本文整理汇总了C#中System.Vector3.LengthSquared方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Vector3.LengthSquared方法的具体用法?C# Vector3.LengthSquared怎么用?C# Vector3.LengthSquared使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类System.Vector3
示例1: LocalGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin
// optional Hull is for optional Separating Axis Test Hull collision detection, see Hull.cpp
//public class Hull m_optionalHull;
public override Vector3 LocalGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin(Vector3 vec)
Vector3 supVec = new Vector3();
float maxDot = -1e30f;
float lenSqr = vec.LengthSquared();
if (lenSqr < 0.0001f)
vec = new Vector3(1, 0, 0);
float rlen = 1f / (float)Math.Sqrt(lenSqr);
vec *= rlen;
Vector3 vtx;
float newDot;
for (int i = 0; i < VertexCount; i++)
GetVertex(i, out vtx);
newDot = Vector3.Dot(vec, vtx);
if (newDot > maxDot)
maxDot = newDot;
supVec = vtx;
return supVec;
示例2: Vector3_CalculatesLengthSquaredCorrectly
public void Vector3_CalculatesLengthSquaredCorrectly()
var vectorX = 123.4f;
var vectorY = 567.8f;
var vectorZ = 901.2f;
var vector = new Vector3(vectorX, vectorY, vectorZ);
.ShouldBe((vectorX * vectorX) + (vectorY * vectorY) + (vectorZ * vectorZ));
示例3: AddPrefab
public static bool AddPrefab(string prefabName, long positionEntityId, bool wireframe, ulong messageId = 0)
if (!MyAPIGateway.Entities.EntityExists(positionEntityId))
return false;
var entity = MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntityById(positionEntityId);
var prefab = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetPrefabDefinition(prefabName);
if (prefab.CubeGrids == null)
prefab = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetPrefabDefinition(prefab.Id.SubtypeName);
if (prefab.CubeGrids.Length == 0)
return false;
var worldMatrix = entity.WorldMatrix;
// Use the cubeGrid BoundingBox to determine distance to place.
Vector3I min = Vector3I.MaxValue;
Vector3I max = Vector3I.MinValue;
foreach (var b in prefab.CubeGrids[0].CubeBlocks)
min = Vector3I.Min(b.Min, min);
max = Vector3I.Max(b.Min, max);
var size = new Vector3(max - min);
var distance = (Math.Sqrt(size.LengthSquared()) * prefab.CubeGrids[0].GridSizeEnum.ToGridLength() / 2) + 2;
var position = worldMatrix.Translation + worldMatrix.Forward * distance; // offset the position out in front of player by 2m.
var offset = position - prefab.CubeGrids[0].PositionAndOrientation.Value.Position;
var tempList = new List<MyObjectBuilder_EntityBase>();
// We SHOULD NOT make any changes directly to the prefab, we need to make a Value copy using Clone(), and modify that instead.
foreach (var grid in prefab.CubeGrids)
var gridBuilder = (MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid)grid.Clone();
gridBuilder.PositionAndOrientation = new MyPositionAndOrientation(grid.PositionAndOrientation.Value.Position + offset, grid.PositionAndOrientation.Value.Forward, grid.PositionAndOrientation.Value.Up);
if (wireframe)
foreach (var cube in gridBuilder.CubeBlocks)
cube.IntegrityPercent = 0.01f;
cube.BuildPercent = 0.01f;
return true;
示例4: ExpandMinkowskiSum
/// Computes the expansion of the minkowski sum due to margins in a given direction.
///<param name="marginA">First margin.</param>
///<param name="marginB">Second margin.</param>
///<param name="direction">Extreme point direction.</param>
///<param name="contribution">Margin contribution to the extreme point.</param>
public static void ExpandMinkowskiSum(float marginA, float marginB, ref Vector3 direction, out Vector3 contribution)
float lengthSquared = direction.LengthSquared();
if (lengthSquared > Toolbox.Epsilon)
//The contribution to the minkowski sum by the margin is:
//direction * marginA - (-direction) * marginB.
Vector3.Multiply(ref direction, (marginA + marginB) / (float)Math.Sqrt(lengthSquared), out contribution);
contribution = new Vector3();
示例5: AddSupportPoint
public bool AddSupportPoint(ref Vector3 newPoint)
int index = (BitsToIndices[this.simplexBits ^ 15] & 7) - 1;
this.y[index] = newPoint;
this.yLengthSq[index] = newPoint.LengthSquared();
for (int i = BitsToIndices[this.simplexBits]; i != 0; i = i >> 3)
int num2 = (i & 7) - 1;
Vector3 vector = this.y[num2] - newPoint;
this.edges[num2][index] = vector;
this.edges[index][num2] = Vector3.Negate(vector);
this.edgeLengthSq[index][num2] = this.edgeLengthSq[num2][index] = vector.LengthSquared();
return this.UpdateSimplex(index);
示例6: AddSupportPoint
public bool AddSupportPoint(ref Vector3 newPoint)
var index = (BitsToIndices[simplexBits ^ 15] & 7) - 1;
y[index] = newPoint;
yLengthSq[index] = newPoint.LengthSquared();
for (var i = BitsToIndices[simplexBits]; i != 0; i = i >> 3)
var num2 = (i & 7) - 1;
var vector = y[num2] - newPoint;
edges[num2][index] = vector;
edges[index][num2] = -(vector);
edgeLengthSq[index][num2] = edgeLengthSq[num2][index] = vector.LengthSquared();
return UpdateSimplex(index);
示例7: CalculateVelocity
public static void CalculateVelocity(Matrix transformA, Matrix transformB, float timeStep, ref Vector3 linearVelocity, ref Vector3 angularVelocity)
linearVelocity = (transformB.Translation - transformA.Translation) / timeStep;
Matrix dmat = transformB * MathHelper.InvertMatrix(transformA);
Quaternion dorn = Quaternion.CreateFromRotationMatrix(dmat);
Vector3 axis;
float angle = 2 * (float)Math.Acos(dorn.W);
axis = new Vector3(dorn.X, dorn.Y, dorn.Z);
//axis[3] = 0.f;
//check for axis length
float len = axis.LengthSquared();
if (len < MathHelper.Epsilon * MathHelper.Epsilon)
axis = new Vector3(1f, 0f, 0f);
axis /= (float)Math.Sqrt(len);
angularVelocity = axis * angle / timeStep;
示例8: AlignClipboardToGravity
public void AlignClipboardToGravity(Vector3 gravity)
if (PreviewGrids.Count > 0 && gravity.LengthSquared() > 0.0001f)
//Vector3 gridLeft = PreviewGrids[0].WorldMatrix.Left;
Vector3 forward = Vector3D.Reject(m_pasteDirForward, gravity);//Vector3.Cross(gravity, gridLeft);
m_pasteDirForward = forward;
m_pasteDirUp = -gravity;
//m_pasteOrientationAngle = 0f;
示例9: MoveAndRotateInternal
internal void MoveAndRotateInternal(Vector3 moveIndicator, Vector2 rotationIndicator, float roll, Vector3 rotationCenter)
if (Physics == null)
if (DebugMode)
//Died character
if (Physics.CharacterProxy == null)
moveIndicator = Vector3.Zero;
rotationIndicator = Vector2.Zero;
roll = 0;
var jetpack = JetpackComp;
bool sprint = moveIndicator.Z != 0 && WantsSprint;
bool walk = WantsWalk;
bool jump = WantsJump;
bool jetpackRunning = jetpack != null && jetpack.Running;
bool canMove = !jetpackRunning && !((m_currentCharacterState == HkCharacterStateType.HK_CHARACTER_IN_AIR || (int)m_currentCharacterState == MyCharacter.HK_CHARACTER_FLYING) && (m_currentJumpTime <= 0)) && (m_currentMovementState != MyCharacterMovementEnum.Died);
bool canRotate = (jetpackRunning || !((m_currentCharacterState == HkCharacterStateType.HK_CHARACTER_IN_AIR || (int)m_currentCharacterState == MyCharacter.HK_CHARACTER_FLYING) && (m_currentJumpTime <= 0))) && (m_currentMovementState != MyCharacterMovementEnum.Died);
float acceleration = 0;
float lastSpeed = m_currentSpeed;
if (jetpackRunning)
jetpack.MoveAndRotate(ref moveIndicator, ref rotationIndicator, roll, canRotate);
else if (canMove || m_movementsFlagsChanged)
if (moveIndicator.LengthSquared() > 0)
moveIndicator = Vector3.Normalize(moveIndicator);
MyCharacterMovementEnum newMovementState = GetNewMovementState(ref moveIndicator, ref rotationIndicator, ref acceleration, sprint, walk, canMove, m_movementsFlagsChanged);
m_movementsFlagsChanged = false;
if (newMovementState == MyCharacterMovementEnum.Sprinting && StatComp != null)
if (!IsIdle)
m_currentWalkDelay = MathHelper.Clamp(m_currentWalkDelay - VRage.Game.MyEngineConstants.UPDATE_STEP_SIZE_IN_SECONDS, 0, m_currentWalkDelay);
if (canMove)
float relativeSpeed = 1.0f;
relativeSpeed = Sync.IsServer ? 1.0f : Sync.RelativeSimulationRatio;
m_currentSpeed = LimitMaxSpeed(m_currentSpeed + (m_currentWalkDelay <= 0 ? acceleration * VRage.Game.MyEngineConstants.UPDATE_STEP_SIZE_IN_SECONDS : 0), m_currentMovementState, relativeSpeed);
if (Physics.CharacterProxy != null)
Physics.CharacterProxy.PosX = m_currentMovementState != MyCharacterMovementEnum.Sprinting ? -moveIndicator.X : 0;
Physics.CharacterProxy.PosY = moveIndicator.Z;
Physics.CharacterProxy.Elevate = 0;
if (canMove && m_currentMovementState != MyCharacterMovementEnum.Jump)
int sign = Math.Sign(m_currentSpeed);
m_currentSpeed += -sign * m_currentDecceleration * VRage.Game.MyEngineConstants.UPDATE_STEP_SIZE_IN_SECONDS;
if (Math.Sign(sign) != Math.Sign(m_currentSpeed))
m_currentSpeed = 0;
if (Physics.CharacterProxy != null)
Physics.CharacterProxy.Speed = m_currentMovementState != MyCharacterMovementEnum.Died ? m_currentSpeed : 0;
if ((jump && m_currentMovementState != MyCharacterMovementEnum.Jump))
PlayCharacterAnimation("Jump", MyBlendOption.Immediate, MyFrameOption.StayOnLastFrame, 0.0f, 1.3f);
if (UseNewAnimationSystem)
TriggerCharacterAnimationEvent("jump", true);
if (StatComp != null)
m_currentJumpTime = JUMP_DURATION;
m_canJump = false;
m_frictionBeforeJump = Physics.CharacterProxy.GetHitRigidBody().Friction;
if (Physics.CharacterProxy != null)
Physics.CharacterProxy.GetHitRigidBody().ApplyForce(1, WorldMatrix.Up * Definition.JumpForce * MyPerGameSettings.CharacterGravityMultiplier * Physics.Mass);
Physics.CharacterProxy.Jump = true;
示例10: GetDistancePointToPlane
/// <summary>
/// Determines the distance between a point and a plane..
/// </summary>
/// <param name="point">Point to project onto plane.</param>
/// <param name="normal">Normal of the plane.</param>
/// <param name="pointOnPlane">Point located on the plane.</param>
/// <returns>Distance from the point to the plane.</returns>
public static float GetDistancePointToPlane(ref Vector3 point, ref Vector3 normal, ref Vector3 pointOnPlane)
Vector3 offset;
Vector3.Subtract(ref point, ref pointOnPlane, out offset);
float dot;
Vector3.Dot(ref normal, ref offset, out dot);
return dot / normal.LengthSquared();
示例11: MoveAngular
void MoveAngular(float pTimestep, ODEPhysicsScene _pParentScene, ODEPrim parent)
bool ishovering = false;
d.Vector3 d_angularVelocity = d.BodyGetAngularVel(Body);
d.Vector3 d_lin_vel_now = d.BodyGetLinearVel(Body);
d.Quaternion drotq = d.BodyGetQuaternion(Body);
Quaternion rotq = new Quaternion(drotq.X, drotq.Y, drotq.Z, drotq.W);
rotq *= m_referenceFrame; //add reference rotation to rotq
Quaternion irotq = new Quaternion(-rotq.X, -rotq.Y, -rotq.Z, rotq.W);
Vector3 angularVelocity = new Vector3(d_angularVelocity.X, d_angularVelocity.Y, d_angularVelocity.Z);
Vector3 linearVelocity = new Vector3(d_lin_vel_now.X, d_lin_vel_now.Y, d_lin_vel_now.Z);
Vector3 friction = Vector3.Zero;
Vector3 vertattr = Vector3.Zero;
Vector3 deflection = Vector3.Zero;
Vector3 banking = Vector3.Zero;
//limit maximum rotation speed
if(angularVelocity.LengthSquared() > 1e3f) {
angularVelocity = Vector3.Zero;
d.BodySetAngularVel(Body, angularVelocity.X, angularVelocity.Y, angularVelocity.Z);
angularVelocity *= irotq; //world to body orientation
if(m_VhoverTimescale * pTimestep <= 300.0f && m_VhoverHeight > 0.0f) ishovering = true;
#region Angular motor
Vector3 motorDirection = Vector3.Zero;
if(Type == Vehicle.TYPE_BOAT) {
//keep z flat for boats, no sidediving lol
Vector3 tmp = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, m_angularMotorDirection.Z);
m_angularMotorDirection.Z = 0.0f;
m_angularMotorDirection += tmp * irotq;
if(parent.LinkSetIsColliding || Type == Vehicle.TYPE_AIRPLANE || Type == Vehicle.TYPE_BALLOON || ishovering){
motorDirection = m_angularMotorDirection * 0.34f; //0.3f;
m_angularMotorVelocity.X = (motorDirection.X - angularVelocity.X) / m_angularMotorTimescale;
m_angularMotorVelocity.Y = (motorDirection.Y - angularVelocity.Y) / m_angularMotorTimescale;
m_angularMotorVelocity.Z = (motorDirection.Z - angularVelocity.Z) / m_angularMotorTimescale;
m_angularMotorDirection *= (1.0f - 1.0f/m_angularMotorDecayTimescale);
if(m_angularMotorDirection.LengthSquared() > 0.0f)
if(angularVelocity.X > m_angularMotorDirection.X && m_angularMotorDirection.X >= 0.0f) m_angularMotorVelocity.X = 0.0f;
if(angularVelocity.Y > m_angularMotorDirection.Y && m_angularMotorDirection.Y >= 0.0f) m_angularMotorVelocity.Y = 0.0f;
if(angularVelocity.Z > m_angularMotorDirection.Z && m_angularMotorDirection.Z >= 0.0f) m_angularMotorVelocity.Z = 0.0f;
if(angularVelocity.X < m_angularMotorDirection.X && m_angularMotorDirection.X <= 0.0f) m_angularMotorVelocity.X = 0.0f;
if(angularVelocity.Y < m_angularMotorDirection.Y && m_angularMotorDirection.Y <= 0.0f) m_angularMotorVelocity.Y = 0.0f;
if(angularVelocity.Z < m_angularMotorDirection.Z && m_angularMotorDirection.Z <= 0.0f) m_angularMotorVelocity.Z = 0.0f;
#region friction
float initialFriction = 0.0001f;
if(angularVelocity.X > initialFriction) friction.X += initialFriction;
if(angularVelocity.Y > initialFriction) friction.Y += initialFriction;
if(angularVelocity.Z > initialFriction) friction.Z += initialFriction;
if(angularVelocity.X < -initialFriction) friction.X -= initialFriction;
if(angularVelocity.Y < -initialFriction) friction.Y -= initialFriction;
if(angularVelocity.Z < -initialFriction) friction.Z -= initialFriction;
if(angularVelocity.X > 0.0f)
friction.X += angularVelocity.X * angularVelocity.X / m_angularFrictionTimescale.X;
friction.X -= angularVelocity.X * angularVelocity.X / m_angularFrictionTimescale.X;
if(angularVelocity.Y > 0.0f)
friction.Y += angularVelocity.Y * angularVelocity.Y / m_angularFrictionTimescale.Y;
friction.Y -= angularVelocity.Y * angularVelocity.Y / m_angularFrictionTimescale.Y;
if(angularVelocity.Z > 0.0f)
friction.Z += angularVelocity.Z * angularVelocity.Z / m_angularFrictionTimescale.Z;
friction.Z -= angularVelocity.Z * angularVelocity.Z / m_angularFrictionTimescale.Z;
if(Math.Abs(m_angularMotorDirection.X) > 0.01f) friction.X = 0.0f;
if(Math.Abs(m_angularMotorDirection.Y) > 0.01f) friction.Y = 0.0f;
if(Math.Abs(m_angularMotorDirection.Z) > 0.01f) friction.Z = 0.0f;
#region Vertical attraction
if(m_verticalAttractionTimescale < 300)
float VAservo = 38.0f / m_verticalAttractionTimescale;
if(Type == Vehicle.TYPE_CAR) VAservo = 10.0f / m_verticalAttractionTimescale;
Vector3 verterr = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
verterr *= rotq;
vertattr.X = verterr.Y;
示例12: GetAngularVelocity
public Vector3 GetAngularVelocity(Vector3 control)
/*if (m_grid.GridControllers.IsControlledByLocalPlayer || (!m_grid.GridControllers.IsControlledByAnyPlayer && Sync.IsServer) || (false && Sync.IsServer))
// Not checking whether engines are running, since ControlTorque should be 0 when
// engines are stopped (set by cockpit).
if (ResourceSink.SuppliedRatio > 0f && m_grid.Physics != null && m_grid.Physics.Enabled && !m_grid.Physics.RigidBody.IsFixed)
Matrix invWorldRot = m_grid.PositionComp.WorldMatrixInvScaled.GetOrientation();
Matrix worldRot = m_grid.WorldMatrix.GetOrientation();
Vector3 localAngularVelocity = Vector3.Transform(m_grid.Physics.AngularVelocity, ref invWorldRot);
// CH: CAUTION: Don't try to use InertiaTensor, although it might be more intuitive in some cases.
// I tried it and it's not an inverse of the InverseInertiaTensor! Only the InverseInertiaTensor seems to be correct!
var invTensor = m_grid.Physics.RigidBody.InverseInertiaTensor;
Vector3 invTensorVector = new Vector3(invTensor.M11, invTensor.M22, invTensor.M33);
var minInvTensor = invTensorVector.Min();
// Max rotation limiter
float divider = Math.Max(1, minInvTensor * INV_TENSOR_MAX_LIMIT);
// Calculate the velocity correction torque
Vector3 correctionTorque = Vector3.Zero;
Vector3 desiredAcceleration = desiredAcceleration = (m_overrideTargetVelocity - localAngularVelocity) * MyEngineConstants.UPDATE_STEPS_PER_SECOND;
// The correction is done by overridden gyros and by the remaining power of the controlled gyros
// This is not entirely physically correct, but it feels good
float correctionForce = m_maxOverrideForce + m_maxGyroForce * (1.0f - control.Length());
// This is to ensure that the correction is done uniformly in all axes
desiredAcceleration = desiredAcceleration * Vector3.Normalize(invTensorVector);
Vector3 desiredTorque = desiredAcceleration / invTensorVector;
float framesToDesiredVelocity = desiredTorque.Length() / correctionForce;
// If we are very close to the target velocity, just set it without applying the torque
const float minimalBypassVelocity = 0.005f * 0.005f;
if (framesToDesiredVelocity < 0.5f && m_overrideTargetVelocity.LengthSquared() < minimalBypassVelocity)
return m_overrideTargetVelocity;
if (!Vector3.IsZero(desiredAcceleration, 0.0001f))
// The smoothing coefficient is here to avoid the slowdown stopping the ship abruptly, which doesn't look good
float smoothingCoeff = 1.0f - 0.8f / (float)Math.Exp(0.5f * framesToDesiredVelocity);
correctionTorque = Vector3.ClampToSphere(desiredTorque, correctionForce) * 0.95f * smoothingCoeff + desiredTorque * 0.05f * (1.0f - smoothingCoeff);
// A little black magic to make slowdown on large ships bigger
if (m_grid.GridSizeEnum == MyCubeSize.Large)
correctionTorque *= 2.0f;
Torque = (control * m_maxGyroForce + correctionTorque) / divider;
Torque *= ResourceSink.SuppliedRatio;
if (Torque.LengthSquared() > 0.0001f)
// Manually apply torque and use minimal component of inverted inertia tensor to make rotate same in all axes
var delta = Torque * new Vector3(minInvTensor) * MyEngineConstants.UPDATE_STEP_SIZE_IN_SECONDS;
var newAngularVelocity = localAngularVelocity + delta;
return Vector3.Transform(newAngularVelocity, ref worldRot);
const float stoppingVelocitySq = 0.0003f * 0.0003f;
if (control == Vector3.Zero && m_overrideTargetVelocity == Vector3.Zero && m_grid.Physics.AngularVelocity != Vector3.Zero && m_grid.Physics.AngularVelocity.LengthSquared() < stoppingVelocitySq && m_grid.Physics.RigidBody.IsActive)
return Vector3.Zero;
if (m_grid.Physics != null)
return m_grid.Physics.AngularVelocity;
return Vector3.Zero;
示例13: CalculateSoften
/// <summary>
/// Calculates soft coeficient at target point
/// </summary>
private static float CalculateSoften(float softAreaPlanar, float softAreaVertical, ref Vector3 normal, Vector3 contactToTarget)
float planeDist = Math.Abs(Vector3.Dot(normal, contactToTarget));
float flatDist = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Max(0, contactToTarget.LengthSquared() - planeDist * planeDist));
float vertSoft = Math.Max(0, 1 - planeDist / softAreaVertical);
float flatSoft = Math.Max(0, 1 - flatDist / softAreaPlanar);
return vertSoft * flatSoft;
示例14: UpdateMovementBasis
/// <summary>
/// Updates the movement basis of the horizontal motion constraint.
/// Should be updated automatically by the character on each time step; other code should not need to call this.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="forward">Forward facing direction of the character.</param>
public void UpdateMovementBasis(ref Vector3 forward)
Vector3 down = characterBody.orientationMatrix.Down;
horizontalForwardDirection = forward - down * Vector3.Dot(down, forward);
float forwardLengthSquared = horizontalForwardDirection.LengthSquared();
if (forwardLengthSquared < Toolbox.Epsilon)
//Use an arbitrary direction to complete the basis.
horizontalForwardDirection = characterBody.orientationMatrix.Forward;
strafeDirection = characterBody.orientationMatrix.Right;
Vector3.Divide(ref horizontalForwardDirection, (float)Math.Sqrt(forwardLengthSquared), out horizontalForwardDirection);
Vector3.Cross(ref down, ref horizontalForwardDirection, out strafeDirection);
//Don't need to normalize the strafe direction; it's the cross product of two normalized perpendicular vectors.
Vector3.Multiply(ref horizontalForwardDirection, movementDirection.Y, out movementDirection3d);
Vector3 strafeComponent;
Vector3.Multiply(ref strafeDirection, movementDirection.X, out strafeComponent);
Vector3.Add(ref strafeComponent, ref movementDirection3d, out movementDirection3d);
示例15: GetLocalExtremePoint
/// Gets the extreme point of the shape in local space in a given direction with margin expansion.
///<param name="direction">Direction to find the extreme point in.</param>
///<param name="extremePoint">Extreme point on the shape.</param>
public void GetLocalExtremePoint(Vector3 direction, out Vector3 extremePoint)
GetLocalExtremePointWithoutMargin(ref direction, out extremePoint);
float directionLength = direction.LengthSquared();
if (directionLength > Toolbox.Epsilon)
Vector3.Multiply(ref direction, collisionMargin / (float)Math.Sqrt(directionLength), out direction);
Vector3.Add(ref extremePoint, ref direction, out extremePoint);