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C++ Map::Find方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中Map::Find方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ Map::Find方法的具体用法?C++ Map::Find怎么用?C++ Map::Find使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Map的用法示例。


示例1: GetSelection

	MapIndex* GetSelection() const
		MapIndex*const* map = m_maps.Find(m_currentlySelectedId);
			return *map;
		return nullptr;

示例2: GetSelectedDifficulty

	DifficultyIndex* GetSelectedDifficulty() const
		MapIndex*const* map = m_maps.Find(m_currentlySelectedId);
			return map[0]->difficulties[m_currentlySelectedDiff];
		return nullptr;

示例3: SelectDifficulty

	void SelectDifficulty(int32 newDiff)
		m_currentlySelectedDiff = newDiff;

		MapIndex** map = m_maps.Find(m_currentlySelectedId);

示例4: writeToFile

// Read in the expression and process it and write it 
// to the file pointed by f_output.
// 1. Parameters should be replaced by its value. If the 
//    value is less than 0, the value should be wrapped 
//    by '( )'.
// 2. States such as x.delta should be replaced by its index
//    such as x_0.
// 3. Math symbols (+-*/()<>=) should be write to the file
//    directly and add space before and after it.
// 4. Variables that are not defined as parameters are write
//    directly into the file.
// 5. expression should not include the ';' at the end
// Return nothing.
void writeToFile(FILE *f_output, char *expression, 
				 Map param_map, char inputs[10][20], char states[10][20], char measures[10][20],
				 int inputs_num, int states_num, int measures_num,
				 char *x_old, char *x_new, char *u, char *ubar, char *weight, char *y)
	int len = strlen(expression);
	int temp_len;
	int isFound;
	int index;
	char *ptr = expression;
	char *temp_ptr = (char*)malloc(len+1);
	char *temp_ptr2 = (char*)malloc(len+1);
	char *token;
	double value;
	char *major, *minor;
	while(ptr != expression + len){
		// Current token is a whitespace, skip it
		if (*ptr == ' ' || *ptr == '\t' || *ptr == '.') ptr ++; 

		// I. Current postion is '<' or '>', check if there is an '=' following
		else if(*ptr == '>' || *ptr == '<'){
			fprintf(f_output, "%c", *ptr);
			ptr ++;
			if(*ptr == '='){
				fprintf(f_output, "= ");
				ptr ++;
				fprintf(f_output, " ");

		// II. Current postion is a math symbol
		else if(isMathSymbol(ptr)){
			fprintf(f_output, "%c ", *ptr);
			ptr ++;

		// III. Current position is a digit, write the number to the file directly
		else if(isDigit(ptr)){
			strcpy(temp_ptr, ptr);
			token = strtok(temp_ptr, " ,+-*/()<>=\r\n\t"); // Get the string which represents a number
			// Dealing with situations like 1.0e-10
			if (token[strlen(token)-1] == 'e'){
				temp_len = strlen(token);
				ptr += temp_len; // *ptr should be '+' or '-'
				if(*ptr == '+' || *ptr == '-'){
					token[temp_len] = *ptr;
					token[temp_len +1] = '\0';
					ptr ++;
				strcpy(temp_ptr2, ptr);
				strcat(token, strtok(temp_ptr2, " ,+-*/()=\r\n\t"));
				ptr += strlen(token) - temp_len - 1;
				ptr += strlen(token);
			fprintf(f_output, "%s ", token);

		// IV. Current token is a variable or sqrt or exp or pow
		//     1. Parameter
		//     2. New variable
		//     3. Control signal or state variables
		//     4. Random number
		//	   5. sqrt
		else if(isLetter(ptr)){
			strcpy(temp_ptr, ptr);
			token = strtok(temp_ptr, " ,+-*/()\r\n\t"); // Get the string which represents a variable's name
			ptr += strlen(token);
			value = param_map.Find(token, &isFound);
			// The variable is a defined parameter
			if(isFound == 1){
				if(value < 0.0)
					fprintf(f_output, "(%lf) ", value);
					fprintf(f_output, "%lf ", value);
			// The variable is randn(1)
			else if(strcmp(token, "randn") == 0){
				fprintf(f_output, "RANDN ");
				ptr += 3; // skip (1)
			// The variable is sqrt or exp
			else if(strcmp(token, "sqrt") == 0 || strcmp(token, "exp") == 0 || strcmp(token, "pow") == 0)
				fprintf(f_output, "%s", token);

示例5: evaluate

// Evaluate the value of expression.
// 1. If a double occurs, push it into the value stack
// 2. If a parameter occurs, find its value in param_map
//    and push its value in the value stack.
// 3. If an operator occurs, push it into the op stack
//    or do some calculations according to the predecence
//    of the operator and the op on top of the stack
// 4. If a '(' or ')' occurs, push it into the op stack
//    or do some calculations.
// Return the value of the expression
double evaluate(Map param_map, char* expression)
	Stack<double> values_stack;
	Stack<char> ops_stack;
	char *ptr = expression;
	char *token;
	double value, val1, val2;
	int len = strlen(expression); // length of the expression
	int temp_len;
	int isFound;
	char *temp_ptr = (char*)malloc(len+1);
	char *temp_ptr2 = (char*)malloc(len+1);

	// If the expression starts with a '-', add 0.0 in front of the expression
	if(*ptr == '-'){
		ptr ++;
	while(ptr != expression + len){
		// Current token is a whitespace, skip it
		if(*ptr == ' ') ptr ++;

		// I. Current token is a number, push it to stack for numbers
		else if(isDigit(ptr)){
			strcpy(temp_ptr, ptr);
			token = strtok(temp_ptr, " +-*/()\r\n\t"); // Get the string which represents a number
			// Dealing with situations like 1.0e-10
			if (token[strlen(token)-1] == 'e'){
				temp_len = strlen(token);
				ptr += temp_len; // *ptr should be '+' or '-'
				if(*ptr == '+' || *ptr == '-'){
					token[temp_len] = *ptr;
					token[temp_len +1] = '\0';
					ptr ++;
				strcpy(temp_ptr2, ptr);
				strcat(token, strtok(temp_ptr2, " +-*/()\r\n\t"));
				ptr += strlen(token) - temp_len - 1;
				ptr += strlen(token);

		// II. Current token is a variable, check if it is defined. 
		//     If so, push it to stack for numbers
		else if(isLetter(ptr)){
			strcpy(temp_ptr, ptr);
			token = strtok(temp_ptr, " +-*/()\r\n\t"); // Get the string which represents a variable's name
			ptr += strlen(token);
			value = param_map.Find(token, &isFound);
			if(isFound == 0){ // The parameter is not defined yet
				cout<<"Undefined parameter : "<<token<<endl;

		// III. Current token is an opening brace, push it to 'ops'
		else if(*ptr == '('){
			ptr ++;

		// IV. Closing brace encountered, solve entire brace
		else if(*ptr == ')'){
			while(ops_stack.Peek(0) != '(')
				values_stack.Push(applyOp(ops_stack.Pop(), values_stack.Pop(), values_stack.Pop()));
			ptr ++;
		// V. Current token is an operator.
        	else if (isOperator(ptr))
            		// While top of 'ops' has same or greater precedence to current
           		// token, which is an operator. Apply operator on top of 'ops'
            		// to top two elements in values stack
            		while (!ops_stack.Empty() && hasPrecedence(*ptr, ops_stack.Peek(0))){
				val1 = values_stack.Pop();
				val2 = values_stack.Pop();
                		values_stack.Push(applyOp(ops_stack.Pop(), val1, val2));
            		// Push current token to 'ops'.
			ptr ++;
