本文整理汇总了C#中Vector3D.RotateAboutAxis方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Vector3D.RotateAboutAxis方法的具体用法?C# Vector3D.RotateAboutAxis怎么用?C# Vector3D.RotateAboutAxis使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类Vector3D
示例1: IntersectionCircleCircle
/// <summary>
/// NOTE: Not general, and assumes some things we know about this problem domain,
/// e.g. that c1 and c2 live on the same sphere of radius 1, and have two intersection points.
/// </summary>
public static void IntersectionCircleCircle( Vector3D sphereCenter, Circle3D c1, Circle3D c2, out Vector3D i1, out Vector3D i2 )
// Spherical analogue of our flat circle-circle intersection.
// Spherical pythagorean theorem for sphere where r=1: cos(hypt) = cos(A)*cos(B)
Circle3D clone1 = c1.Clone(), clone2 = c2.Clone();
//clone1.Center -= sphereCenter;
//clone2.Center -= sphereCenter;
// Great circle (denoted by normal vector), and distance between the centers.
Vector3D gc = clone2.Normal.Cross( clone1.Normal );
double d = clone2.Normal.AngleTo( clone1.Normal );
double r1 = clone1.Normal.AngleTo( clone1.PointOnCircle );
double r2 = clone2.Normal.AngleTo( clone2.PointOnCircle );
// Calculate distances we need. So ugly!
// http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=cos%28r1%29%2Fcos%28r2%29+%3D+cos%28x%29%2Fcos%28d-x%29%2C+solve+for+x
double t1 = Math.Pow( Math.Tan( d / 2 ), 2 );
double t2 = Math.Cos( r1 ) / Math.Cos( r2 );
double t3 = Math.Sqrt( (t1 + 1) * (t1 * t2 * t2 + 2 * t1 * t2 + t1 + t2 * t2 - 2 * t2 + 1) ) - 2 * t1 * t2;
double x = 2 * Math.Atan( t3 / (t1 * t2 + t1 - t2 + 1) );
double y = Math.Acos( Math.Cos( r1 ) / Math.Cos( x ) );
i1 = clone1.Normal;
i1.RotateAboutAxis( gc, x );
i2 = i1;
// Perpendicular to gc through i1.
Vector3D gc2 = i1.Cross( gc );
i1.RotateAboutAxis( gc2, y );
i2.RotateAboutAxis( gc2, -y );
i1 += sphereCenter;
i2 += sphereCenter;
// It would be nice to do the spherical analogue of circle-circle intersections, like here:
// http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Circle-CircleIntersection.html
// But I don't want to jump down that rabbit hole and am going to sacrifice some speed to use
// my existing euclidean function.
// Stereographic projection to the plane. XXX - Crap, circles may become lines, and this isn't being handled well.
Circle3D c1Plane = H3Models.BallToUHS( clone1 );
Circle3D c2Plane = H3Models.BallToUHS( clone2 );
if( 2 != Euclidean2D.IntersectionCircleCircle( c1Plane.ToFlatCircle(), c2Plane.ToFlatCircle(), out i1, out i2 ) )
throw new System.Exception( "Expected two intersection points" );
i1 = H3Models.UHSToBall( i1 ); i1 += sphereCenter;
i2 = H3Models.UHSToBall( i2 ); i2 += sphereCenter;
示例2: Transform
public Vector3D Transform( Vector3D v )
v.RotateAboutAxis( new Vector3D( 1, 0 ), Math.PI / 2 );
Mobius m = new Mobius();
m.Isometry( Geometry.Hyperbolic, 0, new Complex( 0, 0.6 ) );
v = H3Models.TransformHelper( v, m );
v.RotateAboutAxis( new Vector3D( 1, 0 ), -Math.PI / 2 );
return v;
示例3: AddArc
public void AddArc( Vector3D center, double arcRadius, Vector3D v1, Vector3D normal, double angleTot, int numPoints, System.Func<Vector3D, double> sizeFunc )
if( numPoints < 2 )
numPoints = 2;
Vector3D[] points = CalcArcPoints( center, arcRadius, v1, normal, angleTot, numPoints );
// Calculate all the disks.
// XXX - duplicated code with CalcDisks, but we need to calc our own perpendicular here.
List<Vector3D[]> disks = new List<Vector3D[]>();
for( int i=0; i<points.Length; i++ )
Vector3D p1 = i == 0 ? points[0] : points[i - 1];
Vector3D p2 = points[i];
Vector3D p3 = i == points.Length - 1 ? points[points.Length - 1] : points[i + 1];
double radius = sizeFunc( points[i] );
// We can calculate these directly.
Vector3D perp = p2 - center;
Vector3D axis = perp;
axis.RotateAboutAxis( normal, -Math.PI / 2 );
perp *= radius;
disks.Add( Disk( p2, axis, perp, this.Div, reverse: false ) );
///////////////////////////////////////// Hack to avoid having to put spheres at verts.
double thickness = 0.0055; // relates to SizeFuncConst
double thetaOffset = thickness / arcRadius;
Vector3D start = points[0], end = points[points.Length-1];
start -= center;
end -= center;
start.RotateAboutAxis( normal, -thetaOffset );
end.RotateAboutAxis( normal, thetaOffset );
start += center;
end += center;
points[0] = start;
points[points.Length - 1] = end;
AddCurve( disks, points, points.First(), points.Last() );
示例4: IdealPoints
/// <summary>
/// Given a geodesic sphere, calculates 3 ideal points of the sphere.
/// NOTE: s1 and s2 will be antipodal on the ideal circle.
/// </summary>
public static void IdealPoints( Sphere s, out Vector3D s1, out Vector3D s2, out Vector3D s3 )
// Get two points on the ball and sphere.
// http://mathworld.wolfram.com/OrthogonalCircles.html
// Orthogonal circles, plus some right angle stuff...
double r = s.Radius;
Vector3D direction = s.Center;
Vector3D perp = direction.Perpendicular();
s1 = direction;
s2 = direction;
double alpha = Math.Atan( r );
s1.RotateAboutAxis( perp, alpha );
s2.RotateAboutAxis( perp, -alpha );
s3 = s1;
s3.RotateAboutAxis( direction, Math.PI / 2 );