本文整理汇总了C++中TWeakObjectPtr::IsA方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ TWeakObjectPtr::IsA方法的具体用法?C++ TWeakObjectPtr::IsA怎么用?C++ TWeakObjectPtr::IsA使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类TWeakObjectPtr
// Operations on selected actors.
TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< AActor > > FLayers::GetSelectedActors() const
// Unfortunately, the batch selection operation is not entirely effective
// and the result can be that the iterator becomes invalid when adding an actor to a layer
// due to unintended selection change notifications being fired.
TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< AActor > > CurrentlySelectedActors;
for( FSelectionIterator It( Editor->GetSelectedActorIterator() ); It; ++It )
const TWeakObjectPtr< AActor > Actor = static_cast< AActor* >( *It );
checkSlow( Actor->IsA(AActor::StaticClass()) );
CurrentlySelectedActors.Add( Actor );
return CurrentlySelectedActors;
示例2: GenerateColumnDisplayName
void FPropertyTableColumn::GenerateColumnDisplayName()
TWeakObjectPtr< UObject > Object = DataSource->AsUObject();
TSharedPtr< FPropertyPath > PropertyPath = DataSource->AsPropertyPath();
if ( Object.IsValid() )
if ( Object->IsA( UProperty::StaticClass() ) )
const UProperty* Property = Cast< UProperty >( Object.Get() );
DisplayName = FText::FromString(UEditorEngine::GetFriendlyName(Property));
DisplayName = FText::FromString(Object->GetFName().ToString());
else if ( PropertyPath.IsValid() )
//@todo unify this logic with all the property editors [12/11/2012 Justin.Sargent]
FString NewName;
bool FirstAddition = true;
const FPropertyInfo* PreviousPropInfo = NULL;
for (int PropertyIndex = 0; PropertyIndex < PropertyPath->GetNumProperties(); PropertyIndex++)
const FPropertyInfo& PropInfo = PropertyPath->GetPropertyInfo( PropertyIndex );
if ( !(PropInfo.Property->IsA( UArrayProperty::StaticClass() ) && PropertyIndex != PropertyPath->GetNumProperties() - 1 ) )
if ( !FirstAddition )
NewName += TEXT( "->" );
FString PropertyName = PropInfo.Property->GetDisplayNameText().ToString();
if ( PropertyName.IsEmpty() )
PropertyName = PropInfo.Property->GetName();
const bool bIsBoolProperty = Cast<const UBoolProperty>( PropInfo.Property.Get() ) != NULL;
if ( PreviousPropInfo != NULL )
const UStructProperty* ParentStructProperty = Cast<const UStructProperty>( PreviousPropInfo->Property.Get() );
if( ParentStructProperty && ParentStructProperty->Struct->GetFName() == NAME_Rotator )
if( PropInfo.Property->GetFName() == "Roll" )
PropertyName = TEXT("X");
else if( PropInfo.Property->GetFName() == "Pitch" )
PropertyName = TEXT("Y");
else if( PropInfo.Property->GetFName() == "Yaw" )
PropertyName = TEXT("Z");
PropertyName = FName::NameToDisplayString( PropertyName, bIsBoolProperty );
NewName += PropertyName;
if ( PropInfo.ArrayIndex != INDEX_NONE )
NewName += FString::Printf( TEXT( "[%d]" ), PropInfo.ArrayIndex );
PreviousPropInfo = &PropInfo;
FirstAddition = false;
DisplayName = FText::FromString(*NewName);
DisplayName = LOCTEXT( "InvalidColumnName", "Invalid Property" );
示例3: TickComponent
/** Tick */
void UFluidSurfaceComponent::TickComponent( float DeltaTime, enum ELevelTick TickType, FActorComponentTickFunction *ThisTickFunction )
Super::TickComponent( DeltaTime, TickType, ThisTickFunction );
LastDeltaTime = DeltaTime;
float SimStep = 1.f / UpdateRate;
static float Time = 0.0f;
/* Only update if checked */
if( !UpdateComponent )
/* If this water hasn't been rendered for a while, stop updating */
if (LastRenderTime > 0 && GetWorld()->TimeSeconds - LastRenderTime > 1)
Time += DeltaTime;
if( Time > SimStep )
Time = 0.0f;
LatestVerts = !LatestVerts;
/* Add ripples for actors in the water */
TArray<struct FOverlapResult> OverlappingActors;
FCollisionShape CollisionShape;
CollisionShape.SetBox( FluidBoundingBox.GetExtent( ) );
/* Find overlapping actors */
GetWorld()->OverlapMultiByChannel(OverlappingActors, GetComponentLocation(), GetComponentQuat(), ECC_WorldDynamic, CollisionShape, FCollisionQueryParams(false));
// @todo: handle better
/* Iterate through found overlapping actors */
for( int i = 0; i < OverlappingActors.Num( ); i++ )
TWeakObjectPtr<AActor> Actor = OverlappingActors[ i ].Actor;
/* Dont care about self and modifiers */
if( Actor != NULL && !Actor->IsA( AFluidSurfaceActor::StaticClass( ) ) && !Actor->IsA( AFluidSurfaceModifier::StaticClass( ) ) )
FVector LocalVel = GetWorldToComponent( ).TransformVector( Actor->GetVelocity( ) );
float HorizVelMag = LocalVel.Size( );
Pling( Actor->GetActorLocation( ), RippleVelocityFactor * HorizVelMag, Actor->GetSimpleCollisionRadius( ) );
/* Do test ripple (moving around in a circle) */
if( GIsEditor && TestRipple )
TestRippleAng += SimStep * MyU2Rad * TestRippleSpeed;
FVector WorldRipplePos, LocalRipplePos;
float RippleRadius = 0.3f * ( FluidXSize - 1 ) * FluidGridSpacing;
if( FluidGridType == EFluidGridType::FGT_Hexagonal )
RippleRadius = FMath::Max( RippleRadius, 0.3f * ( FluidYSize - 1 ) * FluidGridSpacing * ROOT3OVER2 );
RippleRadius = FMath::Max( RippleRadius, 0.3f * ( FluidYSize - 1 ) * FluidGridSpacing );
LocalRipplePos.X = ( RippleRadius * FMath::Sin( TestRippleAng ) );
LocalRipplePos.Y = ( RippleRadius * FMath::Cos( TestRippleAng ) );
LocalRipplePos.Z = 0.f;
WorldRipplePos = ComponentToWorld.TransformPosition( LocalRipplePos );
Pling( WorldRipplePos, TestRippleStrength, TestRippleRadius );
/* Add modifier effects */
for( int i = 0; i < Modifiers.Num( ); i++ )
if( Modifiers[ i ] && Modifiers[ i ]->Active )
Modifiers[ i ]->Update( DeltaTime );
/* Need to send new dynamic data */
MarkRenderDynamicDataDirty( );
示例4: UpdateColumns
void FPropertyTable::UpdateColumns()
if( Orientation == EPropertyTableOrientation::AlignPropertiesInColumns)
TMultiMap< UProperty*, TSharedRef< IPropertyTableColumn > > ColumnsMap;
for (int ColumnIdx = 0; ColumnIdx < Columns.Num(); ++ColumnIdx)
TSharedRef< IDataSource > DataSource = Columns[ColumnIdx]->GetDataSource();
TSharedPtr< FPropertyPath > PropertyPath = DataSource->AsPropertyPath();
if( PropertyPath.IsValid() && PropertyPath->GetNumProperties() > 0 )
ColumnsMap.Add(PropertyPath->GetRootProperty().Property.Get(), Columns[ColumnIdx]);
if ( ShowRowHeader )
TSharedRef< IPropertyTableColumn > NewColumn = MakeShareable( new FPropertyTableRowHeaderColumn( SharedThis( this ) ) );
Columns.Add( NewColumn );
if ( ShowObjectName )
TSharedRef< IPropertyTableColumn > NewColumn = MakeShareable( new FPropertyTableObjectNameColumn( SharedThis( this ) ) );
NewColumn->SetFrozen( true );
Columns.Add( NewColumn );
TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< UStruct > > UniqueTypes;
TArray< int > TypeCounter;
for( auto ObjectIter = SourceObjects.CreateConstIterator(); ObjectIter; ++ObjectIter )
auto Object = *ObjectIter;
if( !Object.IsValid() )
const TSharedRef< FObjectPropertyNode > RootObjectNode = GetObjectPropertyNode( Object );
TWeakObjectPtr< UStruct > Type;
if ( RootPath->GetNumProperties() == 0 )
Type = RootObjectNode->GetObjectBaseClass();
const TSharedPtr< FPropertyNode > PropertyNode = FPropertyNode::FindPropertyNodeByPath( RootPath, RootObjectNode );
if ( !PropertyNode.IsValid() )
const TWeakObjectPtr< UProperty > Property = PropertyNode->GetProperty();
if ( !Property.IsValid() || !Property->IsA( UStructProperty::StaticClass() ) )
UStructProperty* StructProperty = Cast< UStructProperty >( Property.Get() );
Type = StructProperty->Struct;
if ( !Type.IsValid() )
int FoundIndex = -1;
if ( UniqueTypes.Find( Type, /*OUT*/FoundIndex ) )
TypeCounter[ FoundIndex ] = TypeCounter[ FoundIndex ] + 1;
UniqueTypes.Add( Type );
TypeCounter.Add( 1 );
if ( UniqueTypes.Num() > 0 )
int HighestCountIndex = 0;
int HighestCount = 0;
for (int Index = 0; Index < TypeCounter.Num(); Index++)
if ( TypeCounter[Index] > HighestCount )
HighestCountIndex = Index;
HighestCount = TypeCounter[Index];
TWeakObjectPtr< UStruct > PrimaryType = UniqueTypes[ HighestCountIndex ];