本文整理汇总了C#中Vector3D.LengthSquared方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Vector3D.LengthSquared方法的具体用法?C# Vector3D.LengthSquared怎么用?C# Vector3D.LengthSquared使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类Vector3D
示例1: CalculatePositionDifference
protected override void CalculatePositionDifference(ulong clientId, out bool positionValid, out bool correctServer, out Vector3D delta)
positionValid = true;
correctServer = false;
delta = Vector3D.Zero;
ClientData clientData = m_additionalServerClientData[clientId];
MatrixD worldMatrix = Entity.PositionComp.WorldMatrix;
if (clientData.HasSupport)
if (m_support != null)
Vector3D characterDelta = m_serverClientData[clientId].Transform.Position - m_character.PositionComp.GetPosition();
Vector3D supportDelta = clientData.SupportPosition - m_support.PositionComp.GetPosition();
delta = characterDelta - supportDelta;
positionValid = false;
delta = m_serverClientData[clientId].Transform.Position - m_character.PositionComp.GetPosition();
delta = m_serverClientData[clientId].Transform.Position - worldMatrix.Translation;
if (delta.LengthSquared() > 0.05 * 0.05)
if (m_commandsApplied.ContainsKey(clientId) == false || m_commandsApplied[clientId] == false)
positionValid = false;
correctServer = true;
m_commandsApplied[clientId] = false;
示例2: UpdateThrust
private void UpdateThrust(Vector3D delta, Vector3D perpDelta, double maxSpeed)
var thrustSystem = CubeGrid.Components.Get<MyEntityThrustComponent>();
if (thrustSystem == null)
thrustSystem.AutoPilotControlThrust = Vector3.Zero;
// Planet-related stuff
m_dbgDeltaH = Vector3.Zero;
if (m_currentInfo.IsValid())
// Sample several points around the bottom of the ship to get a better estimation of the terrain underneath
Vector3D shipCenter = CubeGrid.PositionComp.WorldVolume.Center + m_currentInfo.GravityWorld * CubeGrid.PositionComp.WorldVolume.Radius;
// Limit max speed if too close to the ground.
Vector3D samplePosition;
// A velocity-based sample
m_thdPtr = 0;
samplePosition = shipCenter + new Vector3D(CubeGrid.Physics.LinearVelocity) * 5.0;
// Flight direction sample
else if (m_thdPtr == 1)
Vector3D direction = WorldMatrix.GetDirectionVector(m_currentDirection);
samplePosition = shipCenter + direction * CubeGrid.PositionComp.WorldVolume.Radius * 2.0;
// Random samples
Vector3D tangent = Vector3D.CalculatePerpendicularVector(m_currentInfo.GravityWorld);
Vector3D bitangent = Vector3D.Cross(tangent, m_currentInfo.GravityWorld);
samplePosition = MyUtils.GetRandomDiscPosition(ref shipCenter, CubeGrid.PositionComp.WorldVolume.Radius, ref tangent, ref bitangent);
if (MyDebugDrawSettings.ENABLE_DEBUG_DRAW && MyDebugDrawSettings.DEBUG_DRAW_DRONES)
MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawCapsule(samplePosition, samplePosition + m_currentInfo.GravityWorld * 50.0f, 1.0f, Color.Yellow, false);
if (m_currentInfo.IsValid())
m_terrainHeightDetection[m_thdPtr] = (float)m_currentInfo.EstimateDistanceToGround(samplePosition);
m_terrainHeightDetection[m_thdPtr] = 0.0f;
double distanceToGround = m_terrainHeightDetection[0];
for (int i = 1; i < TERRAIN_HEIGHT_DETECTION_SAMPLES; ++i)
distanceToGround = Math.Min(distanceToGround, m_terrainHeightDetection[i]);
if (distanceToGround < 0.0f) Debugger.Break();
// Below 50m, the speed will be minimal, Above 150m, it will be maximal
// coeff(50) = 0, coeff(150) = 1
double coeff = (distanceToGround - 50.0) * 0.01;
if (coeff < 0.05) coeff = 0.15;
if (coeff > 1.0f) coeff = 1.0f;
maxSpeed = maxSpeed * Math.Max(coeff, 0.05);
double dot = m_currentInfo.PlanetVector.Dot(m_currentInfo.PlanetVector);
double deltaH = m_currentInfo.Elevation - m_currentInfo.Elevation;
double deltaPSq = perpDelta.LengthSquared();
// Add height difference compensation on long distances (to avoid flying off the planet)
if (dot < 0.99 && deltaPSq > 100.0)
m_dbgDeltaH = -deltaH * m_currentInfo.GravityWorld;
delta += m_dbgDeltaH;
//For now remove this (causes cubegrid to get stuck at a height)
// If we are very close to the ground, just thrust upward to avoid crashing.
// The coefficient is set-up that way that at 50m, this thrust will overcome the thrust to the target.
//double groundAvoidanceCoeff = Math.Max(0.0, Math.Min(1.0, distanceToGround * 0.1));
//delta = Vector3D.Lerp(-m_currentInfo.GravityWorld * delta.Length(), delta, groundAvoidanceCoeff);
m_dbgDelta = delta;
Matrix invWorldRot = CubeGrid.PositionComp.WorldMatrixNormalizedInv.GetOrientation();
Vector3D targetDirection = delta;
Vector3D velocity = CubeGrid.Physics.LinearVelocity;
Vector3 localSpaceTargetDirection = Vector3.Transform(targetDirection, invWorldRot);
Vector3 localSpaceVelocity = Vector3.Transform(velocity, invWorldRot);
thrustSystem.AutoPilotControlThrust = Vector3.Zero;
Vector3 brakeThrust = thrustSystem.GetAutoPilotThrustForDirection(Vector3.Zero);
示例3: AddSupportPoint
public bool AddSupportPoint(ref Vector3D newPoint)
int index1 = (GjkD.BitsToIndices[this.simplexBits ^ 15] & 7) - 1;
this.y[index1] = newPoint;
this.yLengthSq[index1] = newPoint.LengthSquared();
int num = GjkD.BitsToIndices[this.simplexBits];
while (num != 0)
int index2 = (num & 7) - 1;
Vector3D Vector3D = this.y[index2] - newPoint;
this.edges[index2][index1] = Vector3D;
this.edges[index1][index2] = -Vector3D;
this.edgeLengthSq[index1][index2] = this.edgeLengthSq[index2][index1] = Vector3D.LengthSquared();
num >>= 3;
return this.UpdateSimplex(index1);
示例4: CalculatePositionDifference
protected override void CalculatePositionDifference(ulong clientId, out bool isValid, out bool correctServer, out Vector3D delta)
delta = Vector3D.Zero;
isValid = true;
correctServer = false;
ClientData clientData = m_additionalServerClientData[clientId];
MatrixD worldMatrix = Entity.PositionComp.WorldMatrix;
float maxCharacterSpeedRelativeToShip = Math.Max(m_character.Definition.MaxSprintSpeed, Math.Max(m_character.Definition.MaxRunSpeed, m_character.Definition.MaxBackrunSpeed));
float maxSpeed= 1.04f * (MyGridPhysics.ShipMaxLinearVelocity() + maxCharacterSpeedRelativeToShip);
if (m_haveJetpack == false)
maxSpeed = 1.04f * maxCharacterSpeedRelativeToShip;
float maxMoveDistance = (float)((maxSpeed*maxSpeed) / (60f * 60f));
if (clientData.HasSupport)
MyEntity support = MySupportHelper.FindSupportForCharacterAABB(m_character);
if (support != null)
Vector3D characterDelta = m_serverClientData[clientId].Transform.Position - m_character.PositionComp.GetPosition();
Vector3D supportDelta = clientData.SupportPosition - support.PositionComp.GetPosition();
delta = characterDelta - supportDelta;
isValid = false;
correctServer = true;
delta = m_serverClientData[clientId].Transform.Position - worldMatrix.Translation;
double deltaL = delta.LengthSquared();
if (deltaL > 1.3f*(maxMoveDistance + 0.0001))
isValid = true;
correctServer = true;
// delta = Vector3D.Zero;
else if (deltaL > 0.05*0.05)
if (m_commandsApplied.ContainsKey(clientId) == false || m_commandsApplied[clientId] == false)
isValid = false;
delta = Vector3D.Zero;
correctServer = true;
m_commandsApplied[clientId] = false;
示例5: CalculateFaceNormals
private void CalculateFaceNormals()
face =>
Vector3D faceNormal = new Vector3D();
if (face.Vertices.Count == 3)
Vector3D v0 = face.Vertices[0].Position;
Vector3D v1 = face.Vertices[1].Position;
Vector3D v2 = face.Vertices[2].Position;
faceNormal = Vector3D.Cross(v1 - v0, v2 - v1);
if (faceNormal.LengthSquared() > 0.0f)
foreach (var vert in face.Vertices)
vert.Normal = faceNormal;
face.Normal = faceNormal;
}, ParallelizationChunkSize, _threadPool);
示例6: CartToKep
public void CartToKep(Vector3D pos, Vector3D vel)//This doesn't work, feel free to try and fix it.
this.pos = pos;
this.vel = vel;
en = vel.LengthSquared() / 2 - planet.u / pos.Length();
a = Math.Abs(planet.u / (2 * en));
h = Vector3D.Cross(pos, vel);
E = Vector3D.Cross(vel, h) / planet.u - (pos / pos.Length());
e = E.Length();
I = Math.Acos(h.GetDim(2) / h.Length());
N = new Vector3D(-h.GetDim(1), h.GetDim(0), 0);
if (N.GetDim(1) >= 0)
q = Math.Acos(N.GetDim(0) / N.Length());
q = double.IsNaN(q) ? 0 : q;
q = 2 * Math.PI - Math.Acos(N.GetDim(0) / N.Length());
q = double.IsNaN(q) ? 2*Math.PI : q;
n = Math.Sqrt(planet.u / Math.Pow(a, 3));
if (q != 0)
w = E.GetDim(2) >= 0 ? Math.Acos(Vector3D.Dot(N, E) / (N.Length() * E.Length())) : Math.PI * 2 - Math.Acos(Vector3D.Dot(N, E) / (N.Length() * E.Length()));
double W=Math.Atan2(E.GetDim(1),E.GetDim(0));
w = h.GetDim(2) < 0 ? 2*Math.PI-W:W;
if (double.IsNaN(w)) w = 0;
if (w < 0) w += Math.PI * 2;
epoch = DateTime.Now;
if (E.Length() != 0)
v = Vector3D.Dot(pos, vel) >= 0 ? Math.Acos(Vector3D.Dot(E, pos) / (E.Length() * pos.Length())) : Math.PI * 2 - Math.Acos(Vector3D.Dot(E, pos) / (E.Length() * pos.Length()));
if (I != 0)
v = Vector3D.Dot(N, vel) <= 0 ? Math.Acos(Vector3D.Dot(N, pos) / (N.Length() * pos.Length())) : Math.PI * 2 - Math.Acos(Vector3D.Dot(N, pos) / (N.Length() * pos.Length()));
v = vel.GetDim(0) <= 0 ? Math.Acos(pos.GetDim(0) / (pos.Length())) : Math.PI * 2 - Math.Acos(pos.GetDim(0) / (pos.Length()));
if (double.IsNaN(v)) v = 0;
lastTa = v;
double sinE = sin(a) * Math.Sqrt(1 - Math.Pow(e, 2)) / (1 + e * cos(a));
double cosE = (e + cos(a)) / (1 + e * cos(a));
double Ec = Math.Atan2(sinE, cosE);
EC = 2 * Math.Atan(Math.Tan(v / 2) / Math.Sqrt(1 + e / 1 - e));
EC = EC < 0 ? EC + Math.PI * 2 : EC;
if (double.IsNaN(EC)) EC = 0;
M = EC - e * Math.Sin(EC);
lastM = M;
Period = Math.PI * 2 * Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(a,3)/planet.u);
示例7: TestLengthSquared
public void TestLengthSquared()
float x = -5, y = 25f, z = 7;
Vector3D v = new Vector3D(x, y, z);
Assert.AreEqual((float) (x*x + y*y + z*z), v.LengthSquared(), "Testing v.LengthSquared()");