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C++ Universe::createSolarSystem方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中Universe::createSolarSystem方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ Universe::createSolarSystem方法的具体用法?C++ Universe::createSolarSystem怎么用?C++ Universe::createSolarSystem使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Universe的用法示例。


示例1: CreateTimeline

static bool CreateTimeline(Body* body,
                           PlanetarySystem* system,
                           Universe& universe,
                           Hash* planetData,
                           const string& path,
                           Disposition disposition,
                           BodyType bodyType)
    FrameTree* parentFrameTree = NULL;
    Selection parentObject = GetParentObject(system);
    bool orbitsPlanet = false;
    if (parentObject.body())
        parentFrameTree = parentObject.body()->getOrCreateFrameTree();
        orbitsPlanet = true;
    else if (parentObject.star())
        SolarSystem* solarSystem = universe.getSolarSystem(parentObject.star());
        if (solarSystem == NULL)
            solarSystem = universe.createSolarSystem(parentObject.star());
        parentFrameTree = solarSystem->getFrameTree();
        // Bad orbit barycenter specified
        return false;

    ReferenceFrame* defaultOrbitFrame = NULL;
    ReferenceFrame* defaultBodyFrame = NULL;
    if (bodyType == SurfaceObject)
        defaultOrbitFrame = new BodyFixedFrame(parentObject, parentObject);
        defaultBodyFrame = CreateTopocentricFrame(parentObject, parentObject, Selection(body));
        defaultOrbitFrame = parentFrameTree->getDefaultReferenceFrame();
        defaultBodyFrame = parentFrameTree->getDefaultReferenceFrame();
    // If there's an explicit timeline definition, parse that. Otherwise, we'll do
    // things the old way.
    Value* value = planetData->getValue("Timeline");
    if (value != NULL)
        if (value->getType() != Value::ArrayType)
            clog << "Error: Timeline must be an array\n";
            return false;

        Timeline* timeline = CreateTimelineFromArray(body, universe, value->getArray(), path,
                                                     defaultOrbitFrame, defaultBodyFrame);
        if (timeline == NULL)
            return false;
            return true;

    // Information required for the object timeline.
    ReferenceFrame* orbitFrame   = NULL;
    ReferenceFrame* bodyFrame    = NULL;
    Orbit* orbit                 = NULL;
    RotationModel* rotationModel = NULL;
    double beginning             = -numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
    double ending                =  numeric_limits<double>::infinity();

    // If any new timeline values are specified, we need to overrideOldTimeline will
    // be set to true.
    bool overrideOldTimeline = false;

    // The interaction of Modify with timelines is slightly complicated. If the timeline
    // is specified by putting the OrbitFrame, Orbit, BodyFrame, or RotationModel directly
    // in the object definition (i.e. not inside a Timeline structure), it will completely
    // replace the previous timeline if it contained more than one phase. Otherwise, the
    // properties of the single phase will be modified individually, for compatibility with
    // Celestia versions 1.5.0 and earlier.
    if (disposition == ModifyObject)
        const Timeline* timeline = body->getTimeline();
        if (timeline->phaseCount() == 1)
            const TimelinePhase* phase = timeline->getPhase(0);
            orbitFrame    = phase->orbitFrame();
            bodyFrame     = phase->bodyFrame();
            orbit         = phase->orbit();
            rotationModel = phase->rotationModel();
            beginning     = phase->startTime();
            ending        = phase->endTime();

示例2: LoadSolarSystemObjects

            while (startPos != string::npos)
                string::size_type next    = nameList.find(':', startPos);
                string::size_type length  = string::npos;
                if (next != string::npos)
                    length   = next - startPos;
                names.push_back(nameList.substr(startPos, length));
                startPos   = next;
        string primaryName = names.front();

        BodyType bodyType = UnknownBodyType;
        if (itemType == "Body")
            bodyType = NormalBody;
        else if (itemType == "ReferencePoint")
            bodyType = ReferencePoint;
        else if (itemType == "SurfaceObject")
            bodyType = SurfaceObject;
        if (bodyType != UnknownBodyType)
            //bool orbitsPlanet = false;
            if (parent.star() != NULL)
                SolarSystem* solarSystem = universe.getSolarSystem(parent.star());
                if (solarSystem == NULL)
                    // No solar system defined for this star yet, so we need
                    // to create it.
                    solarSystem = universe.createSolarSystem(parent.star());
                parentSystem = solarSystem->getPlanets();
            else if (parent.body() != NULL)
                // Parent is a planet or moon
                parentSystem = parent.body()->getSatellites();
                if (parentSystem == NULL)
                    // If the planet doesn't already have any satellites, we
                    // have to create a new planetary system for it.
                    parentSystem = new PlanetarySystem(parent.body());
                //orbitsPlanet = true;
                cerr << _("parent body '") << parentName << _("' of '") << primaryName << _("' not found.") << endl;

            if (parentSystem != NULL)
                Body* existingBody = parentSystem->find(primaryName);
                if (existingBody)
                    if (disposition == AddObject)
                        cerr << _("warning duplicate definition of ") <<
                            parentName << " " <<  primaryName << '\n';
