本文整理汇总了Python中map.Map.height方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Map.height方法的具体用法?Python Map.height怎么用?Python Map.height使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类map.Map
示例1: read
# 需要导入模块: from map import Map [as 别名]
# 或者: from map.Map import height [as 别名]
def read(self, fileName):
# Read data.
file = QFile(fileName)
if (not file.open(QIODevice.ReadOnly)):
self.mError = self.tr("Cannot open Replica Island map file!")
return 0
_in = QDataStream(file)
# Parse file header.
mapSignature = _in.readUInt8()
layerCount = _in.readUInt8()
backgroundIndex = _in.readUInt8()
if (_in.status() == QDataStream.ReadPastEnd or mapSignature != 96):
self.mError = self.tr("Can't parse file header!")
return 0
# Create our map, setting width and height to 0 until we load a layer.
map = Map(Map.Orientation.Orthogonal, 0, 0, 32, 32)
map.setProperty("background_index", QString.number(backgroundIndex))
# Load our Tilesets.
typeTilesets = QVector()
tileIndexTilesets = QVector()
self.loadTilesetsFromResources(map, typeTilesets, tileIndexTilesets)
# Load each of our layers.
for i in range(layerCount):
# Parse layer header.
_type = _in.readUInt8()
tileIndex = _in.readUInt8()
scrollSpeed = _in.readFloat()
levelSignature = _in.readUInt8()
width = _in.readUInt32()
height = _in.readUInt32()
if (_in.status() == QDataStream.ReadPastEnd or levelSignature != 42):
self.mError = self.tr("Can't parse layer header!")
return 0
# Make sure our width and height are consistent.
if (map.width() == 0):
if (map.height() == 0):
if (map.width() != width or map.height() != height):
self.mError = self.tr("Inconsistent layer sizes!")
return 0
# Create a layer object.
layer = TileLayer(self.layerTypeToName(_type), 0, 0, width, height)
layer.setProperty("type", QString.number(_type))
layer.setProperty("tile_index", QString.number(tileIndex))
layer.setProperty("scroll_speed", QString.number(scrollSpeed, 'f'))
# Look up the tileset for this layer.
tileset = tilesetForLayer(_type, tileIndex, typeTilesets, tileIndexTilesets)
# Read our tile data all at once.
#tileData = QByteArray(width*height, b'\x00')
bytesNeeded = width*height
tileData = _in.readRawData(bytesNeeded)
bytesRead = len(tileData)
if (bytesRead != bytesNeeded):
self.mError = self.tr("File ended in middle of layer!")
return 0
i = 0
# Add the tiles to our layer.
for y in range(0, height):
for x in range(0, width):
tile_id = tileData[i]&0xff
i += 1
if (tile_id != 255):
tile = tileset.tileAt(tile_id)
layer.setCell(x, y, Cell(tile))
# Make sure we read the entire *.bin file.
if (_in.status() != QDataStream.Ok or not _in.atEnd()):
self.mError = self.tr("Unexpected data at end of file!")
return 0
return map
示例2: read
# 需要导入模块: from map import Map [as 别名]
# 或者: from map.Map import height [as 别名]
def read(self, fileName):
file = QFile(fileName)
if (not file.open (QIODevice.ReadOnly)):
self.mError = self.tr("Could not open file for reading.")
return None
# default to values of the original flare alpha game.
map = Map(Map.Orientation.Isometric, 256, 256, 64, 32)
stream = QTextStream(file)
line = QString()
sectionName = QString()
newsection = False
path = QFileInfo(file).absolutePath()
base = 10
gidMapper = GidMapper()
gid = 1
tilelayer = None
objectgroup = None
mapobject = None
tilesetsSectionFound = False
headerSectionFound = False
tilelayerSectionFound = False # tile layer or objects
while (not stream.atEnd()):
line = stream.readLine()
if line == '':
startsWith = line[0]
if (startsWith == '['):
sectionName = line[1:line.index(']')]
newsection = True
if (sectionName == "header"):
headerSectionFound = True
#get map properties
epos = line.index('=')
if (epos != -1):
key = line[:epos].strip()
value = line[epos + 1:].strip()
if (key == "width"):
elif (key == "height"):
elif (key == "tilewidth"):
elif (key == "tileheight"):
elif (key == "orientation"):
map.setProperty(key, value)
elif (sectionName == "tilesets"):
tilesetsSectionFound = True
epos = line.index('=')
key = line[:epos].strip()
value = line[epos + 1:].strip()
if (key == "tileset"):
_list = value.split(',')
absoluteSource = _list[0]
if (QDir.isRelativePath(absoluteSource)):
absoluteSource = path + '/' + absoluteSource
tilesetwidth = 0
tilesetheight = 0
if len(_list) > 2:
tilesetwidth = Int(_list[1])
tilesetheight = Int(_list[2])
tileset = Tileset.create(QFileInfo(absoluteSource).fileName(), tilesetwidth, tilesetheight)
ok = tileset.loadFromImage(absoluteSource)
if not ok:
self.mError = self.tr("Error loading tileset %s, which expands to %s. Path not found!"%(_list[0], absoluteSource))
return None
else :
if len(_list) > 4:
gidMapper.insert(gid, tileset)
if len(_list) > 5:
gid += Int(_list[5])
else :
gid += tileset.tileCount()
elif (sectionName == "layer"):
if (not tilesetsSectionFound):
self.mError = self.tr("No tilesets section found before layer section.")
return None
tilelayerSectionFound = True
epos = line.index('=')
if (epos != -1):
key = line[:epos].strip()
value = line[epos + 1:].strip()
if (key == "type"):
tilelayer = TileLayer(value, 0, 0, map.width(),map.height())
elif (key == "format"):
if (value == "dec"):
base = 10