本文整理汇总了C#中Vector3.NormalizeFast方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Vector3.NormalizeFast方法的具体用法?C# Vector3.NormalizeFast怎么用?C# Vector3.NormalizeFast使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类Vector3
示例1: Move
/// <summary>
/// Offset the position of the camera in coordinates relative to its current orientation
/// </summary>
/// <param name="x">Movement along the camera ground (left/right)</param>
/// <param name="y">Movement along the camera axis (forward)</param>
/// <param name="z">Height to move</param>
public void Move(float x, float y, float z)
Vector3 offset = new Vector3();
Vector3 forward = new Vector3((float)Math.Sin((float)Orientation.X), 0, (float)Math.Cos((float)Orientation.X));
Vector3 right = new Vector3(-forward.Z, 0, forward.X);
offset += x * right;
offset += y * forward;
offset.Y += z;
offset = Vector3.Multiply(offset, MoveSpeed);
Position += offset;
示例2: Move
public void Move(float x, float y)
Vector3 offset = new Vector3();
Vector3 right = new Vector3(1, 0, 0);
Vector3 up = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
offset += x * right;
offset += y * up;
offset = Vector3.Multiply(offset, moveSpeed);
position += offset;
示例3: Move
/// <summary>
/// This function handles the movement of the camera based on OnKeyPress() method in ACWWindow.cs
/// </summary>
/// <param name="x">The x axis movement value</param>
/// <param name="y">The y axis movement value</param>
/// <param name="z">The z axis movement value</param>
public void Move(float x, float y, float z)
Vector3 offset = new Vector3();
Vector3 forward = new Vector3((float)Math.Sin((float)Orientation.X), 0, (float)Math.Cos((float)Orientation.X)); // Forward and backward movement on the x and z axis
Vector3 right = new Vector3(-forward.Z, 0, forward.X); // Right and left movement on the x and z axis
// Actually moves the camera using the parameter values
offset += x * right;
offset += y * forward;
offset.Y += z;
offset = Vector3.Multiply(offset, MoveSpeed);
// Sets the new position of the camera based on the above calculations
Position += offset;
示例4: Shell
public Shell(Vector3 position, Vector3 cannonFacing, Vector3 cannonVelocity, float startSpeed, object shellOwner)
int segments = 8;
List<Vector3> vertices = new List<Vector3>(segments + 1);
//float unitradius = (float)Math.Sqrt(8);
float angleStep = (float)(2 * Math.PI / segments);
for (int i = 0; i < segments; i++)
vertices.Add(new Vector3((float)Math.Cos(angleStep * i) * radius, (float)Math.Sin(angleStep * i) * radius, 0));
vertices.Add(new Vector3(radius, 0, 0));
graphics = GraphicsAspect.Create(this, vertices, position, 1, Color.White, Color.Red);
// вычисляем вектор полёта снаряда - сумма импульса выстрела и собственной скорости оружия
Vector3 shootVelocity = cannonFacing * startSpeed + cannonVelocity;
Vector2 shootDirection = shootVelocity.Xy;
//physics = new PhysicsAspect(this, position, shootVelocity.Xy, startSpeed);
physics = PhysicsAspect.Create(this, position, shootDirection, shootVelocity.LengthFast);
bounds = BoundSetAspect.Create(this, null);
BoundsAspect bound = CircleBoundsAspect.Create(bounds, position.Xy, radius);
// снаряд будет быстродвижущимся объектом, для него особый алгоритм определения столкновений
bounds.SetAttribute(Strings.CollisionDetectionSpeedType, Strings.CollisionDetectionSpeedTypeFast);
damage = DamageAspect.Create(this, 1);
//physics = new PhysicsAspect(this, position, Vector2.Zero, 0);
//timer = DestroyByTimerAspect.Create(this, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 2, 500));
timer = DestroyByTimerAspect.Create(this, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 1, 0));
this.shellOwner = shellOwner;
this.name = "shell";
MessageDispatcher.RegisterHandler(typeof(SetPosition), bounds);
MessageDispatcher.RegisterHandler(typeof(SetPosition), graphics);
MessageDispatcher.RegisterHandler(typeof(DestroyChildrenOf), this);
MessageDispatcher.RegisterHandler(typeof(Kill), this);
messageHandler.Handlers.Add(typeof(Kill), HandleKill);
示例5: Move
/// <summary>
/// Moves the camera in local space
/// </summary>
/// <param name="x">Distance to move along the screen's x axis</param>
/// <param name="y">Distance to move along the axis of the camera</param>
/// <param name="z">Distance to move along the screen's y axis</param>
public void Move(float x, float y, float z)
/** When the camera moves, we don't want it to move relative to the world coordinates
* (like the XYZ space its position is in), but instead relative to the camera's view.
* Like the view angle, this requires a bit of trigonometry. */
Vector3 offset = new Vector3();
Vector3 forward = new Vector3((float)Math.Sin((float)Orientation.X), 0, (float)Math.Cos((float)Orientation.X));
Vector3 right = new Vector3(-forward.Z, 0, forward.X);
offset += x * right;
offset += y * forward;
offset.Y += z;
offset = Vector3.Multiply(offset, MoveSpeed);
Position += offset;
示例6: IsOutOfBounds
public bool IsOutOfBounds(Vector3 obj)
Vector3 normalized = new Vector3(obj.X, obj.Y, obj.Z);
float norm = obj.LengthFast;
//Vector3 abs = new Vector3(Math.Abs(obj.X), Math.Abs(obj.Y), Math.Abs(obj.Z));
if (norm > _playerLimitRange)//- Math.Abs(normalized.Z*500))//+ normalized.X * _playerLimitEccentricityX + normalized.Z * _playerLimitEccentricityZ)
return true;
return false;
示例7: MoveDreadnaught
private void MoveDreadnaught()
if (InputManager.Mouse.RightClickdown) //Follow cursor position when right click is down or set new orientation if just right click
_savedPlayerCursorPosition = new Vector3(_playerCursor.Position.X, _playerCursor.Position.Y, _playerCursor.Position.Z);
bool commandsEnabled = true;
Vector3 command = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
Vector3 repelForce = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
if (!IsOutOfBounds(_dreadnaught.Position)) //if dreadnaught is in bounds, enable controls (player can accelerate spaceship)
commandsEnabled = true;
//If out of bounds, disable controls and apply a small "force" towards the origin, until spaceship changes direction
if (Vector3.Dot(_dreadnaught.Velocity, _dreadnaught.Position) > 0)
commandsEnabled = false;
repelForce = new Vector3(-_dreadnaught.Position.X, -_dreadnaught.Position.Y, -_dreadnaught.Position.Z);
}//If out of bounds but spaceship has changed direction, enable commands (to allow player to get back)
commandsEnabled = true;
if (commandsEnabled)
if (InputManager.Keyboard.Sdown)
if (InputManager.Keyboard.ShiftLeftdown)
_camera.Move(_camera.Down, _camera.PositionSpeed * 100);
command.Z -= 1;
if (InputManager.Keyboard.Wdown)
if (InputManager.Keyboard.ShiftLeftdown)
_camera.Move(_camera.Up, _camera.PositionSpeed * 100);
command.Z += 1;
if (InputManager.Keyboard.Adown)
if (InputManager.Keyboard.ShiftLeftdown)
_camera.Move(_camera.Left, _camera.PositionSpeed * 100);
command.X += 1;
if (InputManager.Keyboard.Ddown)
if (InputManager.Keyboard.ShiftLeftdown)
_camera.Move(_camera.Left, _camera.PositionSpeed * 100);
command.X -= 1;
command += repelForce; //apply repelforce (if any)
Vector3 nextVelocity = _dreadnaught.Velocity + (command * _dreadnaught.MaxAcceleration * Game.DeltaTime); //SPEED LAW
if (Math.Abs(nextVelocity.X) > _dreadnaught.MaxSpeed) nextVelocity.X = _dreadnaught.Velocity.X; //limit max speed on X
if (Math.Abs(nextVelocity.Z) > _dreadnaught.MaxSpeed) nextVelocity.Z = _dreadnaught.Velocity.Z; //limit max speed on Z
_dreadnaught.Velocity = nextVelocity; //new speed vector apply
_dreadnaught.Position = _dreadnaught.Position + _dreadnaught.Velocity; //POSITION LAW
示例8: OrthoNormalize
/// <summary>
/// Applies Gram-Schmitt Ortho-normalization to the given two input Vectro3 objects.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="vec1">The first Vector3 objects to be ortho-normalized</param>
/// <param name="vec2">The secound Vector3 objects to be ortho-normalized</param>
public static void OrthoNormalize(ref Vector3 vec1, ref Vector3 vec2)
vec2 = Vector3.Subtract(vec2, ProjectAndCreate(vec2, vec1));