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C# Vector3.set方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中System.Vector3.set方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Vector3.set方法的具体用法?C# Vector3.set怎么用?C# Vector3.set使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在System.Vector3的用法示例。


示例1: getPhoton

 public void getPhoton(double randX1, double randY1, double randX2, double randY2, Point3 p, Vector3 dir, Color power)
     float phi = (float)(2 * Math.PI * randX1);
     float s = (float)Math.Sqrt(1.0f - randY1);
     dir.x = r * (float)Math.Cos(phi) * s;
     dir.y = r * (float)Math.Sin(phi) * s;
     dir.z = 0;
     Point3.add(src, dir, p);
     power.set(radiance).mul((float)Math.PI * r2);

示例2: generate

 private TriangleMesh generate(int[] tris, float[] verts, bool smoothNormals)
     ParameterList pl = new ParameterList();
     pl.addIntegerArray("triangles", tris);
     pl.addPoints("points", ParameterList.InterpolationType.VERTEX, verts);
     if (smoothNormals)
         float[] normals = new float[verts.Length]; // filled with 0's
         Point3 p0 = new Point3();
         Point3 p1 = new Point3();
         Point3 p2 = new Point3();
         Vector3 n = new Vector3();
         for (int i3 = 0; i3 < tris.Length; i3 += 3)
             int v0 = tris[i3 + 0];
             int v1 = tris[i3 + 1];
             int v2 = tris[i3 + 2];
             p0.set(verts[3 * v0 + 0], verts[3 * v0 + 1], verts[3 * v0 + 2]);
             p1.set(verts[3 * v1 + 0], verts[3 * v1 + 1], verts[3 * v1 + 2]);
             p2.set(verts[3 * v2 + 0], verts[3 * v2 + 1], verts[3 * v2 + 2]);
             Point3.normal(p0, p1, p2, n); // compute normal
             // add face normal to each vertex
             // note that these are not normalized so this in fact weights
             // each normal by the area of the triangle
             normals[3 * v0 + 0] += n.x;
             normals[3 * v0 + 1] += n.y;
             normals[3 * v0 + 2] += n.z;
             normals[3 * v1 + 0] += n.x;
             normals[3 * v1 + 1] += n.y;
             normals[3 * v1 + 2] += n.z;
             normals[3 * v2 + 0] += n.x;
             normals[3 * v2 + 1] += n.y;
             normals[3 * v2 + 2] += n.z;
         // normalize all the vectors
         for (int i3 = 0; i3 < normals.Length; i3 += 3)
             n.set(normals[i3 + 0], normals[i3 + 1], normals[i3 + 2]);
             normals[i3 + 0] = n.x;
             normals[i3 + 1] = n.y;
             normals[i3 + 2] = n.z;
         pl.addVectors("normals", ParameterList.InterpolationType.VERTEX, normals);
     TriangleMesh m = new TriangleMesh();
     if (m.update(pl, null))
         return m;
     // something failed in creating the mesh, the error message will be
     // printed by the mesh itself - no need to repeat it here
     return null;

示例3: untransform

 public Vector3 untransform(Vector3 a)
     float x = Vector3.dot(a, u);
     float y = Vector3.dot(a, v);
     float z = Vector3.dot(a, w);
     return a.set(x, y, z);

示例4: transform

 public Vector3 transform(Vector3 a)
     float x = (a.x * u.x) + (a.y * v.x) + (a.z * w.x);
     float y = (a.x * u.y) + (a.y * v.y) + (a.z * w.y);
     float z = (a.x * u.z) + (a.y * v.z) + (a.z * w.z);
     return a.set(x, y, z);
