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C++ LuaTable类代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中LuaTable的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ LuaTable类的具体用法?C++ LuaTable怎么用?C++ LuaTable使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: parser

bool SideParser::Load()

	LuaParser parser("gamedata/sidedata.lua",
#if !defined UNITSYNC && !defined DEDICATED
	// this should not be included with unitsync:
	// 1. avoids linkage with LuaSyncedRead
	// 2. ModOptions are not valid during unitsync mod parsing
	parser.AddFunc("GetModOptions", LuaSyncedRead::GetModOptions);
	if (!parser.Execute()) {
		errorLog = "Side-Parser: " + parser.GetErrorLog();
		return false;

	std::set<std::string> sideSet;

	const LuaTable root = parser.GetRoot();
	for (int i = 1; /* no-op */; i++) {
		const LuaTable sideTable = root.SubTable(i);
		if (!sideTable.IsValid()) {

		Data data;
		data.caseName  = sideTable.GetString("name", "");
		data.sideName  = StringToLower(data.caseName);
		data.startUnit = sideTable.GetString("startUnit", "");
		data.startUnit = StringToLower(data.startUnit);

		if (data.sideName.empty()) {
			logOutput.Print("Missing side name: %i", i);
		} else if (data.startUnit.empty()) {
			logOutput.Print("Missing side start unit: " + data.sideName);
		} else if (sideSet.find(data.sideName) != sideSet.end()) {
			logOutput.Print("Duplicate side name: " + data.sideName);
		} else {

	return true;

示例2: _get_bay_ids

// Data format example:
//	bay_groups = {
//		{0, 500, {1}},
//	},
static int _get_bay_ids(lua_State *L, const char *key, SpaceStationType::TBayGroups &outBayGroups, unsigned int &outNumDockingPorts)
	LuaTable t = LuaTable(L, -1).Sub(key);
	if (t.GetLua() == 0) {
		luaL_error(L, "The bay group isn't a proper table (%s)", key);
	if (t.Size() < 1) {
		return luaL_error(L, "Station must have at least 1 group of bays in %s", key);

	LuaTable::VecIter<LuaTable> it_end = t.End<LuaTable>();
	for (LuaTable::VecIter<LuaTable> it = t.Begin<LuaTable>(); it != it_end; ++it) {
		SpaceStationType::SBayGroup newBay;
		newBay.minShipSize = it->Get<int>(1);
		newBay.maxShipSize = it->Get<int>(2);
		LuaTable group = it->Sub(3);

		if (group.GetLua() == 0) {
			luaL_error(L, "A group is of the form {int, int, table} (%s)", key);

		if (group.Size() == 0) {
			return luaL_error(L, "Group must have at least 1 bay %s", key);

		LuaTable::VecIter<int> jt_end = group.End<int>();
		for (LuaTable::VecIter<int> jt = group.Begin<int>(); jt != jt_end; ++jt) {
			if ((*jt) < 1) {
				return luaL_error(L, "Valid bay ID ranges start from 1 %s", key);
		lua_pop(L, 1); // Popping group
	lua_pop(L, 1); // Popping t
	return 0;

示例3: ReadSmf

void CMapInfo::ReadSmf()
	// SMF specific settings
	const LuaTable mapResTable = mapRoot->SubTable("resources");
	smf.detailTexName = mapResTable.GetString("detailTex", "");
	if (!smf.detailTexName.empty()) {
		smf.detailTexName = "maps/" + smf.detailTexName;
	else {
		const LuaTable resGfxMaps = resRoot->SubTable("graphics").SubTable("maps");
		smf.detailTexName = resGfxMaps.GetString("detailtex", "detailtex2.bmp");
		smf.detailTexName = "bitmaps/" + smf.detailTexName;

	// height overrides
	const LuaTable smfTable = mapRoot->SubTable("smf");
	smf.minHeightOverride = smfTable.KeyExists("minHeight");
	smf.maxHeightOverride = smfTable.KeyExists("maxHeight");
	smf.minHeight = smfTable.GetFloat("minHeight", 0.0f);
	smf.maxHeight = smfTable.GetFloat("maxHeight", 0.0f);

示例4: info_parseInfoItem

static bool info_parseInfoItem(const LuaTable& root, int index, InfoItem& inf,
		std::set<string>& infoSet)
	const LuaTable& infsTbl = root.SubTable(index);
	if (!infsTbl.IsValid()) {
		LOG_L(L_WARNING, "parseInfoItem: subtable %d invalid", index);
		return false;

	// common info properties
	inf.key = infsTbl.GetString("key", "");
	if (inf.key.empty()
			|| (inf.key.find_first_of(InfoItem_badKeyChars) != string::npos)) {
				"parseInfoItem: empty key or key contains bad characters");
		return false;
	std::string lowerKey = StringToLower(inf.key);
	if (infoSet.find(inf.key) != infoSet.end()) {
		LOG_L(L_WARNING, "parseInfoItem: key toLowerCase(%s) exists already",
		return false;
	// TODO add support for info value types other then string
	inf.valueType = INFO_VALUE_TYPE_STRING;
	inf.valueTypeString = infsTbl.GetString("value", "");
	if (inf.valueTypeString.empty()) {
		LOG_L(L_WARNING, "parseInfoItem: %s: empty value", inf.key.c_str());
		return false;
	inf.desc = infsTbl.GetString("desc", "");


	return true;

示例5: clear

	void GameSound::loadSound( const Variant& v )

		if (v.type != Variant::kTable) {

		LuaTable table = v;

		String name = table.get("sound");
		m_minDist = table.get("minDist");
		m_maxDist = table.get("maxDist");
		m_looping = table.get("looping");
		m_interval = table.get("interval");

		if (name.empty())

		m_sfx << g_soundSystem->createSfx(name);

示例6: main

int main()

	Lua lua;

    LuaTable tbl = lua.CreateTable();
    tbl.Set("name", "Chuck Norris");
    tbl.Set("age", 1337);
    tbl.Set("0", "divide by");
    tbl.Set(1337, "leet");
    int keys = 3;
    tbl.ForAllStringKeys([&](std::string key, LuaType::Value value)

	return keys;

示例7: content_error

MoveDefHandler::MoveDefHandler(LuaParser* defsParser)
	const LuaTable rootTable = defsParser->GetRoot().SubTable("MoveDefs");

	if (!rootTable.IsValid())
		throw content_error("Error loading movement definitions");

	CRC crc;

	for (int tt = 0; tt < CMapInfo::NUM_TERRAIN_TYPES; ++tt) {
		const CMapInfo::TerrainType& terrType = mapInfo->terrainTypes[tt];

		crc << terrType.tankSpeed << terrType.kbotSpeed;
		crc << terrType.hoverSpeed << terrType.shipSpeed;

	for (size_t num = 1; /* no test */; num++) {
		const LuaTable moveDefTable = rootTable.SubTable(num);

		if (!moveDefTable.IsValid()) {

		moveDefs.emplace_back(moveDefTable, num);
		const MoveDef& md = moveDefs.back();
		moveDefNames[md.name] = md.pathType;

		crc << md.GetCheckSum();

	CMoveMath::noHoverWaterMove = (mapInfo->water.damage >= MAX_ALLOWED_WATER_DAMAGE_HMM);
	CMoveMath::waterDamageCost = (mapInfo->water.damage >= MAX_ALLOWED_WATER_DAMAGE_GMM)?
		0.0f: (1.0f / (1.0f + mapInfo->water.damage * 0.1f));

	crc << CMoveMath::waterDamageCost;
	crc << CMoveMath::noHoverWaterMove;

	checksum = crc.GetDigest();

示例8: luaParser

/** Load the messages from gamedata/messages.lua into memory. */
void CMessages::Load()
    LuaParser luaParser("gamedata/messages.lua",
                        SPRING_VFS_MOD_BASE, SPRING_VFS_MOD_BASE);
    if (!luaParser.Execute()) {
        // Show parse errors in the infolog.
        logOutput.Print(string("ERROR: messages.lua: ") + luaParser.GetErrorLog());

    const LuaTable root = luaParser.GetRoot();

    vector<string> labels;

    for (size_t l = 0; l < labels.size(); l++) {
        const string label = StringToLower(labels[l]);
        const LuaTable msgTable = root.SubTable(label);
        if (!msgTable.IsValid()) {
        vector<string> msgs;
        for (int s = 1; true; s++) {
            const string msg = msgTable.GetString(s, "");
            if (msg.empty()) {
        if (!msgs.empty()) {
            tr[label] = msgs;

    loaded = true;

示例9: StringToLower

 * CArchiveScanner::ArchiveData
CArchiveScanner::ArchiveData::ArchiveData(const LuaTable& archiveTable)
	if (!archiveTable.IsValid()) {

	std::vector<std::string> keys;
	if (!archiveTable.GetKeys(keys)) {

	std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator key;
	for (key = keys.begin(); key != keys.end(); ++key) {
		const std::string& keyLower = StringToLower(*key);
		if (!ArchiveData::IsReservedKey(keyLower)) {
			if (keyLower == "modtype") {
				SetInfoItemValueInteger(*key, archiveTable.GetInt(*key, 0));
			const int luaType = archiveTable.GetType(*key);
			switch (luaType) {
				case LuaTable::STRING: {
					SetInfoItemValueString(*key, archiveTable.GetString(*key, ""));
				} break;
				case LuaTable::NUMBER: {
					SetInfoItemValueFloat(*key, archiveTable.GetFloat(*key, 0.0f));
				} break;
				case LuaTable::BOOLEAN: {
					SetInfoItemValueBool(*key, archiveTable.GetBool(*key, false));
				} break;
				default: {
					// just ignore unsupported types (most likely to be lua-tables)
					//throw content_error("Lua-type " + IntToString(luaType) + " not supported in archive-info, but it is used on key \"" + *key + "\"");
				} break;

	const LuaTable _dependencies = archiveTable.SubTable("depend");
	for (int dep = 1; _dependencies.KeyExists(dep); ++dep) {
		dependencies.push_back(_dependencies.GetString(dep, ""));

	const LuaTable _replaces = archiveTable.SubTable("replace");
	for (int rep = 1; _replaces.KeyExists(rep); ++rep) {
		replaces.push_back(_replaces.GetString(rep, ""));

	//! FIXME
	//! XXX HACK needed until lobbies, lobbyserver and unitsync are sorted out
	//! so they can uniquely identify different versions of the same mod.
	//! (at time of this writing they use name only)

	//! NOTE when changing this, this function is used both by the code that
	//! reads ArchiveCache.lua and the code that reads modinfo.lua from the mod.
	//! so make sure it doesn't keep adding stuff to the name everytime
	//! Spring/unitsync is loaded.

	const std::string& name = GetName();
	const std::string& version = GetVersion();
	if ((name.find(version) == std::string::npos) && !version.empty()) {
		SetInfoItemValueString("name", name + " " + version);

示例10: p

void CArchiveScanner::ReadCacheData(const std::string& filename)
	LuaParser p(filename, SPRING_VFS_RAW, SPRING_VFS_BASE);

	if (!p.Execute()) {
		logOutput.Print("Warning: Failed to read archive cache: " + p.GetErrorLog());
	const LuaTable archiveCache = p.GetRoot();
	const LuaTable archives = archiveCache.SubTable("archives");

	// Do not load old version caches
	const int ver = archiveCache.GetInt("internalVer", (INTERNAL_VER + 1));
	if (ver != INTERNAL_VER) {

	for (int i = 1; archives.KeyExists(i); ++i) {
		const LuaTable curArchive = archives.SubTable(i);
		const LuaTable archived = curArchive.SubTable("archivedata");
		ArchiveInfo ai;

		ai.origName = curArchive.GetString("name", "");
		ai.path     = curArchive.GetString("path", "");

		// do not use LuaTable.GetInt() for 32-bit integers, the Spring lua
		// library uses 32-bit floats to represent numbers, which can only
		// represent 2^24 consecutive integers
		ai.modified = strtoul(curArchive.GetString("modified", "0").c_str(), 0, 10);
		ai.checksum = strtoul(curArchive.GetString("checksum", "0").c_str(), 0, 10);
		ai.updated = false;

		ai.archiveData = CArchiveScanner::ArchiveData(archived);
		if (ai.archiveData.GetModType() == modtype::map) {
			AddDependency(ai.archiveData.GetDependencies(), "Map Helper v1");
		} else if (ai.archiveData.GetModType() == modtype::primary) {
			AddDependency(ai.archiveData.GetDependencies(), "Spring content v1");

		std::string lcname = StringToLower(ai.origName);
		archiveInfo[lcname] = ai;

	const LuaTable brokenArchives = archiveCache.SubTable("brokenArchives");

	for (int i = 1; brokenArchives.KeyExists(i); ++i) {
		const LuaTable curArchive = brokenArchives.SubTable(i);
		BrokenArchive ba;
		std::string name = curArchive.GetString("name", "");

		ba.path = curArchive.GetString("path", "");
		ba.modified = strtoul(curArchive.GetString("modified", "0").c_str(), 0, 10);
		ba.updated = false;
		ba.problem = curArchive.GetString("problem", "unknown");

		this->brokenArchives[name] = ba;

	isDirty = false;

示例11: SetModelRadiusAndHeight

bool CAssParser::SetModelRadiusAndHeight(
	S3DModel* model,
	const SAssPiece* piece,
	const aiNode* pieceNode,
	const LuaTable& pieceTable
) {
	// check if this piece is "special" (ie, used to set Spring model properties)
	// if so, extract them and then remove the piece from the hierarchy entirely
	if (piece->name == "SpringHeight") {
		// set the model height to this node's Y-value (FIXME: 'y' is Assimp/Blender-specific)
		if (!pieceTable.KeyExists("height")) {
			model->height = piece->offset.y;

			LOG_SL(LOG_SECTION_MODEL, L_INFO, "Model height of %f set by special node 'SpringHeight'", model->height);

		delete piece;
		return true;

	if (piece->name == "SpringRadius") {
		if (!pieceTable.KeyExists("midpos")) {
			CMatrix44f scaleRotMat;
			piece->ComposeTransform(scaleRotMat, ZeroVector, ZeroVector, piece->scales);

			// NOTE:
			//   this makes little sense because the "SpringRadius"
			//   piece can be placed anywhere within the hierarchy
			model->relMidPos = scaleRotMat.Mul(piece->offset);

				"Model midpos of (%f,%f,%f) set by special node 'SpringRadius'",
				model->relMidPos.x, model->relMidPos.y, model->relMidPos.z);
		if (!pieceTable.KeyExists("radius")) {
			if (true || piece->maxs.x <= 0.00001f) {
				// scales have been set at this point
				// the Blender import script only sets the scale property [?]
				// model->radius = piece->scales.Length();
				model->radius = piece->scales.x;
			} else {
				// FIXME:
				//   geometry bounds are calculated by LoadPieceGeometry
				//   which is called after SetModelRadiusAndHeight -> can
				//   not take this branch yet
				// use the transformed mesh extents (FIXME: the bounds are NOT
				// actually transformed but derived from raw vertex positions!)
				// model->radius = ((piece->maxs - piece->mins) * 0.5f).Length();
				model->radius = piece->maxs.x;

			LOG_SL(LOG_SECTION_MODEL, L_INFO, "Model radius of %f set by special node 'SpringRadius'", model->radius);

		delete piece;
		return true;

	return false;

示例12: LoadPieceTransformations

void CAssParser::LoadPieceTransformations(
	SAssPiece* piece,
	const S3DModel* model,
	const aiNode* pieceNode,
	const LuaTable& pieceTable
) {
	aiVector3D aiScaleVec, aiTransVec;
	aiQuaternion aiRotateQuat;

	// process transforms
	pieceNode->mTransformation.Decompose(aiScaleVec, aiRotateQuat, aiTransVec);

	// metadata-scaling
	piece->scales   = pieceTable.GetFloat3("scale", aiVectorToFloat3(aiScaleVec));
	piece->scales.x = pieceTable.GetFloat("scalex", piece->scales.x);
	piece->scales.y = pieceTable.GetFloat("scaley", piece->scales.y);
	piece->scales.z = pieceTable.GetFloat("scalez", piece->scales.z);

	if (piece->scales.x != piece->scales.y || piece->scales.y != piece->scales.z) {
		// LOG_SL(LOG_SECTION_MODEL, L_WARNING, "Spring doesn't support non-uniform scaling");
		piece->scales.y = piece->scales.x;
		piece->scales.z = piece->scales.x;

	// metadata-translation
	piece->offset   = pieceTable.GetFloat3("offset", aiVectorToFloat3(aiTransVec));
	piece->offset.x = pieceTable.GetFloat("offsetx", piece->offset.x);
	piece->offset.y = pieceTable.GetFloat("offsety", piece->offset.y);
	piece->offset.z = pieceTable.GetFloat("offsetz", piece->offset.z);

	// metadata-rotation
	// NOTE:
	//   these rotations are "pre-scripting" but "post-modelling"
	//   together with the (baked) aiRotateQuad they determine the
	//   model's pose *before* any animations execute
	// float3 rotAngles = pieceTable.GetFloat3("rotate", aiQuaternionToRadianAngles(aiRotateQuat) * RADTODEG);
	float3 pieceRotAngles = pieceTable.GetFloat3("rotate", ZeroVector);

	pieceRotAngles.x = pieceTable.GetFloat("rotatex", pieceRotAngles.x);
	pieceRotAngles.y = pieceTable.GetFloat("rotatey", pieceRotAngles.y);
	pieceRotAngles.z = pieceTable.GetFloat("rotatez", pieceRotAngles.z);
	pieceRotAngles  *= DEGTORAD;

		"(%d:%s) Assimp offset (%f,%f,%f), rotate (%f,%f,%f,%f), scale (%f,%f,%f)",
		model->numPieces, piece->name.c_str(),
		aiTransVec.x, aiTransVec.y, aiTransVec.z,
		aiRotateQuat.w, aiRotateQuat.x, aiRotateQuat.y, aiRotateQuat.z,
		aiScaleVec.x, aiScaleVec.y, aiScaleVec.z
		"(%d:%s) Relative offset (%f,%f,%f), rotate (%f,%f,%f), scale (%f,%f,%f)",
		model->numPieces, piece->name.c_str(),
		piece->offset.x, piece->offset.y, piece->offset.z,
		pieceRotAngles.x, pieceRotAngles.y, pieceRotAngles.z,
		piece->scales.x, piece->scales.y, piece->scales.z

	// NOTE:
	//   at least collada (.dae) files generated by Blender represent
	//   a coordinate-system that differs from the "standard" formats
	//   (3DO, S3O, ...) for which existing tools at least have prior
	//   knowledge of Spring's expectations --> let the user override
	//   the ROOT rotational transform and the rotation-axis mapping
	//   used by animation scripts (but re-modelling/re-exporting is
	//   always preferred!) even though AssImp should convert models
	//   to its own system which matches that of Spring
	//   .dae  : x=Rgt, y=-Fwd, z= Up, as=(-1, -1, 1), am=AXIS_XZY (if Z_UP)
	//   .dae  : x=Rgt, y=-Fwd, z= Up, as=(-1, -1, 1), am=AXIS_XZY (if Y_UP) [!?]
	//   .blend: ????
	piece->bakedRotMatrix = aiMatrixToMatrix(aiMatrix4x4t<float>(aiRotateQuat.GetMatrix()));

	if (piece == model->GetRootPiece()) {
		const float3 xaxis = pieceTable.GetFloat3("xaxis", piece->bakedRotMatrix.GetX());
		const float3 yaxis = pieceTable.GetFloat3("yaxis", piece->bakedRotMatrix.GetY());
		const float3 zaxis = pieceTable.GetFloat3("zaxis", piece->bakedRotMatrix.GetZ());

		if (math::fabs(xaxis.SqLength() - yaxis.SqLength()) < 0.01f && math::fabs(yaxis.SqLength() - zaxis.SqLength()) < 0.01f) {
			piece->bakedRotMatrix = CMatrix44f(ZeroVector, xaxis, yaxis, zaxis);

	piece->rotAxisSigns = pieceTable.GetFloat3("rotAxisSigns", float3(-OnesVector));
	piece->axisMapType = AxisMappingType(pieceTable.GetInt("rotAxisMap", AXIS_MAPPING_XYZ));

	// construct 'baked' part of the piece-space matrix
	// AssImp order is translate * rotate * scale * v;
	// we leave the translation and scale parts out and
	// put those in <offset> and <scales> --> transform
	// is just R instead of T * R * S
	// note: for all non-AssImp models this is identity!
	piece->ComposeRotation(piece->bakedRotMatrix, pieceRotAngles);
	piece->SetHasIdentityRotation(piece->bakedRotMatrix.IsIdentity() == 0);

	assert(piece->bakedRotMatrix.IsOrthoNormal() == 0);

示例13: parser

void CModInfo::Init(const char* modname)
	filename = modname;

	humanName = archiveScanner->ModArchiveToModName(modname);

	const CArchiveScanner::ModData md = archiveScanner->ModArchiveToModData(modname);

	shortName   = md.shortName;
	version     = md.version;
	mutator     = md.mutator;
	description = md.description;

	// initialize the parser
	LuaParser parser("gamedata/modrules.lua",
	// customize the defs environment
	parser.AddFunc("GetModOptions", LuaSyncedRead::GetModOptions);
	if (!parser.IsValid()) {
		logOutput.Print("Error loading modrules, using defaults");
	const LuaTable root = parser.GetRoot();

	// determine if bombers are allowed to leave map boundaries
	const LuaTable movementTbl = root.SubTable("movement");
	allowAirPlanesToLeaveMap = movementTbl.GetBool("allowAirPlanesToLeaveMap", true);

	// determine whether the modder allows the user to use team coloured nanospray
	const LuaTable nanosprayTbl = root.SubTable("nanospray");
	allowTeamColors = nanosprayTbl.GetBool("allow_team_colors", true);
	if (allowTeamColors) {
		// Load the users preference for team coloured nanospray
		gu->teamNanospray = !!configHandler->Get("TeamNanoSpray", 1);

	// constructions
	const LuaTable constructionTbl = root.SubTable("construction");
	constructionDecay = constructionTbl.GetBool("constructionDecay", true);
	constructionDecayTime = (int)(constructionTbl.GetFloat("constructionDecayTime", 6.66) * 30);
	constructionDecaySpeed = constructionTbl.GetFloat("constructionDecaySpeed", 0.03);

	// reclaim
	const LuaTable reclaimTbl = root.SubTable("reclaim");
	multiReclaim  = reclaimTbl.GetInt("multiReclaim",  0);
	reclaimMethod = reclaimTbl.GetInt("reclaimMethod", 1);
	reclaimUnitMethod = reclaimTbl.GetInt("unitMethod", 1);
	reclaimUnitEnergyCostFactor = reclaimTbl.GetFloat("unitEnergyCostFactor", 0.0);
	reclaimUnitEfficiency = reclaimTbl.GetFloat("unitEfficiency", 1.0);
	reclaimFeatureEnergyCostFactor = reclaimTbl.GetFloat("featureEnergyCostFactor", 0.0);
	reclaimAllowEnemies = reclaimTbl.GetBool("allowEnemies", true);
	reclaimAllowAllies = reclaimTbl.GetBool("allowAllies", true);

	// repair
	const LuaTable repairTbl = root.SubTable("repair");
	repairEnergyCostFactor = repairTbl.GetFloat("energyCostFactor", 0.0);

	// resurrect
	const LuaTable resurrectTbl = root.SubTable("resurrect");
	resurrectEnergyCostFactor  = resurrectTbl.GetFloat("energyCostFactor",  0.5);

	// capture
	const LuaTable captureTbl = root.SubTable("capture");
	captureEnergyCostFactor = captureTbl.GetFloat("energyCostFactor", 0.0);

	// fire-at-dead-units
	const LuaTable fireAtDeadTbl = root.SubTable("fireAtDead");
	fireAtKilled   = fireAtDeadTbl.GetBool("fireAtKilled", false);
	fireAtCrashing = fireAtDeadTbl.GetBool("fireAtCrashing", false);

	// transportability
	const LuaTable transportTbl = root.SubTable("transportability");
	transportAir    = transportTbl.GetInt("transportAir",   false);
	transportShip   = transportTbl.GetInt("transportShip",  false);
	transportHover  = transportTbl.GetInt("transportHover", false);
	transportGround = transportTbl.GetInt("transportGround", true);

	// experience
	const LuaTable experienceTbl = root.SubTable("experience");
	CUnit::SetExpMultiplier (experienceTbl.GetFloat("experienceMult", 1.0f));
	CUnit::SetExpPowerScale (experienceTbl.GetFloat("powerScale",  1.0f));
	CUnit::SetExpHealthScale(experienceTbl.GetFloat("healthScale", 0.7f));
	CUnit::SetExpReloadScale(experienceTbl.GetFloat("reloadScale", 0.4f));

	// flanking bonus
	const LuaTable flankingBonusTbl = root.SubTable("flankingBonus");
	flankingBonusModeDefault = flankingBonusTbl.GetInt("defaultMode", 1);

	// feature visibility
	const LuaTable featureLOS = root.SubTable("featureLOS");
	featureVisibility = featureLOS.GetInt("featureVisibility", 3);
	if (featureVisibility < 0 || featureVisibility > 3)
		throw content_error("invalid modinfo: featureVisibility, valid range is 0..3");

	// sensors
	const LuaTable sensors = root.SubTable("sensors");
	requireSonarUnderWater = sensors.GetBool("requireSonarUnderWater", true);

示例14: ParseWeaponsTable

void UnitDef::ParseWeaponsTable(const LuaTable& weaponsTable)
	const WeaponDef* noWeaponDef = weaponDefHandler->GetWeapon("NOWEAPON");

	for (int w = 0; w < MAX_WEAPONS_PER_UNIT; w++) {
		LuaTable wTable;
		string name = weaponsTable.GetString(w + 1, "");
		if (name.empty()) {
			wTable = weaponsTable.SubTable(w + 1);
			name = wTable.GetString("name", "");
		const WeaponDef* wd = NULL;
		if (!name.empty()) {
			wd = weaponDefHandler->GetWeapon(name);
		if (wd == NULL) {
			if (w <= 3) {
				continue; // allow empty weapons among the first 3
			} else {

		while (weapons.size() < w) {
			if (!noWeaponDef) {
				logOutput.Print("Error: Spring requires a NOWEAPON weapon type "
				                "to be present as a placeholder for missing weapons");
			} else {
				weapons.back().def = noWeaponDef;

		const string badTarget = wTable.GetString("badTargetCategory", "");
		unsigned int btc = CCategoryHandler::Instance()->GetCategories(badTarget);

		const string onlyTarget = wTable.GetString("onlyTargetCategory", "");
		unsigned int otc;
		if (onlyTarget.empty()) {
			otc = 0xffffffff;
		} else {
			otc = CCategoryHandler::Instance()->GetCategories(onlyTarget);

		const unsigned int slaveTo = wTable.GetInt("slaveTo", 0);

		float3 mainDir = wTable.GetFloat3("mainDir", float3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)).SafeNormalize();
		const float angleDif = cos(wTable.GetFloat("maxAngleDif", 360.0f) * (PI / 360.0f));

		const float fuelUse = wTable.GetFloat("fuelUsage", 0.0f);

		UnitDefWeapon weapon(name, wd, slaveTo, mainDir, angleDif, btc, otc, fuelUse);

		maxWeaponRange = std::max(maxWeaponRange, wd->range);

		if (wd->interceptor && wd->coverageRange > maxCoverage)
			maxCoverage = wd->coverageRange;

		if (wd->isShield) {
			if (!shieldWeaponDef || // use the biggest shield
			    (shieldWeaponDef->shieldRadius < wd->shieldRadius)) {
				shieldWeaponDef = wd;

		if (wd->stockpile) {
			// interceptors have priority
			if (wd->interceptor        ||
			    !stockpileWeaponDef ||
			    !stockpileWeaponDef->interceptor) {
				stockpileWeaponDef = wd;

示例15: content_error

void CCustomExplosionGenerator::Load(CExplosionGeneratorHandler* h, const string& tag)
    static std::map<string, CEGData> cachedCEGs;
    std::map<string, CEGData>::iterator it = cachedCEGs.find(tag);

    if (it == cachedCEGs.end()) {
        CEGData cegData;

        const LuaTable& root = h->GetTable();
        const LuaTable expTable = root.SubTable(tag);
        if (!expTable.IsValid()) {
            throw content_error("Explosion info for " + tag + " not found.");

        vector<string> spawns;

        for (vector<string>::iterator si = spawns.begin(); si != spawns.end(); ++si) {
            ProjectileSpawnInfo psi;

            const string& spawnName = *si;
            const LuaTable spawnTable = expTable.SubTable(spawnName);

            if (!spawnTable.IsValid() || spawnName == "groundflash") {

            const string className = spawnTable.GetString("class", spawnName);
            unsigned int flags = 0;

            if (spawnTable.GetBool("ground",     false)) {
                flags |= SPW_GROUND;
            if (spawnTable.GetBool("water",      false)) {
                flags |= SPW_WATER;
            if (spawnTable.GetBool("air",        false)) {
                flags |= SPW_AIR;
            if (spawnTable.GetBool("underwater", false)) {
                flags |= SPW_UNDERWATER;
            if (spawnTable.GetBool("unit",       false)) {
                flags |= SPW_UNIT;
            if (spawnTable.GetBool("nounit",     false)) {
                flags |= SPW_NO_UNIT;

            psi.projectileClass = h->projectileClasses.GetClass(className);
            psi.flags = flags;
            psi.count = spawnTable.GetInt("count", 1);

            string code;
            map<string, string> props;
            map<string, string>::const_iterator propIt;

            for (propIt = props.begin(); propIt != props.end(); ++propIt) {
                creg::Class::Member* m = psi.projectileClass->FindMember(propIt->first.c_str());
                if (m && (m->flags & creg::CM_Config)) {
                    ParseExplosionCode(&psi, m->offset, m->type, propIt->second, code);

            code += (char)OP_END;
            copy(code.begin(), code.end(), psi.code.begin());


        const LuaTable gndTable = expTable.SubTable("groundflash");
        const int ttl = gndTable.GetInt("ttl", 0);
        if (ttl > 0) {
            cegData.groundFlash.circleAlpha  = gndTable.GetFloat("circleAlpha",  0.0f);
            cegData.groundFlash.flashSize    = gndTable.GetFloat("flashSize",    0.0f);
            cegData.groundFlash.flashAlpha   = gndTable.GetFloat("flashAlpha",   0.0f);
            cegData.groundFlash.circleGrowth = gndTable.GetFloat("circleGrowth", 0.0f);
            cegData.groundFlash.color        = gndTable.GetFloat3("color", float3(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.8f));

            unsigned int flags = SPW_GROUND;
            if (gndTable.GetBool("ground",     false)) {
                flags |= SPW_GROUND;
            if (gndTable.GetBool("water",      false)) {
                flags |= SPW_WATER;
            if (gndTable.GetBool("air",        false)) {
                flags |= SPW_AIR;
            if (gndTable.GetBool("underwater", false)) {
                flags |= SPW_UNDERWATER;
            if (gndTable.GetBool("unit",       false)) {
                flags |= SPW_UNIT;
            if (gndTable.GetBool("nounit",     false)) {
                flags |= SPW_NO_UNIT;
