本文整理汇总了C#中Vertices.ToArray方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Vertices.ToArray方法的具体用法?C# Vertices.ToArray怎么用?C# Vertices.ToArray使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类Vertices
示例1: BuildEdges
/// <summary>
/// Builds the edges of a rectangle from a location and width/height.
/// Optionally, you can specify the rotation angle to the X-Axsis
/// </summary>
/// <param name="x"></param>
/// <param name="y"></param>
/// <param name="width"></param>
/// <param name="height"></param>
/// <param name="rotation"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static Vector2[] BuildEdges(double x, double y, double width, double height, Angle? rotation = null)
var topLeft = new Vector2(x, y);
var topRight = new Vector2(x + width, y);
var bottomRight = new Vector2(x + width, y + height);
var bottomLeft = new Vector2(x, y + height);
var vertices = new Vertices(new[] { topLeft, topRight, bottomRight, bottomLeft });
// Rotate if necessary
if (rotation.HasValue && rotation.Value != Angle.Zero)
vertices = vertices.RotateVertices(topLeft, rotation.Value);
return vertices.ToArray();
示例2: Update
public override void Update(GameSettings settings, GameTime gameTime)
base.Update(settings, gameTime);
DebugView.DrawString(50, TextLine, "Press: left mouse button to remove at mouse position.");
TextLine += 15;
DebugView.DrawString(50, TextLine, "Press: (A) to decrease the removal radius, (S) to increase it.");
TextLine += 15;
// Fighting against float decimals
float radiusnumber = (float)((int)(Radius * 10)) / 10;
DebugView.DrawString(50, TextLine, "Radius: " + radiusnumber);
Color color = new Color(0.4f, 0.7f, 0.8f);
//Transform shape to mouseposition and then draw
Vertices tempshape = new Vertices(_clipCircle);
tempshape.Translate(ref _mousePos);
DebugView.DrawPolygon(tempshape.ToArray(), _clipCircle.Count, color);
示例3: DrawVertices
private void DrawVertices(Vertices vertices)
if (vertices.Count >= 1)
DebugView.DrawPolygon(vertices.ToArray(), vertices.Count, Color.Red);
foreach (Vector2 vector2 in vertices)
DebugView.DrawPoint(vector2, 0.1f, Color.Yellow);
示例4: PolygonTrigger
public PolygonTrigger( GameWorld world, Texture2D active_texture,
Texture2D inactive_texture, Vector2[] points, TriggerableObject triggered_object = null,
TriggerType type = TriggerType.FLOOR, float cooldown = -1, float rotation = 0, String name = "Trigger",
String texture_name = TNames.ground_switch_inactive )
: base(world, active_texture, inactive_texture, Vector2.Zero, triggered_object, type, cooldown, rotation, name, texture_name)
Vector2 diff = points[0] - points[(int)Math.Ceiling( points.Length / 2f )];
float multiplier = Math.Min( Math.Abs( diff.X ), Math.Abs( diff.Y ) );
m_width_height = new Vector2( multiplier, multiplier ) * 2;
Vector2 sum = Vector2.Zero;
foreach ( Vector2 p in points ) {
sum += p;
pos = sum / points.Length;
m_position = pos;
for ( int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++ ) {
points[i] -= pos;
if ( texture_name == TNames.wall && m_is_destructible ) {
m_texture_name_change = TNames.breakwall;
//m_texture = GameScreen.GAME_CONTENT.Load<Texture2D>(m_texture_name);
else if ( texture_name == TNames.tile ) {
m_texture_name_change = TNames.tile;
//m_texture = GameScreen.GAME_CONTENT.Load<Texture2D>(m_texture_name);
m_points = points;
Vertices verts = new Vertices( points );
Vertices collinear_simplified = SimplifyTools.CollinearSimplify( verts );
Vertices merge_simplified = SimplifyTools.MergeIdenticalPoints( collinear_simplified );
//Since it is a concave polygon, we need to partition it into several smaller convex polygons
//List<Vertices> vert_list = BayazitDecomposer.ConvexPartition(merge_simplified);
verts = merge_simplified;
m_points = verts.ToArray();