本文整理汇总了C#中Vector3.Sub方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Vector3.Sub方法的具体用法?C# Vector3.Sub怎么用?C# Vector3.Sub使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类Vector3
示例1: IKBallSocketJoint
/// <summary>
/// Builds a ball socket joint.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="connectionA">First connection in the pair.</param>
/// <param name="connectionB">Second connection in the pair.</param>
/// <param name="anchor">World space anchor location used to initialize the local anchors.</param>
public IKBallSocketJoint(Bone connectionA, Bone connectionB, Vector3 anchor)
: base(connectionA, connectionB)
Vector3 tmp;
anchor.Sub(ref ConnectionA.Position, out tmp);
SetOffsetA(ref tmp);
anchor.Sub(ref ConnectionB.Position, out tmp);
SetOffsetB(ref tmp);
示例2: SwivelHingeJoint
/// <summary>
/// Constructs a new constraint which restricts three degrees of linear freedom and one degree of angular freedom between two entities.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="connectionA">First entity of the constraint pair.</param>
/// <param name="connectionB">Second entity of the constraint pair.</param>
/// <param name="anchor">Point around which both entities rotate.</param>
/// <param name="hingeAxis">Axis of allowed rotation in world space to be attached to connectionA. Will be kept perpendicular with the twist axis.</param>
public SwivelHingeJoint(Entity connectionA, Entity connectionB, ref Vector3 anchor, ref Vector3 hingeAxis)
if (connectionA == null)
connectionA = TwoEntityConstraint.WorldEntity;
if (connectionB == null)
connectionB = TwoEntityConstraint.WorldEntity;
BallSocketJoint = new BallSocketJoint(connectionA, connectionB, ref anchor);
Vector3 tmp;
BallSocketJoint.OffsetB.Invert( out tmp );
AngularJoint = new SwivelHingeAngularJoint(connectionA, connectionB, ref hingeAxis, ref tmp );
HingeLimit = new RevoluteLimit(connectionA, connectionB);
HingeMotor = new RevoluteMotor(connectionA, connectionB, hingeAxis);
TwistLimit = new TwistLimit(connectionA, connectionB, ref BallSocketJoint.worldOffsetA, ref tmp, 0, 0);
TwistMotor = new TwistMotor(connectionA, connectionB, ref BallSocketJoint.worldOffsetA, ref tmp );
HingeLimit.IsActive = false;
HingeMotor.IsActive = false;
TwistLimit.IsActive = false;
TwistMotor.IsActive = false;
//Ensure that the base and test direction is perpendicular to the free axis.
Vector3 baseAxis; anchor.Sub( ref connectionA.position, out baseAxis );
if (baseAxis.LengthSquared() < Toolbox.BigEpsilon) //anchor and connection a in same spot, so try the other way.
connectionB.position.Sub( ref anchor, out baseAxis );
baseAxis.AddScaled( ref hingeAxis, -Vector3.Dot( ref baseAxis, ref hingeAxis) , out baseAxis );
if (baseAxis.LengthSquared() < Toolbox.BigEpsilon)
//However, if the free axis is totally aligned (like in an axis constraint), pick another reasonable direction.
Vector3.Cross(ref hingeAxis, ref Vector3.Up, out baseAxis);
if (baseAxis.LengthSquared() < Toolbox.BigEpsilon)
Vector3.Cross(ref hingeAxis, ref Vector3.Right, out baseAxis);
HingeLimit.Basis.SetWorldAxes(ref hingeAxis, ref baseAxis, ref connectionA.orientationMatrix);
HingeMotor.Basis.SetWorldAxes( ref hingeAxis, ref baseAxis, ref connectionA.orientationMatrix);
connectionB.position.Sub( ref anchor, out baseAxis );
baseAxis.AddScaled( ref hingeAxis, -Vector3.Dot(ref baseAxis, ref hingeAxis), out baseAxis );
if (baseAxis.LengthSquared() < Toolbox.BigEpsilon)
//However, if the free axis is totally aligned (like in an axis constraint), pick another reasonable direction.
Vector3.Cross(ref hingeAxis, ref Vector3.Up, out baseAxis);
if (baseAxis.LengthSquared() < Toolbox.BigEpsilon)
Vector3.Cross(ref hingeAxis, ref Vector3.Right, out baseAxis);
HingeLimit.TestAxis = baseAxis;
HingeMotor.TestAxis = baseAxis;
示例3: Camera
public Camera(Vector3 pos, Vector3 lookAt, Vector2 frustrumSize)
this.pos = pos;
var dir = lookAt.Sub(ref pos);
frustrumFrontPlane.topLeft.x = -frustrumSize.x / 2;
frustrumFrontPlane.topLeft.y = frustrumSize.y / 2;
frustrumFrontPlane.bottomRight.x = frustrumSize.x / 2;
frustrumFrontPlane.bottomRight.y = -frustrumSize.y / 2;
this.frustrumFrontPlane = new Plane3(
topLeft: new Vector3(-frustrumSize.x / 2, frustrumSize.y / 2, 0),
topRight: new Vector3(frustrumSize.x / 2, frustrumSize.y / 2, 0),
bottomLeft: new Vector3(-frustrumSize.x / 2, -frustrumSize.y / 2, 0),
bottomRight: new Vector3(frustrumSize.x / 2, -frustrumSize.y / 2, 0));
示例4: getAngle
public static double getAngle(Vector3 j0, Vector3 j1, Vector3 j2)
Vector3 v1; //declaration of the two vectors used
Vector3 v2;
v1 = j0.Sub(j1);
v2 = j2.Sub(j1);
double dotProduct = Vector3.Dot(v1, v2); //get dot product
Vector3 crossProduct; //get cross product vector and length of cross product
crossProduct = Vector3.Cross(v1, v2);
double crossProductLength = crossProduct.Length();
double radianAngle = Math.Atan2(crossProductLength, dotProduct); //get radian angle between vectors
double degreeAngle = radianAngle * (180 / Math.PI); //get angle in degrees
double threedecimal = Math.Round(degreeAngle, 3); //get degree angle in 3 decimal point accuracy
return threedecimal;
示例5: SetAnchorB
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the offset in world space from the center of mass of connection B to the anchor point.
/// </summary>
public void SetAnchorB(ref Vector3 value)
Vector3 tmp;
value.Sub(ref ConnectionB.Position, out tmp);
Quaternion.Transform(ref tmp, ref ConnectionB.ConjOrientation, out LocalAnchorB);
示例6: SetLineAnchor
/// <summary>
/// Sets the world space location of the line anchor attached to connection A.
/// </summary>
public void SetLineAnchor(ref Vector3 value)
Vector3 tmp;
value.Sub(ref ConnectionA.Position, out tmp);
Quaternion.Transform(ref tmp, ref ConnectionA.ConjOrientation, out LocalLineAnchor);
示例7: OrthoNormalise
public void OrthoNormalise(Vector3 u, Vector3 v, Vector3 w)
// If the input vectors are v0, v1, and v2, then the Gram-Schmidt
// orthonormalization produces vectors u0, u1, and u2 as follows,
// u0 = v0/|v0|
// u1 = (v1-(u0*v1)u0)/|v1-(u0*v1)u0|
// u2 = (v2-(u0*v2)u0-(u1*v2)u1)/|v2-(u0*v2)u0-(u1*v2)u1|
// where |A| indicates length of vector A and A*B indicates dot
// product of vectors A and B.
// compute u0
// compute u1
double dot0 = u.Dot(v);
v = v.Sub(u.Mult(dot0));
// compute u2
double dot1 = v.Dot(w);
dot0 = u.Dot(w);
w = w.Sub(u.Mult(dot0).Add(v.Mult(dot1)));
示例8: HitTest
private bool HitTest(Vector3 origin, Vector3 direction, float maxDistance, float stepSize, out Vector3 hitPos, out float iterations)
Vector3 step = direction.Mul(stepSize);
hitPos = origin.Add(step);
iterations = 0;
while (hitPos.Sub(ref origin).Len() < maxDistance)
iterations = fractal.HitTest(hitPos);
if (iterations >= threshold)
return true;
hitPos.AddAssign(ref step);
return false;
示例9: MakePerspectiveProjection
public void MakePerspectiveProjection(Vector3 normal, Vector3 point, Vector3 eye)
// +- -+
// M = | Dot(N,E-P)*I - E*N^T -(Dot(N,E-P)*I - E*N^T)*E |
// | -N^t Dot(N,E) |
// +- -+
// where E is the eye point, P is a point on the plane, and N is a
// unit-length plane normal.
double emp = normal.Dot(eye.Sub(point));
entry[ 0] = emp - eye.tuple[0] * normal.tuple[0];
entry[ 1] = -eye.tuple[0] * normal.tuple[1];
entry[ 2] = -eye.tuple[0] * normal.tuple[2];
entry[ 3] = -(entry[0] * eye.tuple[0] + entry[1] * eye.tuple[1] + entry[2] * eye.tuple[2]);
entry[ 4] = -eye.tuple[1] * normal.tuple[0];
entry[ 5] = emp - eye.tuple[1] * normal.tuple[1];
entry[ 6] = -eye.tuple[1] * normal.tuple[2];
entry[ 7] = -(entry[4] * eye.tuple[0] + entry[5] * eye.tuple[1] + entry[6] * eye.tuple[2]);
entry[ 8] = -eye.tuple[2] * normal.tuple[0];
entry[ 9] = -eye.tuple[2] * normal.tuple[1];
entry[10] = emp - eye.tuple[2] * normal.tuple[2];
entry[11] = -(entry[8] * eye.tuple[0] + entry[9] * eye.tuple[1] + entry[10] * eye.tuple[2]);
entry[12] = -normal.tuple[0];
entry[13] = -normal.tuple[1];
entry[14] = -normal.tuple[2];
entry[15] = normal.Dot(eye);