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C++ APInt::ult方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中APInt::ult方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ APInt::ult方法的具体用法?C++ APInt::ult怎么用?C++ APInt::ult使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在APInt的用法示例。


示例1: contains

/// contains - Return true if the specified value is in the set.
bool ConstantRange::contains(const APInt &V) const {
  if (Lower == Upper)
    return isFullSet();

  if (!isWrappedSet())
    return Lower.ule(V) && V.ult(Upper);
  return Lower.ule(V) || V.ult(Upper);

示例2: intersectWith

/// intersectWith - Return the range that results from the intersection of this
/// range with another range.
ConstantRange ConstantRange::intersectWith(const ConstantRange &CR) const {
  assert(getBitWidth() == CR.getBitWidth() && 
         "ConstantRange types don't agree!");
  // Handle common special cases
  if (isEmptySet() || CR.isFullSet())  
    return *this;
  if (isFullSet()  || CR.isEmptySet()) 
    return CR;

  if (!isWrappedSet()) {
    if (!CR.isWrappedSet()) {
      using namespace APIntOps;
      APInt L = umax(Lower, CR.Lower);
      APInt U = umin(Upper, CR.Upper);

      if (L.ult(U)) // If range isn't empty...
        return ConstantRange(L, U);
        return ConstantRange(getBitWidth(), false);// Otherwise, empty set
    } else
      return intersect1Wrapped(CR, *this);
  } else {   // We know "this" is wrapped...
    if (!CR.isWrappedSet())
      return intersect1Wrapped(*this, CR);
    else {
      // Both ranges are wrapped...
      using namespace APIntOps;
      APInt L = umax(Lower, CR.Lower);
      APInt U = umin(Upper, CR.Upper);
      return ConstantRange(L, U);
  return *this;

示例3: truncate

/// truncate - Return a new range in the specified integer type, which must be
/// strictly smaller than the current type.  The returned range will
/// correspond to the possible range of values as if the source range had been
/// truncated to the specified type.
ConstantRange ConstantRange::truncate(uint32_t DstTySize) const {
  assert(getBitWidth() > DstTySize && "Not a value truncation");
  if (isEmptySet())
    return ConstantRange(DstTySize, /*isFullSet=*/false);
  if (isFullSet())
    return ConstantRange(DstTySize, /*isFullSet=*/true);

  APInt MaxValue = APInt::getMaxValue(DstTySize).zext(getBitWidth());
  APInt MaxBitValue(getBitWidth(), 0);

  APInt LowerDiv(Lower), UpperDiv(Upper);
  ConstantRange Union(DstTySize, /*isFullSet=*/false);

  // Analyze wrapped sets in their two parts: [0, Upper) \/ [Lower, MaxValue]
  // We use the non-wrapped set code to analyze the [Lower, MaxValue) part, and
  // then we do the union with [MaxValue, Upper)
  if (isWrappedSet()) {
    // if Upper is greater than Max Value, it covers the whole truncated range.
    if (Upper.uge(MaxValue))
      return ConstantRange(DstTySize, /*isFullSet=*/true);

    Union = ConstantRange(APInt::getMaxValue(DstTySize),Upper.trunc(DstTySize));
    UpperDiv = APInt::getMaxValue(getBitWidth());

    // Union covers the MaxValue case, so return if the remaining range is just
    // MaxValue.
    if (LowerDiv == UpperDiv)
      return Union;

  // Chop off the most significant bits that are past the destination bitwidth.
  if (LowerDiv.uge(MaxValue)) {
    APInt Div(getBitWidth(), 0);
    APInt::udivrem(LowerDiv, MaxBitValue, Div, LowerDiv);
    UpperDiv = UpperDiv - MaxBitValue * Div;

  if (UpperDiv.ule(MaxValue))
    return ConstantRange(LowerDiv.trunc(DstTySize),

  // The truncated value wrapps around. Check if we can do better than fullset.
  APInt UpperModulo = UpperDiv - MaxBitValue;
  if (UpperModulo.ult(LowerDiv))
    return ConstantRange(LowerDiv.trunc(DstTySize),

  return ConstantRange(DstTySize, /*isFullSet=*/true);

示例4: getObjectSize

/// \brief Compute the size of the object pointed by Ptr. Returns true and the
/// object size in Size if successful, and false otherwise.
/// If RoundToAlign is true, then Size is rounded up to the aligment of allocas,
/// byval arguments, and global variables.
bool llvm::getObjectSize(const Value *Ptr, uint64_t &Size, const DataLayout &DL,
                         const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI, bool RoundToAlign) {
  ObjectSizeOffsetVisitor Visitor(DL, TLI, Ptr->getContext(), RoundToAlign);
  SizeOffsetType Data = Visitor.compute(const_cast<Value*>(Ptr));
  if (!Visitor.bothKnown(Data))
    return false;

  APInt ObjSize = Data.first, Offset = Data.second;
  // check for overflow
  if (Offset.slt(0) || ObjSize.ult(Offset))
    Size = 0;
    Size = (ObjSize - Offset).getZExtValue();
  return true;

示例5: ReplaceInstUsesWith

/// FoldSPFofSPF - We have an SPF (e.g. a min or max) of an SPF of the form:
///   SPF2(SPF1(A, B), C)
Instruction *InstCombiner::FoldSPFofSPF(Instruction *Inner,
                                        SelectPatternFlavor SPF1,
                                        Value *A, Value *B,
                                        Instruction &Outer,
                                        SelectPatternFlavor SPF2, Value *C) {
  if (C == A || C == B) {
    // MAX(MAX(A, B), B) -> MAX(A, B)
    // MIN(MIN(a, b), a) -> MIN(a, b)
    if (SPF1 == SPF2)
      return ReplaceInstUsesWith(Outer, Inner);

    // MAX(MIN(a, b), a) -> a
    // MIN(MAX(a, b), a) -> a
    if ((SPF1 == SPF_SMIN && SPF2 == SPF_SMAX) ||
        (SPF1 == SPF_SMAX && SPF2 == SPF_SMIN) ||
        (SPF1 == SPF_UMIN && SPF2 == SPF_UMAX) ||
        (SPF1 == SPF_UMAX && SPF2 == SPF_UMIN))
      return ReplaceInstUsesWith(Outer, C);

  if (SPF1 == SPF2) {
    if (ConstantInt *CB = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(B)) {
      if (ConstantInt *CC = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(C)) {
        APInt ACB = CB->getValue();
        APInt ACC = CC->getValue();

        // MIN(MIN(A, 23), 97) -> MIN(A, 23)
        // MAX(MAX(A, 97), 23) -> MAX(A, 97)
        if ((SPF1 == SPF_UMIN && ACB.ule(ACC)) ||
            (SPF1 == SPF_SMIN && ACB.sle(ACC)) ||
            (SPF1 == SPF_UMAX && ACB.uge(ACC)) ||
            (SPF1 == SPF_SMAX && ACB.sge(ACC)))
          return ReplaceInstUsesWith(Outer, Inner);

        // MIN(MIN(A, 97), 23) -> MIN(A, 23)
        // MAX(MAX(A, 23), 97) -> MAX(A, 97)
        if ((SPF1 == SPF_UMIN && ACB.ugt(ACC)) ||
            (SPF1 == SPF_SMIN && ACB.sgt(ACC)) ||
            (SPF1 == SPF_UMAX && ACB.ult(ACC)) ||
            (SPF1 == SPF_SMAX && ACB.slt(ACC))) {
          Outer.replaceUsesOfWith(Inner, A);
          return &Outer;
  return nullptr;

示例6: constantFoldComparison

APInt swift::constantFoldComparison(APInt lhs, APInt rhs, BuiltinValueKind ID) {
  bool result;
  switch (ID) {
    default: llvm_unreachable("Invalid integer compare kind");
    case BuiltinValueKind::ICMP_EQ:  result = lhs == rhs; break;
    case BuiltinValueKind::ICMP_NE:  result = lhs != rhs; break;
    case BuiltinValueKind::ICMP_SLT: result = lhs.slt(rhs); break;
    case BuiltinValueKind::ICMP_SGT: result = lhs.sgt(rhs); break;
    case BuiltinValueKind::ICMP_SLE: result = lhs.sle(rhs); break;
    case BuiltinValueKind::ICMP_SGE: result = lhs.sge(rhs); break;
    case BuiltinValueKind::ICMP_ULT: result = lhs.ult(rhs); break;
    case BuiltinValueKind::ICMP_UGT: result = lhs.ugt(rhs); break;
    case BuiltinValueKind::ICMP_ULE: result = lhs.ule(rhs); break;
    case BuiltinValueKind::ICMP_UGE: result = lhs.uge(rhs); break;
  return APInt(1, result);

示例7: ReplaceInstUsesWith

/// FoldSPFofSPF - We have an SPF (e.g. a min or max) of an SPF of the form:
///   SPF2(SPF1(A, B), C)
Instruction *InstCombiner::FoldSPFofSPF(Instruction *Inner,
                                        SelectPatternFlavor SPF1,
                                        Value *A, Value *B,
                                        Instruction &Outer,
                                        SelectPatternFlavor SPF2, Value *C) {
  if (C == A || C == B) {
    // MAX(MAX(A, B), B) -> MAX(A, B)
    // MIN(MIN(a, b), a) -> MIN(a, b)
    if (SPF1 == SPF2)
      return ReplaceInstUsesWith(Outer, Inner);

    // MAX(MIN(a, b), a) -> a
    // MIN(MAX(a, b), a) -> a
    if ((SPF1 == SPF_SMIN && SPF2 == SPF_SMAX) ||
        (SPF1 == SPF_SMAX && SPF2 == SPF_SMIN) ||
        (SPF1 == SPF_UMIN && SPF2 == SPF_UMAX) ||
        (SPF1 == SPF_UMAX && SPF2 == SPF_UMIN))
      return ReplaceInstUsesWith(Outer, C);

  if (SPF1 == SPF2) {
    if (ConstantInt *CB = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(B)) {
      if (ConstantInt *CC = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(C)) {
        APInt ACB = CB->getValue();
        APInt ACC = CC->getValue();

        // MIN(MIN(A, 23), 97) -> MIN(A, 23)
        // MAX(MAX(A, 97), 23) -> MAX(A, 97)
        if ((SPF1 == SPF_UMIN && ACB.ule(ACC)) ||
            (SPF1 == SPF_SMIN && ACB.sle(ACC)) ||
            (SPF1 == SPF_UMAX && ACB.uge(ACC)) ||
            (SPF1 == SPF_SMAX && ACB.sge(ACC)))
          return ReplaceInstUsesWith(Outer, Inner);

        // MIN(MIN(A, 97), 23) -> MIN(A, 23)
        // MAX(MAX(A, 23), 97) -> MAX(A, 97)
        if ((SPF1 == SPF_UMIN && ACB.ugt(ACC)) ||
            (SPF1 == SPF_SMIN && ACB.sgt(ACC)) ||
            (SPF1 == SPF_UMAX && ACB.ult(ACC)) ||
            (SPF1 == SPF_SMAX && ACB.slt(ACC))) {
          Outer.replaceUsesOfWith(Inner, A);
          return &Outer;

  // ABS(ABS(X)) -> ABS(X)
  // NABS(NABS(X)) -> NABS(X)
  if (SPF1 == SPF2 && (SPF1 == SPF_ABS || SPF1 == SPF_NABS)) {
    return ReplaceInstUsesWith(Outer, Inner);

  // ABS(NABS(X)) -> ABS(X)
  // NABS(ABS(X)) -> NABS(X)
  if ((SPF1 == SPF_ABS && SPF2 == SPF_NABS) ||
      (SPF1 == SPF_NABS && SPF2 == SPF_ABS)) {
    SelectInst *SI = cast<SelectInst>(Inner);
    Value *NewSI = Builder->CreateSelect(
        SI->getCondition(), SI->getFalseValue(), SI->getTrueValue());
    return ReplaceInstUsesWith(Outer, NewSI);
  return nullptr;
