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Python Image.getPIL方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中SimpleCV.Image.getPIL方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Image.getPIL方法的具体用法?Python Image.getPIL怎么用?Python Image.getPIL使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在SimpleCV.Image的用法示例。


示例1: on_image

# 需要导入模块: from SimpleCV import Image [as 别名]
# 或者: from SimpleCV.Image import getPIL [as 别名]
 def on_image(self, data):
     print 'Image Received'
     imgstr = re.search(r'base64,(.*)', data).group(1) #This is a hack to clean up the encoding.
     tempimg = StringIO.StringIO(imgstr.decode('base64'))
     pilimg = PILImage.open(tempimg)
     img = Image(pilimg)
     img = img.edges()
     pimg = img.getPIL()
     output = StringIO.StringIO()
     pimg.save(output, format='JPEG')
     sendstr = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + output.getvalue().encode('base64')
     self.emit('update', sendstr)

示例2: fancify

# 需要导入模块: from SimpleCV import Image [as 别名]
# 或者: from SimpleCV.Image import getPIL [as 别名]

                    bottom_of_nose = y_nose + (nose.height() * 4 / 5)
                    top_of_mouth = y_mouth
                    # if top_of_mouth > bottom_of_nose:
                    #    top_of_mouth = bottom_of_nose
                    y_must = y_face + ((bottom_of_nose + top_of_mouth) / 2) - (cur_stache.height / 2)

                    middle_of_nose = nose.x
                    middle_of_mouth = mouth.x
                    x_must = x_face + ((middle_of_nose + middle_of_mouth) / 2) - (cur_stache.width / 2)

                if right_eye:
                    x_right_eye = right_eye.x - (right_eye.width() / 2)
                    y_right_eye = right_eye.y - (right_eye.height() / 2)

                    # Setup Monocle Image
                    cur_mono = monocle.copy()
                    scale_factor = ((right_eye.width() / 65.0) + (face.width() / 200.0)) / 2.0
                    cur_mono = cur_mono.scale(scale_factor)
                    mono_mask = cur_mono.createAlphaMask(hue_lb=0, hue_ub=100).invert()

                    # Calculate Monocle Position
                    x_mono = x_face + x_right_eye
                    y_mono = y_face + y_right_eye
                    img = img.blit(cur_mono, pos=(x_mono, y_mono), alphaMask=mono_mask)

                img = img.blit(cur_stache, pos=(x_must, y_must), alphaMask=stache_mask)

                if debug:
                    noselayer = DrawingLayer((img.width, img.height))
                    nosebox_dimensions = (nose.width(), nose.height())
                    center_point = (face.x - (face.width() / 2) + nose.x,
                                    face.y - (face.height() / 2) + nose.y)
                    nosebox = noselayer.centeredRectangle(center_point, nosebox_dimensions, width=3)
                    img = img.applyLayers()

                print "Face culled:"
                if not nose:
                    print "  No Nose"
                if not mouth:
                    print "  No mouth"
                if not right_eye:
                    print "  No right eye"

            if debug:
                face_left_edge = face.x - (face.width() / 2)
                face_top_edge = face.y - (face.height() / 2)

                facelayer = DrawingLayer((img.width, img.height))
                facebox_dimensions = (face.width(), face.height())
                center_point = (face.x, face.y)
                facebox = facelayer.centeredRectangle(center_point, facebox_dimensions, Color.BLUE)

                if noses:
                    for nose in noses:
                        noselayer = DrawingLayer((img.width, img.height))
                        nosebox_dimensions = (nose.width(), nose.height())
                        center_point = (face.x - (face.width() / 2) + nose.x,
                                    face.y - (face.height() / 2) + nose.y)
                        nosebox = noselayer.centeredRectangle(center_point, nosebox_dimensions)

                if mouths:
                    for mouth in mouths:
                        mouthlayer = DrawingLayer((img.width, img.height))
                        mouthbox_dimensions = (mouth.width(), mouth.height())
                        center_point = (face.x - (face.width() / 2) + mouth.x,
                                face.y - (face.height() / 2) + mouth.y)
                        mouthbox = mouthlayer.centeredRectangle(center_point, mouthbox_dimensions, Color.GREEN)

                if eyes:
                    for right_eye in eyes:
                        right_eyelayer = DrawingLayer((img.width, img.height))
                        right_eyebox_dimensions = (right_eye.width(), right_eye.height())
                        right_eye_center_point = (face_left_edge + right_eye.x, face_top_edge + right_eye.y)
                        right_eyebox = right_eyelayer.centeredRectangle(right_eye_center_point, right_eyebox_dimensions)

                img = img.applyLayers()

    img = img.scale(0.5)
    w_ratio = img.width / 800.0
    h_ratio = img.height / 600.0

    if h_ratio > 1.0 or w_ratio > 1.0:
        if h_ratio > w_ratio:
            img = img.resize(h=600)
            img = img.resize(w=800)

    output = StringIO.StringIO()
    img.getPIL().save(output, format="JPEG") #, quality=85, optimize=True)
    img_contents = output.getvalue()

    mimetype = "image/jpeg"
    return app.response_class(img_contents, mimetype=mimetype, direct_passthrough=False)
