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C++ APInt::isAllOnesValue方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中APInt::isAllOnesValue方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ APInt::isAllOnesValue方法的具体用法?C++ APInt::isAllOnesValue怎么用?C++ APInt::isAllOnesValue使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在APInt的用法示例。


示例1: ConstantRange

ConstantRange::binaryAnd(const ConstantRange &Other) const {
  if (isEmptySet() || Other.isEmptySet())
    return ConstantRange(getBitWidth(), /*isFullSet=*/false);

  // TODO: replace this with something less conservative

  APInt umin = APIntOps::umin(Other.getUnsignedMax(), getUnsignedMax());
  if (umin.isAllOnesValue())
    return ConstantRange(getBitWidth(), /*isFullSet=*/true);
  return ConstantRange(APInt::getNullValue(getBitWidth()), umin + 1);

示例2: ElementSize

Value *StraightLineStrengthReduce::emitBump(const Candidate &Basis,
                                            const Candidate &C,
                                            IRBuilder<> &Builder,
                                            const DataLayout *DL,
                                            bool &BumpWithUglyGEP) {
  APInt Idx = C.Index->getValue(), BasisIdx = Basis.Index->getValue();
  unifyBitWidth(Idx, BasisIdx);
  APInt IndexOffset = Idx - BasisIdx;

  BumpWithUglyGEP = false;
  if (Basis.CandidateKind == Candidate::GEP) {
    APInt ElementSize(
    APInt Q, R;
    APInt::sdivrem(IndexOffset, ElementSize, Q, R);
    if (R == 0)
      IndexOffset = Q;
      BumpWithUglyGEP = true;

  // Compute Bump = C - Basis = (i' - i) * S.
  // Common case 1: if (i' - i) is 1, Bump = S.
  if (IndexOffset == 1)
    return C.Stride;
  // Common case 2: if (i' - i) is -1, Bump = -S.
  if (IndexOffset.isAllOnesValue())
    return Builder.CreateNeg(C.Stride);

  // Otherwise, Bump = (i' - i) * sext/trunc(S). Note that (i' - i) and S may
  // have different bit widths.
  IntegerType *DeltaType =
      IntegerType::get(Basis.Ins->getContext(), IndexOffset.getBitWidth());
  Value *ExtendedStride = Builder.CreateSExtOrTrunc(C.Stride, DeltaType);
  if (IndexOffset.isPowerOf2()) {
    // If (i' - i) is a power of 2, Bump = sext/trunc(S) << log(i' - i).
    ConstantInt *Exponent = ConstantInt::get(DeltaType, IndexOffset.logBase2());
    return Builder.CreateShl(ExtendedStride, Exponent);
  if ((-IndexOffset).isPowerOf2()) {
    // If (i - i') is a power of 2, Bump = -sext/trunc(S) << log(i' - i).
    ConstantInt *Exponent =
        ConstantInt::get(DeltaType, (-IndexOffset).logBase2());
    return Builder.CreateNeg(Builder.CreateShl(ExtendedStride, Exponent));
  Constant *Delta = ConstantInt::get(DeltaType, IndexOffset);
  return Builder.CreateMul(ExtendedStride, Delta);

示例3: getIntImmCost

int ARMTTIImpl::getIntImmCost(unsigned Opcode, unsigned Idx, const APInt &Imm,
                              Type *Ty) {
  // Division by a constant can be turned into multiplication, but only if we
  // know it's constant. So it's not so much that the immediate is cheap (it's
  // not), but that the alternative is worse.
  // FIXME: this is probably unneeded with GlobalISel.
  if ((Opcode == Instruction::SDiv || Opcode == Instruction::UDiv ||
       Opcode == Instruction::SRem || Opcode == Instruction::URem) &&
      Idx == 1)
    return 0;

  if (Opcode == Instruction::And) {
    // UXTB/UXTH
    if (Imm == 255 || Imm == 65535)
      return 0;
    // Conversion to BIC is free, and means we can use ~Imm instead.
    return std::min(getIntImmCost(Imm, Ty), getIntImmCost(~Imm, Ty));

  if (Opcode == Instruction::Add)
    // Conversion to SUB is free, and means we can use -Imm instead.
    return std::min(getIntImmCost(Imm, Ty), getIntImmCost(-Imm, Ty));

  if (Opcode == Instruction::ICmp && Imm.isNegative() &&
      Ty->getIntegerBitWidth() == 32) {
    int64_t NegImm = -Imm.getSExtValue();
    if (ST->isThumb2() && NegImm < 1<<12)
      // icmp X, #-C -> cmn X, #C
      return 0;
    if (ST->isThumb() && NegImm < 1<<8)
      // icmp X, #-C -> adds X, #C
      return 0;

  // xor a, -1 can always be folded to MVN
  if (Opcode == Instruction::Xor && Imm.isAllOnesValue())
    return 0;

  return getIntImmCost(Imm, Ty);

示例4: getPayloadType

EnumPayload::emitApplyAndMask(IRGenFunction &IGF, APInt mask) {
  // Early exit if the mask has no effect.
  if (mask.isAllOnesValue())

  auto &DL = IGF.IGM.DataLayout;
  for (auto &pv : PayloadValues) {
    auto payloadTy = getPayloadType(pv);
    unsigned size = DL.getTypeSizeInBits(payloadTy);

    // Break off a chunk of the mask.
    auto maskPiece = mask.zextOrTrunc(size);
    mask = mask.lshr(size);
    // If this piece is all ones, it has no effect.
    if (maskPiece.isAllOnesValue())

    // If the payload value is vacant, the mask can't change it.
    if (pv.is<llvm::Type *>())

    // If this piece is zero, it wipes out the chunk entirely, and we can
    // drop it.
    if (maskPiece == 0) {
      pv = payloadTy;
    // Otherwise, apply the mask to the existing value.
    auto v = pv.get<llvm::Value*>();
    auto payloadIntTy = llvm::IntegerType::get(IGF.IGM.getLLVMContext(), size);
    auto maskConstant = llvm::ConstantInt::get(payloadIntTy, maskPiece);
    v = IGF.Builder.CreateBitOrPointerCast(v, payloadIntTy);
    v = IGF.Builder.CreateAnd(v, maskConstant);
    v = IGF.Builder.CreateBitOrPointerCast(v, payloadTy);
    pv = v;

示例5: binaryAnd

MyConstantRange binaryAnd(const ConstantRange &Other) const {
  if (isEmptySet() || Other.isEmptySet())
    return MyConstantRange(getBitWidth(), /*isFullSet=*/false);

  if (!isWrappedSet() && !Other.isWrappedSet() && !isFullSet() && !Other.isFullSet()) {
    unsigned width1 = ((getUpper() - 1) ^ getLower()).logBase2() + 1;
    unsigned width2 = ((Other.getUpper() - 1) ^ Other.getLower()).logBase2() + 1;
    APInt res1 = getLower().lshr(width1) << width1;
    APInt res2 = Other.getLower().lshr(width2) << width2;
    APInt res_high1 = getLower();
    APInt res_high2 = Other.getLower();
    if ((res1 & res2).isNullValue() && (res_high1 & res_high2).isAllOnesValue()) {
        return MyConstantRange(getBitWidth(), /*isFullSet=*/true);
    return MyConstantRange(res1 & res2, (res_high1 & res_high2) + 1);

  APInt umin = APIntOps::umin(Other.getUnsignedMax(), getUnsignedMax());
  if (umin.isAllOnesValue())
    return MyConstantRange(getBitWidth(), /*isFullSet=*/true);
  return MyConstantRange(APInt::getNullValue(getBitWidth()), std::move(umin) + 1);
