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C# Vector.Set方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中Vector.Set方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Vector.Set方法的具体用法?C# Vector.Set怎么用?C# Vector.Set使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Vector的用法示例。


示例1: FindNormal

	 * FindNormal
	 * @param point
	 * @param normal
	public override void FindNormal(Point point, Vector normal)
		normal.Set(Normal.GetX(), Normal.GetY(), Normal.GetZ());

示例2: ConvolveCubeMap


                        SumReflectance += Reflectance;
            //						Reflectance *= Normalizer;

                        SamplesList.Add( new Vector4D(
                                SinTheta * CosPhi,
                                SinTheta * SinPhi,
                            ) );

                // Normalize samples' reflectance
                Vector4D[]	Samples = SamplesList.ToArray();
                int			SamplesCount = Samples.Length;
            //				float	Normalizer = 1.0f / SumReflectance;
                float	Normalizer = 1.0f / Samples.Length;
                for ( int SampleIndex=0; SampleIndex < SamplesCount; SampleIndex++ )
                    Samples[SampleIndex].w *= Normalizer;

                // Perform convolution
                for ( int FaceIndex=0; FaceIndex < 6; FaceIndex++ )
                    Vector4D[,]	CubeFace = new Vector4D[MipCubeSize,MipCubeSize];
                    MipCubeFaces[FaceIndex] = CubeFace;

                    switch ( FaceIndex )
                        case 0:	// +X
                            X.Set( 0, 0, -1 );
                            Y.Set( 0, -1, 0 );
                            Z.Set( 1, 0, 0 );
                        case 1:	// -X
                            X.Set( 0, 0, 1 );
                            Y.Set( 0, -1, 0 );
                            Z.Set( -1, 0, 0 );
                        case 2:	// +Y
                            X.Set( 1, 0, 0 );
                            Y.Set( 0, 0, 1 );
                            Z.Set( 0, 1, 0 );
                        case 3:	// -Y
                            X.Set( 1, 0, 0 );
                            Y.Set( 0, 0, -1 );
                            Z.Set( 0, -1, 0 );
                        case 4:	// +Z
                            X.Set( 1, 0, 0 );
                            Y.Set( 0, -1, 0 );
                            Z.Set( 0, 0, 1 );
                        case 5:	// -Z
                            X.Set( -1, 0, 0 );
                            Y.Set( 0, -1, 0 );
                            Z.Set( 0, 0, -1 );

                    Vector	Up = new Vector( 0, 1, 0 );
                    Vector	T, B;

示例3: Main

        static void Main(string[] args)
            string[] inputs;
            int surfaceN = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); // the number of points used to draw the surface of Mars.

            string outputTest01 = "N(" + surfaceN + ")/";

            List<Vector> listLands = new List<Vector>();

            for (int i = 0; i < surfaceN; i++)
                inputs = Console.ReadLine().Split(' ');
                int landX = int.Parse(inputs[0]); // X coordinate of a surface point. (0 to 6999)
                int landY = int.Parse(inputs[1]); // Y coordinate of a surface point. By linking all the points together in a sequential fashion, you form the surface of Mars.

                listLands.Add(new Vector(landX, landY));

                outputTest01 += "/(" + landX + "," + landY + ")";


            Vector pos = new Vector();
            Vector speed = new Vector();
            Vector DirDown = new Vector(0, -1);

            int speedTarget = 3;
            int angleTarget = 0;

            // game loop
            while (true)
                inputs = Console.ReadLine().Split(' ');
                int X = int.Parse(inputs[0]);
                int Y = int.Parse(inputs[1]);
                int hSpeed = int.Parse(inputs[2]); // the horizontal speed (in m/s), can be negative.
                int vSpeed = int.Parse(inputs[3]); // the vertical speed (in m/s), can be negative.
                int fuel = int.Parse(inputs[4]); // the quantity of remaining fuel in liters.
                int rotate = int.Parse(inputs[5]); // the rotation angle in degrees (-90 to 90).
                int power = int.Parse(inputs[6]); // the thrust power (0 to 4).

                // Write an action using Console.WriteLine()
                // To debug: Console.Error.WriteLine("Debug messages...");
                pos.Set(X, Y);
                speed.Set(hSpeed, vSpeed);
                angleTarget = 6;    //@TEST

                CalcAnglePower(power, rotate, fuel, speed, pos, listLands, out speedTarget, out angleTarget);

                Console.Error.WriteLine(    "rotate(" + (rotate) 
                                        + ")//power(" + (power) 
                                        + "//pos" + pos);

                Console.WriteLine(angleTarget + " " + speedTarget); // 2 integers: rotate power. rotate is the desired rotation angle (should be 0 for level 1), power is the desired thrust power (0 to 4).

示例4: CalcAnglePower

        static void CalcAnglePower( int powerCurrent,
                                    int angleCurrent,
                                    int fuelCurrent,
                                    Vector speedCurrent, 
                                    Vector posCurrent, 
                                    List<Vector> targetLevel,
                                    out int powerTarget, out int angleTarget )
            Vector speedCurr = new Vector(speedCurrent.X, speedCurrent.Y);
            Vector posCurr = new Vector(posCurrent.X, posCurrent.Y);
            Vector posTarget = targetLevel[0] + targetLevel[1];
            Vector dirUp = (targetLevel[0] - targetLevel[1]).Rotate(90.0f).Normalize();
            bool isIn = false;
            bool isOverSpeedLanding = false;
            posTarget.Set(posTarget.X / 2.0f, posTarget.Y / 2.0f);

            bool isCrossOver = false;

            float fuelCurr = fuelCurrent;

            Console.Error.WriteLine("CalcAngle//powerCurrent(" + (powerCurrent) + ")/angleCurrent(" + angleCurrent + ")");

            float speedX = speedCurrent.X, speedY = speedCurrent.Y;

            //@ Key = speed each fall, Value = distance from land.
            Dictionary<int, int> collectFall = new Dictionary<int, int>();

            int seq = 0;
            while (posCurr.Y > 0 && fuelCurr > 0 && isCrossOver == false)
                fuelCurr = fuelCurr - powerCurrent;

                if (fuelCurr < 0)

                speedY = speedY + ((EpsilonZero((float)Math.Cos(DegToRad * angleCurrent)) * powerCurrent) + SpeedG);
                speedX = speedX + (EpsilonZero((float)Math.Cos(DegToRad * (90.0f - angleCurrent))) * powerCurrent);

                speedCurr.Set(speedX, speedY);

                posCurr.Set(posCurr.X + speedCurr.X, posCurr.Y + speedCurr.Y);

                collectFall.Add((int)Math.Round(speedY), (int)Math.Round(posCurr.Y));

                Console.Error.WriteLine("CalcAngle(" + (seq.ToString("00")) + ")//angle(" + (angleCurrent) + "," + EpsilonZero((float)Math.Cos(DegToRad * (90.0f - angleCurrent)))
                                            + ")/speedCurr" + (speedCurr) 
                                            + "/pos" + posCurr
                                            + "/posTarget" + (posTarget) 
                                            + "/dirUp" + (dirUp) + "");

                Vector dirPos = posCurr - posTarget;
                if (Vector.Dot(dirUp, dirPos) < 0)  //Cross Over Land.
                    if (speedCurr.Y > SpeedMaxLanding)
                        isOverSpeedLanding = false;
                        isOverSpeedLanding = true;

                    isCrossOver = true;
                    Vector dirIn = targetLevel[1] - targetLevel[0];
                    Vector dirInPos = posCurr - targetLevel[0];
                    isIn = Vector.Dot(dirIn, dirInPos) > 0? true : false;

                    dirIn = targetLevel[0] - targetLevel[1];
                    dirInPos = posCurr - targetLevel[1];
                    isIn |= Vector.Dot(dirIn, dirInPos) > 0 ? true : false;


            if (false == isOverSpeedLanding)
                float speedStable = SpeedMaxLanding - 30;
                float speedPowerG = (SpeedG + PowerMax);

            powerTarget = powerCurrent;
            angleTarget = angleCurrent;

示例5: GetPosTargetLanding

        static List<Vector> GetPosTargetLanding(List<Vector> listLand)
            Vector vReturn = new Vector();
            Vector pPrevious = new Vector(float.MinValue, float.MinValue);
            List<Vector> sameLevel = new List<Vector>();
            foreach (Vector p in listLand)
                if (p.Y == pPrevious.Y)

                pPrevious.Set(p.X, p.Y);

            if (sameLevel.Count() != 2)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("No Level//(sameLevel.Count() < 1)");
                return sameLevel;
                vReturn.Set(sameLevel[0].X + sameLevel[1].X * 0.5f, sameLevel[0].Y);
                Console.Error.WriteLine("No Level//(sameLevel.Count() < 1)");
                return sameLevel;

示例6: Intersect

	 * Intersect
	 * @param ray
	 * @param intersect
	 * @param Threshold
	 * @return OctNode
	public OctNode Intersect(Ray ray, Point intersect, double Threshold)
		Vector delta = new Vector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
		double current = 0.0f;
		double t;
		int[] facehits = new int[3];
		facehits[0] = -1;
		facehits[1] = -1;
		facehits[2] = -1;
		OctNode adjacent = null;

		Face[] OFaces = this.OctFaces;
		Face MAXXF = OFaces[MAXX];
		Face MAXYF = OFaces[MAXY];
		Face MAXZF = OFaces[MAXZ];
		Face MINXF = OFaces[MINX];
		Face MINYF = OFaces[MINY];
		Face MINZF = OFaces[MINZ];

		if(ray.GetDirection().GetX() != 0.0)
			t = -(ray.GetOrigin().GetX() - OctFaces[MAXX].GetVert(0).GetX()) / ray.GetDirection().GetX();
			if(t > Threshold && t > current)
				intersect.Combine(ray.GetOrigin(), ray.GetDirection(), 1.0f, t);
				if((intersect.GetY() <= MAXYF.GetVert(0).GetY()) && (intersect.GetY() >= MINYF.GetVert(0).GetY()) &&
					(intersect.GetZ() <= MAXZF.GetVert(0).GetZ()) && (intersect.GetZ() >= MINZF.GetVert(0).GetZ()))
					current = t;
					facehits[0] = MAXX;
			t = -(ray.GetOrigin().GetX() - OctFaces[MINX].GetVert(0).GetX()) / ray.GetDirection().GetX();
			if(t > Threshold && t > current)
				intersect.Combine(ray.GetOrigin(), ray.GetDirection(), 1.0f, t);
				if((intersect.GetY() <= MAXYF.GetVert(0).GetY()) && (intersect.GetY() >= MINYF.GetVert(0).GetY()) &&
					(intersect.GetZ() <= MAXZF.GetVert(0).GetZ()) && (intersect.GetZ() >= MINZF.GetVert(0).GetZ()))
					current = t;
					facehits[0] = MINX;
		if(ray.GetDirection().GetY() != 0.0)
			t = -(ray.GetOrigin().GetY() - OctFaces[MAXY].GetVert(0).GetY()) / ray.GetDirection().GetY();
			if(t > Threshold)
				if(t > current)
					intersect.Combine(ray.GetOrigin(), ray.GetDirection(), 1.0f, t);
					if((intersect.GetX() <= MAXXF.GetVert(0).GetX()) && (intersect.GetX() >= MINXF.GetVert(0).GetX()) &&
						(intersect.GetZ() <= MAXZF.GetVert(0).GetZ()) && (intersect.GetZ() >= MINZF.GetVert(0).GetZ()))
						current = t;
						facehits[0] = MAXY;
						delta.Set(0.0f, Threshold, 0.0f);
				else if(t == current)
					facehits[1] = MAXY;
			t = -(ray.GetOrigin().GetY() - OctFaces[MINY].GetVert(0).GetY()) / ray.GetDirection().GetY();
			if(t > Threshold)
				if(t > current)
					intersect.Combine(ray.GetOrigin(), ray.GetDirection(), 1.0f, t);
					if((intersect.GetX() <= MAXXF.GetVert(0).GetX()) && (intersect.GetX() >= MINXF.GetVert(0).GetX()) &&
						(intersect.GetZ() <= MAXZF.GetVert(0).GetZ()) && (intersect.GetZ() >= MINZF.GetVert(0).GetZ()))
						current = t;
						facehits[0] = MINY;
						delta.Set(0.0f, -Threshold, 0.0f);
				else if(t == current)
					facehits[1] = MINY;
		if(ray.GetDirection().GetZ() != 0.0)
			t = -(ray.GetOrigin().GetZ() - OctFaces[MAXZ].GetVert(0).GetZ()) / ray.GetDirection().GetZ();

示例7: SendPackets

        private static void SendPackets(object param) {
            ProxyControllerBase controller = (ProxyControllerBase)param;
            SetFollowCamPropertiesPacket packet = MakePacket();
            Console.WriteLine("Sending packets");
            while (true) {
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                    float xInc = .2f;
                    float yInc = 0f;
                    float zInc = 0f;
                    switch (i) {
                        case 1: xInc = 0; yInc = .2f; zInc = .022f; break;
                        case 2: xInc = -.2f; yInc = 0f; break;
                        case 3: xInc = 0; yInc = -.2f; zInc = -.022f; break;
                    for (int x = 0; x < 320; x++) {
                        Vector3 pos = mCoordinator.Position;
                        pos.X += xInc;
                        pos.Y += yInc;
                        pos.Z += zInc;
                        mCoordinator.Update(pos, Vector3.Zero, GetRot(pos), Rotation.Zero);
            DotNetConfigSource dotnet = new DotNetConfigSource();
            ArgvConfigSource arg = new ArgvConfigSource(args);


            arg.AddSwitch("Test", "Test", "t");

            string test = arg.Configs["Test"].Get("Test");
            string test2 = dotnet.Configs["appSettings"].Get("Test");


            mPointStart = Vector.Create("PointStart", 0f, 0f, 0f);
            mPointDir = Vector.Create("PointDir", 0f, 0f, 0f);



            Window window = new Window("Test Window");
            window.Width = 2000;
            window.Height = 1500;
            window.TopLeft = new Vector3(0f, -1000f, 750f);

            IKinectCursor cursor = new PointCursor();
            //IKinectCursor cursor = new SimpleCursor();

            //Form = new TestForm(mPlaneTopLeft, mPlaneNormal, mTop, mSide, mPointStart, mPointDir, mIntersection, mW, mH, mX, mY);
            //Form form = new KinectMovementForm();
            Form form = new KinectCursorForm(cursor, window);
            ProcessWrangler.BlockingRunForm(form, null);
        private static void InitNui()
            Vector pointEnd = Nui.joint(Nui.Hand_Right);
            mPointStart = Nui.joint(Nui.Shoulder_Right);
            mPointDir = mPointStart - pointEnd;

            mPlaneTopLeft = Vector.Create("PlanePoint", 1f, 1f, 0f);
            mPlaneNormal = Vector.Create("PlaneNormal", 0f, 0f, -1f);
            mW = Scalar.Create("W", 2f);
            mH = Scalar.Create("H", 2f);

            Vector vertical = Vector.Create(0f, 1f, 0f); // Vertical
            //Calculate the intersection of the plane defined by the point mPlaneTopLeft and the normal mPlaneNormal and the line defined by the point mPointStart and the direction mPointDir.
            mIntersection = Nui.intersect(mPlaneTopLeft, Nui.normalize(mPlaneNormal), mPointStart, Nui.normalize(mPointDir));
            //Calculate a vector that represents the orientation of the top of the input.
            mTop = Nui.scale(Nui.cross(vertical, mPlaneNormal), mW);
            //Calculate a vector that represents the orientation of the side of the input.
            mSide = Nui.scale(Nui.cross(mPlaneNormal, mTop), mH);

            //Calculate the vector (running along the plane) between the top left corner and the point of intersection.
            Vector diff = mIntersection - mPlaneTopLeft;

            //Project the diff line onto the top and side vectors to get x and y values.
            mX = Nui.project(diff, mTop);
            mY = Nui.project(diff, mSide);

            mX.OnChange += () => {
                if (mX.Value > 0 && mX.Value < mW.Value)

            mPointStart.Set(1f, 0f, 0f);
