本文整理汇总了C#中Vector.y方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Vector.y方法的具体用法?C# Vector.y怎么用?C# Vector.y使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类Vector
示例1: LineIntersects2dObject
public static Storage LineIntersects2dObject(Vector position, Vector feeler,
Vector lineCoordA, Vector lineCoordB,
double distance, Vector pt)
Storage tmp = new Storage();
double top = ((position.y() - lineCoordA.y())*(lineCoordB.x() - lineCoordA.x())) -
((position.x() - lineCoordA.x())* (lineCoordB.y()-lineCoordA.y()));
double bot = ((feeler.x()-position.x())*(lineCoordB.y()-lineCoordA.y())) -
double topTwo = ((position.y() - lineCoordA.y())*(feeler.x() - position.x())) -
((position.x() - lineCoordA.x())* (feeler.y()-position.y()));
double botTwo = bot;
if(bot == 0)tmp.wasItTrue = false;
double r = top / bot;
double t = topTwo / botTwo;
if( (r > 0) && (r < 1) && (t > 0) && (t < 1)){
Vector temp =feeler - position;
tmp.dist = Mathf.Sqrt((float)temp.lengthSquared());
pt = position + (temp * r);
tmp.wasItTrue = true;
}else {
tmp.dist = 0;
tmp.wasItTrue = false;
return tmp;
示例2: cross
public static Vector cross( Vector v1, Vector v2 )
return new Vector(
v1.y()*v2.z() - v1.z()*v2.y(),
v1.z()*v2.x() - v1.x()*v2.z(),
v1.x()*v2.y() - v1.y()*v2.x() );
示例3: rotate
public void rotate(Vector forward, Vector side)
Matrix temp = new Matrix();
temp.r11 = forward.x(); temp.r12 = forward.y(); temp.r13 = 0;
temp.r21 = side.x(); temp.r22 = side.y(); temp.r23 = 0;
temp.r31 = 0; temp.r32 = 0; temp.r33 = 1;
示例4: isWalkable
// Returns boolean for if destination Vector3 is valid
// Vector3 created with "Vector3 destination = new Vector3(x,y,z)", with y likely to be 0
public static bool isWalkable(Vector destination)
Vector3 temp = new Vector3((float)destination.x(),1.0f,(float)destination.y());
Node node = AstarPath.active.GetNearest(temp).node;
//Debug.Log("Valid Position");
return true;
//Debug.Log("Invalid Position");
return false;
示例5: newPath
public void newPath()
Vector destination = new Vector(UnityEngine.Random.Range(-200,200),UnityEngine.Random.Range(-200,200));
while (queryPoint.isWalkable(destination) == false){
destination = new Vector(UnityEngine.Random.Range(-200,200),UnityEngine.Random.Range(-200,200));
/*targetPosition.x = (float)aiControl.getDestinationWaypoint().x();
targetPosition.z = (float)aiControl.getDestinationWaypoint().y();*/
targetPosition.x = (float)destination.x();
targetPosition.z = (float)destination.y();
targetPosition.y = 1f;
seeker.StartPath (transform.position,targetPosition, OnPathComplete);
示例6: convertPointToLocalPosition
public static Vector convertPointToLocalPosition(Vector pos, Vector entityHead,
Vector entityHeadPerp,
Vector entityPos)
Vector result = pos;
Vector zero = new Vector(0,0);
Matrix mat = new Matrix();
double dX = zero.x() - entityPos.dotProduct(entityHead);
double dY = zero.y() - entityPos.dotProduct(entityHeadPerp);
return result;
示例7: equals
public bool equals(Vector two)
if(this.xP == two.x() && this.yP == two.y())return true;
return false;
示例8: wallAvoidance
Vector wallAvoidance()
//Same as above.
double distanceToThis = 0;
double distanceToClosest = 9999999;
int closestWallIndex = -1;
Vector force = new Vector();
Vector tempPoint = new Vector();
Vector closestPoint = new Vector();
ObjectBounds[] walls = WorldColliders.getObjectBoundsArray();
for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i){
for(int j = 0; j < walls.length; j++){
for(int k = 0; k < 4; k++){
Vector2D points = walls[j].getVertices();
Vector from = new Vector(points[k].x, points[k].y);
Vector to = new Vector(points[(k+1)&3].x, points[(k+1)&3].y);
Storage mathStore = MathExtension.lineIntersects2dObject(owner.getPosition(), feeler[i],
from, to,
distanceToThis, tempPoint);
if(mathStore.wasItTrue == true){
if(mathStore.dist < distanceToClosest){
closestWallIndex = j;
closestPoint.setValues(tempPoint.x(), tempPoint.y());
distanceToThis = mathStore.dist;
if(closestWallIndex >= 0){
Vector difference = feelers[i] - closestPoint;
Vector tempVec = to -from;
force = tempVec * Math.sqrt(difference.lengthSquared());
return force;
示例9: obstacleAvoidance
Vector obstacleAvoidance()
//The obstacles for this are taken from the global object
boxLength = SteeringBehaviour.minimumDetectionLength +
(Math.sqrt(owner.getCurrentSpeedSquared()/owner.getMaxSpeed())) *
ArrayList<AIEntity> list = EntityManager.globalInstance().getNeighboursInRange(owner, boxLength);
AIEntity closestEntity = null;
double distanceOfClosestEntity = 9999999;
Vector positionOfClosestEntity = new Vector();
foreach(AIEntity listIter in list){
Vector localPosition = MathExtension.convertPointToLocalPosition(listIter.getPosition(),owner.getHeadingDirection(),owner.getPerpendicularHeading(), owner.getPosition());
if(localPosition.x() >= 0){
double rad = listIter.boundingRadius() + owner.boundingRadius();
if(Math.fabs(localPosition.y()) < rad){
double dX = localPosition.x();
double dY = localPosition.y();
double sqrRoot = Math.sqrt(rad*rad - dY*dY);
double temp = dX - sqrRoot;
if(temp <= 0) temp = dX + sqrRoot;
if(temp < distanceOfClosestEntity){
distanceOfClosestEntity = temp;
closestEntity = listIter;
positionOfClosestEntity = localPosition;
Vector steeringRequiredToAvoid = new Vector(0,0);
if(closestEntity != null){
double mult = 1 + (SteeringBehaviour.minimumDetectionLength - positionOfClosestEntity.x()) /
(closestEntity.boundingRadius() - positionOfClosestEntity.y()) * mult);
double brakeVal = 0.15;
steeringRequiredToAvoid.setValues((closestEntity.boundingRadius() - positionOfClosestEntity.x()) * brakeVal,
//This may need a conversion into global space, it may not.
return steeringRequiredToAvoid;
示例10: accumForce
public bool accumForce(Vector startForce, Vector forceToAdd)
double curMag = Math.sqrt(startForce.lengthSquared());
double remaining = owner.maxForce() - curMag;
if(remaining <= 0.0)return false;
double magAdd = Math.sqrt(forceToAdd.lengthSquared());
if(magAdd < remaining){
startForce.setVectorValues(startForce.x() + forceToAdd.x(),
startForce.y() + forceToAdd.y());
}else {
Vector temp = new Vector(forceToAdd);
startForce.setVectorValues(temp.x()*remaining, temp.y()*remaining);
return true;
示例11: dot
public static float dot( Vector v1, Vector v2 )
return ( v1.x() * v2.x() ) + ( v1.y() * v2.y() ) + ( v1.z() * v2.z() );
示例12: transformVector
public void transformVector(Vector v)
double tempX = (this.r11*v.x()) + (this.r21 * v.y()) + (this.r31);
double tempY = (this.r12*v.x()) + (this.r22 * v.y()) + (this.r32);
示例13: setVelocity
void setVelocity(Vector v)
velocity = new Vector(v.x(), v.y());
示例14: setScale
void setScale(Vector vec)
boundingRadiusOfEntity *= (((vec.x() > vec.y())?vec.x():vec.y())/
((vectorScale.x() > vectorScale.y())?
vectorScale.x() : vectorScale.y()));
vectorScale = vec;
示例15: setPosition
public void setPosition(Vector v)
position = new Vector(v.x(),v.y());