ChatInfo.Filters[i].ToString();

                if ( filter == "" )
                    ChatInfo.Filters.Remove( filter );

                index = s.ToLower().IndexOf( filter );

                if ( index >= 0 )
                    if ( m.AccessLevel == AccessLevel.Player )
                        if ( !ChatInfo.NoFilterPenalty )
                            m.SendMessage( ChatInfo.GetInfo( m ).SystemColor, "Filter violation detected: " + filter );

                        if ( ChatInfo.FilterBan )
                            ChatInfo.GetInfo( m ).Ban( ChatInfo.FilterBanLength );
                        else if ( ChatInfo.FilterKick )
                            m.Say( "I've been kicked!" );
                            if ( m.NetState != null ) m.NetState.Dispose();
                        else if ( ChatInfo.FilterCriminal )
                            m.CriminalAction( false );

                        if ( !ChatInfo.NoFilterPenalty )
                            return "";

                    subOne = s.Substring( 0, index );
                    subTwo = "";

                    for( int ii = 0; ii < filter.Length; ++ii )

                    subThree = s.Substring( index+filter.Length, s.Length-filter.Length-index );

                    s = subOne + subTwo + subThree;


            }catch{ Errors.Report( String.Format( "Filter-> FilterText-> |{0}|", m ) ); }

            return s;

示例5: OnItemLifted

		public override void OnItemLifted( Mobile from, Item item )
			base.OnItemLifted( from, item );

			if ( item != this && from != m_Owner )

			if ( item != this && IsCriminalAction( from ) )
				from.CriminalAction( true );

			if ( !m_Looters.Contains( from ) )
				m_Looters.Add( from );

			if ( m_InstancedItems != null && m_InstancedItems.ContainsKey( item ) )
				m_InstancedItems.Remove( item );

            // Scriptiz : on log les loots !
            if (from != null && m_Owner != null && item != null && from.Player && m_Owner.Player)
                string sItem = String.Format("{0} ({1})", item.GetType().Name, item.Serial);
                string sLooter = String.Format("{0} ({1})", from.Name, (from.Account != null ? from.Account.Username : "null"));
                string sLooted = String.Format("{0} ({1})", m_Owner.Name, (m_Owner.Account != null ? m_Owner.Account.Username : "null"));
                LogLoot(String.Format(DateTime.Now + ": {0} a été looté par {1} sur le corps de {2}", sItem, sLooter, sLooted));

示例6: OnCarve

                from.SendAsciiMessage( "You see nothing useful to carve from the corpse." );
                if ( corpse.Map == Map.Felucca )
                    feathers *= 2;
                    wool *= 2;
                    hides *= 2;

                new Blood( 0x122D ).MoveToWorld( corpse.Location, corpse.Map );

                if ( feathers != 0 )
                    corpse.DropItem( new Feather( feathers ) );
                    from.SendAsciiMessage( "You pluck the bird. The feathers are now on the corpse." );

                if ( wool != 0 )
                    corpse.DropItem( new Wool( wool ) );
                    from.SendAsciiMessage( "You shear it, and the wool is now on the corpse." );

                if ( meat != 0 )
                    if ( MeatType == MeatType.Ribs )
                        corpse.DropItem( new RawRibs( meat ) );
                    else if ( MeatType == MeatType.Bird )
                        corpse.DropItem( new RawBird( meat ) );
                    else if ( MeatType == MeatType.LambLeg )
                        corpse.DropItem( new RawLambLeg( meat ) );

                    from.SendAsciiMessage( "You carve some meat, which remains on the corpse." );

                if ( lightfur != 0 )
                    if ( LightFurType == LightFurType.LightFur )
                        corpse.DropItem( new LightFur( lightfur ) );

                    from.SendAsciiMessage ( "You skin it, and the fur is now on the corpse." );

                if ( darkfur != 0 )
                    if ( DarkFurType == DarkFurType.DarkFur )
                        corpse.DropItem( new DarkFur( darkfur ) );

                    from.SendAsciiMessage ( "You skin it, and the fur is now on the corpse." );

                if ( hides != 0 )
                    if ( HideType == HideType.Regular )
                        corpse.DropItem( new Hides( hides ) );
                    else if ( HideType == HideType.Spined )
                        corpse.DropItem( new Hides( hides ) );
                    else if ( HideType == HideType.Horned )
                        corpse.DropItem( new Hides( hides ) );
                    else if ( HideType == HideType.Barbed )
                        corpse.DropItem( new Hides( hides ) );

                    from.SendAsciiMessage( "You skin it, and the hides are now on the corpse." );

                if ( scales != 0 )
                    ScaleType sc = this.ScaleType;

                    switch ( sc )
                        case ScaleType.Red:		corpse.DropItem( new RedScales( scales ) ); break;
                        case ScaleType.Yellow:	corpse.DropItem( new YellowScales( scales ) ); break;
                        case ScaleType.Black:	corpse.DropItem( new BlackScales( scales ) ); break;
                        case ScaleType.Green:	corpse.DropItem( new GreenScales( scales ) ); break;
                        case ScaleType.White:	corpse.DropItem( new WhiteScales( scales ) ); break;
                        case ScaleType.Blue:	corpse.DropItem( new BlueScales( scales ) ); break;
                        case ScaleType.All:
                            corpse.DropItem( new RedScales( scales ) );
                            corpse.DropItem( new YellowScales( scales ) );
                            corpse.DropItem( new BlackScales( scales ) );
                            corpse.DropItem( new GreenScales( scales ) );
                            corpse.DropItem( new WhiteScales( scales ) );
                            corpse.DropItem( new BlueScales( scales ) );

                    from.SendAsciiMessage( "You cut away some scales, but they remain on the corpse." );

                corpse.Carved = true;

                if ( corpse.IsCriminalAction( from ) )
                    from.CriminalAction( true );

示例7: OnItemUsed

        public override void OnItemUsed( Mobile from, Item item )
            base.OnItemUsed( from, item );

            if ( item is Food )

            if ( item != this && IsCriminalAction( from ) )
                from.CriminalAction( true );

            if ( !m_Looters.Contains( from ) )
                m_Looters.Add( from );

            if ( m_InstancedItems != null && m_InstancedItems.ContainsKey( item ) )
                m_InstancedItems.Remove( item );

示例8: CheckLoot

		private bool CheckLoot( Mobile m, bool criminalAction )
			if ( m_Temporary )
				return false;

			if ( m.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster || m_Owner == null || m == m_Owner )
				return true;

			Party p = Party.Get( m_Owner );

			if ( p != null && p.Contains( m ) )
				return true;

			Map map = this.Map;

			if ( map != null && (map.Rules & MapRules.HarmfulRestrictions) == 0 )
				if ( criminalAction )
					m.CriminalAction( true );
					m.SendLocalizedMessage( 1010630 ); // Taking someone else's treasure is a criminal offense!

				return true;

			m.SendLocalizedMessage( 1010631 ); // You did not discover this chest!
			return false;

示例9: OnLoot

        public virtual void OnLoot(Mobile from) 
            Item m_Loot;
            string m_Collected = "";

            if (!FindLooter(from))
                // always one
                m_Loot = Loot.Construct(m_TrashCommonTypes);
                m_Collected = "You have recovered " + GetName(m_Loot);

                if (Utility.RandomBool())// maybe two
                    m_Loot = Loot.Construct(m_TrashCommonTypes);
                    m_Collected = m_Collected + ", " + GetName(m_Loot);

                if (m_ItemChance > Utility.RandomDouble())// plus chance for a random item
                    m_Loot = Loot.Construct(m_TrashItemTypes);
                    m_Collected = m_Collected + ", " + GetName(m_Loot);

                if (m_RareChance > Utility.RandomDouble())// plus chance for a random prize
                    m_Loot = Loot.Construct(m_TrashRareTypes);
                    m_Collected = m_Collected + ", and " + GetName(m_Loot) + "!";

                if (m_Sound > 0)
                    Effects.PlaySound(from.Location, from.Map, m_Sound);


                Looters.Add(new TrashLooter(from));

                if (m_MaxUses > 0 && m_usesCount >= m_MaxUses)
                    from.SendMessage("You have recovered the last useable item!");

                if (m_MakesCriminal)
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(1010630); // Taking someone else's treasure is a criminal offense!
                from.SendMessage("You find nothing of value at this time.");

示例10: Carve

        public void Carve( Mobile from, Item item )
            if ( IsCriminalAction( from ) && this.Map != null && ( this.Map.Rules & MapRules.HarmfulRestrictions ) != 0 || ( Instanced && GetInstancedCorpse( from ) == null ) )
                // You may not dismember that corpse as you do not have rights to it.
                from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1005016 );


            Mobile dead = m_Owner;

            if ( GetFlag( CorpseFlag.Carved ) || dead == null )
                from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500485 ); // You see nothing useful to carve from the corpse.
            else if ( dead is TyballShadow )
                // You may not dismember that corpse as you do not have rights to it.
                from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1005016 );
            else if ( ( (Body) Amount ).IsHuman && ItemID == 0x2006 )
                new Blood( 0x122D ).MoveToWorld( Location, Map );

                new Torso().MoveToWorld( Location, Map );
                new LeftLeg().MoveToWorld( Location, Map );
                new LeftArm().MoveToWorld( Location, Map );
                new RightLeg().MoveToWorld( Location, Map );
                new RightArm().MoveToWorld( Location, Map );
                new Head( String.Format( "the head of {0}", dead.Name ) ).MoveToWorld( Location, Map );

                SetFlag( CorpseFlag.Carved, true );

                ItemID = Utility.Random( 0xECA, 9 ); // bone graphic
                Hue = 0;
                Direction = Direction.North;

                if ( IsCriminalAction( from ) )
                    from.CriminalAction( true );
            else if ( dead is BaseCreature )
                ( (BaseCreature) dead ).OnCarve( from, this, item is ButchersWarCleaver );
                from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500485 ); // You see nothing useful to carve from the corpse.

示例11: OnCarve

		public virtual void OnCarve( Mobile from, Corpse corpse )
			int feathers = Feathers;
			int wool = Wool;
			int meat = Meat;
			int hides = Hides;
			int scales = Scales;

			if ( (feathers == 0 && wool == 0 && meat == 0 && hides == 0 && scales == 0) || Summoned || IsBonded )
				from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500485 ); // You see nothing useful to carve from the corpse.
				//	6/8/2004 - Pulse
				//		No longer doubles the resources from corpses if in Felucca, to re-add double resources
				//		un-comment the 6 lines of code below.
				//				if ( corpse.Map == Map.Felucca )
				//				{
				//					feathers *= 2;
				//					wool *= 2;
				//					hides *= 2;
				//				}

				new Blood( 0x122D ).MoveToWorld( corpse.Location, corpse.Map );

				if ( feathers != 0 )
					corpse.DropItem( new Feather( feathers ) );
					from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500479 ); // You pluck the bird. The feathers are now on the corpse.

				if ( wool != 0 )
					corpse.DropItem( new Wool( wool ) );
					from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500483 ); // You shear it, and the wool is now on the corpse.

				if ( meat != 0 )
					if ( MeatType == MeatType.Ribs )
						corpse.DropItem( new RawRibs( meat ) );
					else if ( MeatType == MeatType.Bird )
						corpse.DropItem( new RawBird( meat ) );
					else if ( MeatType == MeatType.LambLeg )
						corpse.DropItem( new RawLambLeg( meat ) );

					from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500467 ); // You carve some meat, which remains on the corpse.

				if ( hides != 0 )
					if ( HideType == HideType.Regular )
						corpse.DropItem( new Hides( hides ) );
					else if ( HideType == HideType.Spined )
						corpse.DropItem( new SpinedHides( hides ) );
					else if ( HideType == HideType.Horned )
						corpse.DropItem( new HornedHides( hides ) );
					else if ( HideType == HideType.Barbed )
						corpse.DropItem( new BarbedHides( hides ) );

					from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500471 ); // You skin it, and the hides are now in the corpse.

				if ( scales != 0 )
					ScaleType sc = this.ScaleType;

					switch ( sc )
						case ScaleType.Red:		corpse.DropItem( new RedScales( scales ) ); break;
						case ScaleType.Yellow:	corpse.DropItem( new YellowScales( scales ) ); break;
						case ScaleType.Black:	corpse.DropItem( new BlackScales( scales ) ); break;
						case ScaleType.Green:	corpse.DropItem( new GreenScales( scales ) ); break;
						case ScaleType.White:	corpse.DropItem( new WhiteScales( scales ) ); break;
						case ScaleType.Blue:	corpse.DropItem( new BlueScales( scales ) ); break;
						case ScaleType.All:
							corpse.DropItem( new RedScales( scales ) );
							corpse.DropItem( new YellowScales( scales ) );
							corpse.DropItem( new BlackScales( scales ) );
							corpse.DropItem( new GreenScales( scales ) );
							corpse.DropItem( new WhiteScales( scales ) );
							corpse.DropItem( new BlueScales( scales ) );

					from.SendMessage( "You cut away some scales, but they remain on the corpse." );

				corpse.Carved = true;

				if ( corpse.IsCriminalAction( from ) )
					from.CriminalAction( true );

示例12: ExecuteCriminalAction

 private void ExecuteCriminalAction( Mobile state )
     if ( state != null && !state.Deleted )
         state.CriminalAction( true );

示例13: OnLoot

		public virtual void OnLoot(Mobile from)
			Item m_Loot;
			string m_Collected = "You have recovered ";

			if (!FindLooter(from))
				List<Item> loots = new List<Item>();

				bool rare = false;

				// improved chance of finding good loot based on certian skills
				// Calculated out of 200%
				double useskills = (from.Skills.Begging.Value + from.Skills.ItemID.Value) / 5000;

				// always one
				m_Loot = Loot.Construct( m_TrashCommonTypes );
				m_Loot.Movable = true;
				loots.Add( m_Loot );

				if ( Utility.RandomBool() ) // maybe two
					m_Loot = Loot.Construct(m_TrashCommonTypes);
					m_Loot.Movable = true;
					loots.Add( m_Loot );

				if ( ( m_ItemChance + ( useskills * 2 ) ) > Utility.RandomDouble() )// plus chance for a random item
					m_Loot = Loot.Construct(m_TrashItemTypes);
					m_Loot.Movable = true;
					loots.Add( m_Loot );
				else if ( m_RareChance + useskills > Utility.RandomDouble() )// plus chance for a random prize
					m_Loot = Loot.Construct(m_TrashRareTypes);
					m_Loot.Movable = true;
					loots.Add( m_Loot );
					rare = true;
				else if ( ( m_RareChance + useskills ) / 100.0 > Utility.RandomDouble() )
					m_Loot = Loot.Construct(m_TrashVeryRareTypes);
					m_Loot.Movable = true;
					loots.Add( m_Loot );
					rare = true;

				if ( m_Sound > 0 )
					Effects.PlaySound(from.Location, from.Map, m_Sound);

				for ( int i = 0;i < loots.Count; i++ )
					if ( i == 0 ) //First
						m_Collected += GetName( loots[i] );
					else if ( i == loots.Count-1 ) //Last
						m_Collected += String.Format( ", and {0}{1}", GetName( loots[i] ), rare ? "!" : "." );

						m_Collected += String.Format( ", {0}", GetName( loots[i] ) );


				Looters.Add(new TrashLooter(from));

				if (m_MaxUses > 0 && m_usesCount >= m_MaxUses)
					from.SendMessage("You have recovered the last useable item!");

				if (m_MakesCriminal)
					from.SendLocalizedMessage(1010630); // Taking someone else's treasure is a criminal offense!
				from.SendMessage("You find nothing of value at this time.");

示例14: OnCarve

        public virtual void OnCarve( Mobile from, Corpse corpse )
            int feathers = Feathers;
            int wool = Wool;
            int meat = Meat;
            int hides = Hides;
            int scales = 0;//Scales;
            int furs = GenerateFurs( corpse );

            if ( (feathers == 0 && furs == 0 && wool == 0 && meat == 0 && hides == 0 && scales == 0) || Summoned )
                from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500485 ); // You see nothing useful to carve from the corpse.
                new Blood( 0x122D ).MoveToWorld( corpse.Location, corpse.Map );

                if ( feathers != 0 )
                    corpse.DropItem( new Feather( feathers ) );
                    //from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500479 ); // You pluck the bird. The feathers are now on the corpse.

                if ( wool != 0 )
                    corpse.DropItem( new Wool( wool ) );
                    //from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500483 ); // You shear it, and the wool is now on the corpse.

                if ( meat != 0 )
                    if ( MeatType == MeatType.Ribs )
                        corpse.DropItem( new RawRibs( meat ) );
                    else if ( MeatType == MeatType.Bird )
                        corpse.DropItem( new RawBird( meat ) );
                    else if ( MeatType == MeatType.LambLeg )
                        corpse.DropItem( new RawLambLeg( meat ) );

                    //from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500467 ); // You carve some meat, which remains on the corpse.

                if ( hides != 0 )
                    if ( HideType == HideType.Regular )
                        corpse.DropItem( new Hides( hides ) );
                    else if ( HideType == HideType.Spined )
                        corpse.DropItem( new Hides( hides ) );
                    else if ( HideType == HideType.Horned )
                        corpse.DropItem( new Hides( hides ) );
                    else if ( HideType == HideType.Barbed )
                        corpse.DropItem( new Hides( hides ) );

                //if ( hides != 0 || furs != 0 )
                //	from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500471 ); // You skin it, and the hides are now in the corpse.

                corpse.Carved = true;

                if ( corpse.IsCriminalAction( from ) )
                    from.CriminalAction( true );

示例15: CanUseTrap

        private bool CanUseTrap(Mobile from)
            if (m_Owner == null || RootParent != null)
                return false;

            if (!from.InRange(this.Location, 6))
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(500295); //You are too far away to do that.
                return false;

            //is owner, or in same guild
            if (m_Owner == from || (from.Guild != null && from.Guild == m_Owner.Guild))
                return true;

            if (Party.Get(from) == Party.Get(m_Owner))
                return true;

            //fel rules
            if (from.Map != null && from.Map.Rules == MapRules.FeluccaRules)
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1149823); //The owner of the lobster trap notices you committing a criminal act!

                if (m_Owner != null)
                    m_Owner.SendMessage("You notice {0} taking your lobster trap out of the water!", from.Name);

                return true;

            from.SendLocalizedMessage(1116391); //You realize that the trap isn't yours so you leave it alone.
            return false;
