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C++ APInt::getActiveBits方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中APInt::getActiveBits方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ APInt::getActiveBits方法的具体用法?C++ APInt::getActiveBits怎么用?C++ APInt::getActiveBits使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在APInt的用法示例。


示例1: getIntImmCost

int ARMTTIImpl::getIntImmCost(const APInt &Imm, Type *Ty) {

 unsigned Bits = Ty->getPrimitiveSizeInBits();
 if (Bits == 0 || Imm.getActiveBits() >= 64)
   return 4;

  int64_t SImmVal = Imm.getSExtValue();
  uint64_t ZImmVal = Imm.getZExtValue();
  if (!ST->isThumb()) {
    if ((SImmVal >= 0 && SImmVal < 65536) ||
        (ARM_AM::getSOImmVal(ZImmVal) != -1) ||
        (ARM_AM::getSOImmVal(~ZImmVal) != -1))
      return 1;
    return ST->hasV6T2Ops() ? 2 : 3;
  if (ST->isThumb2()) {
    if ((SImmVal >= 0 && SImmVal < 65536) ||
        (ARM_AM::getT2SOImmVal(ZImmVal) != -1) ||
        (ARM_AM::getT2SOImmVal(~ZImmVal) != -1))
      return 1;
    return ST->hasV6T2Ops() ? 2 : 3;
  // Thumb1, any i8 imm cost 1.
  if (Bits == 8 || (SImmVal >= 0 && SImmVal < 256))
    return 1;
  if ((~SImmVal < 256) || ARM_AM::isThumbImmShiftedVal(ZImmVal))
    return 2;
  // Load from constantpool.
  return 3;

示例2: CheckedZextOrTrunc

/// When we're compiling N-bit code, and the user uses parameters that are
/// greater than N bits (e.g. uint64_t on a 32-bit build), we can run into
/// trouble with APInt size issues. This function handles resizing + overflow
/// checks for us. Check and zext or trunc \p I depending on IntTyBits and
/// I's value.
bool ObjectSizeOffsetVisitor::CheckedZextOrTrunc(APInt &I) {
  // More bits than we can handle. Checking the bit width isn't necessary, but
  // it's faster than checking active bits, and should give `false` in the
  // vast majority of cases.
  if (I.getBitWidth() > IntTyBits && I.getActiveBits() > IntTyBits)
    return false;
  if (I.getBitWidth() != IntTyBits)
    I = I.zextOrTrunc(IntTyBits);
  return true;

示例3: determineLiveOperandBits

void BDCE::determineLiveOperandBits(const Instruction *UserI,
                                    const Instruction *I, unsigned OperandNo,
                                    const APInt &AOut, APInt &AB,
                                    APInt &KnownZero, APInt &KnownOne,
                                    APInt &KnownZero2, APInt &KnownOne2) {
  unsigned BitWidth = AB.getBitWidth();

  // We're called once per operand, but for some instructions, we need to
  // compute known bits of both operands in order to determine the live bits of
  // either (when both operands are instructions themselves). We don't,
  // however, want to do this twice, so we cache the result in APInts that live
  // in the caller. For the two-relevant-operands case, both operand values are
  // provided here.
  auto ComputeKnownBits =
      [&](unsigned BitWidth, const Value *V1, const Value *V2) {
        const DataLayout &DL = I->getModule()->getDataLayout();
        KnownZero = APInt(BitWidth, 0);
        KnownOne = APInt(BitWidth, 0);
        computeKnownBits(const_cast<Value *>(V1), KnownZero, KnownOne, DL, 0,
                         AC, UserI, DT);

        if (V2) {
          KnownZero2 = APInt(BitWidth, 0);
          KnownOne2 = APInt(BitWidth, 0);
          computeKnownBits(const_cast<Value *>(V2), KnownZero2, KnownOne2, DL,
                           0, AC, UserI, DT);

  switch (UserI->getOpcode()) {
  default: break;
  case Instruction::Call:
  case Instruction::Invoke:
    if (const IntrinsicInst *II = dyn_cast<IntrinsicInst>(UserI))
      switch (II->getIntrinsicID()) {
      default: break;
      case Intrinsic::bswap:
        // The alive bits of the input are the swapped alive bits of
        // the output.
        AB = AOut.byteSwap();
      case Intrinsic::ctlz:
        if (OperandNo == 0) {
          // We need some output bits, so we need all bits of the
          // input to the left of, and including, the leftmost bit
          // known to be one.
          ComputeKnownBits(BitWidth, I, nullptr);
          AB = APInt::getHighBitsSet(BitWidth,
                 std::min(BitWidth, KnownOne.countLeadingZeros()+1));
      case Intrinsic::cttz:
        if (OperandNo == 0) {
          // We need some output bits, so we need all bits of the
          // input to the right of, and including, the rightmost bit
          // known to be one.
          ComputeKnownBits(BitWidth, I, nullptr);
          AB = APInt::getLowBitsSet(BitWidth,
                 std::min(BitWidth, KnownOne.countTrailingZeros()+1));
  case Instruction::Add:
  case Instruction::Sub:
    // Find the highest live output bit. We don't need any more input
    // bits than that (adds, and thus subtracts, ripple only to the
    // left).
    AB = APInt::getLowBitsSet(BitWidth, AOut.getActiveBits());
  case Instruction::Shl:
    if (OperandNo == 0)
      if (ConstantInt *CI =
            dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(UserI->getOperand(1))) {
        uint64_t ShiftAmt = CI->getLimitedValue(BitWidth-1);
        AB = AOut.lshr(ShiftAmt);

        // If the shift is nuw/nsw, then the high bits are not dead
        // (because we've promised that they *must* be zero).
        const ShlOperator *S = cast<ShlOperator>(UserI);
        if (S->hasNoSignedWrap())
          AB |= APInt::getHighBitsSet(BitWidth, ShiftAmt+1);
        else if (S->hasNoUnsignedWrap())
          AB |= APInt::getHighBitsSet(BitWidth, ShiftAmt);
  case Instruction::LShr:
    if (OperandNo == 0)
      if (ConstantInt *CI =
            dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(UserI->getOperand(1))) {
        uint64_t ShiftAmt = CI->getLimitedValue(BitWidth-1);
        AB = AOut.shl(ShiftAmt);

        // If the shift is exact, then the low bits are not dead
        // (they must be zero).
        if (cast<LShrOperator>(UserI)->isExact())
          AB |= APInt::getLowBitsSet(BitWidth, ShiftAmt);
  case Instruction::AShr:

示例4: APInt

swift::Compress::EncodeStringAsNumber(StringRef In, EncodingKind Kind) {
  // Allocate enough space for the first character plus one bit which is the
  // stop bit for variable length encoding.
  unsigned BW = (1 + Huffman::LongestEncodingLength);
  APInt num = APInt(BW, 0);

  // We set the high bit to zero in order to support encoding
  // of chars that start with zero (for variable length encoding).
  if (Kind == EncodingKind::Variable) {
    num = ++num;

  // Encode variable-length strings.
  if (Kind == EncodingKind::Variable) {
    size_t num_bits = 0;
    size_t bits = 0;

    // Append the characters in the string in reverse. This will allow
    // us to decode by appending to a string and not prepending.
    for (int i = In.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      char ch = In[i];

      // The local variables 'bits' and 'num_bits' are used as a small
      // bitstream. Keep accumulating bits into them until they overflow.
      // At that point move them into the APInt.
      uint64_t local_bits;
      uint64_t local_num_bits;
      // Find the huffman encoding of the character.
      Huffman::variable_encode(local_bits, local_num_bits, ch);
      // Add the encoded character into our bitstream.
      num_bits += local_num_bits;
      bits = (bits << local_num_bits) + local_bits;

      // Check if there is enough room for another word. If not, flush
      // the local bitstream into the APInt.
      if (num_bits >= (64 - Huffman::LongestEncodingLength)) {
        // Make room for the new bits and add the bits.
        num = num.zext(num.getBitWidth() + num_bits);
        num = num.shl(num_bits); num = num + bits;
        num_bits = 0; bits = 0;

    // Flush the local bitstream into the APInt number.
    if (num_bits) {
      num = num.zext(num.getBitWidth() + num_bits);
      num = num.shl(num_bits); num = num + bits;
      num_bits = 0; bits = 0;

    // Make sure that we have a minimal word size to be able to perform
    // calculations on our alphabet.
    return num.zextOrSelf(std::max(64u, num.getBitWidth()));

  // Encode fixed width strings.
  for (int i = In.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    char ch = In[i];
    // Extend the number and create room for encoding another character.
    unsigned MinBits = num.getActiveBits() + Huffman::LongestEncodingLength;
    num = num.zextOrTrunc(std::max(64u, MinBits));
    EncodeFixedWidth(num, ch);

  return num;

示例5: if

 * method computeStats
 * computes the statistics that require the processing to be complete.
void llvm::RangeAnalysis::computeStats(){

	for(DepGraph::iterator It = depGraph->begin(), Iend = depGraph->end(); It != Iend; It++){

		GraphNode* Node = *It;

		bool isIntegerVariable = false;
		unsigned int currentBitWidth;

		//We only count precision statistics of VarNodes and MemNodes
		if (isa<OpNode>(Node)) {

		if (isa<MemNode>(Node)) {
		} else if (VarNode* VN = dyn_cast<VarNode>(Node)){
			Value* V = VN->getValue();

			if (isa<ConstantInt>(V)){
			} else {

				//Only Variables are considered for bitwidth reduction
				isIntegerVariable = V->getType()->isIntegerTy();
					currentBitWidth = V->getType()->getPrimitiveSizeInBits();
					usedBits += currentBitWidth;

		} else assert(false && "Unknown Node Type");

		assert(out_state.count(Node) && "Node not found in the list of computed ranges.");

		Range CR = out_state[Node];

		// If range is unknown, we have total needed bits
		if (CR.isUnknown()) {
			if (isIntegerVariable) needBits += currentBitWidth;

		// If range is empty, we have 0 needed bits
		if (CR.isEmpty()) {

		if (CR.getLower().eq(Min)) {
			if (CR.getUpper().eq(Max)) {
			else {
		else if (CR.getUpper().eq(Max)) {
		else {

		//Compute needed bits >> only for variables
		if (isIntegerVariable) {
			unsigned ub, lb;

			if (CR.getLower().isNegative()) {
				APInt abs = CR.getLower().abs();
				lb = abs.getActiveBits() + 1;
			} else {
				lb = CR.getLower().getActiveBits() + 1;

			if (CR.getUpper().isNegative()) {
				APInt abs = CR.getUpper().abs();
				ub = abs.getActiveBits() + 1;
			} else {
				ub = CR.getUpper().getActiveBits() + 1;

			unsigned nBits = lb > ub ? lb : ub;

			// If both bounds are positive, decrement needed bits by 1
			if (!CR.getLower().isNegative() && !CR.getUpper().isNegative()) {

			if (nBits < currentBitWidth) {
				needBits += nBits;
			} else {
