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Python Image.getPalette方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中SimpleCV.Image.getPalette方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Image.getPalette方法的具体用法?Python Image.getPalette怎么用?Python Image.getPalette使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在SimpleCV.Image的用法示例。


示例1: track

# 需要导入模块: from SimpleCV import Image [as 别名]
# 或者: from SimpleCV.Image import getPalette [as 别名]
 def track(self):
  print "Press right mouse button to pause or play"
  print "Use left mouse button to select target"
  print "Target color must be different from background"
  print "Target must have width larger than height"
  print "Target can be upside down"

  isUDPConnection = False # Currently switched manually in the code
  display = True
  displayDebug = True
  useBasemap = False
  maxRelativeMotionPerFrame = 2 # How much the target can moved between two succesive frames
  pixelPerRadians = 320
  radius = pixelPerRadians
  referenceImage = '../ObjectTracking/kite_detail.jpg'
  scaleFactor = 0.5
  isVirtualCamera = True
  useHDF5 = False

  # Open reference image: this is used at initlalisation
  target_detail = Image(referenceImage)

  # Get RGB color palette of target (was found to work better than using hue)
  pal = target_detail.getPalette(bins = 2, hue = False)

  # Open video to analyse or live stream
  #cam = JpegStreamCamera('')#640 * 480
  if isVirtualCamera:
    #cam = VirtualCamera('../../zenith-wind-power-read-only/KiteControl-Qt/videos/kiteFlying.avi','video')
    #cam = VirtualCamera('/media/bat/DATA/Baptiste/Nautilab/kite_project/robokite/ObjectTracking/00095.MTS', 'video')
    #cam = VirtualCamera('output.avi', 'video')
    cam = VirtualCamera('../Recording/Videos/Flying kite images (for kite steering unit development)-YTMgX1bvrTo.flv','video')
    virtualCameraFPS = 25
    cam = JpegStreamCamera('')#640 * 480
    #cam = Camera() 

  # Get a sample image to initialize the display at the same size
  img = cam.getImage().scale(scaleFactor)
  print img.width, img.height
  # Create a pygame display
  if display:
   if img.width>img.height:
     disp = Display((27*640/10,25*400/10))#(int(2*img.width/scaleFactor), int(2*img.height/scaleFactor)))
     disp = Display((810,1080))
  #js = JpegStreamer()

  # Initialize variables
  previous_angle = 0 # target has to be upright when starting. Target width has to be larger than target heigth.
  previous_coord_px = (0, 0) # Initialized to top left corner, which always exists
  previous_dCoord = previous_coord_px
  previous_dAngle = previous_angle
  angles = []
  coords_px = []
  coord_px = [0, 0]
  angle = 0
  target_elevations = []
  target_bearings = []
  times = []
  wasTargetFoundInPreviousFrame = False
  i_frame = 0
  isPaused = False
  selectionInProgress = False
  th = [100, 100, 100]
  skycolor = Color.BLUE
  timeLastTarget = 0

  # Prepare recording
  recordFilename = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y%m%d_%Hh%M_")+ 'simpleTrack'
  if useHDF5:
      os.remove(recordFilename + '.hdf5') 
      print('Creating file ' + recordFilename + '.hdf5')
    """ The following line is used to silence the following error (according to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15117128/h5py-in-memory-file-and-multiprocessing-error)
    #000: ../../../src/H5F.c line 1526 in H5Fopen(): unable to open file
    major: File accessability
    minor: Unable to open file"""
    recordFile = h5py.File(recordFilename + '.hdf5', 'a') 
    hdfSize = 0    
    dset = recordFile.create_dataset('kite', (2,2), maxshape=(None,7))
    imset = recordFile.create_dataset('image', (2,img.width,img.height,3 ), maxshape=(None, img.width, img.height, 3))
      os.remove(recordFilename + '.csv')   
      print('Creating file ' + recordFilename + '.csv') 
    recordFile = file(recordFilename + '.csv', 'a')
    csv_writer = csv.writer(recordFile)
    csv_writer.writerow(['Time (s)', 'x (px)', 'y (px)', 'Orientation (rad)', 'Elevation (rad)', 'Bearing (rad)', 'ROT (rad/s)'])

  # Launch a thread to get UDP message with orientation of the camera
  mobile = mobileState.mobileState()
  if isUDPConnection:
   a = threading.Thread(None, mobileState.mobileState.checkUpdate, None, (mobile,))
