本文整理汇总了C#中Vector.Scale方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Vector.Scale方法的具体用法?C# Vector.Scale怎么用?C# Vector.Scale使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类Vector
示例1: DrawLine
protected void DrawLine(IDrawContext drawContext, DrawingLayer drawingLayer, Vector fromVector, Vector toVector, int width, Color color)
var finalFrom = fromVector
var finalTo = toVector
var param = new DrawLineParams
VectorFrom = finalFrom,
VectorTo = finalTo,
Width = width * drawContext.Camera.ZoomFactor,
Color = color
示例2: ToOriginCenteredLine
public static Line ToOriginCenteredLine(Point origin, Vector axis)
return Line.ByStartPointEndPoint(origin.Add(axis.Scale(-axisScaleFactor)),
示例3: DrawAxis
/// <summary>
/// Draws axis as 3D arrow based on scale factor.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="package"></param>
/// <param name="axis"></param>
private void DrawAxis(ref IRenderPackage package, Vector axis)
var axisType = GetAlignedAxis(axis);
package.Description = string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}", RenderDescriptions.ManipulatorAxis, Name, axisType.ToString());
using (var axisEnd = Origin.Add(axis.Scale(scale)))
var color = GetAxisColor(axisType);
package.AddLineStripVertexColor(color.R, color.G, color.B, color.A);
package.AddLineStripVertex(Origin.X, Origin.Y, Origin.Z);
package.AddLineStripVertexColor(color.R, color.G, color.B, color.A);
package.AddLineStripVertex(axisEnd.X, axisEnd.Y, axisEnd.Z);
示例4: PrecisionConditional
/// <summary>
/// Gibbs message to 'precision'
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Sample">Constant value for 'sample'.</param>
/// <param name="Mean">Constant value for 'mean'.</param>
/// <param name="result">Modified to contain the outgoing message</param>
/// <returns><paramref name="result"/></returns>
/// <remarks><para>
/// The outgoing message is the factor viewed as a function of 'precision' conditioned on the given values.
/// </para></remarks>
public static Wishart PrecisionConditional(Vector Sample, Vector Mean, Wishart result, Vector diff)
if (result == default(Wishart)) result = new Wishart(Sample.Count);
diff.SetToDifference(Sample, Mean);
const double SQRT_HALF = 0.70710678118654752440084436210485;
result.Rate.SetToOuter(diff, diff);
result.Shape = 0.5 * (result.Dimension + 2);
return result;
示例5: BAverageLogarithm
public static Gamma BAverageLogarithm([SkipIfUniform] Gaussian Product, [Proper] Gaussian A, [Proper] Gamma B, Gamma result)
if (B.IsPointMass) return Gamma.Uniform();
if (Product.IsPointMass) return BAverageLogarithm(Product.Point, A);
if (!B.IsProper()) throw new ImproperMessageException(B);
// catch uniform case to avoid 0*Inf
if (Product.IsUniform()) return Gamma.Uniform();
double rateb = B.Rate;
double shapeb = B.Shape;
double ma, va;
A.GetMeanAndVariance(out ma, out va);
// encourage resulting (shape,rate) to be close to B
// unfortunately, this doesn't force rate>0 - only scales result
double penalty = 1;
Vector Bvec = new Vector(2);
Bvec[0] = result.Shape-1;
Bvec[1] = result.Rate;
Vector g = GradientVector(Product, A, B);
Matrix W = WeightMatrix(B);
PositiveDefiniteMatrix W2 = W.Outer();
//W2.SetToSum(W2, PositiveDefiniteMatrix.IdentityScaledBy(W2.Rows, penalty));
Vector Wg = W*g;
Bvec = W2*Bvec;
Bvec.SetToSum(1.0, Wg, penalty, Bvec);
return Gamma.FromShapeAndRate(Bvec[0]/W2[0, 0] + 1, 0.0);
return Gamma.FromShapeAndRate(Bvec[0]+1, Bvec[1]);
示例6: RenderScene
* RenderScene
public void RenderScene(Canvas canvas, int width, int section, int nsections)
Vector view = camera.GetViewDir();
Vector up = camera.GetOrthoUp();
Vector plane = new Vector();
Vector horIncr = new Vector();
Vector vertIncr = new Vector();
double ylen = camera.GetFocalDist() * (double)Math.Tan(0.5f * camera.GetFOV());
double xlen = ylen * canvas.GetWidth() / canvas.GetHeight();
Point upleft = new Point();
Point upright = new Point();
Point lowleft = new Point();
Point basepoint = new Point();
Point current;
Ray eyeRay = new Ray();
int ypixel, xpixel;
RayID = 1;
plane.Cross(view, up);
upleft.FindCorner(view, up, plane, camera.GetPosition());
upright.FindCorner(view, up, plane, camera.GetPosition());
lowleft.FindCorner(view, up, plane, camera.GetPosition());
horIncr.Sub(upright, upleft);
horIncr.Scale(horIncr.Length() / ((double)canvas.GetWidth()));
vertIncr.Sub(lowleft, upleft);
vertIncr.Scale(vertIncr.Length() / ((double)canvas.GetHeight()));
basepoint.Set(upleft.GetX() + 0.5f * (horIncr.GetX() + vertIncr.GetX()), upleft.GetY() + 0.5f * (horIncr.GetY() + vertIncr.GetY()),
upleft.GetZ() + 0.5f * (horIncr.GetZ() + vertIncr.GetZ()));
int xstart = section * width / nsections;
int xend = xstart + width / nsections;
Console.WriteLine("+" + xstart + " to " + (xend - 1) + " by " + canvas.GetHeight());
for(ypixel = 0; ypixel < canvas.GetHeight(); ypixel++)
current = new Point(basepoint);
for(xpixel = 0; xpixel < canvas.GetWidth(); xpixel++)
if(xpixel >= xstart && xpixel < xend)
Color color = new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
eyeRay.GetDirection().Sub(current, eyeRay.GetOrigin());
this.RayID = this.RayID + 1;
Shade(octree, eyeRay, color, 1.0f, 0, 0);
canvas.Write(Brightness, xpixel, ypixel, color);
Console.WriteLine("-" + xstart + " to " + (xend - 1) + " by " + canvas.GetHeight());
示例7: TriangleObj
* TriangleObj
* @param objmaterial
* @param newobjID
* @param numverts
* @param vertices
* @param MaxX
* @param MinX
* @param MaxY
* @param MinY
* @param MaxZ
* @param MinZ
public TriangleObj(Material objmaterial, int newobjID, int numverts, Point[] vertices, Point max, Point min)
: base(objmaterial, newobjID, numverts, vertices, max, min)
Vector[] temp = new Vector[3];
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
temp[i] = new Vector(vertices[i].GetX(), vertices[i].GetY(), vertices[i].GetZ());
S1 = new Vector();
S2 = new Vector();
S3 = new Vector();
S1.Cross(temp[1], temp[2]);
S2.Cross(temp[2], temp[0]);
S3.Cross(temp[0], temp[1]);
double delta = 1.0f / S1.Dot(temp[0]);
S1.Scale(delta * S1.Length());
S2.Scale(delta * S2.Length());
S3.Scale(delta * S3.Length());
示例8: ByPointVectorDistance
/// <summary>
/// Create a Reference Point Element offset from a point along a vector
/// </summary>
/// <param name="basePoint"></param>
/// <param name="direction"></param>
/// <param name="distance"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static ReferencePoint ByPointVectorDistance(Point basePoint, Vector direction, double distance)
if (!Document.IsFamilyDocument)
throw new Exception("ReferencePoint Elements can only be created in a Family Document");
if (basePoint == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("basePoint");
if (direction == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("direction");
var pt = (Point) basePoint.Translate(direction.Scale(distance));
return new ReferencePoint(pt.ToXyz());