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C# Vector3.Clone方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中Vector3.Clone方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Vector3.Clone方法的具体用法?C# Vector3.Clone怎么用?C# Vector3.Clone使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Vector3的用法示例。


示例1: Start

    void Start()

        Mesh mesh = GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh;

        Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[4];
        vertices[0] = new Vector3(0, 0);
        vertices[1] = new Vector3(1, 0);
        vertices[2] = new Vector3(1, 1);
        vertices[3] = new Vector3(0, 1);
        baseVertices = vertices;

        int[] triangles = new int[2 * 3];
        triangles[0 * 3 + 0] = 0;
        triangles[0 * 3 + 1] = 1;
        triangles[0 * 3 + 2] = 2;

        triangles[1 * 3 + 0] = 0;
        triangles[1 * 3 + 1] = 2;
        triangles[1 * 3 + 2] = 3;

        mesh.vertices = (Vector3[]) vertices.Clone();
        mesh.triangles = triangles;

示例2: there

        private Vector3[] mNormalAtVertices = null; // may not be there (only present for triangles created from a mesh)

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs from given positions, normal, and uv then intialize for intersection computation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parser"></param>
        protected RTTriangle(Vector3[] vertices, Vector3[] normalAtVertex, Vector2[] uvAtVertex, int material)
            mType = RTGeometryType.Triangle;
            mMaterialIndex = material;
            mVertices = (Vector3[])vertices.Clone();
            if (null != normalAtVertex)
                mNormalAtVertices = (Vector3[])normalAtVertex.Clone();
            mVertexUV = (Vector2[])uvAtVertex.Clone();


示例3: Load

                Vector3 distVec = inputPoints[num + 1] - inputPoints[num];
                float xyDist = (float)Math.Sqrt(
                float zDist = Math.Abs(distVec.Z);
                // Also check if next point is down again.
                Vector3 distVec2 = inputPoints[num + 2] - inputPoints[num + 1];
                if (zDist / 2 > xyDist &&
                    Math.Abs(distVec.Z + distVec2.Z) < zDist / 2)
                    // Find out which direction we are going
                    Vector3 dir = inputPoints[num] - inputPoints[num - 1];
                    Vector3 upVec = new Vector3(0, 0, 1);
                    Vector3 rightVec = Vector3.Cross(dir, upVec);
                    // Matrix build helper matrix to rotate our looping points
                    Matrix rotMatrix = new Matrix(
                        rightVec.X, rightVec.Y, rightVec.Z, 0,
                        dir.X, dir.Y, dir.Z, 0,
                        upVec.X, upVec.Y, upVec.Z, 0,
                        0, 0, 0, 1);

                    // Ok do a looping with zDist as height.
                    // Start with the current point, loop around and end with the
                    // point after the looping. We will remove the current and the
                    // next 2 points, but add 9 new points instead for our smooth loop.
                    // See LoopingPoints for the looping itself.
                    Vector3 startLoopPos = inputPoints[num];
                    Vector3 endLoopPos = inputPoints[num + 2];

                    // Insert 7 new points (9 new points, but we reuse
                    // start, middle and end points which are num, num+1 and num+2,
                    // plus an additional point after the looping to keep the road
                    // straight!)
                    Vector3[] remInputPoints = (Vector3[])inputPoints.Clone();
                    inputPoints = new Vector3[inputPoints.Length + 7];
                    // Copy everything over
                    for (int copyNum = 0; copyNum < remInputPoints.Length; copyNum++)
                        if (copyNum < num)
                            inputPoints[copyNum] = remInputPoints[copyNum];
                            inputPoints[copyNum + 7] = remInputPoints[copyNum];

                    // Ok, now we can add our loop
                    for (int loopNum = 0; loopNum < LoopingPoints.Length; loopNum++)
                        // Interpolate between start and end pos to land at the end pos!
                        float loopPercent = loopNum / (float)(LoopingPoints.Length - 1);
                        inputPoints[num + loopNum] =
                            startLoopPos * (1 - loopPercent) +
                            endLoopPos * loopPercent +
                            zDist * Vector3.Transform(LoopingPoints[loopNum], rotMatrix);
                    } // for (loopNum)

                    // Add extra point to keep the road straight
                    Vector3 newRoadDir =
                        inputPoints[num + 10] - inputPoints[num + 8];
                    // Don't go more than zDist * 2 units away!
                    if (newRoadDir.Length() > zDist * 2)
                        newRoadDir = newRoadDir * zDist;
                        inputPoints[num + 9] = inputPoints[num + 8] + newRoadDir;
                    } // if (newRoadDir.Length)
                        // Just add an interpolation point
                        inputPoints[num + 9] =

示例4: UpdateFairing

        void UpdateFairing()
            ProceduralPart ppart = PPart;

            if (useFairing && ppart != null)
                ProceduralAbstractSoRShape shape = ppart.CurrentShape as ProceduralAbstractSoRShape;

                if (shape != null)
                    Vector3[] topEndcapVerticies = shape.GetEndcapVerticies(true);

                    Vector3[] topInner = new Vector3[topEndcapVerticies.Length + 1];

                    topEndcapVerticies.CopyTo(topInner, 0);
                    topInner[topEndcapVerticies.Length] = topEndcapVerticies[0];

                    int vertCount = topInner.Length;

                    //foreach (Vector3 v in topInner)
                    //    Debug.Log(v);

                    Vector3[] topOuter = (Vector3[])topInner.Clone();

                    for (int i = 0; i < vertCount; ++i)
                        float r = topInner[i].magnitude;
                        float r_ = r + fairingThickness;
                        float scaleFactor = r_ / r;
                        topOuter[i].x *= scaleFactor;
                        topOuter[i].z *= scaleFactor;

                    TextureScale.x = topOuter[0].magnitude * 2 * Mathf.PI;

                    Vector3[] sideTop = (Vector3[])topOuter.Clone();
                    Vector3[] sideBottom = (Vector3[])sideTop.Clone();

                    Vector3[] bottomInner = (Vector3[])topInner.Clone();
                    Vector3[] bottomOuter = (Vector3[])topOuter.Clone();

                    for (int i = 0; i < vertCount; ++i)
                        if (bottomNode != null)
                            sideBottom[i].y = bottomNode.position.y;
                            bottomInner[i].y = bottomNode.position.y;
                            bottomOuter[i].y = bottomNode.position.y;

                    TextureScale.y = Mathf.Abs(topOuter[0].y - bottomOuter[0].y);

                    Vector3[] innerSideTop = (Vector3[])topInner.Clone();
                    Vector3[] innerSideBottom = (Vector3[])bottomInner.Clone();

                    int topInnerStart = 0;
                    int topOuterStart = topInnerStart + vertCount;
                    int sideTopStart = topOuterStart + vertCount;
                    int sideBottomStart = sideTopStart + vertCount;
                    int bottomInnerStart = sideBottomStart + vertCount;
                    int bottomOuterStart = bottomInnerStart + vertCount;
                    int innerSideTopStart = bottomOuterStart + vertCount;
                    int innerSideBottomStart = innerSideTopStart + vertCount;

                    UncheckedMesh m = new UncheckedMesh(vertCount * 8, vertCount * 8 * 6);
                    //int tri = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < vertCount; ++i)
                        m.verticies[topInnerStart + i] = topInner[i];
                        m.verticies[topOuterStart + i] = topOuter[i];
                        m.verticies[sideTopStart + i] = sideTop[i];
                        m.verticies[sideBottomStart + i] = sideBottom[i];
                        m.verticies[bottomInnerStart + i] = bottomInner[i];
                        m.verticies[bottomOuterStart + i] = bottomOuter[i];
                        m.verticies[innerSideTopStart + i] = innerSideTop[i];
                        m.verticies[innerSideBottomStart + i] = innerSideBottom[i];

                        m.normals[topInnerStart + i] = new Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
                        m.normals[topOuterStart + i] = new Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);

                        m.normals[sideTopStart + i] = m.verticies[sideTopStart + i].xz().normalized;
                        m.normals[sideBottomStart + i] = m.verticies[sideBottomStart + i].xz().normalized;

                        m.normals[bottomInnerStart + i] = new Vector3(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f);
                        m.normals[bottomOuterStart + i] = new Vector3(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f);

                        m.normals[innerSideTopStart + i] = -m.verticies[innerSideTopStart + i].xz().normalized;
                        m.normals[innerSideBottomStart + i] = -m.verticies[innerSideBottomStart + i].xz().normalized;

                        m.uv[topInnerStart + i] = new Vector2(Mathf.InverseLerp(0, vertCount - 1, i), 0.0f);
                        m.uv[topOuterStart + i] = new Vector2(Mathf.InverseLerp(0, vertCount - 1, i), 1.0f);

                        m.uv[sideTopStart + i] = new Vector2(Mathf.InverseLerp(0, vertCount - 1, i), 1.0f);
                        m.uv[sideBottomStart + i] = new Vector2(Mathf.InverseLerp(0, vertCount - 1, i), 0.0f);

                        m.uv[bottomInnerStart + i] = new Vector2(Mathf.InverseLerp(0, vertCount - 1, i), 0.0f);
                        m.uv[bottomOuterStart + i] = new Vector2(Mathf.InverseLerp(0, vertCount - 1, i), 1.0f);

                        m.uv[innerSideTopStart + i] = new Vector2(Mathf.InverseLerp(0, vertCount - 1, i), 0.0f);

示例5: CoplanarPosit

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Posit"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">Array of vectors containing coordinates of four real model's point.</param>
        /// <param name="focalLength">Effective focal length of the camera used to capture the model.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">The model must have 4 points.</exception>
        public CoplanarPosit( Vector3[] model, float focalLength )
            if ( model.Length != 4 )
                throw new ArgumentException( "The model must have 4 points." );

            this.focalLength = focalLength;
            modelPoints = (Vector3[]) model.Clone( );

            // compute model vectors
            modelVectors = Matrix3x3.CreateFromRows(
                model[1] - model[0],
                model[2] - model[0],
                model[3] - model[0] );

            // compute pseudo inverse of the model matrix
            Matrix3x3 u, v;
            Vector3 e;

            modelVectors.SVD( out u, out e, out v );
            modelPseudoInverse = v * Matrix3x3.CreateDiagonal( e.Inverse( ) ) * u.Transpose( );

            // computer unit vector normal to the model
            modelNormal = v.GetColumn( e.MinIndex );

示例6: BezierCurve

        public BezierCurve(Vector3[] points)
            allPoints = new Vector3[points.Length][];
            allPoints[0] = (Vector3[])points.Clone();

            for (int i = points.Length-1, j = 1; j < allPoints.Length; --i, j++)
                allPoints[j] = new Vector3[i];

示例7: SetObject

        public void SetObject( Vector3[] vertices, Color[] colors, int[,] ribs )
            if ( vertices.Length != colors.Length )
                throw new ArgumentException( "Number of colors must be equal to number of vertices." );

            if ( ribs.GetLength( 1 ) != 2 )
                throw new ArgumentException( "Ribs array must have 2 coordinates per rib." );

            this.objectPoints = (Vector3[]) vertices.Clone( );
            this.colors = (Color[]) colors.Clone( );
            this.lines = (int[,]) ribs.Clone( );

            Recalculate( );

示例8: Posit

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Posit"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">Array of vectors containing coordinates of four real model's point (points
        /// must not be on the same plane).</param>
        /// <param name="focalLength">Effective focal length of the camera used to capture the model.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">The model must have 4 points.</exception>
        public Posit( Vector3[] model, float focalLength )
            if ( model.Length != 4 )
                throw new ArgumentException( "The model must have 4 points." );

            this.focalLength = focalLength;
            modelPoints = (Vector3[]) model.Clone( );

            // compute model vectors
            modelVectors = Matrix3x3.CreateFromRows(
                model[1] - model[0],
                model[2] - model[0],
                model[3] - model[0] );

            // compute pseudo inverse matrix
            modelPseudoInverse = modelVectors.PseudoInverse( );

示例9: ConvexResult

 public ConvexResult(Vector3[] hvertices, int[] hindices)
     mHullVertices = (Vector3[])hvertices.Clone();
     mHullIndices = (int[])hindices.Clone();

示例10: CloneList

	//Clone an array and the inner array
	Vector3[][] CloneList(Vector3[][] arrayToClone) {
		//First clone the outer array
		Vector3[][] newArray = arrayToClone.Clone() as Vector3[][];

		//Then clone the inner arrays
		for (int i = 0; i < newArray.Length; i++) {
			newArray[i] = newArray[i].Clone() as Vector3[];

		return newArray;

示例11: TransformCurrent

 /// <summary>
 /// Transforms a poly with the current matrices and viewport. Useful for perspective projection matrices
 /// </summary>
 public Vector3[] TransformCurrent(Vector3[] poly)
     Vector3[] ret = (Vector3[])poly.Clone();
     for(int i=0;i<ret.Length;i++) {
     ret[i] = Device.Viewport.Project(ret[i], Matrices.projection, Matrices.view, Matrices.world);
     return ret;

示例12: Transform

        /// <summary>
        /// Transforms a poly with the provided matrix
        /// </summary>
        public static Vector3[] Transform(Matrix mat, Vector3[] poly)
            Vector3[] ret = (Vector3[])poly.Clone();
            Vector3.Transform(ret, ref mat, ret);

            return ret;

示例13: getTopLinePoints

 private Vector3[] getTopLinePoints(Vector3[] points)
     Vector3[] secondPoints = (Vector3[])points.Clone();
     for (int i = 0; i < secondPoints.Length; i++)
         secondPoints[i].y = secondPoints[i].y + getVerticalCollisionDistance();
     return secondPoints;

示例14: getRightLinePoints

 private Vector3[] getRightLinePoints(Vector3[] points)
     Vector3[] secondPoints = (Vector3[])points.Clone();
     for(int i = 0; i < secondPoints.Length; i++)
         secondPoints[i].x = secondPoints[i].x + getHorizontalCollisionDistance();
     return secondPoints;
