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C++ LuaTable::KeyExists方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中LuaTable::KeyExists方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ LuaTable::KeyExists方法的具体用法?C++ LuaTable::KeyExists怎么用?C++ LuaTable::KeyExists使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在LuaTable的用法示例。


示例1: ReadStartPos

void CMapInfo::ReadStartPos()
    const float defX = 1000.0f;
    const float defZ = 1000.0f;
    const float defXStep = 100.0f;
    const float defZStep = 100.0f;

    const LuaTable teamsTable = mapRoot->SubTable("teams");

    for (int t = 0; t < MAX_TEAMS; ++t) {
        float3 pos;
        pos.x = defX + (defXStep * t);
        pos.z = defZ + (defZStep * t);
        pos.y = 0.0f;
        const LuaTable posTable = teamsTable.SubTable(t).SubTable("startPos");
        if (posTable.KeyExists("x") &&
                posTable.KeyExists("z")) {
            pos.x = posTable.GetFloat("x", pos.x);
            pos.z = posTable.GetFloat("z", pos.z);
        } else {

示例2: ReadCacheData

void CArchiveScanner::ReadCacheData(const std::string& filename)
	if (!FileSystem::FileExists(filename)) {
		LOG_L(L_INFO, "Archive cache doesn't exist: %s", filename.c_str());

	LuaParser p(filename, SPRING_VFS_RAW, SPRING_VFS_BASE);
	if (!p.Execute()) {
		LOG_L(L_ERROR, "Failed to parse archive cache: %s", p.GetErrorLog().c_str());
	const LuaTable archiveCache = p.GetRoot();

	// Do not load old version caches
	const int ver = archiveCache.GetInt("internalVer", (INTERNAL_VER + 1));
	if (ver != INTERNAL_VER) {

	const LuaTable archives = archiveCache.SubTable("archives");
	for (int i = 1; archives.KeyExists(i); ++i) {
		const LuaTable curArchive = archives.SubTable(i);
		const LuaTable archived = curArchive.SubTable("archivedata");
		std::string name = curArchive.GetString("name", "");

		ArchiveInfo& ai = archiveInfos[StringToLower(name)];
		ai.origName = name;
		ai.path     = curArchive.GetString("path", "");

		// do not use LuaTable.GetInt() for 32-bit integers, the Spring lua
		// library uses 32-bit floats to represent numbers, which can only
		// represent 2^24 consecutive integers
		ai.modified = strtoul(curArchive.GetString("modified", "0").c_str(), 0, 10);
		ai.checksum = strtoul(curArchive.GetString("checksum", "0").c_str(), 0, 10);
		ai.updated = false;

		ai.archiveData = CArchiveScanner::ArchiveData(archived, true);
		if (ai.archiveData.GetModType() == modtype::map) {
			AddDependency(ai.archiveData.GetDependencies(), "Map Helper v1");
		} else if (ai.archiveData.GetModType() == modtype::primary) {
			AddDependency(ai.archiveData.GetDependencies(), "Spring content v1");

	const LuaTable brokenArchives = archiveCache.SubTable("brokenArchives");
	for (int i = 1; brokenArchives.KeyExists(i); ++i) {
		const LuaTable curArchive = brokenArchives.SubTable(i);
		std::string name = curArchive.GetString("name", "");

		BrokenArchive& ba = this->brokenArchives[name];
		ba.path = curArchive.GetString("path", "");
		ba.modified = strtoul(curArchive.GetString("modified", "0").c_str(), 0, 10);
		ba.updated = false;
		ba.problem = curArchive.GetString("problem", "unknown");

	isDirty = false;

示例3: ReadSmf

void CMapInfo::ReadSmf()
	// SMF specific settings
	const LuaTable mapResTable = parser->GetRoot().SubTable("resources");

	smf.detailTexName      = mapResTable.GetString("detailTex", "");
	smf.specularTexName    = mapResTable.GetString("specularTex", "");
	smf.splatDetailTexName = mapResTable.GetString("splatDetailTex", "");
	smf.splatDistrTexName  = mapResTable.GetString("splatDistrTex", "");

	smf.grassBladeTexName = mapResTable.GetString("grassBladeTex", "");
	smf.grassShadingTexName = mapResTable.GetString("grassShadingTex", "");

	smf.skyReflectModTexName = mapResTable.GetString("skyReflectModTex", "");
	smf.detailNormalTexName = mapResTable.GetString("detailNormalTex", "");
	smf.lightEmissionTexName = mapResTable.GetString("lightEmissionTex", "");

	if (!smf.detailTexName.empty()) {
		smf.detailTexName = "maps/" + smf.detailTexName;
	} else {
		const LuaTable& resGfxMaps = resRoot->SubTable("graphics").SubTable("maps");
		smf.detailTexName = resGfxMaps.GetString("detailtex", "detailtex2.bmp");
		smf.detailTexName = "bitmaps/" + smf.detailTexName;

	if (!smf.specularTexName.empty()) { smf.specularTexName = "maps/" + smf.specularTexName; }
	if (!smf.splatDetailTexName.empty()) { smf.splatDetailTexName = "maps/" + smf.splatDetailTexName; }
	if (!smf.splatDistrTexName.empty()) { smf.splatDistrTexName = "maps/" + smf.splatDistrTexName; }
	if (!smf.grassBladeTexName.empty()) { smf.grassBladeTexName = "maps/" + smf.grassBladeTexName; }
	if (!smf.grassShadingTexName.empty()) { smf.grassShadingTexName = "maps/" + smf.grassShadingTexName; }
	if (!smf.skyReflectModTexName.empty()) { smf.skyReflectModTexName = "maps/" + smf.skyReflectModTexName; }
	if (!smf.detailNormalTexName.empty()) { smf.detailNormalTexName = "maps/" + smf.detailNormalTexName; }
	if (!smf.lightEmissionTexName.empty()) { smf.lightEmissionTexName = "maps/" + smf.lightEmissionTexName; }

	// height overrides
	const LuaTable smfTable = parser->GetRoot().SubTable("smf");

	smf.minHeightOverride = smfTable.KeyExists("minHeight");
	smf.maxHeightOverride = smfTable.KeyExists("maxHeight");
	smf.minHeight = smfTable.GetFloat("minHeight", 0.0f);
	smf.maxHeight = smfTable.GetFloat("maxHeight", 0.0f);

	std::stringstream ss;

	for (int i = 0; /* no test */; i++) {
		ss << "smtFileName" << i;

		if (smfTable.KeyExists(ss.str())) {
			smf.smtFileNames.push_back(smfTable.GetString(ss.str(), ".smt"));
		} else {

示例4: SetPieceParentName

void CAssParser::SetPieceParentName(
	SAssPiece* piece,
	const S3DModel* model,
	const aiNode* pieceNode,
	const LuaTable& pieceTable,
	ParentNameMap& parentMap
) {
	// Get parent name from metadata or model
	if (pieceTable.KeyExists("parent")) {
		parentMap[piece] = pieceTable.GetString("parent", "");

	if (pieceNode->mParent == nullptr)

	if (pieceNode->mParent->mParent != nullptr) {
		// parent is not the root
		parentMap[piece] = std::string(pieceNode->mParent->mName.data);
	} else {
		// parent is the root (which must already exist)
		assert(model->GetRootPiece() != nullptr);
		parentMap[piece] = (model->GetRootPiece())->name;

示例5: option_parseMapOptions

void option_parseMapOptions(
		std::vector<Option>& options,
		const std::string& fileName,
		const std::string& mapName,
		const std::string& fileModes,
		const std::string& accessModes,
		std::set<std::string>* optionsSet)
	LuaParser luaParser(fileName, fileModes, accessModes);

	const string mapFile    = archiveScanner->MapNameToMapFile(mapName);
	const string configName = MapParser::GetMapConfigName(mapFile);

	if (mapName.empty())
		throw "Missing map name!";

	if (configName.empty())
		throw "Could not determine config-file name from the map name '" + mapName + "'!";

	luaParser.AddString("name",     mapName);	
	luaParser.AddString("fileName", FileSystem::GetFilename(mapFile));
	luaParser.AddString("fullName", mapFile);
	luaParser.AddString("configFile", configName);

	if (!luaParser.Execute()) {
		throw content_error("luaParser.Execute() failed: "
				+ luaParser.GetErrorLog());

	const LuaTable root = luaParser.GetRoot();
	if (!root.IsValid()) {
		throw content_error("root table invalid");

	std::set<std::string>* myOptionsSet = NULL;
	if (optionsSet == NULL) {
		myOptionsSet = new std::set<std::string>();
	} else {
		myOptionsSet = optionsSet;
	for (int index = 1; root.KeyExists(index); index++) {
		Option opt;
		try {
			option_parseOption(root, index, opt, *myOptionsSet);
		} catch (const content_error& err) {
					"Failed parsing map-option %d from %s for map %s: %s",
					index, fileName.c_str(), mapName.c_str(), err.what());
	if (optionsSet == NULL) {
		delete myOptionsSet;
		myOptionsSet = NULL;

示例6: parseMapOptions

void parseMapOptions(
		std::vector<Option>& options,
		const std::string& fileName,
		const std::string& mapName,
		const std::string& fileModes,
		const std::string& accessModes,
		std::set<std::string>* optionsSet,
		CLogSubsystem* logSubsystem) {

	if (!logSubsystem) {

	LuaParser luaParser(fileName, fileModes, accessModes);

	const string configName = MapParser::GetMapConfigName(mapName);
	const string mapFile    = archiveScanner->MapNameToMapFile(mapName);

	if (mapName.empty())
		throw "Missing map name!";

	if (configName.empty())
		throw "Couldn't determine config filename from the map name '" + mapName + "'!";

	luaParser.AddString("name",     mapName);	
	luaParser.AddString("fileName", filesystem.GetFilename(mapFile));
	luaParser.AddString("fullName", mapFile);
	luaParser.AddString("configFile", configName);

	if (!luaParser.Execute()) {
		throw content_error("luaParser.Execute() failed: "
				+ luaParser.GetErrorLog());

	const LuaTable root = luaParser.GetRoot();
	if (!root.IsValid()) {
		throw content_error("root table invalid");

	std::set<std::string>* myOptionsSet = NULL;
	if (optionsSet == NULL) {
		myOptionsSet = new std::set<std::string>();
	} else {
		myOptionsSet = optionsSet;
	for (int index = 1; root.KeyExists(index); index++) {
		Option opt;
		if (parseOption(root, index, opt, *myOptionsSet, *logSubsystem)) {
	if (optionsSet == NULL) {
		delete myOptionsSet;
		myOptionsSet = NULL;

示例7: LoadSoundDefs

bool CSound::LoadSoundDefs(const std::string& filename)
	//! can be called from LuaUnsyncedCtrl too
	boost::mutex::scoped_lock lck(soundMutex);

	LuaParser parser(filename, SPRING_VFS_MOD, SPRING_VFS_ZIP);
	if (!parser.IsValid())
		LogObject(LOG_SOUND) << "Could not load " << filename << ": " << parser.GetErrorLog();
		return false;
		const LuaTable soundRoot = parser.GetRoot();
		const LuaTable soundItemTable = soundRoot.SubTable("SoundItems");
		if (!soundItemTable.IsValid())
			LogObject(LOG_SOUND) << "CSound(): could not parse SoundItems table in " << filename;
			return false;
			std::vector<std::string> keys;
			for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = keys.begin(); it != keys.end(); ++it)
				const std::string name(*it);
				soundItemDef bufmap;
				const LuaTable buf(soundItemTable.SubTable(*it));
				bufmap["name"] = name;
				soundItemDefMap::const_iterator sit = soundItemDefs.find(name);
				if (sit != soundItemDefs.end())
					LogObject(LOG_SOUND) << "CSound(): two SoundItems have the same name: " << name;

				soundItemDef::const_iterator inspec = bufmap.find("file");
				if (inspec == bufmap.end())	// no file, drop
					LogObject(LOG_SOUND) << "CSound(): SoundItem has no file tag: " << name;
					soundItemDefs[name] = bufmap;

				if (buf.KeyExists("preload"))
					LogObject(LOG_SOUND) << "CSound(): preloading " << name;
					const size_t newid = sounds.size();
					sounds.push_back(new SoundItem(GetWaveBuffer(bufmap["file"], true), bufmap));
					soundMap[name] = newid;
			LogObject(LOG_SOUND) << "CSound(): Sucessfully parsed " << keys.size() << " SoundItems from " << filename;
	return true;

示例8: GetArchiveData

CArchiveScanner::ArchiveData CArchiveScanner::GetArchiveData(const LuaTable& archiveTable)
	ArchiveData md;
	if (!archiveTable.IsValid()) {
		return md;

	md.name        = archiveTable.GetString("name",        "");
	md.shortName   = archiveTable.GetString("shortName",   "");
	md.version     = archiveTable.GetString("version",     "");
	md.mutator     = archiveTable.GetString("mutator",     "");
	md.game        = archiveTable.GetString("game",        "");
	md.shortGame   = archiveTable.GetString("shortGame",   "");
	md.description = archiveTable.GetString("description", "");
	md.modType     = archiveTable.GetInt("modType", 0);
	md.mapfile = archiveTable.GetString("mapfile", "");

	const LuaTable dependencies = archiveTable.SubTable("depend");
	for (int dep = 1; dependencies.KeyExists(dep); ++dep) {
		const std::string depend = dependencies.GetString(dep, "");

	const LuaTable replaces = archiveTable.SubTable("replace");
	for (int rep = 1; replaces.KeyExists(rep); ++rep) {
		md.replaces.push_back(replaces.GetString(rep, ""));

	// HACK needed until lobbies, lobbyserver and unitsync are sorted out
	// so they can uniquely identify different versions of the same mod.
	// (at time of this writing they use name only)

	// NOTE when changing this, this function is used both by the code that
	// reads ArchiveCache.lua and the code that reads modinfo.lua from the mod.
	// so make sure it doesn't keep adding stuff to the name everytime
	// Spring/unitsync is loaded.

	if (md.name.find(md.version) == std::string::npos && !md.version.empty()) {
		md.name += " " + md.version;

	return md;

示例9: LoadSoundDefs

bool CSound::LoadSoundDefs(const std::string& fileName)
	//! can be called from LuaUnsyncedCtrl too
	boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock lck(soundMutex);

	LuaParser parser(fileName, SPRING_VFS_MOD, SPRING_VFS_ZIP);
	if (!parser.IsValid())
		LOG_L(L_WARNING, "Could not load %s: %s",
				fileName.c_str(), parser.GetErrorLog().c_str());
		return false;
		const LuaTable soundRoot = parser.GetRoot();
		const LuaTable soundItemTable = soundRoot.SubTable("SoundItems");
		if (!soundItemTable.IsValid())
			LOG_L(L_WARNING, "CSound(): could not parse SoundItems table in %s", fileName.c_str());
			return false;
			std::vector<std::string> keys;
			for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = keys.begin(); it != keys.end(); ++it)
				const std::string name(*it);
				soundItemDef bufmap;
				const LuaTable buf(soundItemTable.SubTable(*it));
				bufmap["name"] = name;
				soundItemDefMap::const_iterator sit = soundItemDefs.find(name);
				if (sit != soundItemDefs.end())
					LOG_L(L_WARNING, "Sound %s gets overwritten by %s", name.c_str(), fileName.c_str());

				soundItemDef::const_iterator inspec = bufmap.find("file");
				if (inspec == bufmap.end()) {	// no file, drop
					LOG_L(L_WARNING, "Sound %s is missing file tag (ignoring)", name.c_str());
				} else {
					soundItemDefs[name] = bufmap;

				if (buf.KeyExists("preload")) {
			LOG(" parsed %i sounds from %s", (int)keys.size(), fileName.c_str());
	return true;

示例10: parseOptions

void parseOptions(
		std::vector<Option>& options,
		const std::string& fileName,
		const std::string& fileModes,
		const std::string& accessModes,
		const std::string& mapName,
		std::set<std::string>* optionsSet,
		CLogSubsystem* logSubsystem) {

	if (!logSubsystem) {

	LuaParser luaParser(fileName, fileModes, accessModes);

	const string configName = MapParser::GetMapConfigName(mapName);

	if (!mapName.empty() && !configName.empty()) {
		luaParser.AddString("fileName", mapName);
		luaParser.AddString("fullName", "maps/" + mapName);
		luaParser.AddString("configFile", configName);

	if (!luaParser.Execute()) {
		throw content_error("luaParser.Execute() failed: "
				+ luaParser.GetErrorLog());

	const LuaTable root = luaParser.GetRoot();
	if (!root.IsValid()) {
		throw content_error("root table invalid");

	std::set<std::string>* myOptionsSet = NULL;
	if (optionsSet == NULL) {
		myOptionsSet = new std::set<std::string>();
	} else {
		myOptionsSet = optionsSet;
	for (int index = 1; root.KeyExists(index); index++) {
		Option opt;
		if (parseOption(root, index, opt, *myOptionsSet, *logSubsystem)) {
	if (optionsSet == NULL) {
		delete myOptionsSet;
		myOptionsSet = NULL;

示例11: parseOptions

void parseOptions(
		std::vector<Option>& options,
		const std::string& fileName,
		const std::string& fileModes,
		const std::string& accessModes,
		std::set<std::string>* optionsSet,
		CLogSubsystem* logSubsystem) {

	if (!logSubsystem) {

	LuaParser luaParser(fileName, fileModes, accessModes);

	if (!luaParser.Execute()) {
		throw content_error("luaParser.Execute() failed: "
				+ luaParser.GetErrorLog());

	const LuaTable root = luaParser.GetRoot();
	if (!root.IsValid()) {
		throw content_error("root table invalid");

	std::set<std::string>* myOptionsSet = NULL;
	if (optionsSet == NULL) {
		myOptionsSet = new std::set<std::string>();
	} else {
		myOptionsSet = optionsSet;
	for (int index = 1; root.KeyExists(index); index++) {
		Option opt;
		try {
			parseOption(root, index, opt, *myOptionsSet);
		} catch (content_error& err) {
					"Failed parsing option %d from %s: %s",
					index, fileName.c_str(), err.what());
	if (optionsSet == NULL) {
		delete myOptionsSet;
		myOptionsSet = NULL;

示例12: ReadCacheData

void CArchiveScanner::ReadCacheData(const string& filename)
    LuaParser p(filename, SPRING_VFS_RAW, SPRING_VFS_BASE);

    if (!p.Execute()) {
        logOutput.Print("ERROR in " + filename + ": " + p.GetErrorLog());
    const LuaTable archiveCache = p.GetRoot();
    const LuaTable archives = archiveCache.SubTable("archives");

    // Do not load old version caches
    const int ver = archiveCache.GetInt("internalVer", (INTERNAL_VER + 1));
    if (ver != INTERNAL_VER) {

    for (int i = 1; archives.KeyExists(i); ++i) {
        const LuaTable curArchive = archives.SubTable(i);
        const LuaTable archived = curArchive.SubTable("archivedata");
        ArchiveInfo ai;

        ai.origName = curArchive.GetString("name", "");
        ai.path     = curArchive.GetString("path", "");

        // do not use LuaTable.GetInt() for 32-bit integers, the Spring lua
        // library uses 32-bit floats to represent numbers, which can only
        // represent 2^24 consecutive integers
        ai.modified = strtoul(curArchive.GetString("modified", "0").c_str(), 0, 10);
        ai.checksum = strtoul(curArchive.GetString("checksum", "0").c_str(), 0, 10);
        ai.updated = false;

        ai.archiveData = GetArchiveData(archived);
        if (ai.archiveData.modType == modtype::map)
            AddDependency(ai.archiveData.dependencies, "maphelper.sdz");
        else if (ai.archiveData.modType == modtype::primary)
            AddDependency(ai.archiveData.dependencies, "Spring content v1");

        string lcname = StringToLower(ai.origName);

        archiveInfo[lcname] = ai;

    isDirty = false;

示例13: SetPieceParentName

void CAssParser::SetPieceParentName(
	SAssPiece* piece,
	const S3DModel* model,
	const aiNode* pieceNode,
	const LuaTable& pieceTable
) {
	// Get parent name from metadata or model
	if (pieceTable.KeyExists("parent")) {
		piece->parentName = pieceTable.GetString("parent", "");
	} else if (pieceNode->mParent != NULL) {
		if (pieceNode->mParent->mParent != NULL) {
			piece->parentName = std::string(pieceNode->mParent->mName.data);
		} else {
			// my parent is the root (which must already exist)
			assert(model->GetRootPiece() != NULL);
			piece->parentName = model->GetRootPiece()->name;

示例14: ReadSmf

void CMapInfo::ReadSmf()
	// SMF specific settings
	const LuaTable mapResTable = mapRoot->SubTable("resources");
	smf.detailTexName = mapResTable.GetString("detailTex", "");
	if (!smf.detailTexName.empty()) {
		smf.detailTexName = "maps/" + smf.detailTexName;
	else {
		const LuaTable resGfxMaps = resRoot->SubTable("graphics").SubTable("maps");
		smf.detailTexName = resGfxMaps.GetString("detailtex", "detailtex2.bmp");
		smf.detailTexName = "bitmaps/" + smf.detailTexName;

	// height overrides
	const LuaTable smfTable = mapRoot->SubTable("smf");
	smf.minHeightOverride = smfTable.KeyExists("minHeight");
	smf.maxHeightOverride = smfTable.KeyExists("maxHeight");
	smf.minHeight = smfTable.GetFloat("minHeight", 0.0f);
	smf.maxHeight = smfTable.GetFloat("maxHeight", 0.0f);

示例15: option_parseOptionsInternal

static void option_parseOptionsInternal(
		std::vector<Option>& options,
		LuaParser& luaParser,
		const std::string& luaSourceDesc,
		std::set<std::string>* optionsSet)
	if (!luaParser.Execute()) {
		throw content_error("luaParser.Execute() failed: "
				+ luaParser.GetErrorLog());

	const LuaTable root = luaParser.GetRoot();
	if (!root.IsValid()) {
		throw content_error("root table invalid");

	std::set<std::string>* myOptionsSet = NULL;
	if (optionsSet == NULL) {
		myOptionsSet = new std::set<std::string>();
	} else {
		myOptionsSet = optionsSet;
	for (int index = 1; root.KeyExists(index); index++) {
		Option opt;
		try {
			option_parseOption(root, index, opt, *myOptionsSet);
		} catch (const content_error& err) {
			LOG_L(L_WARNING, "Failed parsing option %d from %s: %s",
					index, luaSourceDesc.c_str(), err.what());
	if (optionsSet == NULL) {
		delete myOptionsSet;
		myOptionsSet = NULL;
