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Java GL2.GL_POLYGON属性代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中javax.media.opengl.GL2.GL_POLYGON属性的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java GL2.GL_POLYGON属性的具体用法?Java GL2.GL_POLYGON怎么用?Java GL2.GL_POLYGON使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的属性代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该属性所在javax.media.opengl.GL2的用法示例。


示例1: renderFace

void renderFace(int i, GL2 gl, int curDistanceAttrib, List<Float> dist) {
    if (i >= facesVertIdxs.size()) {

    int[] vertIdxs = facesVertIdxs.get(i);
    // get the vertex indicies for face i

    int polytype;
    if (vertIdxs.length == 3) {
        polytype = GL2.GL_TRIANGLES;
    } else if (vertIdxs.length == 4) {
        polytype = GL2.GL_QUADS;
    } else {
        polytype = GL2.GL_POLYGON;
    // get the normal and tex coords indicies for face i
    int[] normIdxs = facesNormIdxs.get(i);

    Vector3f vert, norm;
    for (int f = 0; f < vertIdxs.length; f++) {
        if (normIdxs[f] != 0) {  // if there are normals, render them
            norm = normals.get(normIdxs[f] - 1);
            gl.glNormal3d(norm.getX(), norm.getY(), norm.getZ());

         gl.glVertexAttrib1f(curDistanceAttrib,dist.get(vertIdxs[f] - 1));

        vert = verts.get(vertIdxs[f] - 1);  // render the vertices

        gl.glVertex3d(vert.getX(), vert.getY(), vert.getZ());



示例2: build

 * Create a SimpleBody from the previously given definition.
 * @return A new SimpleBody.
public SimpleBody build() {
     * Tell Assembler to compile all the surfaces and then retrieve the
     * necessary values.
    //Buffer containing all Vertextdata off all previously added shapes.
    //The data in in the format: vertexX, vertexY, vertexZ, normalX, normalY, normalZ.
    final FloatBuffer dataBuffer = assembler.getDataBuffer();
     * List of index buffers. Each index buffer belongs to a shape and
     * consists of pointers to vertices in the data buffer.
    final List<IntBuffer> indicesBufferList = assembler.getIndicesBuffers();
     * List of boolean flags. Runs parallel to the indicesBufferList and is
     * true if the shape is a polygon, false if it's a QuadStrip.
    final List<Boolean> surfaceTypeList = assembler.getSurfaceTypeList();
    final List<ImplementedTexture> textureList = assembler.getTextureList();
    final int[] indexBufferNames = bmInitialiser.addData(dataBuffer, indicesBufferList);
    final SimpleBody simpleBody = new SimpleBody();
    for (int i = 0; i < indexBufferNames.length; i++) {
        final int shapeMode = surfaceTypeList.get(i) ? GL2.GL_POLYGON : GL2.GL_QUAD_STRIP;
        final ImplementedTexture texture = textureList.get(i);
        final Shape shape = new Shape(indexBufferNames[i], indicesBufferList.get(i).capacity(), shapeMode).setTexture(texture);
        if (texture != null) {
    return simpleBody;

示例3: build

public SimpleBody build(List<Vertex> trackDescription) {
    assembler.calculateTrack(trackDescription, laneWidth, laneCount, trackHeight, closedTrack, textureTop, textureBottom, textureSide);
     * Buffer containing all vertex data from all previously added shapes.
     * The data in in the format: vertexX, vertexY, vertexZ, normalX,
     * normalY, normalZ.
    final FloatBuffer dataBuffer = assembler.getDataBuffer();
     * List of index buffers. Each index buffer belongs to a shape and
     * consists of pointers to vertices in the data buffer.
    final List<IntBuffer> indicesBufferList = assembler.getIndicesBuffers();
     * List of boolean flags. Runs parallel to the indicesBufferList and is
     * true if the shape is a polygon, false if it's a QuadStrip.
    final List<Boolean> surfaceTypeList = assembler.getSurfaceTypeList();
    final List<ImplementedTexture> textureList = assembler.getTextureList();
    final int[] indexBufferNames = bmInitialiser.addData(dataBuffer, indicesBufferList);
     * Create the SimpleBody that represents this RaceTrack.
    final SimpleBody simpleBody = new SimpleBody();
    for (int i = 0; i < indexBufferNames.length; i++) {
        final int shapeMode = surfaceTypeList.get(i) ? GL2.GL_POLYGON : GL2.GL_QUAD_STRIP;
        final ImplementedTexture texture = textureList.get(i);
        simpleBody.addShape(new Shape(indexBufferNames[i], indicesBufferList.get(i).capacity(), shapeMode).setTexture(texture));
    return simpleBody;
