本文整理汇总了Python中KNN类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python KNN类的具体用法?Python KNN怎么用?Python KNN使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: crossvalidation
def crossvalidation(userManager, artistManager, folders):
"""split data into folders and validate the performance"""
userIDs = userManager.keys()
userFolders = {}
for i in range(folders):
userFolders[i] = []
for userID in userIDs:
i = random.randrange(folders)
for f in range(folders):
testUserSet, testUserIDList, testUserMostFavourite = splitTrainSet(userManager, 1.0/folders, userFolders[f])
knn = KNN(6)
knn.training(userManager, artistManager)
rightNum = 0
totalNum = len(testUserIDList)
for i in range(len(testUserIDList)):
print i, totalNum,
favOfOne = knn.testing(testUserSet[testUserIDList[i]], userManager, artistManager)
print testUserIDList[i], testUserMostFavourite[testUserIDList[i]].keys()[0], favOfOne
if favOfOne == testUserMostFavourite[testUserIDList[i]].keys()[0]:
rightNum += 1
print "Folder", f, ":"
print "Total:", totalNum
print float(rightNum)/len(testUserIDList)
for i in range(len(testUserIDList)):
userManager[testUserIDList[i]] = testUserSet[testUserIDList[i]]
示例2: main
def main():
global trainSet
global testSet
global bootstrap
示例3: test_simple
def test_simple():
data_set, labels = KNN.create_data_set()
test1 = array([1.2, 1.0])
test2 = array([0.1, 0.3])
k = 3
output_label1 = KNN.knn_classify(test1, data_set, labels, k)
output_label2 = KNN.knn_classify(test2, data_set, labels, k)
print test1, output_label1
print test2, output_label2
示例4: plotwithlable
def plotwithlable():
xcord1 = []; ycord1 = []; zcord1=[]
xcord2 = []; ycord2 = []; zcord2=[]
xcord3 = []; ycord3 = []; zcord3=[]
#group ,labels = createDataSet()
datingDataMat, datingLables = KNN.file2matrix('datingTestSet2.txt')
normDataMat, ranges, minVals = KNN.autoNorm(datingDataMat)
tmp = datingDataMat
datingDataMat = normDataMat
fig = plt.figure() #create pic: fig
ax = fig.add_subplot(311) #create a subplot with 1 row 1 colum, select pic 1
#type1 = ax.scatter(xcord1, ycord1, s=20, c='red')
#type2 = ax.scatter(xcord2, ycord2, s=30, c='green')
#type3 = ax.scatter(xcord3, ycord3, s=50, c='blue')
for index, value in enumerate(datingLables):
if value == 1:
elif value == 2:
type1 = ax.scatter(xcord1, ycord1, s=20, c='red')
type2 = ax.scatter(xcord2, ycord2, s=30, c='green')
type3 = ax.scatter(xcord3, ycord3, s=50, c='blue')
ax.legend([type1, type2, type3], ["Did Not Like", "Liked in Small Doses", "Liked in Large Doses"], loc=2)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(312)
type1 = ax2.scatter(xcord1, zcord1, s=20, c='red')
type2 = ax2.scatter(xcord2, zcord2, s=30, c='green')
type3 = ax2.scatter(xcord3, zcord3, s=50, c='blue')
ax2.legend([type1, type2, type3], ["Did Not Like", "Liked in Small Doses", "Liked in Large Doses"], loc=2)
plt.xlabel("Frequent Flyier Miles Earned Per Year")
plt.ylabel("Liters of Ice Cream Consumed Per Week")
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(313)
type1 = ax3.scatter(ycord1, zcord1, s=20, c='red')
type2 = ax3.scatter(ycord2, zcord2, s=30, c='green')
type3 = ax3.scatter(ycord3, zcord3, s=50, c='blue')
ax3.legend([type1, type2, type3], ["Did Not Like", "Liked in Small Doses", "Liked in Large Doses"], loc=2)
plt.xlabel("Percentage of Body Covered By Tatoos")
plt.ylabel("Liters of Ice Cream Consumed Per Week")
示例5: classifyPerson
def classifyPerson():
print "输入相关信息"
resultList = ['一点不喜欢','有点希望','可能性很大']
percentTats = float(raw_input("玩游戏时间数目?"))
ffMiles = float(raw_input("旅游公路数?"))
ice = float(raw_input("冰淇淋消耗量?"))
datingDataMat,datingLabels = KNN.file2matrix('datingTestSet2.txt')
normMat,ranges,minVals = KNN.autoNorm(datingDataMat)
inArr = np.array([ffMiles,percentTats,ice])
classfierRt = KNN.classify0((inArr-minVals)/ranges,normMat,datingLabels,3)
print resultList[classfierRt - 1]
PrintFigure(normMat, datingLabels)
示例6: testUser
def testUser(testUserID):
if not UserManager.has_key(testUserID):
return "don't has user with userID = "+str(testUserID)
testUserSet, testUserIDList = splitTrainSetWithoutRemoving(TrainUserManager, 0, [testUserID])
knn = KNN(40)
knn.training(TrainUserManager, ArtistManager)
favOfOne, allArtist, allTag = knn.testing(testUserSet[testUserID], UserManager, ArtistManager, True)
realfavOfOne = UserManager[testUserID].getMostFav().keys()[0]
ret = "The most listen artist:\n"+str(ArtistManager[realfavOfOne])+"\n"
ret += "The artist we predict:\n"+str(ArtistManager[favOfOne])
ret = ret.replace("\n","</br>")
# recovery modified TrainUserManager
return ret
示例7: lle
def lle(data, k = 10, target_dim = 2):
p = data.shape[1]
graph = KNN.knn(data, k)
n = len(graph.keys())
weights_vec = np.zeros((n,k))
weights_dict = {}
locals_ = np.zeros((n,k))
for i, key in enumerate(list(graph.keys())):
local = construct_knn_vector(key, graph, k)
local_centered = local - np.repeat(np.array(key).reshape([1, p]), k, axis = 0)
gram = do_gram(local_centered, k)
w_num = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(gram), np.ones(gram.shape[0]).T)
w = w_num / w_num.sum()
weights_vec[i] = w
temp_dict = {}
for q in range(len(local)):
temp_dict[tuple(local[q])] = w[q]
weights_dict[tuple(key)] = temp_dict
weights = reconstruct(data, weights_dict)
M = np.dot((np.identity(n) - weights).T, (np.identity(n) - weights))
eigvals, eigvecs = np.linalg.eigh(M)
index = np.argsort(eigvals)[::1]
eigvals = eigvals[index]
eigvecs = eigvecs[:,index]
return eigvecs[:,1:target_dim + 1]
示例8: cross_validation_nn
def cross_validation_nn(k,folds_array):
#Initial values
corrects = 0
incorrects = 0
#Separate train and test data
for i in range(0,10):
training_data = []
test_data = []
for j in range(0,10):
if j == i:
test_data = folds_array[j]
training_data = training_data + folds_array[j]
#Predict values
for j in range(0,len(test_data)):
prediction = KNN.knearest(k,training_data,test_data[j],True)
length = len(test_data[j])-1
#Check if the value is correct
if prediction == test_data[j][length]:
corrects = corrects + 1
incorrects = incorrects + 1
return float(corrects)/float(corrects+incorrects)
示例9: calculateTestError
def calculateTestError():
print("****Test Error*****")
示例10: test_non_norm
def test_non_norm():
dating_mat, dating_label = KNN.file_to_matrix('datingTestSet2.txt')
for i in range(30):
print dating_mat[i], dating_label[i]
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.scatter(dating_mat[:, 0], dating_mat[:, 1],
15.0 * array(dating_label), 15.0 * array(dating_label))
示例11: main
def main():
appid = '[Your eBay Product AppID]' # Change this to your eBay product AppID
search_keyword = 'wine'
categoryId = '38182' # red wine
items = get_items(appid, search_keyword, categoryId)
# using un-weighted KNN
print 'using un-weighted KNN:'
print KNN.get_KNN(items, (1,1000), k = 3)
print KNN.get_KNN(items, (2,2000), k = 3)
print '*********************'
# using weighted KNN
print 'weighted KNN using Gaussian function:'
print KNN.get_weightedKNN(items, (1,1000), k = 3)
print KNN.get_weightedKNN(items, (2,1000), k = 3)
print KNN.get_weightedKNN(items, (2,2000), k = 3)
示例12: buildMockUser
def buildMockUser():
artists = request.form['artists']
artistlist = json.loads(artists)
testUser = User(-100)
missingArtist = []
for artistRecord in artistlist:
artistID = int(artistRecord.keys()[0])
artistWeight = artistRecord.values()[0]
if artistWeight == 0:
artistWeight = 0.0000001
if ArtistManager.has_key(artistID):
testUser.insertArt(artistID, artistWeight)
knn = KNN(40)
knn.training(UserManager, ArtistManager)
favOfOne, allArtist, allTag = knn.testing(testUser, UserManager, ArtistManager, True)
ret = {'artistID': favOfOne}
if len(missingArtist) > 0:
ret['warning'] = {'missingArtist':missingArtist}
ret['artists'] = []
allArtistLen = len(allArtist)-1
maxArtistMatchWeight = allArtist[-1][1]
for i in range(allArtistLen, max(-1, allArtistLen-10), -1):
artistID = allArtist[i][0]
matchWeight = allArtist[i][1] / maxArtistMatchWeight
artistName = ArtistManager[artistID].Name
topTag = ArtistManager[artistID].getTopTag()
if topTag == -1:
topTagName = ""
topTagName = TagManager[topTag]
ret['artists'].append({'id':artistID, 'name':artistName, 'match':matchWeight, 'tag':topTag, 'tagName':topTagName})
ret['tags'] = []
allTagLen = len(allTag)-1
for i in range(allTagLen, max(-1, allTagLen-10), -1):
tagID = allTag[i][0]
tagWeight = allTag[i][1]
tagName = TagManager[tagID]
ret['tags'].append({'id':tagID, 'name':tagName, 'match':tagWeight})
# dataObj = {'artists-num':len(artistlist)}
return json.dumps(ret)
示例13: date_class_test
def date_class_test():
ratio = 0.04 # ratio of the test examples
# data_set:1000*3, data_labels: 1000*1
data_set, data_labels = KNN.file_to_matrix('datingTestSet2.txt')
# normilize the data_set. Note: data_labels is not nessary to normlize
norm_set, ranges, min_val = KNN.normalize(data_set)
all_rows = norm_set.shape[0] # number of all rows
test_rows = int(ratio * all_rows) # number of test rows
error_num = 0
for i in range(test_rows):
# return the predict labels
label_res = KNN.knn_classify(norm_set[i, :], norm_set[test_rows: all_rows, :],\
data_labels[test_rows: all_rows, :], 3)
print 'Classifier predict: %d, real result is: %d' % (label_res, data_labels[i])
if label_res != data_labels[i]:
error_num += 1
print 'total error rate is: %f ' % (error_num * 1.0 / float(test_rows))
示例14: gameRecommendations
def gameRecommendations(u_name):
# Get API key
all_api_keys1 = get_keys("./num1.txt")
all_api_keys2 = get_keys("./num2.txt")
api_key = str(all_api_keys1[0]) + str(all_api_keys2[0])
if len(api_key) != 32:
print("Uh-oh, don't forget to enter your API key!")
# Set up a requests session to allow retries when a request fails
session = reqGet.Session()
session.mount("http://", reqGet.adapters.HTTPAdapter(max_retries=10))
games_response_json = getUserGames(u_name, api_key)
all_games = loadGameIDs("./data/id_header.csv")
# Get all of the game names and IDs from steam and save them in a dictionary for easy usage
game_list = json.loads(session.get(url="http://api.steampowered.com/ISteamApps/GetAppList/v2").text)['applist']['apps']
game_dict = {}
for game in game_list:
game_dict[game['appid']] = game
user_game_array = ["0"] * len(all_games)
if not games_response_json:
for game in games_response_json:
if game['appid'] in all_games:
game_index = all_games.index(game['appid'])
user_game_array[game_index] = "1"
all_games = [game_dict[x]['name'] for x in all_games]
game_bit_string = int(''.join(user_game_array), 2)
dataset = KNN.loadDataset("./data/games_by_username_all.csv")
closest = KNN.findClosest(dataset, game_bit_string, 100)
return KNN.getTopGames(KNN.getVotes(all_games, closest, game_bit_string), 5)
示例15: handwriteDigitTest
def handwriteDigitTest():
trainData, trainLabel = loadTrainData()
testData = loadTestData()
m, n = shape(testData)
testLabel = loadTestResult()
resultList = []
k = 5
# predict every testData row's label
for i in xrange(m):
classifyClassResult = KNN.classify0(testData[i], trainData, trainLabel.transpose(), k)
print "the classifier calcute is: %d, the real answer is : %d" %(classifyClassResult, testLabel[0,i])