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C++ LuaTable::GetInt方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中LuaTable::GetInt方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ LuaTable::GetInt方法的具体用法?C++ LuaTable::GetInt怎么用?C++ LuaTable::GetInt使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在LuaTable的用法示例。


示例1: ReadCacheData

void CArchiveScanner::ReadCacheData(const std::string& filename)
	if (!FileSystem::FileExists(filename)) {
		LOG_L(L_INFO, "Archive cache doesn't exist: %s", filename.c_str());

	LuaParser p(filename, SPRING_VFS_RAW, SPRING_VFS_BASE);
	if (!p.Execute()) {
		LOG_L(L_ERROR, "Failed to parse archive cache: %s", p.GetErrorLog().c_str());
	const LuaTable archiveCache = p.GetRoot();

	// Do not load old version caches
	const int ver = archiveCache.GetInt("internalVer", (INTERNAL_VER + 1));
	if (ver != INTERNAL_VER) {

	const LuaTable archives = archiveCache.SubTable("archives");
	for (int i = 1; archives.KeyExists(i); ++i) {
		const LuaTable curArchive = archives.SubTable(i);
		const LuaTable archived = curArchive.SubTable("archivedata");
		std::string name = curArchive.GetString("name", "");

		ArchiveInfo& ai = archiveInfos[StringToLower(name)];
		ai.origName = name;
		ai.path     = curArchive.GetString("path", "");

		// do not use LuaTable.GetInt() for 32-bit integers, the Spring lua
		// library uses 32-bit floats to represent numbers, which can only
		// represent 2^24 consecutive integers
		ai.modified = strtoul(curArchive.GetString("modified", "0").c_str(), 0, 10);
		ai.checksum = strtoul(curArchive.GetString("checksum", "0").c_str(), 0, 10);
		ai.updated = false;

		ai.archiveData = CArchiveScanner::ArchiveData(archived, true);
		if (ai.archiveData.GetModType() == modtype::map) {
			AddDependency(ai.archiveData.GetDependencies(), "Map Helper v1");
		} else if (ai.archiveData.GetModType() == modtype::primary) {
			AddDependency(ai.archiveData.GetDependencies(), "Spring content v1");

	const LuaTable brokenArchives = archiveCache.SubTable("brokenArchives");
	for (int i = 1; brokenArchives.KeyExists(i); ++i) {
		const LuaTable curArchive = brokenArchives.SubTable(i);
		std::string name = curArchive.GetString("name", "");

		BrokenArchive& ba = this->brokenArchives[name];
		ba.path = curArchive.GetString("path", "");
		ba.modified = strtoul(curArchive.GetString("modified", "0").c_str(), 0, 10);
		ba.updated = false;
		ba.problem = curArchive.GetString("problem", "unknown");

	isDirty = false;

示例2: Parse

void SolidObjectDecalDef::Parse(const LuaTable& table) {
	groundDecalTypeName = table.GetString("groundDecalType", table.GetString("buildingGroundDecalType", ""));
	trackDecalTypeName = table.GetString("trackType", "StdTank");

	useGroundDecal        = table.GetBool("useGroundDecal", table.GetBool("useBuildingGroundDecal", false));
	groundDecalType       = -1;
	groundDecalSizeX      = table.GetInt("groundDecalSizeX", table.GetInt("buildingGroundDecalSizeX", 4));
	groundDecalSizeY      = table.GetInt("groundDecalSizeY", table.GetInt("buildingGroundDecalSizeY", 4));
	groundDecalDecaySpeed = table.GetFloat("groundDecalDecaySpeed", table.GetFloat("buildingGroundDecalDecaySpeed", 0.1f));

	leaveTrackDecals   = table.GetBool("leaveTracks", false);
	trackDecalType     = -1;
	trackDecalWidth    = table.GetFloat("trackWidth",   32.0f);
	trackDecalOffset   = table.GetFloat("trackOffset",   0.0f);
	trackDecalStrength = table.GetFloat("trackStrength", 0.0f);
	trackDecalStretch  = table.GetFloat("trackStretch",  1.0f);

示例3: ReadCacheData

void CArchiveScanner::ReadCacheData(const string& filename)
    LuaParser p(filename, SPRING_VFS_RAW, SPRING_VFS_BASE);

    if (!p.Execute()) {
        logOutput.Print("ERROR in " + filename + ": " + p.GetErrorLog());
    const LuaTable archiveCache = p.GetRoot();
    const LuaTable archives = archiveCache.SubTable("archives");

    // Do not load old version caches
    const int ver = archiveCache.GetInt("internalVer", (INTERNAL_VER + 1));
    if (ver != INTERNAL_VER) {

    for (int i = 1; archives.KeyExists(i); ++i) {
        const LuaTable curArchive = archives.SubTable(i);
        const LuaTable archived = curArchive.SubTable("archivedata");
        ArchiveInfo ai;

        ai.origName = curArchive.GetString("name", "");
        ai.path     = curArchive.GetString("path", "");

        // do not use LuaTable.GetInt() for 32-bit integers, the Spring lua
        // library uses 32-bit floats to represent numbers, which can only
        // represent 2^24 consecutive integers
        ai.modified = strtoul(curArchive.GetString("modified", "0").c_str(), 0, 10);
        ai.checksum = strtoul(curArchive.GetString("checksum", "0").c_str(), 0, 10);
        ai.updated = false;

        ai.archiveData = GetArchiveData(archived);
        if (ai.archiveData.modType == modtype::map)
            AddDependency(ai.archiveData.dependencies, "maphelper.sdz");
        else if (ai.archiveData.modType == modtype::primary)
            AddDependency(ai.archiveData.dependencies, "Spring content v1");

        string lcname = StringToLower(ai.origName);

        archiveInfo[lcname] = ai;

    isDirty = false;

示例4: Clamp

static MoveDef::SpeedModClass ParseSpeedModClass(const std::string& moveDefName, const LuaTable& moveDefTable)
	const MoveDef::SpeedModClass speedModClass = MoveDef::SpeedModClass(moveDefTable.GetInt("speedModClass", -1));

	if (speedModClass != -1)
		return Clamp(speedModClass, MoveDef::Tank, MoveDef::Ship);

	// name-based fallbacks
	if (moveDefName.find( "boat") != string::npos)
		return MoveDef::Ship;
	if (moveDefName.find( "ship") != string::npos)
		return MoveDef::Ship;
	if (moveDefName.find("hover") != string::npos)
		return MoveDef::Hover;
	if (moveDefName.find( "tank") != string::npos)
		return MoveDef::Tank;

	return MoveDef::KBot;

示例5: GetArchiveData

CArchiveScanner::ArchiveData CArchiveScanner::GetArchiveData(const LuaTable& archiveTable)
	ArchiveData md;
	if (!archiveTable.IsValid()) {
		return md;

	md.name        = archiveTable.GetString("name",        "");
	md.shortName   = archiveTable.GetString("shortName",   "");
	md.version     = archiveTable.GetString("version",     "");
	md.mutator     = archiveTable.GetString("mutator",     "");
	md.game        = archiveTable.GetString("game",        "");
	md.shortGame   = archiveTable.GetString("shortGame",   "");
	md.description = archiveTable.GetString("description", "");
	md.modType     = archiveTable.GetInt("modType", 0);
	md.mapfile = archiveTable.GetString("mapfile", "");

	const LuaTable dependencies = archiveTable.SubTable("depend");
	for (int dep = 1; dependencies.KeyExists(dep); ++dep) {
		const std::string depend = dependencies.GetString(dep, "");

	const LuaTable replaces = archiveTable.SubTable("replace");
	for (int rep = 1; replaces.KeyExists(rep); ++rep) {
		md.replaces.push_back(replaces.GetString(rep, ""));

	// HACK needed until lobbies, lobbyserver and unitsync are sorted out
	// so they can uniquely identify different versions of the same mod.
	// (at time of this writing they use name only)

	// NOTE when changing this, this function is used both by the code that
	// reads ArchiveCache.lua and the code that reads modinfo.lua from the mod.
	// so make sure it doesn't keep adding stuff to the name everytime
	// Spring/unitsync is loaded.

	if (md.name.find(md.version) == std::string::npos && !md.version.empty()) {
		md.name += " " + md.version;

	return md;

示例6: StringToLower

MoveDef::MoveDef(const LuaTable& moveDefTable, int moveDefID) {
	*this = MoveDef();

	name          = StringToLower(moveDefTable.GetString("name", ""));
	pathType      = moveDefID - 1;
	crushStrength = moveDefTable.GetFloat("crushStrength", 10.0f);

	const LuaTable& depthModTable = moveDefTable.SubTable("depthModParams");
	const LuaTable& speedModMultsTable = moveDefTable.SubTable("speedModMults");

	const float minWaterDepth = moveDefTable.GetFloat("minWaterDepth", GetDefaultMinWaterDepth());
	const float maxWaterDepth = moveDefTable.GetFloat("maxWaterDepth", GetDefaultMaxWaterDepth());

	switch ((speedModClass = ParseSpeedModClass(name, moveDefTable))) {
		case MoveDef::Tank: {
			// fall-through
		case MoveDef::KBot: {
			depthModParams[DEPTHMOD_MIN_HEIGHT] = std::max(0.00f, depthModTable.GetFloat("minHeight",                                        0.0f ));
			depthModParams[DEPTHMOD_MAX_HEIGHT] =         (       depthModTable.GetFloat("maxHeight",           std::numeric_limits<float>::max() ));
			depthModParams[DEPTHMOD_MAX_SCALE ] = std::max(0.01f, depthModTable.GetFloat("maxScale",            std::numeric_limits<float>::max() ));
			depthModParams[DEPTHMOD_QUA_COEFF ] = std::max(0.00f, depthModTable.GetFloat("quadraticCoeff",                                   0.0f ));
			depthModParams[DEPTHMOD_LIN_COEFF ] = std::max(0.00f, depthModTable.GetFloat("linearCoeff",    moveDefTable.GetFloat("depthMod", 0.1f)));
			depthModParams[DEPTHMOD_CON_COEFF ] = std::max(0.00f, depthModTable.GetFloat("constantCoeff",                                    1.0f ));

			// ensure [depthModMinHeight, depthModMaxHeight] is a valid range
			depthModParams[DEPTHMOD_MAX_HEIGHT] = std::max(depthModParams[DEPTHMOD_MIN_HEIGHT], depthModParams[DEPTHMOD_MAX_HEIGHT]);

			depth    = maxWaterDepth;
			maxSlope = DegreesToMaxSlope(moveDefTable.GetFloat("maxSlope", 60.0f));
		} break;

		case MoveDef::Hover: {
			depth    = maxWaterDepth;
			maxSlope = DegreesToMaxSlope(moveDefTable.GetFloat("maxSlope", 15.0f));
		} break;

		case MoveDef::Ship: {
			depth     = minWaterDepth;
			subMarine = moveDefTable.GetBool("subMarine", false);
		} break;

	speedModMults[SPEEDMOD_MOBILE_BUSY_MULT] = std::max(0.01f, speedModMultsTable.GetFloat("mobileBusyMult", 1.0f /*0.10f*/));
	speedModMults[SPEEDMOD_MOBILE_IDLE_MULT] = std::max(0.01f, speedModMultsTable.GetFloat("mobileIdleMult", 1.0f /*0.35f*/));
	speedModMults[SPEEDMOD_MOBILE_MOVE_MULT] = std::max(0.01f, speedModMultsTable.GetFloat("mobileMoveMult", 1.0f /*0.65f*/));

	avoidMobilesOnPath = moveDefTable.GetBool("avoidMobilesOnPath", true);
	allowTerrainCollisions = moveDefTable.GetBool("allowTerrainCollisions", true);

	heatMapping = moveDefTable.GetBool("heatMapping", false);
	flowMapping = moveDefTable.GetBool("flowMapping", true);

	heatMod = moveDefTable.GetFloat("heatMod", (1.0f / (GAME_SPEED * 2)) * 0.25f);
	flowMod = moveDefTable.GetFloat("flowMod", 1.0f);

	// by default heat decays to zero after N=2 seconds
	// the cost contribution to a square from heat must
	// be on the same order as its normal movement cost
	// PER FRAME, i.e. such that heatMod * heatProduced
	// ~= O(1 / (GAME_SPEED * N)) because unit behavior
	// in groups quickly becomes FUBAR if heatMod >>> 1
	heatProduced = moveDefTable.GetInt("heatProduced", GAME_SPEED * 2);

	//  <maxSlope> ranges from 0.0 to 60 * 1.5 degrees, ie. from 0.0 to
	//  0.5 * PI radians, ie. from 1.0 - cos(0.0) to 1.0 - cos(0.5 * PI)
	//  = [0, 1] --> DEFAULT <slopeMod> values range from (4 / 0.001) to
	//  (4 / 1.001) = [4000.0, 3.996]
	// speedMod values for a terrain-square slope in [0, 1] are given by
	// (1.0 / (1.0 + slope * slopeMod)) and therefore have a MAXIMUM at
	// <slope=0, slopeMod=...> and a MINIMUM at <slope=1, slopeMod=4000>
	// (of 1.0 / (1.0 + 0.0 * ...) = 1.0 and 1.0 / (1.0 + 1.0 * 4000.0)
	// = 0.00025 respectively)
	slopeMod = moveDefTable.GetFloat("slopeMod", 4.0f / (maxSlope + 0.001f));

	// ground units hug the ocean floor when in water,
	// ships stay at a "fixed" level (their waterline)
	followGround = (speedModClass == MoveDef::Tank || speedModClass == MoveDef::KBot);

	// TODO:
	//   remove terrainClass, not used anywhere
	//   and only AI's MIGHT have benefit from it
	// tank or bot that cannot get its threads / feet
	// wet, or hovercraft (which doesn't touch ground
	// or water)
	if ((followGround && maxWaterDepth <= 0.0f) || speedModClass == MoveDef::Hover)
		terrainClass = MoveDef::Land;
	// ship (or sub) that cannot crawl onto shore, OR tank
	// or bot restricted to snorkling (strange but possible)
	if ((speedModClass == MoveDef::Ship && minWaterDepth > 0.0f) || (followGround && minWaterDepth > 0.0f))
		terrainClass = MoveDef::Water;
	// tank or kbot that CAN go skinny-dipping (amph.),
	// or ship that CAN sprout legs when at the beach
	if ((followGround && maxWaterDepth > 0.0f) || (speedModClass == MoveDef::Ship && minWaterDepth < 0.0f))
		terrainClass = MoveDef::Mixed;

示例7: ParseUnitDefTable

void CUnitDefHandler::ParseUnitDefTable(const LuaTable& udTable, const string& unitName, int id)
	UnitDef& ud = unitDefs[id];

	// allocate and fill ud->unitImage
	ud.buildPicName = udTable.GetString("buildPic", "");

	ud.humanName = udTable.GetString("name", "");

	if (ud.humanName.empty()) {
		const string errmsg = "missing 'name' parameter for the " + unitName + " unitdef";
		throw content_error(errmsg);
	ud.filename  = udTable.GetString("filename", "");
	if (ud.filename.empty()) {
		const string errmsg = "missing 'filename' parameter for the" + unitName + " unitdef";
		throw content_error(errmsg);
	ud.tooltip = udTable.GetString("description", ud.name);

	const string decoy = udTable.GetString("decoyFor", "");
	if (!decoy.empty()) {
		decoyNameMap[ud.name] = StringToLower(decoy);

	ud.gaia = udTable.GetString("gaia", "");

	ud.isCommander = udTable.GetBool("commander", false);

	if (ud.isCommander && gameSetup) {
		ud.metalStorage  = udTable.GetFloat("metalStorage",  gameSetup->startMetal);
		ud.energyStorage = udTable.GetFloat("energyStorage", gameSetup->startEnergy);
	} else {
		ud.metalStorage  = udTable.GetFloat("metalStorage",  0.0f);
		ud.energyStorage = udTable.GetFloat("energyStorage", 0.0f);

	ud.extractsMetal  = udTable.GetFloat("extractsMetal",  0.0f);
	ud.windGenerator  = udTable.GetFloat("windGenerator",  0.0f);
	ud.tidalGenerator = udTable.GetFloat("tidalGenerator", 0.0f);

	ud.metalUpkeep  = udTable.GetFloat("metalUse",   0.0f);
	ud.energyUpkeep = udTable.GetFloat("energyUse",  0.0f);
	ud.metalMake    = udTable.GetFloat("metalMake",  0.0f);
	ud.makesMetal   = udTable.GetFloat("makesMetal", 0.0f);
	ud.energyMake   = udTable.GetFloat("energyMake", 0.0f);

	ud.health       = udTable.GetFloat("maxDamage",  0.0f);
	ud.autoHeal     = udTable.GetFloat("autoHeal",      0.0f) * (16.0f / GAME_SPEED);
	ud.idleAutoHeal = udTable.GetFloat("idleAutoHeal", 10.0f) * (16.0f / GAME_SPEED);
	ud.idleTime     = udTable.GetInt("idleTime", 600);

	ud.buildangle = udTable.GetInt("buildAngle", 0);

	ud.isMetalMaker = (ud.makesMetal >= 1 && ud.energyUpkeep > ud.makesMetal * 40);

	ud.controlRadius = 32;
	ud.losHeight = 20;
	ud.metalCost = udTable.GetFloat("buildCostMetal", 0.0f);
	if (ud.metalCost < 1.0f) {
		ud.metalCost = 1.0f; //avoid some nasty divide by 0 etc
	ud.mass = udTable.GetFloat("mass", 0.0f);
	if (ud.mass <= 0.0f) {
	ud.energyCost = udTable.GetFloat("buildCostEnergy", 0.0f);
	ud.buildTime = udTable.GetFloat("buildTime", 0.0f);
	if (ud.buildTime < 1.0f) {
		ud.buildTime = 1.0f; //avoid some nasty divide by 0 etc

	ud.aihint = id; // FIXME? (as noted in SelectedUnits.cpp, aihint is ignored)
	ud.cobID = udTable.GetInt("cobID", -1);

	ud.losRadius = udTable.GetFloat("sightDistance", 0.0f) * modInfo.losMul / (SQUARE_SIZE * (1 << modInfo.losMipLevel));
	ud.airLosRadius = udTable.GetFloat("airSightDistance", -1.0f);
	if (ud.airLosRadius == -1.0f) {
		ud.airLosRadius=udTable.GetFloat("sightDistance", 0.0f) * modInfo.airLosMul * 1.5f / (SQUARE_SIZE * (1 << modInfo.airMipLevel));
	} else {
		ud.airLosRadius = ud.airLosRadius * modInfo.airLosMul / (SQUARE_SIZE * (1 << modInfo.airMipLevel));

	ud.canSubmerge = udTable.GetBool("canSubmerge", false);
	ud.canfly      = udTable.GetBool("canFly",      false);
	ud.canmove     = udTable.GetBool("canMove",     false);
	ud.reclaimable = udTable.GetBool("reclaimable", true);
	ud.capturable  = udTable.GetBool("capturable",  true);
	ud.repairable  = udTable.GetBool("repairable",  true);
	ud.canAttack   = udTable.GetBool("canAttack",   true);
	ud.canFight    = udTable.GetBool("canFight",    true);
	ud.canPatrol   = udTable.GetBool("canPatrol",   true);
	ud.canGuard    = udTable.GetBool("canGuard",    true);
	ud.canRepeat   = udTable.GetBool("canRepeat",   true);

	ud.builder = udTable.GetBool("builder", true);

	ud.canRestore = udTable.GetBool("canRestore", ud.builder);
	ud.canRepair  = udTable.GetBool("canRepair",  ud.builder);
	ud.canReclaim = udTable.GetBool("canReclaim", ud.builder);

示例8: ParseWeaponsTable

void UnitDef::ParseWeaponsTable(const LuaTable& weaponsTable)
	const WeaponDef* noWeaponDef = weaponDefHandler->GetWeapon("NOWEAPON");

	for (int w = 0; w < MAX_WEAPONS_PER_UNIT; w++) {
		LuaTable wTable;
		string name = weaponsTable.GetString(w + 1, "");
		if (name.empty()) {
			wTable = weaponsTable.SubTable(w + 1);
			name = wTable.GetString("name", "");
		const WeaponDef* wd = NULL;
		if (!name.empty()) {
			wd = weaponDefHandler->GetWeapon(name);
		if (wd == NULL) {
			if (w <= 3) {
				continue; // allow empty weapons among the first 3
			} else {

		while (weapons.size() < w) {
			if (!noWeaponDef) {
				logOutput.Print("Error: Spring requires a NOWEAPON weapon type "
				                "to be present as a placeholder for missing weapons");
			} else {
				weapons.back().def = noWeaponDef;

		const string badTarget = wTable.GetString("badTargetCategory", "");
		unsigned int btc = CCategoryHandler::Instance()->GetCategories(badTarget);

		const string onlyTarget = wTable.GetString("onlyTargetCategory", "");
		unsigned int otc;
		if (onlyTarget.empty()) {
			otc = 0xffffffff;
		} else {
			otc = CCategoryHandler::Instance()->GetCategories(onlyTarget);

		const unsigned int slaveTo = wTable.GetInt("slaveTo", 0);

		float3 mainDir = wTable.GetFloat3("mainDir", float3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)).SafeNormalize();
		const float angleDif = cos(wTable.GetFloat("maxAngleDif", 360.0f) * (PI / 360.0f));

		const float fuelUse = wTable.GetFloat("fuelUsage", 0.0f);

		UnitDefWeapon weapon(name, wd, slaveTo, mainDir, angleDif, btc, otc, fuelUse);

		maxWeaponRange = std::max(maxWeaponRange, wd->range);

		if (wd->interceptor && wd->coverageRange > maxCoverage)
			maxCoverage = wd->coverageRange;

		if (wd->isShield) {
			if (!shieldWeaponDef || // use the biggest shield
			    (shieldWeaponDef->shieldRadius < wd->shieldRadius)) {
				shieldWeaponDef = wd;

		if (wd->stockpile) {
			// interceptors have priority
			if (wd->interceptor        ||
			    !stockpileWeaponDef ||
			    !stockpileWeaponDef->interceptor) {
				stockpileWeaponDef = wd;

示例9: name


		const float tempsize = 2.0f + std::min(defDamage * 0.0025f, damageAreaOfEffect * 0.1f);
		size = wdTable.GetFloat("size", tempsize);

		const float gd = std::max(30.0f, defDamage / 20.0f);
		const float defExpSpeed = (8.0f + (gd * 2.5f)) / (9.0f + (math::sqrt(gd) * 0.7f)) * 0.5f;
		explosionSpeed = wdTable.GetFloat("explosionSpeed", defExpSpeed);

		// backwards compatibility: non-burst beamlasers play one
		// sample per shot, not for each individual beam making up the shot
		const bool singleSampleShot = (type == "BeamLaser" && !beamburst);
		const bool singleShotWeapon = (type == "Melee" || type == "Rifle");

		soundTrigger = wdTable.GetBool("soundTrigger", singleSampleShot || singleShotWeapon);

	// get some weapon specific defaults
	int defInterceptType = 0;
	if ((type == "Cannon") || (type == "EmgCannon")) {
		defInterceptType = 1;
	} else if ((type == "LaserCannon") || (type == "BeamLaser")) {
		defInterceptType = 2;
	} else if ((type == "StarburstLauncher") || (type == "MissileLauncher")) {
		defInterceptType = 4;
	} else if (type == "AircraftBomb") {
		defInterceptType = 8;
	} else if (type == "Flame") {
		defInterceptType = 16;
	} else if (type == "TorpedoLauncher") {
		defInterceptType = 32;
	} else if (type == "LightningCannon") {
		defInterceptType = 64;
	} else if (type == "Rifle") {
		defInterceptType = 128;
	} else if (type == "Melee") {
		defInterceptType = 256;
	interceptedByShieldType = wdTable.GetInt("interceptedByShieldType", defInterceptType);

	if (type == "Cannon") {
		// CExplosiveProjectile
		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.9f);
		intensity = wdTable.GetFloat("intensity", 0.2f);
	} else if (type == "Rifle") {
		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.9f);
	} else if (type == "Melee") {
		// ...
	} else if (type == "Flame") {
		// CFlameProjectile
		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.2f);
		collisionSize     = wdTable.GetFloat("collisionSize", 0.5f);
	} else if (type == "MissileLauncher") {
		// CMissileProjectile
		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.5f);
	} else if (type == "LaserCannon") {
		// CLaserProjectile
		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.7f);
		collisionSize = wdTable.GetFloat("collisionSize", 0.5f);
	} else if (type == "BeamLaser") {
		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.7f);
	} else if (type == "LightningCannon") {
		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.5f);
	} else if (type == "EmgCannon") {
		// CEmgProjectile
		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.5f);
		size = wdTable.GetFloat("size", 3.0f);
	} else if (type == "TorpedoLauncher") {
		waterweapon = true;
	} else if (type == "DGun") {
		// CFireBallProjectile
		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.5f);
		collisionSize = wdTable.GetFloat("collisionSize", 10.0f);
	} else if (type == "StarburstLauncher") {
		// CStarburstProjectile
		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.7f);
	} else {
		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.0f);

	const std::string& colormap = wdTable.GetString("colormap", "");
	visuals.colorMap = NULL;
	if (!colormap.empty()) {
		visuals.colorMap = CColorMap::LoadFromDefString(colormap);


	// custom parameters table

	// internal only
	isShield = (type == "Shield");
	noAutoTarget = (manualfire || interceptor || isShield);
	onlyForward = !turret && (type != "StarburstLauncher");

示例10: Load

unsigned int CCustomExplosionGenerator::Load(CExplosionGeneratorHandler* h, const string& tag)
	unsigned int explosionID = -1U;

	if (tag.empty()) {
		return explosionID;

	const std::map<std::string, unsigned int>::const_iterator it = explosionIDs.find(tag);

	if (it == explosionIDs.end()) {
		CEGData cegData;

		const LuaTable* root = h->GetExplosionTableRoot();
		const LuaTable& expTable = (root != NULL)? root->SubTable(tag): LuaTable();

		if (!expTable.IsValid()) {
			// not a fatal error: any calls to ::Explosion will just return early
			logOutput.Print("[CCEG::Load] WARNING: table for CEG \"" + tag + "\" invalid (parse errors?)");
			return explosionID;

		vector<string> spawns;

		for (vector<string>::iterator si = spawns.begin(); si != spawns.end(); ++si) {
			ProjectileSpawnInfo psi;

			const string& spawnName = *si;
			const LuaTable spawnTable = expTable.SubTable(spawnName);

			if (!spawnTable.IsValid() || spawnName == "groundflash") {

			const string className = spawnTable.GetString("class", spawnName);

			psi.projectileClass = h->projectileClasses.GetClass(className);
			psi.flags = GetFlagsFromTable(spawnTable);
			psi.count = spawnTable.GetInt("count", 1);

			if (psi.projectileClass->binder->flags & creg::CF_Synced) {
				psi.flags |= SPW_SYNCED;

			string code;
			map<string, string> props;
			map<string, string>::const_iterator propIt;

			for (propIt = props.begin(); propIt != props.end(); ++propIt) {
				creg::Class::Member* m = psi.projectileClass->FindMember(propIt->first.c_str());
				if (m && (m->flags & creg::CM_Config)) {
					ParseExplosionCode(&psi, m->offset, m->type, propIt->second, code);

			code += (char)OP_END;
			copy(code.begin(), code.end(), psi.code.begin());


		const LuaTable gndTable = expTable.SubTable("groundflash");
		const int ttl = gndTable.GetInt("ttl", 0);
		if (ttl > 0) {
			cegData.groundFlash.circleAlpha  = gndTable.GetFloat("circleAlpha",  0.0f);
			cegData.groundFlash.flashSize    = gndTable.GetFloat("flashSize",    0.0f);
			cegData.groundFlash.flashAlpha   = gndTable.GetFloat("flashAlpha",   0.0f);
			cegData.groundFlash.circleGrowth = gndTable.GetFloat("circleGrowth", 0.0f);
			cegData.groundFlash.color        = gndTable.GetFloat3("color", float3(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.8f));

			cegData.groundFlash.flags = SPW_GROUND | GetFlagsFromTable(gndTable);
			cegData.groundFlash.ttl = ttl;

		cegData.useDefaultExplosions = expTable.GetBool("useDefaultExplosions", false);

		explosionID = explosionData.size();
		explosionIDs[tag] = explosionID;
	} else {
		explosionID = it->second;

	return explosionID;

示例11: ParseTAWeapon

void CWeaponDefHandler::ParseTAWeapon(const LuaTable& wdTable, WeaponDef& wd)
	bool lineofsight;
	bool ballistic;
	//bool twophase;
	bool beamweapon;
	bool manualBombSettings; //Allow the user to manually specify the burst and burstrate for his AircraftBomb
	//bool guided;
	//bool vlaunch;
	int rendertype;
	int color;
	int beamlaser;
	//bool tracking;
	//bool selfprop;
	//bool turret;
	//bool smokeTrail;
	//string modelName;

	wd.tdfId = wdTable.GetInt("id", 0);

	wd.filename = wdTable.GetString("filename", "unknown");
	wd.description = wdTable.GetString("name", "Weapon");
	wd.cegTag = wdTable.GetString("cegTag", "");

	wd.avoidFriendly = wdTable.GetBool("avoidFriendly", true);
	wd.avoidFeature  = wdTable.GetBool("avoidFeature",  true);

	wd.collisionFlags = 0;
	const bool collideFriendly = wdTable.GetBool("collideFriendly", true);
	const bool collideFeature  = wdTable.GetBool("collideFeature",  true);
	if (!collideFriendly) { wd.collisionFlags += COLLISION_NOFRIENDLY; }
	if (!collideFeature)  { wd.collisionFlags += COLLISION_NOFEATURE;  }

	wd.minIntensity = wdTable.GetFloat("minIntensity", 0.0f);

	wd.dropped  = wdTable.GetBool("dropped", false);
	manualBombSettings = wdTable.GetBool("manualBombSettings", false);
	lineofsight = wdTable.GetBool("lineOfSight", false);
	ballistic   = wdTable.GetBool("ballistic",  false);
	wd.twophase = wdTable.GetBool("twoPhase",   false);
	beamweapon  = wdTable.GetBool("beamWeapon", false);
	wd.guided   = wdTable.GetBool("guidance",   false);
	rendertype  = wdTable.GetInt("renderType",  0);
	color       = wdTable.GetInt("color",       0);
	beamlaser   = wdTable.GetInt("beamlaser",   0);
	wd.vlaunch  = wdTable.GetBool("vlaunch",    false);
	wd.selfprop = wdTable.GetBool("selfprop",   false);
	wd.turret   = wdTable.GetBool("turret",     false);
	wd.noSelfDamage = wdTable.GetBool("noSelfDamage", false);
	wd.visuals.modelName = wdTable.GetString("model", "");
	wd.visuals.smokeTrail = wdTable.GetBool("smokeTrail", false);
	wd.visuals.alwaysVisible = wdTable.GetBool("alwaysVisible", false);

	wd.waterweapon   = wdTable.GetBool("waterWeapon",     false);
	wd.fireSubmersed = wdTable.GetBool("fireSubmersed",   wd.waterweapon);
	wd.submissile    = wdTable.GetBool("submissile",      false);
	wd.tracks        = wdTable.GetBool("tracks",          false);
	wd.fixedLauncher = wdTable.GetBool("fixedLauncher",   false);
	wd.noExplode     = wdTable.GetBool("noExplode",       false);
	wd.isShield      = wdTable.GetBool("isShield",        false);
	wd.maxvelocity   = wdTable.GetFloat("weaponVelocity", 0.0f);
	wd.beamtime      = wdTable.GetFloat("beamTime",       1.0f);
	wd.beamburst     = wdTable.GetBool("beamburst",       false);
	wd.waterBounce = wdTable.GetBool("waterbounce", false);
	wd.groundBounce = wdTable.GetBool("groundbounce", false);
	wd.bounceSlip = wdTable.GetFloat("bounceslip", 1);
	wd.bounceRebound = wdTable.GetFloat("bouncerebound", 1);
	wd.numBounce = wdTable.GetInt("numbounce", -1);

	wd.thickness      = wdTable.GetFloat("thickness",       2.0f);
	wd.corethickness  = wdTable.GetFloat("coreThickness",   0.25f);
	wd.laserflaresize = wdTable.GetFloat("laserFlareSize", 15.0f);
	wd.intensity      = wdTable.GetFloat("intensity",       0.9f);
	wd.duration       = wdTable.GetFloat("duration",        0.05f);
	wd.falloffRate    = wdTable.GetFloat("fallOffRate",     0.5f);
	wd.lodDistance    = wdTable.GetInt("lodDistance", 1000);

	wd.visuals.sizeDecay  = wdTable.GetFloat("sizeDecay",  0.0f);
	wd.visuals.alphaDecay = wdTable.GetFloat("alphaDecay", 1.0f);
	wd.visuals.separation = wdTable.GetFloat("separation", 1.0f);
	wd.visuals.noGap  = wdTable.GetBool("noGap", true);
	wd.visuals.stages = wdTable.GetInt("stages", 5);

	if (wd.name.find("disintegrator") != string::npos) {	//fulhack
		wd.visuals.renderType = WEAPON_RENDERTYPE_FIREBALL;
	} else if (wd.visuals.modelName.compare("") != 0) {
		wd.visuals.renderType = WEAPON_RENDERTYPE_MODEL;
	} else if (beamweapon) {
		wd.visuals.renderType = WEAPON_RENDERTYPE_LASER;
	} else {
		wd.visuals.renderType = WEAPON_RENDERTYPE_PLASMA;

	wd.gravityAffected = false;
	if (wd.dropped || ballistic) {
		wd.gravityAffected = true;

	if (wd.dropped) {

示例12: LoadPieceTransformations

void CAssParser::LoadPieceTransformations(
	SAssPiece* piece,
	const S3DModel* model,
	const aiNode* pieceNode,
	const LuaTable& pieceTable
) {
	aiVector3D aiScaleVec, aiTransVec;
	aiQuaternion aiRotateQuat;

	// process transforms
	pieceNode->mTransformation.Decompose(aiScaleVec, aiRotateQuat, aiTransVec);

	// metadata-scaling
	piece->scales   = pieceTable.GetFloat3("scale", aiVectorToFloat3(aiScaleVec));
	piece->scales.x = pieceTable.GetFloat("scalex", piece->scales.x);
	piece->scales.y = pieceTable.GetFloat("scaley", piece->scales.y);
	piece->scales.z = pieceTable.GetFloat("scalez", piece->scales.z);

	if (piece->scales.x != piece->scales.y || piece->scales.y != piece->scales.z) {
		// LOG_SL(LOG_SECTION_MODEL, L_WARNING, "Spring doesn't support non-uniform scaling");
		piece->scales.y = piece->scales.x;
		piece->scales.z = piece->scales.x;

	// metadata-translation
	piece->offset   = pieceTable.GetFloat3("offset", aiVectorToFloat3(aiTransVec));
	piece->offset.x = pieceTable.GetFloat("offsetx", piece->offset.x);
	piece->offset.y = pieceTable.GetFloat("offsety", piece->offset.y);
	piece->offset.z = pieceTable.GetFloat("offsetz", piece->offset.z);

	// metadata-rotation
	// NOTE:
	//   these rotations are "pre-scripting" but "post-modelling"
	//   together with the (baked) aiRotateQuad they determine the
	//   model's pose *before* any animations execute
	// float3 rotAngles = pieceTable.GetFloat3("rotate", aiQuaternionToRadianAngles(aiRotateQuat) * RADTODEG);
	float3 pieceRotAngles = pieceTable.GetFloat3("rotate", ZeroVector);

	pieceRotAngles.x = pieceTable.GetFloat("rotatex", pieceRotAngles.x);
	pieceRotAngles.y = pieceTable.GetFloat("rotatey", pieceRotAngles.y);
	pieceRotAngles.z = pieceTable.GetFloat("rotatez", pieceRotAngles.z);
	pieceRotAngles  *= DEGTORAD;

		"(%d:%s) Assimp offset (%f,%f,%f), rotate (%f,%f,%f,%f), scale (%f,%f,%f)",
		model->numPieces, piece->name.c_str(),
		aiTransVec.x, aiTransVec.y, aiTransVec.z,
		aiRotateQuat.w, aiRotateQuat.x, aiRotateQuat.y, aiRotateQuat.z,
		aiScaleVec.x, aiScaleVec.y, aiScaleVec.z
		"(%d:%s) Relative offset (%f,%f,%f), rotate (%f,%f,%f), scale (%f,%f,%f)",
		model->numPieces, piece->name.c_str(),
		piece->offset.x, piece->offset.y, piece->offset.z,
		pieceRotAngles.x, pieceRotAngles.y, pieceRotAngles.z,
		piece->scales.x, piece->scales.y, piece->scales.z

	// NOTE:
	//   at least collada (.dae) files generated by Blender represent
	//   a coordinate-system that differs from the "standard" formats
	//   (3DO, S3O, ...) for which existing tools at least have prior
	//   knowledge of Spring's expectations --> let the user override
	//   the ROOT rotational transform and the rotation-axis mapping
	//   used by animation scripts (but re-modelling/re-exporting is
	//   always preferred!) even though AssImp should convert models
	//   to its own system which matches that of Spring
	//   .dae  : x=Rgt, y=-Fwd, z= Up, as=(-1, -1, 1), am=AXIS_XZY (if Z_UP)
	//   .dae  : x=Rgt, y=-Fwd, z= Up, as=(-1, -1, 1), am=AXIS_XZY (if Y_UP) [!?]
	//   .blend: ????
	piece->bakedRotMatrix = aiMatrixToMatrix(aiMatrix4x4t<float>(aiRotateQuat.GetMatrix()));

	if (piece == model->GetRootPiece()) {
		const float3 xaxis = pieceTable.GetFloat3("xaxis", piece->bakedRotMatrix.GetX());
		const float3 yaxis = pieceTable.GetFloat3("yaxis", piece->bakedRotMatrix.GetY());
		const float3 zaxis = pieceTable.GetFloat3("zaxis", piece->bakedRotMatrix.GetZ());

		if (math::fabs(xaxis.SqLength() - yaxis.SqLength()) < 0.01f && math::fabs(yaxis.SqLength() - zaxis.SqLength()) < 0.01f) {
			piece->bakedRotMatrix = CMatrix44f(ZeroVector, xaxis, yaxis, zaxis);

	piece->rotAxisSigns = pieceTable.GetFloat3("rotAxisSigns", float3(-OnesVector));
	piece->axisMapType = AxisMappingType(pieceTable.GetInt("rotAxisMap", AXIS_MAPPING_XYZ));

	// construct 'baked' part of the piece-space matrix
	// AssImp order is translate * rotate * scale * v;
	// we leave the translation and scale parts out and
	// put those in <offset> and <scales> --> transform
	// is just R instead of T * R * S
	// note: for all non-AssImp models this is identity!
	piece->ComposeRotation(piece->bakedRotMatrix, pieceRotAngles);
	piece->SetHasIdentityRotation(piece->bakedRotMatrix.IsIdentity() == 0);

	assert(piece->bakedRotMatrix.IsOrthoNormal() == 0);

示例13: content_error

	const LuaTable rootTable = game->defsParser->GetRoot().SubTable("MoveDefs");
	if (!rootTable.IsValid()) {
		throw content_error("Error loading movement definitions");

	groundMoveMath = new CGroundMoveMath();
	hoverMoveMath = new CHoverMoveMath();
	seaMoveMath = new CShipMoveMath();

	moveInfoChecksum = 0;

	for (size_t num = 1; /* no test */; num++) {
		const LuaTable moveTable = rootTable.SubTable(num);
		if (!moveTable.IsValid()) {

		MoveData* md = new MoveData(0x0, 0);

		md->name     = moveTable.GetString("name", "");
		md->pathType = (num - 1);
		md->maxSlope = 1.0f;
		md->depth    = 0.0f;
		md->depthMod = 0.0f;
		md->crushStrength = moveTable.GetFloat("crushStrength", 10.0f);

		const float minWaterDepth = moveTable.GetFloat("minWaterDepth", 10.0f);
		const float maxWaterDepth = moveTable.GetFloat("maxWaterDepth", 0.0f);

		if ((md->name.find("BOAT") != string::npos) ||
		    (md->name.find("SHIP") != string::npos)) {
			md->moveType   = MoveData::Ship_Move;
			md->depth      = minWaterDepth;
			md->moveFamily = MoveData::Ship;
			md->moveMath   = seaMoveMath;
			md->subMarine  = moveTable.GetBool("subMarine", 0);
		else if (md->name.find("HOVER") != string::npos) {
			md->moveType   = MoveData::Hover_Move;
			md->maxSlope   = DegreesToMaxSlope(moveTable.GetFloat("maxSlope", 15.0f));
			md->moveFamily = MoveData::Hover;
			md->moveMath   = hoverMoveMath;
		else {
			md->moveType = MoveData::Ground_Move;
			md->depthMod = moveTable.GetFloat("depthMod", 0.1f);
			md->depth    = maxWaterDepth;
			md->maxSlope = DegreesToMaxSlope(moveTable.GetFloat("maxSlope", 60.0f));
			md->moveMath = groundMoveMath;

			if (md->name.find("TANK") != string::npos) {
				md->moveFamily = MoveData::Tank;
			} else {
				md->moveFamily = MoveData::KBot;

		// ground units hug the ocean floor when in water,
		// ships stay at a "fixed" level (their waterline)
		md->followGround =
			(md->moveFamily == MoveData::Tank ||
			md->moveFamily == MoveData::KBot);

		// tank or bot that cannot get its threads / feet
		// wet, or hovercraft (which doesn't touch ground
		// or water)
		const bool b0 =
			((md->followGround && maxWaterDepth <= 0.0) ||
			md->moveFamily == MoveData::Hover);

		// ship (or sub) that cannot crawl onto shore, OR tank or
		// kbot restricted to snorkling (strange but possible)
		const bool b1 =
			((md->moveFamily == MoveData::Ship && minWaterDepth > 0.0) ||
			((md->followGround) && minWaterDepth > 0.0));

		// tank or kbot that CAN go skinny-dipping (amph.),
		// or ship that CAN sprout legs when at the beach
		const bool b2 =
			((md->followGround) && maxWaterDepth > 0.0) ||
			(md->moveFamily == MoveData::Ship && minWaterDepth < 0.0);

		if (b0) { md->terrainClass = MoveData::Land; }
		if (b1) { md->terrainClass = MoveData::Water; }
		if (b2) { md->terrainClass = MoveData::Mixed; }

		md->slopeMod = moveTable.GetFloat("slopeMod", 4.0f / (md->maxSlope + 0.001f));
		// TA has only half our resolution, multiply size by 2
		md->size = max(2, min(8, moveTable.GetInt("footprintX", 1) * 2));

		moveInfoChecksum +=
			(md->size         << 5) +
			(md->followGround << 4) +
			(md->subMarine    << 3) +
			(b2               << 2) +
			(b1               << 1) +
			(b0               << 0);

示例14: StringToLower

 * CArchiveScanner::ArchiveData
CArchiveScanner::ArchiveData::ArchiveData(const LuaTable& archiveTable, bool fromCache)
	if (!archiveTable.IsValid())

	std::vector<std::string> keys;
	if (!archiveTable.GetKeys(keys))

	for (std::string& key: keys) {
		const std::string& keyLower = StringToLower(key);

		if (ArchiveData::IsReservedKey(keyLower))

		if (keyLower == "modtype") {
			SetInfoItemValueInteger(key, archiveTable.GetInt(key, 0));

		switch (archiveTable.GetType(key)) {
			case LuaTable::STRING: {
				SetInfoItemValueString(key, archiveTable.GetString(key, ""));
			} break;
			case LuaTable::NUMBER: {
				SetInfoItemValueFloat(key, archiveTable.GetFloat(key, 0.0f));
			} break;
			case LuaTable::BOOLEAN: {
				SetInfoItemValueBool(key, archiveTable.GetBool(key, false));
			} break;
			default: {
				// just ignore unsupported types (most likely to be lua-tables)
				//throw content_error("Lua-type " + IntToString(luaType) + " not supported in archive-info, but it is used on key \"" + *key + "\"");
			} break;

	const LuaTable& _dependencies = archiveTable.SubTable("depend");
	const LuaTable& _replaces = archiveTable.SubTable("replace");

	for (int dep = 1; _dependencies.KeyExists(dep); ++dep) {
		dependencies.push_back(_dependencies.GetString(dep, ""));
	for (int rep = 1; _replaces.KeyExists(rep); ++rep) {
		replaces.push_back(_replaces.GetString(rep, ""));

	// XXX HACK needed until lobbies, lobbyserver and unitsync are sorted out
	// so they can uniquely identify different versions of the same mod.
	// (at time of this writing they use name only)

	// NOTE when changing this, this function is used both by the code that
	// reads ArchiveCache.lua and the code that reads modinfo.lua from the mod.
	// so make sure it doesn't keep adding stuff to the name everytime
	// Spring/unitsync is loaded.

	const std::string& name = GetNameVersioned();
	const std::string& version = GetVersion();
	if (!version.empty()) {
		if (name.find(version) == std::string::npos) {
			SetInfoItemValueString("name", name + " " + version);
		} else if (!fromCache) {
			LOG_L(L_WARNING, "[%s] version \"%s\" included in name \"%s\"", __func__, version.c_str(), name.c_str());

	if (GetName().empty())
		SetInfoItemValueString("name_pure", name);

示例15: ParseWeapon

void CWeaponDefHandler::ParseWeapon(const LuaTable& wdTable, WeaponDef& wd)
	bool manualBombSettings; //Allow the user to manually specify the burst and burstrate for his AircraftBomb
	int color;
	int color2;

	wd.tdfId = wdTable.GetInt("id", 0);

	wd.description = wdTable.GetString("name",     "Weapon");
	wd.cegTag      = wdTable.GetString("cegTag",   "");

	wd.avoidFriendly = wdTable.GetBool("avoidFriendly", true);
	wd.avoidFeature  = wdTable.GetBool("avoidFeature",  true);
	wd.avoidNeutral  = wdTable.GetBool("avoidNeutral",  false);

	//FIXME may be smarter to merge the collideXYZ tags with avoidXYZ and removing the collisionFlags tag (and move the code into CWeapon)?
	wd.collisionFlags = 0;

	if (!wdTable.GetBool("collideEnemy",    true)) { wd.collisionFlags |= Collision::NOENEMIES;    }
	if (!wdTable.GetBool("collideFriendly", true)) { wd.collisionFlags |= Collision::NOFRIENDLIES; }
	if (!wdTable.GetBool("collideFeature",  true)) { wd.collisionFlags |= Collision::NOFEATURES;   }
	if (!wdTable.GetBool("collideNeutral",  true)) { wd.collisionFlags |= Collision::NONEUTRALS;   }
	if (!wdTable.GetBool("collideGround",   true)) { wd.collisionFlags |= Collision::NOGROUND;     }

	wd.minIntensity = wdTable.GetFloat("minIntensity", 0.0f);

	manualBombSettings = wdTable.GetBool("manualBombSettings", false);
	wd.turret   = wdTable.GetBool("turret",      false);
	wd.highTrajectory = wdTable.GetInt("highTrajectory", 2);
	wd.noSelfDamage   = wdTable.GetBool("noSelfDamage", false);
	wd.impactOnly     = wdTable.GetBool("impactOnly",   false);

	wd.waterweapon   = wdTable.GetBool("waterWeapon",     false);
	wd.fireSubmersed = wdTable.GetBool("fireSubmersed",   wd.waterweapon);
	wd.submissile    = wdTable.GetBool("submissile",      false);
	wd.tracks        = wdTable.GetBool("tracks",          false);
	wd.fixedLauncher = wdTable.GetBool("fixedLauncher",   false);
	wd.noExplode     = wdTable.GetBool("noExplode",       false);
	wd.isShield      = wdTable.GetBool("isShield",        false);
	wd.beamtime      = wdTable.GetFloat("beamTime",       1.0f);
	wd.beamburst     = wdTable.GetBool("beamburst",       false);

	wd.waterBounce   = wdTable.GetBool("waterBounce",    false);
	wd.groundBounce  = wdTable.GetBool("groundBounce",   false);
	wd.bounceSlip    = wdTable.GetFloat("bounceSlip",    1.0f);
	wd.bounceRebound = wdTable.GetFloat("bounceRebound", 1.0f);
	wd.numBounce     = wdTable.GetInt("numBounce",       -1);

	wd.thickness      = wdTable.GetFloat("thickness",      2.0f);
	wd.corethickness  = wdTable.GetFloat("coreThickness",  0.25f);
	wd.laserflaresize = wdTable.GetFloat("laserFlareSize", 15.0f);
	wd.intensity      = wdTable.GetFloat("intensity",      0.9f);
	wd.duration       = wdTable.GetFloat("duration",       0.05f);
	wd.falloffRate    = wdTable.GetFloat("fallOffRate",    0.5f);
	wd.lodDistance    = wdTable.GetInt("lodDistance",      1000);

	wd.visuals.modelName     = wdTable.GetString("model",       "");
	wd.visuals.explosionScar = wdTable.GetBool("explosionScar", true);
	wd.visuals.smokeTrail    = wdTable.GetBool("smokeTrail",    false);
	wd.visuals.alwaysVisible = wdTable.GetBool("alwaysVisible", false);
	wd.visuals.sizeDecay     = wdTable.GetFloat("sizeDecay",    0.0f);
	wd.visuals.alphaDecay    = wdTable.GetFloat("alphaDecay",   1.0f);
	wd.visuals.separation    = wdTable.GetFloat("separation",   1.0f);
	wd.visuals.noGap         = wdTable.GetBool("noGap",         true);
	wd.visuals.stages        = wdTable.GetInt("stages",         5);

	wd.gravityAffected = wdTable.GetBool("gravityAffected", false);

	wd.type = wdTable.GetString("weaponType", "Cannon");

	wd.targetBorder = Clamp(wdTable.GetFloat("targetBorder", (wd.type == "Melee")? 1.0f : 0.0f), -1.0f, 1.0f);
	wd.cylinderTargetting = Clamp(wdTable.GetFloat("cylinderTargetting", (wd.type == "Melee")? 1.0f : 0.0f), 0.0f, 128.0f);

	wd.range = wdTable.GetFloat("range", 10.0f);
	const float accuracy       = wdTable.GetFloat("accuracy",   0.0f);
	const float sprayAngle     = wdTable.GetFloat("sprayAngle", 0.0f);
	const float movingAccuracy = wdTable.GetFloat("movingAccuracy", accuracy);
	// should really be tan but TA seem to cap it somehow
	// should also be 7fff or ffff theoretically but neither seems good
	wd.accuracy       = sin((accuracy)       * PI / 0xafff);
	wd.sprayAngle     = sin((sprayAngle)     * PI / 0xafff);
	wd.movingAccuracy = sin((movingAccuracy) * PI / 0xafff);

	wd.targetMoveError = wdTable.GetFloat("targetMoveError", 0.0f);
	wd.leadLimit = wdTable.GetFloat("leadLimit", -1.0f);
	wd.leadBonus = wdTable.GetFloat("leadBonus", 0.0f);

	// setup the default damages
	const LuaTable dmgTable = wdTable.SubTable("damage");
	float defDamage = dmgTable.GetFloat("default", 0.0f);
	if (defDamage == 0.0f) {
		defDamage = 1.0f; //avoid division by zeroes
	for (int a = 0; a < damageArrayHandler->GetNumTypes(); ++a) {
		wd.damages[a] = defDamage;

	map<string, float> damages;

