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Python Image.getNumpy方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中SimpleCV.Image.getNumpy方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Image.getNumpy方法的具体用法?Python Image.getNumpy怎么用?Python Image.getNumpy使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在SimpleCV.Image的用法示例。


示例1: detectCenter

# 需要导入模块: from SimpleCV import Image [as 别名]
# 或者: from SimpleCV.Image import getNumpy [as 别名]
def detectCenter(image_file):

	original = Image(image_file)

	center_only = original.colorDistance((155,9,49))*8

	mask = center_only.invert()

	binarizedMask = mask.binarize().invert()

	blobs = original.findBlobsFromMask(binarizedMask)

	if blobs == None :
		#print "No red found"
		return detectGreenLowQuality(image_file)

	bestBlob = blobs[-1]
	bestBlob.drawMinRect(color=Color.RED,width =10)

	bestBlob.image = original


	centroidX = bestBlob.minRectX()
	centroidY = bestBlob.minRectY()

	#Have to find out which part of the screen centroid is in
	maxX = original.getNumpy().shape[0]
	maxY = original.getNumpy().shape[1]+100

	#assume width of 150 pixels
	return align_center(maxX,maxY,centroidX,centroidY,80,80)

示例2: detectYellowLowQuality

# 需要导入模块: from SimpleCV import Image [as 别名]
# 或者: from SimpleCV.Image import getNumpy [as 别名]
def detectYellowLowQuality(image_file):

	original = Image(image_file)

	yellow_only = original.colorDistance((156,130,76))*2
	#yellow_only = yellow_only*4

	mask = yellow_only.invert()

	binarizedMask = mask.binarize().invert()

	blobs = original.findBlobsFromMask(binarizedMask)

	if blobs == None:
		#print "No yellow found"
		return -1

	blobs[-1].drawMinRect(color=Color.RED,width =10)
	blobs.image = original


	bestBlob = blobs[-1]

	centroidX = bestBlob.minRectX()
	centroidY = bestBlob.minRectY()

	#Have to find out which part of the screen centroid is in
	maxX = original.getNumpy().shape[0]
	maxY = original.getNumpy().shape[1]+100

	#assume width of 150 pixels
	return align_center(maxX,maxY,centroidX,centroidY,50,50)

示例3: detectChargingStation

# 需要导入模块: from SimpleCV import Image [as 别名]
# 或者: from SimpleCV.Image import getNumpy [as 别名]
def detectChargingStation(image_file):
	debug = False

	myColor1 = (8,33,64)
	myColor2 = (70,80,100)

	original = Image(image_file)

	only_station = onlyBlueColor(original, myColor1)

	#Different findBlobs
	maskMean = original.hueDistance(color=(200,160,150))
	mask = only_station.hueDistance(color=myColor1).binarize()
	meanColor = (round(((maskMean.meanColor()[0]+maskMean.meanColor()[1]+maskMean.meanColor()[2])/3) * 10000)/10000)
	blobs = original.findBlobsFromMask(mask, minsize=400)

	if(meanColor > 190):
		return 6

	#print "Number of blobs found" , len(blobs)
		blobs.image = original
	except Exception:
		only_station = onlyBlueColor(original, myColor2)
		mask = only_station.hueDistance(color=myColor2).binarize()
		blobs = original.findBlobsFromMask(mask, minsize=400)
		blobs.image = original

	station_blob = chooseBestBlobCosine(blobs)

	centroidX = station_blob.minRectX()
	centroidY = station_blob.minRectY()

	#Have to find out which part of the screen centroid is in
	maxX = original.getNumpy().shape[0]
	maxY = original.getNumpy().shape[1]+100

		centroidLayer = DrawingLayer((maxX,maxY))

		centroidLayer.line((0,(1/3.0)*maxY),(maxX, (1/3.0)*maxY), color=Color.GREEN, width=2)
		centroidLayer.line((0,(2/3.0)*maxY),(maxX, (2/3.0)*maxY), color=Color.GREEN, width=2)
		centroidLayer.circle((int(centroidX), int(centroidY)), color=Color.GREEN, radius=5, filled=True)



	#print "Coordinates of centroid are "+str(centroidX)+", "+str(centroidY)
	#print "Coordinates of max are "+str(maxX)+", "+str(maxY)

	#if(station_blob.width() * station_blob.height() < 4000):
	#	return 2

	blobArea = station_blob.width() * station_blob.height()

	if(blobArea < 10000):
		return 2

	return chargingStationLocation_New(maxX,maxY,centroidX,centroidY,200, station_blob.width() / float(station_blob.height()), blobArea)

示例4: detectGreenLowQuality

# 需要导入模块: from SimpleCV import Image [as 别名]
# 或者: from SimpleCV.Image import getNumpy [as 别名]
def detectGreenLowQuality(image_file):
	original = Image(image_file)

	#binarizedYellowMask = findYellowMask(image_file)
	#subtractedMask = original - binarizedYellowMask

	#green_only = subtractedMask.colorDistance((94,116,33))
	#green_only = subtractedMask.colorDistance((50,116,45))
	green_only = original.colorDistance((0,70,6))

	green_only = green_only*6

	mask = green_only.invert()

	binarizedMask = mask.binarize().invert()

	blobs = original.findBlobsFromMask(binarizedMask)

	if blobs == None:
		#print "No green found"
		return detectYellowLowQuality(image_file)

	blobs.image = original
	#Assume best blob is the largest blob
	bestBlob = blobs[-1]

	bestBlob.drawMinRect(color=Color.RED,width =10)

	#blobs[-1].drawRect(color=Color.RED,width =10)
	coordinates = bestBlob.minRect()

	#Find the center point
	centroidX = bestBlob.minRectX()
	centroidY = bestBlob.minRectY()

	minLeftY = 0
	minRightY = 0

	#Find the bottom left and bottom right coordinates
	for coordinate in coordinates:
		if coordinate[0] < centroidX and coordinate[1] > minLeftY:
			bottomLeft = coordinate
			minLeftY = coordinate[1]
		elif coordinate[0] > centroidX and coordinate[1] > minRightY:
			bottomRight = coordinate
			minRightY = coordinate[1]

	centroidX = bestBlob.minRectX()
	centroidY = bestBlob.minRectY()

	#Have to find out which part of the screen centroid is in
	maxX = original.getNumpy().shape[0]
	maxY = original.getNumpy().shape[1]+100

	#assume width of 150 pixels
	return align_center(maxX,maxY,centroidX,centroidY,50,50)

示例5: Image

# 需要导入模块: from SimpleCV import Image [as 别名]
# 或者: from SimpleCV.Image import getNumpy [as 别名]
#!/usr/bin/env python

from SimpleCV import Image
from sklearn.feature_extraction.image import img_to_graph

img = Image('./digits.bmp')
img_np = img.getNumpy()
graph = img_to_graph(img_np)
print graph

示例6: Image

# 需要导入模块: from SimpleCV import Image [as 别名]
# 或者: from SimpleCV.Image import getNumpy [as 别名]
from SimpleCV import Image

from NdArrayIndexer import NdArrayIndexer

print '========================================================================'
print 'RGB Image'
print '========================================================================'


print 'Converting RGB image to ndarray'

img = Image("img/rgb2x3.png")

rgb_img = img.getNumpy()


print 'Original ndarray after conversion from RGB image:'
print rgb_img


print 'rgb_img is array([[[r1, g1, b1], [rn, gn, bn]], [...]])'
print 'Where r is Red, g is Green and b is Blue dimensions by pixel.'
print 'The axe 0 is the coordinate y and the axe 1 is the coordinate x.'
print 'Now we are going to get the coordinates per pixel.'


示例7: Image

# 需要导入模块: from SimpleCV import Image [as 别名]
# 或者: from SimpleCV.Image import getNumpy [as 别名]
from SimpleCV import Image
import numpy as np

diff = Image("lena.jpg")

matrix = diff.getNumpy()
flat = matrix.flatten()

num_change = np.count_nonzero(flat)
percent_change = float(num_change) / float(len(flat))
if percent_change > 0.1:
	print "miss match"

示例8: Image

# 需要导入模块: from SimpleCV import Image [as 别名]
# 或者: from SimpleCV.Image import getNumpy [as 别名]
from SimpleCV import Image

x = Image("image_blue.png")
y = x.getNumpy()
print y[341][208];

示例9: Image

# 需要导入模块: from SimpleCV import Image [as 别名]
# 或者: from SimpleCV.Image import getNumpy [as 别名]
from SimpleCV import Image
import numpy

img = Image("us-scaled.jpg")
out = img.binarize(30)

img = Image("out.png")
# ones = img.getNumpy()[:,:,:] == (0, 0, 0)
ones = img.getNumpy()[:,:,0] == 0

points = []
for p in zip(trues[0], trues[1]):
    # points.append(p)
    print(str(p[0]) + " " + str(p[1]))

for one in ones:

示例10: run

# 需要导入模块: from SimpleCV import Image [as 别名]
# 或者: from SimpleCV.Image import getNumpy [as 别名]
    def run(self):
        server_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        server_socket.bind((CONFIG_LISTEN_HOST, CONFIG_LISTEN_PORT))
        server_socket.listen(1)  # max 1 connection - we only have one camera, so we can't send images to two people at once
        print('Listening on port %s' % CONFIG_LISTEN_PORT)
        connection = None
        while True:
            connection, address = server_socket.accept()
            try:  # Don't let any bad things that happen with one connection cause the whole server to crash
                data = connection.recv(1024)
                print('Got some data:')
                print("Data over.")
                if data == 'GETIMG':  # They want a raw image
                        if camera_connected():
                            # give them the current camera image
                            img = c.getImage()
                        else:  # Looks like the camera disconnected randomly
                            img = Image("res/img/connect_failed.png")
                    except AttributeError:  # Occurs when the camera was never connected in the first place
                        img = Image("res/img/connect_failed.png")

                    # Encode as JPEG so we don't have to send so much
                    encode_param = [int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), 90]
                    result, encoded_img = cv2.imencode('.jpg', img.getNumpy(), encode_param)

                    img_numpy = numpy.array(encoded_img)
                    img_str = img_numpy.tostring()

                    # Send the size of the image, so that the client can handle if we have to send it in multiple parts
                    # Send the image itself
                elif data == "NEWCONFIG":  # They're sending us a new config to use
                    newconf_data = connection.recv(1024)
                    newconf = json.loads(newconf_data)

                    # Set values to the new ones we just got
                    conf.min_lum = newconf.get('min_lum')
                    conf.max_lum = newconf.get('max_lum')
                    conf.min_sat = newconf.get('min_sat')
                    conf.max_sat = newconf.get('max_sat')
                    conf.min_hue = newconf.get('min_hue')
                    conf.max_hue = newconf.get('max_hue')
                    connection.send('SUCCESS')  # We successfully processed the new config
                    print('Got a new config')
                    conf.save("conf/values.json")  # Save our new config
                elif data == "GETCONFIG":
                    class ConfigEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
                        def default(self, o):
                            return o.__dict__
                    connection.send(ConfigEncoder().encode(conf))  # Send a json representation of our config
                elif data == "GETCAMPROPS":
                    proc = subprocess.Popen(['v4l2-ctl', '--list-ctrls', '--device=/dev/video%s' % cam_id],
                    out, err = proc.communicate()
                elif data == "STARTV4LPROPS":
                    while True:
                        length = int(connection.recv(16))
                        dta = connection.recv(length)
                        if dta is None or dta == "ENDV4LPROPS" or not dta.startswith('UPDATEV4L'):
                            words = dta.split(' ')
                            val_name = words[1].strip()
                            val_value = int(words[2].strip())
                            proc = subprocess.Popen(['v4l2-ctl', "--device=/dev/video%s" % cam_id, '-c',
                                                     "%s=%s" % (val_name, val_value)],
                            # TODO see if the command is good

            except Exception as ex:
