本文整理汇总了C#中Vector3.Floor方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Vector3.Floor方法的具体用法?C# Vector3.Floor怎么用?C# Vector3.Floor使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类Vector3
示例1: SetBlock
public void SetBlock(Vector3 position, Block value)
position = position.Floor();
Vector3 relativePosition = position;
position.X = (int)(position.X) / Chunk.Width;
position.Y = 0;
position.Z = (int)(position.Z) / Chunk.Depth;
relativePosition.X = (int)(relativePosition.X) % Chunk.Width;
relativePosition.Z = (int)(relativePosition.Z) % Chunk.Depth;
if (!Chunks.ContainsKey(position))
Chunks.Add(position, WorldGenerator.GenerateChunk(position, this));
Chunks[position].SetBlock(relativePosition, value);
示例2: UpdateBounds
/// <summary>
/// Update the bounds of the BillboardSet.
/// </summary>
public virtual void UpdateBounds()
if ( this.activeBillboards.Count == 0 )
// no billboards, so the bounding box is null
this.aab.IsNull = true;
this.boundingRadius = 0.0f;
float maxSqLen = -1.0f;
Vector3 min = new Vector3( float.PositiveInfinity, float.PositiveInfinity, float.PositiveInfinity );
Vector3 max = new Vector3( float.NegativeInfinity, float.NegativeInfinity, float.NegativeInfinity );
foreach ( Billboard billboard in this.activeBillboards )
Vector3 pos = billboard.Position;
min.Floor( pos );
max.Ceil( pos );
maxSqLen = Utility.Max( maxSqLen, pos.LengthSquared );
// adjust for billboard size
float adjust = Utility.Max( this.defaultParticleWidth, this.defaultParticleHeight );
Vector3 vecAdjust = new Vector3( adjust, adjust, adjust );
min -= vecAdjust;
max += vecAdjust;
// update our local aabb
this.aab.SetExtents( min, max );
this.boundingRadius = Utility.Sqrt( maxSqLen );
// if we have a parent node, ask it to update us
if ( this.parentNode != null )
示例3: _generateCurvedIllusionPlaneVertexData
private void _generateCurvedIllusionPlaneVertexData( HardwareVertexBuffer vertexBuffer, int ySegments, int xSegments, float xSpace, float halfWidth, float ySpace, float halfHeight, Matrix4 xform, bool firstTime, bool normals, Quaternion orientation, float curvature, float uTiles, float vTiles, int numberOfTexCoordSets, ref Vector3 min, ref Vector3 max, ref float maxSquaredLength )
// Imagine a large sphere with the camera located near the top
// The lower the curvature, the larger the sphere
// Use the angle from viewer to the points on the plane
// Credit to Aftershock for the general approach
Real cameraPosition; // Camera position relative to sphere center
// Derive sphere radius
//Vector3 vertPos; // position relative to camera
//Real sphDist; // Distance from camera to sphere along box vertex vector
// Vector3 camToSph; // camera position to sphere
Real sphereRadius;// Sphere radius
// Actual values irrelevant, it's the relation between sphere radius and camera position that's important
Real sphRadius = 100.0f;
Real camDistance = 5.0f;
sphereRadius = sphRadius - curvature;
cameraPosition = sphereRadius - camDistance;
Vector3 vec;
Vector3 norm;
float sphereDistance;
// lock the vertex buffer
IntPtr data = vertexBuffer.Lock( BufferLocking.Discard );
float* pData = (float*)data.ToPointer();
for ( int y = 0; y < ySegments + 1; ++y )
for ( int x = 0; x < xSegments + 1; ++x )
// centered on origin
vec.x = ( x * xSpace ) - halfWidth;
vec.y = ( y * ySpace ) - halfHeight;
vec.z = 0.0f;
// transform by orientation and distance
vec = xform * vec;
// assign to geometry
*pData++ = vec.x;
*pData++ = vec.y;
*pData++ = vec.z;
// build bounds as we go
if ( firstTime )
min = vec;
max = vec;
maxSquaredLength = vec.LengthSquared;
firstTime = false;
min.Floor( vec );
max.Ceil( vec );
maxSquaredLength = Utility.Max( maxSquaredLength, vec.LengthSquared );
if ( normals )
norm = Vector3.UnitZ;
norm = orientation * norm;
*pData++ = vec.x;
*pData++ = vec.y;
*pData++ = vec.z;
// generate texture coordinates, normalize position, modify by orientation to return +y up
vec = orientation.Inverse() * vec;
// find distance to sphere
sphereDistance = Utility.Sqrt( cameraPosition * cameraPosition * ( vec.y * vec.y - 1.0f ) + sphereRadius * sphereRadius ) - cameraPosition * vec.y;
vec.x *= sphereDistance;
vec.z *= sphereDistance;
// use x and y on sphere as texture coordinates, tiled
float s = vec.x * ( 0.01f * uTiles );
float t = vec.z * ( 0.01f * vTiles );
for ( int i = 0; i < numberOfTexCoordSets; i++ )
*pData++ = s;
*pData++ = ( 1 - t );
} // x
} // y
// unlock the buffer
} // unsafe
示例4: _generateCurvedPlaneVertexData
private void _generateCurvedPlaneVertexData( HardwareVertexBuffer vbuf, int ySegments, int xSegments, float xSpace, float halfWidth, float ySpace, float halfHeight, Matrix4 transform, bool firstTime, bool normals, Matrix4 rotation, float curvature, int numTexCoordSets, float xTexCoord, float yTexCoord, SubMesh subMesh, ref Vector3 min, ref Vector3 max, ref float maxSquaredLength )
Vector3 vec;
// lock the vertex buffer
IntPtr data = vbuf.Lock( BufferLocking.Discard );
float* pData = (float*)data.ToPointer();
for ( int y = 0; y <= ySegments; y++ )
for ( int x = 0; x <= xSegments; x++ )
// centered on origin
vec.x = ( x * xSpace ) - halfWidth;
vec.y = ( y * ySpace ) - halfHeight;
// Here's where curved plane is different from standard plane. Amazing, I know.
Real diff_x = ( x - ( (Real)xSegments / 2 ) ) / (Real)xSegments;
Real diff_y = ( y - ( (Real)ySegments / 2 ) ) / (Real)ySegments;
Real dist = Utility.Sqrt( diff_x * diff_x + diff_y * diff_y );
vec.z = ( -Utility.Sin( ( 1 - dist ) * ( Utility.PI / 2 ) ) * curvature ) + curvature;
// Transform by orientation and distance
Vector3 pos = transform.TransformAffine( vec );
*pData++ = pos.x;
*pData++ = pos.y;
*pData++ = pos.z;
// Build bounds as we go
if ( firstTime )
min = vec;
max = vec;
maxSquaredLength = vec.LengthSquared;
firstTime = false;
min.Floor( vec );
max.Ceil( vec );
maxSquaredLength = Utility.Max( maxSquaredLength, vec.LengthSquared );
if ( normals )
// This part is kinda 'wrong' for curved planes... but curved planes are
// very valuable outside sky planes, which don't typically need normals
// so I'm not going to mess with it for now.
// Default normal is along unit Z
//vec = Vector3::UNIT_Z;
// Rotate
vec = rotation.TransformAffine( vec );
*pData++ = vec.x;
*pData++ = vec.y;
*pData++ = vec.z;
for ( int i = 0; i < numTexCoordSets; i++ )
*pData++ = x * xTexCoord;
*pData++ = 1 - ( y * yTexCoord );
} // for texCoords
} // for x
} // for y
// unlock the buffer
subMesh.useSharedVertices = true;
} // unsafe
示例5: _generatePlaneVertexData
private void _generatePlaneVertexData( HardwareVertexBuffer vbuf, int ySegments, int xSegments, float xSpace, float halfWidth, float ySpace, float halfHeight, Matrix4 transform, bool firstTime, bool normals, Matrix4 rotation, int numTexCoordSets, float xTexCoord, float yTexCoord, SubMesh subMesh, ref Vector3 min, ref Vector3 max, ref float maxSquaredLength )
Vector3 vec;
// lock the vertex buffer
IntPtr data = vbuf.Lock( BufferLocking.Discard );
float* pData = (float*)data.ToPointer();
for ( int y = 0; y <= ySegments; y++ )
for ( int x = 0; x <= xSegments; x++ )
// centered on origin
vec.x = ( x * xSpace ) - halfWidth;
vec.y = ( y * ySpace ) - halfHeight;
vec.z = 0.0f;
vec = transform.TransformAffine( vec );
*pData++ = vec.x;
*pData++ = vec.y;
*pData++ = vec.z;
// Build bounds as we go
if ( firstTime )
min = vec;
max = vec;
maxSquaredLength = vec.LengthSquared;
firstTime = false;
min.Floor( vec );
max.Ceil( vec );
maxSquaredLength = Utility.Max( maxSquaredLength, vec.LengthSquared );
if ( normals )
vec = Vector3.UnitZ;
vec = rotation.TransformAffine( vec );
*pData++ = vec.x;
*pData++ = vec.y;
*pData++ = vec.z;
for ( int i = 0; i < numTexCoordSets; i++ )
*pData++ = x * xTexCoord;
*pData++ = 1 - ( y * yTexCoord );
} // for texCoords
} // for x
} // for y
// unlock the buffer
subMesh.useSharedVertices = true;
} // unsafe
示例6: ExtrudeBounds
/// <summary>
/// Utility method for extruding a bounding box.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="box">Original bounding box, will be updated in-place.</param>
/// <param name="lightPosition">4D light position in object space, when w=0.0f this
/// represents a directional light</param>
/// <param name="extrudeDistance">The distance to extrude.</param>
protected virtual void ExtrudeBounds( AxisAlignedBox box, Vector4 lightPosition, float extrudeDistance )
Vector3 extrusionDir = Vector3.Zero;
if ( lightPosition.w == 0 )
extrusionDir.x = -lightPosition.x;
extrusionDir.y = -lightPosition.y;
extrusionDir.z = -lightPosition.z;
extrusionDir *= extrudeDistance;
box.SetExtents( box.Minimum + extrusionDir, box.Maximum + extrusionDir );
Vector3[] corners = box.Corners;
Vector3 vmin = new Vector3();
Vector3 vmax = new Vector3();
for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
extrusionDir.x = corners[ i ].x - lightPosition.x;
extrusionDir.y = corners[ i ].y - lightPosition.y;
extrusionDir.z = corners[ i ].z - lightPosition.z;
extrusionDir *= extrudeDistance;
Vector3 res = corners[ i ] + extrusionDir;
if ( i == 0 )
vmin = res;
vmax = res;
vmin.Floor( res );
vmax.Ceil( res );
box.SetExtents( vmin, vmax );
示例7: GenerateCurvedIllusionPlaneVertexData
private static void GenerateCurvedIllusionPlaneVertexData(HardwareVertexBuffer vertexBuffer, int ySegments, int xSegments, float xSpace, float halfWidth, float ySpace, float halfHeight, Matrix4 xform, bool firstTime, bool normals, Quaternion orientation, float cameraPosition, float sphereRadius, float uTiles, float vTiles, int numberOfTexCoordSets, ref Vector3 min, ref Vector3 max, ref float maxSquaredLength)
Vector3 vec;
Vector3 norm;
float sphereDistance;
unsafe {
// lock the vertex buffer
IntPtr data = vertexBuffer.Lock(BufferLocking.Discard);
float* pData = (float*)data.ToPointer();
for (int y = 0; y < ySegments + 1; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < xSegments + 1; ++x) {
// centered on origin
vec.x = (x * xSpace) - halfWidth;
vec.y = (y * ySpace) - halfHeight;
vec.z = 0.0f;
// transform by orientation and distance
vec = xform * vec;
// assign to geometry
*pData++ = vec.x;
*pData++ = vec.y;
*pData++ = vec.z;
// build bounds as we go
if (firstTime) {
min = vec;
max = vec;
maxSquaredLength = vec.LengthSquared;
firstTime = false;
} else {
maxSquaredLength = MathUtil.Max(maxSquaredLength, vec.LengthSquared);
if (normals) {
norm = Vector3.UnitZ;
norm = orientation * norm;
*pData++ = vec.x;
*pData++ = vec.y;
*pData++ = vec.z;
// generate texture coordinates, normalize position, modify by orientation to return +y up
vec = orientation.Inverse() * vec;
// find distance to sphere
sphereDistance = MathUtil.Sqrt(cameraPosition * cameraPosition * (vec.y * vec.y - 1.0f) + sphereRadius * sphereRadius) - cameraPosition * vec.y;
vec.x *= sphereDistance;
vec.z *= sphereDistance;
// use x and y on sphere as texture coordinates, tiled
float s = vec.x * (0.01f * uTiles);
float t = vec.z * (0.01f * vTiles);
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfTexCoordSets; i++) {
*pData++ = s;
*pData++ = (1 - t);
} // x
} // y
// unlock the buffer
} // unsafe
示例8: NotifyCurrentCamera
public override void NotifyCurrentCamera( Camera cam )
if ( this.mForcedRenderLevel >= 0 )
this.mRenderLevel = this.mForcedRenderLevel;
var cpos = cam.DerivedPosition;
var aabb = GetWorldBoundingBox( true );
var diff = new Vector3( 0, 0, 0 );
diff.Floor( cpos - aabb.Minimum );
diff.Ceil( cpos - aabb.Maximum );
var L = diff.LengthSquared;
this.mRenderLevel = -1;
for ( var i = 0; i < this.mOptions.maxGeoMipMapLevel; i++ )
if ( this.mMinLevelDistSqr[ i ] > L )
this.mRenderLevel = i - 1;
if ( this.mRenderLevel < 0 )
this.mRenderLevel = this.mOptions.maxGeoMipMapLevel - 1;
if ( this.mOptions.lodMorph )
// Get the next LOD level down
var nextLevel = this.mNextLevelDown[ this.mRenderLevel ];
if ( nextLevel == 0 )
// No next level, so never morph
this.mLODMorphFactor = 0;
// Set the morph such that the morph happens in the last 0.25 of
// the distance range
var range = this.mMinLevelDistSqr[ nextLevel ] - this.mMinLevelDistSqr[ this.mRenderLevel ];
if ( range > 0 )
var percent = ( L - this.mMinLevelDistSqr[ this.mRenderLevel ] )/range;
// scale result so that msLODMorphStart == 0, 1 == 1, clamp to 0 below that
var rescale = 1.0f/( 1.0f - this.mOptions.lodMorphStart );
this.mLODMorphFactor = Math.Max( ( percent - this.mOptions.lodMorphStart )*rescale, 0.0 );
// Identical ranges
this.mLODMorphFactor = 0.0f;
//assert(mLODMorphFactor >= 0 && mLODMorphFactor <= 1);
// Bind the correct delta buffer if it has changed
// nextLevel - 1 since the first entry is for LOD 1 (since LOD 0 never needs it)
if ( this.mLastNextLevel != nextLevel )
if ( nextLevel > 0 )
this.mTerrain.vertexBufferBinding.SetBinding( (short)DELTA_BINDING, this.mDeltaBuffers[ nextLevel - 1 ] );
// bind dummy (incase bindings checked)
this.mTerrain.vertexBufferBinding.SetBinding( (short)DELTA_BINDING, this.mDeltaBuffers[ 0 ] );
this.mLastNextLevel = nextLevel;
示例9: _updateFrustum
q1.z = -1.0f;
q1.w = ( 1.0f + this._projectionMatrix.m22 )/this._projectionMatrix.m23;
// Calculate the scaled plane vector
var clipPlane4d = new Vector4( plane.Normal.x, plane.Normal.y, plane.Normal.z, plane.D );
var c = clipPlane4d*( 2.0f/( clipPlane4d.Dot( q1 ) ) );
// Replace the third row of the projection matrix
this._projectionMatrix.m20 = c.x;
this._projectionMatrix.m21 = c.y;
this._projectionMatrix.m22 = c.z + 1.0f;
this._projectionMatrix.m23 = c.w;
} // perspective
else if ( this._projectionType == Projection.Orthographic )
var A = 2.0f*inv_w;
var B = 2.0f*inv_h;
Real C = -( vpRight + vpLeft )*inv_w;
Real D = -( vpTop + vpBottom )*inv_h;
Real q, qn;
if ( this._farDistance == 0.0f )
// Can not do infinite far plane here, avoid divided zero only
q = -Frustum.InfiniteFarPlaneAdjust/this._nearDistance;
qn = -Frustum.InfiniteFarPlaneAdjust - 1.0f;
q = -2.0f*inv_d;
qn = -( this._farDistance + this._nearDistance )*inv_d;
// NB: This creates 'uniform' orthographic projection matrix,
// which depth range [-1,1], right-handed rules
// [ A 0 0 C ]
// [ 0 B 0 D ]
// [ 0 0 q qn ]
// [ 0 0 0 1 ]
// A = 2 * / (right - left)
// B = 2 * / (top - bottom)
// C = - (right + left) / (right - left)
// D = - (top + bottom) / (top - bottom)
// q = - 2 / (far - near)
// qn = - (far + near) / (far - near)
this._projectionMatrix = Matrix4.Zero;
this._projectionMatrix.m00 = A;
this._projectionMatrix.m03 = C;
this._projectionMatrix.m11 = B;
this._projectionMatrix.m13 = D;
this._projectionMatrix.m22 = q;
this._projectionMatrix.m23 = qn;
this._projectionMatrix.m33 = 1.0f;
} // ortho
} // if !_customProjectionMatrix
// grab a reference to the current render system
var renderSystem = Root.Instance.RenderSystem;
// API specific
renderSystem.ConvertProjectionMatrix( this._projectionMatrix, out this._projectionMatrixRS );
// API specific for Gpu Programs
renderSystem.ConvertProjectionMatrix( this._projectionMatrix, out this._projectionMatrixRSDepth, true );
// Calculate bounding box (local)
// Box is from 0, down -Z, max dimensions as determined from far plane
// If infinite view frustum just pick a far value
var farDist = ( this._farDistance == 0.0f ) ? InfiniteFarPlaneDistance : this._farDistance;
// Near plane bounds
var min = new Vector3( vpLeft, vpBottom, -farDist );
var max = new Vector3( vpRight, vpTop, 0 );
if ( this._customProjectionMatrix )
// Some custom projection matrices can have unusual inverted settings
// So make sure the AABB is the right way around to start with
var tmp = min;
min.Floor( max );
max.Ceil( tmp );
var radio = 1.0f;
if ( this._projectionType == Projection.Perspective )
// Merge with far plane bounds
radio = this._farDistance/this._nearDistance;
min.Floor( new Vector3( vpLeft*radio, vpBottom*radio, -this._farDistance ) );
max.Ceil( new Vector3( vpRight*radio, vpTop*radio, 0 ) );
this._boundingBox.SetExtents( min, max );
this._recalculateFrustum = false;
// Signal to update frustum clipping planes
this._recalculateFrustumPlanes = true;
示例10: intersects
/* Test if a scene node intersected a portal during the last time delta
* (from last frame time to current frame time). This function checks
* if the node "crossed over" the portal also.
public PortalIntersectResult intersects( PCZSceneNode pczsn )
// Only check if portal is open
if ( mOpen )
if ( pczsn == mNode )
// ignore the scene node if it is the node the portal is associated with
return PortalIntersectResult.NO_INTERSECT;
// most complicated case - if the portal is a quad:
// the node is modeled as a line segment (prevPostion to currentPosition)
// intersection test is then between the capsule and the line segment.
Segment nodeSegment = new Segment();
nodeSegment.Set( pczsn.PreviousPosition, pczsn.DerivedPosition );
// we model the portal as a line swept sphere (mPrevDerivedCP to mDerivedCP).
Capsule portalCapsule = new Capsule();
portalCapsule.Set( mPrevDerivedCP, mDerivedCP, mRadius );
if ( portalCapsule.Intersects( nodeSegment ) )
// the portal intersected the node at some time from last frame to this frame.
// Now check if node "crossed" the portal
// a crossing occurs if the "side" of the final position of the node compared
// to the final position of the portal is negative AND the initial position
// of the node compared to the initial position of the portal is non-negative
if ( mDerivedPlane.GetSide( pczsn.DerivedPosition ) == PlaneSide.Negative &&
mPrevDerivedPlane.GetSide( pczsn.DerivedPosition ) != PlaneSide.Negative )
// safety check - make sure the node has at least one dimension which is
// small enough to fit through the portal! (avoid the "elephant fitting
// through a mouse hole" case)
Vector3 nodeHalfVector = pczsn.WorldAABB.HalfSize;
Vector3 portalBox = new Vector3( mRadius, mRadius, mRadius );
portalBox.Floor( nodeHalfVector );
if ( portalBox.x < mRadius )
// crossing occurred!
return PortalIntersectResult.INTERSECT_CROSS;
// there was no crossing of the portal by the node, but it might be touching
// the portal. We check for this by checking the bounding box of the node vs.
// the sphere of the portal
if ( mDerivedSphere.Intersects( pczsn.WorldAABB ) &&
mDerivedPlane.GetSide( pczsn.WorldAABB ) == PlaneSide.Both )
// intersection but no crossing
// note this means that the node is CURRENTLY touching the portal.
if ( mDerivedPlane.GetSide( pczsn.DerivedPosition ) != PlaneSide.Negative )
// the node is on the positive (front) or exactly on the CP of the portal
return PortalIntersectResult.INTERSECT_NO_CROSS;
// the node is on the negative (back) side of the portal - it might be in the wrong zone!
return PortalIntersectResult.INTERSECT_BACK_NO_CROSS;
// no intersection CURRENTLY. (there might have been an intersection
// during the time between last frame and this frame, but it wasn't a portal
// crossing, and it isn't touching anymore, so it doesn't matter.
return PortalIntersectResult.NO_INTERSECT;
// for aabb's we check if the center point went from being inside to being outside
// the aabb (or vice versa) for crossing.
AxisAlignedBox aabb = new AxisAlignedBox( mDerivedCorners[ 0 ], mDerivedCorners[ 1 ] );
//bool previousInside = aabb.contains(pczsn->getPrevPosition());
bool currentInside = aabb.Contains( pczsn.DerivedPosition );
if ( mDirection == Vector3.UnitZ )
// portal norm is "outward" pointing, look for going from outside to inside
//if (previousInside == false &&
if ( currentInside == true )
return PortalIntersectResult.INTERSECT_CROSS;
// portal norm is "inward" pointing, look for going from inside to outside
//if (previousInside == true &&
if ( currentInside == false )
return PortalIntersectResult.INTERSECT_CROSS;
// doesn't cross, but might be touching. This is a little tricky because we only
// care if the node aab is NOT fully contained in the portal aabb because we consider