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C++ APInt类代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中APInt的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ APInt类的具体用法?C++ APInt怎么用?C++ APInt使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: getIntegerIndex

/// We do not support symbolic projections yet, only 32-bit unsigned integers.
bool swift::getIntegerIndex(SILValue IndexVal, unsigned &IndexConst) {
    if (auto *IndexLiteral = dyn_cast<IntegerLiteralInst>(IndexVal)) {
        APInt ConstInt = IndexLiteral->getValue();
        // IntegerLiterals are signed.
        if (ConstInt.isIntN(32) && ConstInt.isNonNegative()) {
            IndexConst = (unsigned)ConstInt.getSExtValue();
            return true;
    return false;

示例2: DecodeFixedWidth

/// Extract all of the characters from the number \p Num one by one and
/// insert them into the string builder \p SB.
static void DecodeFixedWidth(APInt &Num, std::string &SB) {
  uint64_t CL = Huffman::CharsetLength;

  // NL is the number of characters that we can hold in a 64bit number.
  // Each letter takes Log2(CL) bits. Doing this computation in floating-
  // point arithmetic could give a slightly better (more optimistic) result,
  // but the computation may not be constant at compile time.
  uint64_t NumLetters = 64 / Log2_64_Ceil(CL);

  assert(Num.getBitWidth() > 8 &&
         "Not enough bits for arithmetic on this alphabet");

  // Try to decode eight numbers at once. It is much faster to work with
  // local 64bit numbers than working with APInt. In this loop we try to
  // extract NL characters at once and process them using a local 64-bit
  // number.

  // Calculate CharsetLength**NumLetters (CL to the power of NL), which is the
  // highest numeric value that can hold NumLetters characters in a 64bit
  // number. Notice: this loop is optimized away and CLX is computed to a
  // constant integer at compile time.
  uint64_t CLX = 1;
  for (unsigned  i = 0; i < NumLetters; i++) { CLX *= CL; }

  while (Num.ugt(CLX)) {
    unsigned BW = Num.getBitWidth();
    APInt C = APInt(BW, CLX);
    APInt Quotient(1, 0), Remainder(1, 0);
    APInt::udivrem(Num, C, Quotient, Remainder);

    // Try to reduce the bitwidth of the API after the division. This can
    // accelerate the division operation in future iterations because the
    // number becomes smaller (fewer bits) with each iteration. However,
    // We can't reduce the number to something too small because we still
    // need to be able to perform the "mod charset_length" operation.
    Num = Quotient.zextOrTrunc(std::max(Quotient.getActiveBits(), 64u));
    uint64_t Tail = Remainder.getZExtValue();
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumLetters; i++) {
      SB += Huffman::Charset[Tail % CL];
      Tail = Tail / CL;

  // Pop characters out of the APInt one by one.
  while (Num.getBoolValue()) {
    unsigned BW = Num.getBitWidth();

    APInt C = APInt(BW, CL);
    APInt Quotient(1, 0), Remainder(1, 0);
    APInt::udivrem(Num, C, Quotient, Remainder);
    Num = Quotient;
    SB += Huffman::Charset[Remainder.getZExtValue()];

示例3: get_string

std::string get_string(const APInt &api)
	std::ostringstream str;
	str << "_b";
	for (unsigned count = api.countLeadingZeros(); count > 0; count--)
		str << "0";

	if (api != 0)
		str << api.toString(2, false /* treat as  unsigned */);
	return str.str();

示例4: getBitWidth

/// truncate - Return a new range in the specified integer type, which must be
/// strictly smaller than the current type.  The returned range will
/// correspond to the possible range of values as if the source range had been
/// truncated to the specified type.
ConstantRange ConstantRange::truncate(uint32_t DstTySize) const {
  unsigned SrcTySize = getBitWidth();
  assert(SrcTySize > DstTySize && "Not a value truncation");
  APInt Size(APInt::getLowBitsSet(SrcTySize, DstTySize));
  if (isFullSet() || getSetSize().ugt(Size))
    return ConstantRange(DstTySize);

  APInt L = Lower; L.trunc(DstTySize);
  APInt U = Upper; U.trunc(DstTySize);
  return ConstantRange(L, U);

示例5: assert

unsigned X86TTI::getIntImmCost(unsigned Opcode, unsigned Idx, const APInt &Imm,
                               Type *Ty) const {

  unsigned BitSize = Ty->getPrimitiveSizeInBits();
  if (BitSize == 0)
    return ~0U;

  unsigned ImmIdx = ~0U;
  switch (Opcode) {
  default: return TCC_Free;
  case Instruction::GetElementPtr:
    if (Idx == 0)
      return 2 * TCC_Basic;
    return TCC_Free;
  case Instruction::Store:
    ImmIdx = 0;
  case Instruction::Add:
  case Instruction::Sub:
  case Instruction::Mul:
  case Instruction::UDiv:
  case Instruction::SDiv:
  case Instruction::URem:
  case Instruction::SRem:
  case Instruction::Shl:
  case Instruction::LShr:
  case Instruction::AShr:
  case Instruction::And:
  case Instruction::Or:
  case Instruction::Xor:
  case Instruction::ICmp:
    ImmIdx = 1;
  case Instruction::Trunc:
  case Instruction::ZExt:
  case Instruction::SExt:
  case Instruction::IntToPtr:
  case Instruction::PtrToInt:
  case Instruction::BitCast:
  case Instruction::PHI:
  case Instruction::Call:
  case Instruction::Select:
  case Instruction::Ret:
  case Instruction::Load:

  if ((Idx == ImmIdx) &&
      Imm.getBitWidth() <= 64 && isInt<32>(Imm.getSExtValue()))
    return TCC_Free;

  return X86TTI::getIntImmCost(Imm, Ty);

示例6: EncodeFixedWidth

static void EncodeFixedWidth(APInt &num, char ch) {
  APInt C = APInt(num.getBitWidth(), Huffman::CharsetLength);
  // TODO: autogenerate a table for the reverse lookup.
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < Huffman::CharsetLength; i++) {
    if (Huffman::Charset[i] == ch) {
      num *= C;
      num += APInt(num.getBitWidth(), i);

示例7: ConstantRange

ConstantRange::binaryAnd(const ConstantRange &Other) const {
  if (isEmptySet() || Other.isEmptySet())
    return ConstantRange(getBitWidth(), /*isFullSet=*/false);

  // TODO: replace this with something less conservative

  APInt umin = APIntOps::umin(Other.getUnsignedMax(), getUnsignedMax());
  if (umin.isAllOnesValue())
    return ConstantRange(getBitWidth(), /*isFullSet=*/true);
  return ConstantRange(APInt::getNullValue(getBitWidth()), umin + 1);

示例8: switch

static SILInstruction *constantFoldIntrinsic(BuiltinInst *BI,
                                             llvm::Intrinsic::ID ID,
                                             Optional<bool> &ResultsInError) {
  switch (ID) {
  default: break;
  case llvm::Intrinsic::expect: {
    // An expect of an integral constant is the constant itself.
    assert(BI->getArguments().size() == 2 && "Expect should have 2 args.");
    auto *Op1 = dyn_cast<IntegerLiteralInst>(BI->getArguments()[0]);
    if (!Op1)
      return nullptr;
    return Op1;

  case llvm::Intrinsic::ctlz: {
    assert(BI->getArguments().size() == 2 && "Ctlz should have 2 args.");
    OperandValueArrayRef Args = BI->getArguments();

    // Fold for integer constant arguments.
    auto *LHS = dyn_cast<IntegerLiteralInst>(Args[0]);
    if (!LHS) {
      return nullptr;
    APInt LHSI = LHS->getValue();
    unsigned LZ = 0;
    // Check corner-case of source == zero
    if (LHSI == 0) {
      auto *RHS = dyn_cast<IntegerLiteralInst>(Args[1]);
      if (!RHS || RHS->getValue() != 0) {
        // Undefined
        return nullptr;
      LZ = LHSI.getBitWidth();
    } else {
      LZ = LHSI.countLeadingZeros();
    APInt LZAsAPInt = APInt(LHSI.getBitWidth(), LZ);
    SILBuilderWithScope B(BI);
    return B.createIntegerLiteral(BI->getLoc(), LHS->getType(), LZAsAPInt);

  case llvm::Intrinsic::sadd_with_overflow:
  case llvm::Intrinsic::uadd_with_overflow:
  case llvm::Intrinsic::ssub_with_overflow:
  case llvm::Intrinsic::usub_with_overflow:
  case llvm::Intrinsic::smul_with_overflow:
  case llvm::Intrinsic::umul_with_overflow:
    return constantFoldBinaryWithOverflow(BI, ID,
                                          /* ReportOverflow */ false,
  return nullptr;

示例9: getBitWidth

/// signExtend - Return a new range in the specified integer type, which must
/// be strictly larger than the current type.  The returned range will
/// correspond to the possible range of values as if the source range had been
/// sign extended.
ConstantRange ConstantRange::signExtend(uint32_t DstTySize) const {
  unsigned SrcTySize = getBitWidth();
  assert(SrcTySize < DstTySize && "Not a value extension");
  if (isFullSet()) {
    return ConstantRange(APInt::getHighBitsSet(DstTySize,DstTySize-SrcTySize+1),
                         APInt::getLowBitsSet(DstTySize, SrcTySize-1) + 1);

  APInt L = Lower; L.sext(DstTySize);
  APInt U = Upper; U.sext(DstTySize);
  return ConstantRange(L, U);

示例10: EmitAPInt

static void EmitAPInt(SmallVectorImpl<uint64_t> &Vals,
                      unsigned &Code, unsigned &AbbrevToUse, const APInt &Val) {
  if (Val.getBitWidth() <= 64) {
    uint64_t V = Val.getSExtValue();
    emitSignedInt64(Vals, V);
    Code = naclbitc::CST_CODE_INTEGER;
    AbbrevToUse =
  } else {
    report_fatal_error("Wide integers are not supported");

示例11: switch

void MBlazeMCInstLower::Lower(const MachineInstr *MI, MCInst &OutMI) const {

  for (unsigned i = 0, e = MI->getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i) {
    const MachineOperand &MO = MI->getOperand(i);

    MCOperand MCOp;
    switch (MO.getType()) {
    default: llvm_unreachable("unknown operand type");
    case MachineOperand::MO_Register:
      // Ignore all implicit register operands.
      if (MO.isImplicit()) continue;
      MCOp = MCOperand::CreateReg(MO.getReg());
    case MachineOperand::MO_Immediate:
      MCOp = MCOperand::CreateImm(MO.getImm());
    case MachineOperand::MO_MachineBasicBlock:
      MCOp = MCOperand::CreateExpr(MCSymbolRefExpr::Create(
                         MO.getMBB()->getSymbol(), Ctx));
    case MachineOperand::MO_GlobalAddress:
      MCOp = LowerSymbolOperand(MO, GetGlobalAddressSymbol(MO));
    case MachineOperand::MO_ExternalSymbol:
      MCOp = LowerSymbolOperand(MO, GetExternalSymbolSymbol(MO));
    case MachineOperand::MO_JumpTableIndex:
      MCOp = LowerSymbolOperand(MO, GetJumpTableSymbol(MO));
    case MachineOperand::MO_ConstantPoolIndex:
      MCOp = LowerSymbolOperand(MO, GetConstantPoolIndexSymbol(MO));
    case MachineOperand::MO_BlockAddress:
      MCOp = LowerSymbolOperand(MO, GetBlockAddressSymbol(MO));
    case MachineOperand::MO_FPImmediate: {
      bool ignored;
      APFloat FVal = MO.getFPImm()->getValueAPF();
      FVal.convert(APFloat::IEEEsingle, APFloat::rmTowardZero, &ignored);

      APInt IVal = FVal.bitcastToAPInt();
      uint64_t Val = *IVal.getRawData();
      MCOp = MCOperand::CreateImm(Val);
    case MachineOperand::MO_RegisterMask:


示例12: IsMultiple

/// \brief True if C2 is a multiple of C1. Quotient contains C2/C1.
static bool IsMultiple(const APInt &C1, const APInt &C2, APInt &Quotient,
                       bool IsSigned) {
  assert(C1.getBitWidth() == C2.getBitWidth() &&
         "Inconsistent width of constants!");

  APInt Remainder(C1.getBitWidth(), /*Val=*/0ULL, IsSigned);
  if (IsSigned)
    APInt::sdivrem(C1, C2, Quotient, Remainder);
    APInt::udivrem(C1, C2, Quotient, Remainder);

  return Remainder.isMinValue();

示例13: assert

unsigned X86TTI::getIntImmCost(const APInt &Imm, Type *Ty) const {

  unsigned BitSize = Ty->getPrimitiveSizeInBits();
  if (BitSize == 0)
    return ~0U;

  if (Imm.getBitWidth() <= 64 &&
      (isInt<32>(Imm.getSExtValue()) || isUInt<32>(Imm.getZExtValue())))
    return TCC_Basic;
    return 2 * TCC_Basic;

示例14: useSIToFPInst

/// Return true if it is OK to use SIToFPInst for an induction variable
/// with given initial and exit values.
static bool useSIToFPInst(ConstantFP &InitV, ConstantFP &ExitV,
                          uint64_t intIV, uint64_t intEV) {

  if (InitV.getValueAPF().isNegative() || ExitV.getValueAPF().isNegative())
    return true;

  // If the iteration range can be handled by SIToFPInst then use it.
  APInt Max = APInt::getSignedMaxValue(32);
  if (Max.getZExtValue() > static_cast<uint64_t>(abs64(intEV - intIV)))
    return true;

  return false;

示例15: assert

bool X86MCInstrAnalysis::clearsSuperRegisters(const MCRegisterInfo &MRI,
                                              const MCInst &Inst,
                                              APInt &Mask) const {
  const MCInstrDesc &Desc = Info->get(Inst.getOpcode());
  unsigned NumDefs = Desc.getNumDefs();
  unsigned NumImplicitDefs = Desc.getNumImplicitDefs();
  assert(Mask.getBitWidth() == NumDefs + NumImplicitDefs &&
         "Unexpected number of bits in the mask!");

  bool HasVEX = (Desc.TSFlags & X86II::EncodingMask) == X86II::VEX;
  bool HasEVEX = (Desc.TSFlags & X86II::EncodingMask) == X86II::EVEX;
  bool HasXOP = (Desc.TSFlags & X86II::EncodingMask) == X86II::XOP;

  const MCRegisterClass &GR32RC = MRI.getRegClass(X86::GR32RegClassID);
  const MCRegisterClass &VR128XRC = MRI.getRegClass(X86::VR128XRegClassID);
  const MCRegisterClass &VR256XRC = MRI.getRegClass(X86::VR256XRegClassID);

  auto ClearsSuperReg = [=](unsigned RegID) {
    // On X86-64, a general purpose integer register is viewed as a 64-bit
    // register internal to the processor.
    // An update to the lower 32 bits of a 64 bit integer register is
    // architecturally defined to zero extend the upper 32 bits.
    if (GR32RC.contains(RegID))
      return true;

    // Early exit if this instruction has no vex/evex/xop prefix.
    if (!HasEVEX && !HasVEX && !HasXOP)
      return false;

    // All VEX and EVEX encoded instructions are defined to zero the high bits
    // of the destination register up to VLMAX (i.e. the maximum vector register
    // width pertaining to the instruction).
    // We assume the same behavior for XOP instructions too.
    return VR128XRC.contains(RegID) || VR256XRC.contains(RegID);

  for (unsigned I = 0, E = NumDefs; I < E; ++I) {
    const MCOperand &Op = Inst.getOperand(I);
    if (ClearsSuperReg(Op.getReg()))

  for (unsigned I = 0, E = NumImplicitDefs; I < E; ++I) {
    const MCPhysReg Reg = Desc.getImplicitDefs()[I];
    if (ClearsSuperReg(Reg))
      Mask.setBit(NumDefs + I);

  return Mask.getBoolValue();
