本文整理汇总了Python中Input.moveInput方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Input.moveInput方法的具体用法?Python Input.moveInput怎么用?Python Input.moveInput使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类Input
示例1: main
# 需要导入模块: import Input [as 别名]
# 或者: from Input import moveInput [as 别名]
def main():
###Initial Stuff###
import bge
import math
import mathutils
import TMath
import AnimationHelper
import Input
import Config as C
import copy
Vector = mathutils.Vector
logic = bge.logic
events = bge.events
GD = logic.globalDict
cont = logic.getCurrentController()
own = cont.owner
sce = logic.getCurrentScene()
#Get the camera(specified by the player object's 'cam' property)
cam = sce.objects[C.Cam]
orient = own.worldOrientation
##Here, I create various object properties that the script will need later, if they don't already exist
if not 'State' in own:
own['State'] = 'idle'
state = own['State']
#own['PlatformVelocity'] stores the velocity of the platform the player is stainding on (from the last frame)
#It's LOCAL to the player's orientation, by the way
if not 'PlatformVelocity' in own:
own['PlatformVelocity'] = [0,0,0]
platformVelocity = own['PlatformVelocity']
#own['PrevOffset'] is used during ledge grab/hang/climb operations. I'll explain it the relevant sections
if not 'PrevOffset' in own:
own['PrevOffset'] = None
#own['NoMoreGrab'] is used to temporarily toggle on/off ledgeGrab, so you don't re-grab a ledge after falling off.
if not 'NoMoreGrab' in own:
own['NoMoreGrab'] = False
#own['RespawnCount'] counts the frames after you die, and when it reaches a certain value you respawn
if not 'RespawnCount' in own:
own['RespawnCount'] = 0
##Spawning at the start of scene
#own['RespawnObj'] stores the place to respawn at (either the initial spawn point or last touched checkpoint)
#If RespawnObj does not yet exist in own(e.g. this is the first frame this script has been run), spawn player at spawn object.
#If Config.ResetSceneUpon death is enabled, then when player dies, respawnObj position and location are stashed in logic.globalDict.
#Upon restart of scene, position and location are read from globalDict, and 'RespawnObj' is set to None, purely to indicate
#that the player has finished respawning, so he won't respawn repeatedly.
if not 'RespawnObj' in own:
if 'PlayerSpawnPosition' in GD and GD['SpawnPositionScene'] == sce.name:
own.worldPosition = GD['PlayerSpawnPosition']
own.worldOrientation = GD['PlayerSpawnOrientation']
own['RespawnObj'] = None
own['RespawnObj'] = sce.objects[C.SpawnObjectName]
own.worldPosition = own['RespawnObj'].worldPosition
own.worldOrientation = own['RespawnObj'].worldOrientation
maxSpd = C.MaxSpeed
walkSpd = C.WalkSpeed
#get and tweak the turning smoothness factor
smooth = (C.TurnSmoothness * .75) + .125
###Calculating The Forward Direction Vector(relative to the camera)###
#Get the direction the camera is facing(as an XYZ vector)
forwardAxis = -1 * mathutils.Vector(map(lambda x: x[2], cam.worldOrientation))
#Get the X, Y, and Z axes of the player object
axisX = mathutils.Vector(orient.col[0])
axisY = mathutils.Vector(orient.col[1])
axisZ = mathutils.Vector(orient.col[2])
#Flatten the camera's direction onto the player object's local XY plane
forwardAxis = TMath.VecToPlane(forwardAxis, axisX, axisY)
###Get Input###
if Input.controlScheme == 'Gamepad':
input = Input.moveInput()
isMoving = (input.length != 0)
inputVec = input
jump = Input.jumpInput()
heldJump = Input.jumpIsHeldDown()
drop = Input.dropInput()
###Floor Raycast### ###
#The starting point of the ray is the player's position
pos = own.worldPosition
#Get the per-frame vertical offset caused by the player's velocity
#(to add to the length of the ray, so the player doesn't fall into the ground at high fall speeds
velOffset = own.getLinearVelocity(1)[2]/60
#The ending point is the player's position minus (the player's height times the player's local z-axis(unit length)